Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 3

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DNA Solves
I have always believed that the dogs hit in the backyard because GA, the neatnick, washed off the gas cans at the hose by the pool where the dog hit. Then he proceeded to sit the gas cans down a couple of times doing things as he made his way through the backyard towards the shed.

I always thought it was because GA rode back in the Pontiac and when they got home, they immediately started looking around for Caylee. The decomp smell was all over him and wherever he went the smell was left. I also believe since they started looking around their yard, they knew Caylee was deceased, GA made sure to mention that basketball sized stain in the trunk. They know, they absolutely do...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I was just listening to an interview and it was implied that there was a bit fight between KC and Cindy on the night of June 15th after Cindy returns from Mt. Dora. Did anyone hear this? Was there much indication that this is true?
I was just listening to an interview and it was implied that there was a bit fight between KC and Cindy on the night of June 15th after Cindy returns from Mt. Dora. Did anyone hear this? Was there much indication that this is true?

link please
I was just listening to an interview and it was implied that there was a bit fight between KC and Cindy on the night of June 15th after Cindy returns from Mt. Dora. Did anyone hear this? Was there much indication that this is true?

According to Jesse Grund, Lee Anthony told him that Cindy and Casey had a huge fight on the night of June 15th, 2008 and that Cindy literally put her hands around Casey's neck and tried to choke her.

That is all we have about this "fight." I think something had to have happened the night of the 15th, but we only have Jesse's word? Not to say that I don't believe Jesse, but it would have been nice to get some confirmation from Lee?
If we accept the premise that Casey is a sociapathic personality, then her parents were likely in peril if she had a need that could be better fufilled without them around (i.e., money, house), whether they knew it or not. Fortunately since Casey (IMHO) isn't the brightest bulb around, I don't think she could quite figure out how to pull off (stage) a familial murder that would net her the house and money. Poor little Caylee became a partial solution - freedom. Down the road she probably thought she could figure out the money part (Tony, others). IMHO

She might have thought she could pull it off. Assume for a second that she actually was able to pull it off. Then she would be faced with a problem she is incapable of solving - showing the appropriate emotions that go along with losing loved ones in some kind of terrible "accident". She would never in a million years be believable because she hasn't a clue how to show real emotion like grief. She would have given it all away by the total lack of emotion (kind of like she is doing right now).

It would be interesting to know if Cindy has/had a life insurance policy on herself. If she did, more than likely it was part of her benefits package at Gentiva. If Casey knew this, then she may have been counting on the money that she would get from it. Maybe she played little head games like we all do when we think "If I won the lottery I would................". However, she took it a step further and lied to Amy about getting the house and told several people that she had $15,000 in the bank. The final step was the act she committed that landed her where she is right now. I do wonder if she realizes why she is where she is?
I have always thought what set all of this in motion was the trip her friends took to PR
Poor KC had neither the $ or a sitter that would allow her to go
The idea of life without her daughter began the day she took the gang to the airport.
I have always thought what set all of this in motion was the trip her friends took to PR
Poor KC had neither the $ or a sitter that would allow her to go
The idea of life without her daughter began the day she took the gang to the airport.

Caylee was already deceased when Casey took Amy to the airport for the trip to Puerto Rico.
Thanks - you are right - Note to self: check the dates before hitting the post button
I believe that Casey had murder on her mind as early as March of 2008. Something happened to make her do those searches. On her birthday, March 19th, 2008, is when Casey searched for the One Tree Hill episode where a nanny kidnaps a child. March 17th and March 21st is when Casey did all the searches on chloroform, household weapons, neck breaking, shovels, etc...

I believe that there was a fight on June 15th, 2008 that made Casey act. I believe, and this is only my opinion, that Cindy threatened Casey for the last time about getting custody of Caylee and kicking her out of the house.

I do not believe that Caylee died because Casey wanted to party. Casey could have easily gave up her rights to Cindy and went on with her life. I believe that Caylee is dead because "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee." I have no doubt that Cindy questioned Caylee as much as she could question a two-year-old. I have no question that Cindy grilled Caylee. I could also see Cindy... not really turning Caylee against Casey... but I could see Cindy wanting to be favored by Caylee over Casey. We know that Cindy took over Casey's job as Caylee's mother during Caylee's 2nd Birthday Party. We know that Cindy wanted full control over Caylee (Shirley's interview). We also know that Cindy believed that Caylee was her child... even would slip and tell Caylee to come to "mama" when referring to herself. She also claimed that Caylee was her "third" child to the world during the Memorial in February 2009.

I do not believe that Cindy ever allowed Casey to be a mother to Caylee and I believe Casey resented her for that. Maybe had Cindy did what any mother would do... and helped her daughter learn to be a first time mother instead of taking over the role of mother to Caylee... we wouldn't be here today talking about Caylee being deceased?

I think that Casey was jealous of Caylee... like a 2-year-old would be jealous of a newborn. I believe that Cindy nurtured this unhealthy relationship between Casey and Caylee because it fulfilled her own selfish needs to be in control.

That does not excuse Casey murdering Caylee. Casey could have done what a lot of young adults do when they become single mothers... she could have worked... got grants and even applied for reduced rent so that she could have moved out of that house. Single mothers do this every day.

Anyways... something happened on June 15th, 2008 that made Casey act out her plans.
I agree, I am not seeing much planning in this at all. If she had planned it, she would have had a plan for disposal, which obviously she did not.

I kind of disagree. I think casey was plotting to kill Caylee since march 2008 when she researched chloroform, household weapons and how to kill on the internet. But I think her planning wasn't very methodical. She had the idea and wanted to do it. But the events that seem to have come to a head made June 16 the day to do it and in a rage, she did.

I believe casey is a person who cannot stay committed to anything long enough to carry through properly, even the murder of her daughter. So, she had ideas but did not have the foresight to cover all the details.

I really believe she chloroformed Caylee, taped her and drowned her in the backyard pool or smothered her and then dumped her in the pool. I think she was calling her parents repeatedly to make sure no one was coming home as she did it and then shortly afterward.

I think she initially planned to fake an accident. That Caylee slipped out and got in the pool because someone left the pool ladder out. But when she actually murdered Caylee, I believe she panicked and wasn't sure if a fake drowning was the way to go. Maybe they would charge her with negligence. Maybe they would detect that Caylee had been chloroformed or smothered or taped. So then, she had to decide what to do with Caylee's little body.

My feeling is that casey pulled Caylee out of the pool and laid her down near it. Mind racing, she thought about what to do. Maybe she went back to a scenario she had thought out a couple times, of a fake kidnapping. But, between frantic calls to make sure no one was coming, she knew she had to get rid of Caylee fast. I think she may have attempted to bury her under the playhouse. She tried and dragged Caylee's body over there, but realized Caylee would likely be found quickly if reported missing and a search commenced. Eventually, casey just shoved her in the trunk and drove around for a few days, wanting to buy time and trying to figure out the best place to dispose of her. I believe the 30 days was spent fruitlessly trying to buy time and distance herself from the disposal of her child.

This scenario may explain why cadaver dogs hit on the backyard. And it explains the computer searches conducted. But it also shows that although the time of the murder was likely more spontaneous and not planned, the idea of killing Caylee and plots to do so, had begun many months before.

No, this is a gruesome person whose mind festered for months with the desire to get rid of her darling baby. IMO, this was no accident, no sudden, rage filled attack that had never come to mind before, etc. This person is a cold-blooded, remorseless killer and premeditated murderer. The fight just caused the plan to come to fruition on that day, as opposed to another. But plan it, she did.
I believe that Casey had murder on her mind as early as March of 2008. Something happened to make her do those searches. On her birthday, March 19th, 2008, is when Casey searched for the One Tree Hill episode where a nanny kidnaps a child. March 17th and March 21st is when Casey did all the searches on chloroform, household weapons, neck breaking, shovels, etc...

I believe that there was a fight on June 15th, 2008 that made Casey act. I believe, and this is only my opinion, that Cindy threatened Casey for the last time about getting custody of Caylee and kicking her out of the house.

I do not believe that Caylee died because Casey wanted to party. Casey could have easily gave up her rights to Cindy and went on with her life. I believe that Caylee is dead because "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee." I have no doubt that Cindy questioned Caylee as much as she could question a two-year-old. I have no question that Cindy grilled Caylee. I could also see Cindy... not really turning Caylee against Casey... but I could see Cindy wanting to be favored by Caylee over Casey. We know that Cindy took over Casey's job as Caylee's mother during Caylee's 2nd Birthday Party. We know that Cindy wanted full control over Caylee (Shirley's interview). We also know that Cindy believed that Caylee was her child... even would slip and tell Caylee to come to "mama" when referring to herself. She also claimed that Caylee was her "third" child to the world during the Memorial in February 2009.

I do not believe that Cindy ever allowed Casey to be a mother to Caylee and I believe Casey resented her for that. Maybe had Cindy did what any mother would do... and helped her daughter learn to be a first time mother instead of taking over the role of mother to Caylee... we wouldn't be here today talking about Caylee being deceased?

I think that Casey was jealous of Caylee... like a 2-year-old would be jealous of a newborn. I believe that Cindy nurtured this unhealthy relationship between Casey and Caylee because it fulfilled her own selfish needs to be in control.

That does not excuse Casey murdering Caylee. Casey could have done what a lot of young adults do when they become single mothers... she could have worked... got grants and even applied for reduced rent so that she could have moved out of that house. Single mothers do this every day.

Anyways... something happened on June 15th, 2008 that made Casey act out her plans.

I'm right with ya', Lolamoon. We posted similar posts almost at the same time!
Thanks - you are right - Note to self: check the dates before hitting the post button

It is so hard to keep up with all the dates in this case! I completely understand. With all the information we have absorbed during these past few years... it is impossible to remember every single detail. I have been wrong sooooo many times. I love this forum because I know that if I am wrong about something... someone will know the right answer. Something I don't remember... I know someone else will.
@ Lola Hi

Earlier tonight I was looking through the Lake Vaj thread I hadnt seen these before, anyway, What you said in your post regarding something happening around her birthday on March 2008. I read someone EXIT13 I think, some who knew casey, said that they were having a big party that night and kc was supposed to be there but she didnt turn up.

Cindy may have refused to watch Caylee for her to party and it was also her birthday so that may be a reason for her searches.... just saying x a
@ Lola Hi

Earlier tonight I was looking through the Lake Vaj thread I hadnt seen these before, anyway, What you said in your post regarding something happening around her birthday on March 2008. I read someone EXIT13 I think, some who knew casey, said that they were having a big party that night and kc was supposed to be there but she didnt turn up.

Cindy may have refused to watch Caylee for her to party and it was also her birthday so that may be a reason for her searches.... just saying x a

On March 14th, 2008... Cindy also closed her BOA account... meaning she cut Casey's financial means off.

March 17th - St. Patricks Day (Casey's favorite Holiday). Searches start.

March 19th - Casey's Birthday - searches continue

Could it have been a St. Patrick's Day party??
Sorry what I forgot to say was it would make perfect sense for her to be raging at her mother for not letting her out and I honestly believe she had her parents in mind when making those searches at that time. As time went on and things didnt get any better she then turned on the one thing that she should have never and thats her beautiful, defenseless innocent daughter. She couldnt get to her parents but she could rip their hearts from them by taking away their sunshine.

I honestly believe she is just evil x

eta yes that s what he was saying a St Patricks Party, and I think she may have thought she could kinda have a double whammy with St Patricks day and incorporate her birthday into it cos its gotta be all about her too.
Sorry what I forgot to say was it would make perfect sense for her to be raging at her mother for not letting her out and I honestly believe she had her parents in mind when making those searches at that time. As time went on and things didnt get any better she then turned on the one thing that she should have never and thats her beautiful, defenseless innocent daughter. She couldnt get to her parents but she could rip their hearts from them by taking away their sunshine.

I honestly believe she is just evil x

eta yes that s what he was saying a St Patricks Party, and I think she may have thought she could kinda have a double whammy with St Patricks day and incorporate her birthday into it cos its gotta be all about her too.

I think she is evil too.

That would make sense. Cindy gets mad enough to finally close off her BOA account three days before St. Patrick's Day. Cindy punishes Casey by not watching Caylee on St. Patrick's Day. Her favorite Holiday because she says she is Irish and so proud of it... which I don't even know if she is Irish? Maybe she is? I'm Irish... so I'm kinda hoping she isn't! I was already born in the same town and hospital as the monster... would hate to think we could be related in any way. :sick: (Trust me... I have had my mom look into it!! :floorlaugh:)

No I dont think the Irish over here would have her either they d tell her to
f E c k off lol

Dont you think that some of the pieces of the jigsaw are falling into place now, what you just posted makes perfect sense to me.

Im sure the SA office have this all down pat for trial I cant wait, although It will be many a late night for me for the next 2 months, better stock up on the coffee lol
According to Jesse Grund, Lee Anthony told him that Cindy and Casey had a huge fight on the night of June 15th, 2008 and that Cindy literally put her hands around Casey's neck and tried to choke her.

That is all we have about this "fight." I think something had to have happened the night of the 15th, but we only have Jesse's word? Not to say that I don't believe Jesse, but it would have been nice to get some confirmation from Lee?

I definitely recall cindy saying that she was in the pool w/Caylee on the evening of the 15th...that Casey was there and didn't go in. Cindy said it was cold. Cindy passed Caylee over to Casey so she could get out of the pool.

I wonder what the real story is....:waitasec:
I always thought it was because GA rode back in the Pontiac and when they got home, they immediately started looking around for Caylee. The decomp smell was all over him and wherever he went the smell was left. I also believe since they started looking around their yard, they knew Caylee was deceased, GA made sure to mention that basketball sized stain in the trunk. They know, they absolutely do...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Very interesting theory! One that I hadn't considered before, but makes a lot of sense. But it also makes me wonder about the assumptions that would have to go along with it.

1. Both KC and Caylee were missing. They didn't know what KC was up to or who with. So it could have been any body. They would have to have assumed it was Caylee who was dead.

2. They would have had to assume that KC would attempt to dispose of her body at their home. Would they believe that KC would try to frame them with her dead body?

IF this is what happened then it is further proof that they knew what KC was capable of.

Then again, KC drove in the same car to the house to get a shovel. Wonder if she wandered in the back yard while she was there?

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