*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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Here is a link to an article about a WW2 veteran who shot and killed 13 of his neighbors in 1949. I am posting this to add a little perspective to the events in Colorado. These "active shooter" incidents didn't originate with Columbine. The media never seems to go back any further than that event. This has been going on a whole lot longer than many people realize.

Mods....feel free to delete, alter, or remove this post if it doesn't fit. I just thought a little historical perspective might be a good idea.


I read about Howard Unruh. He was sent to a mental hospital and died in 2009.
If he was heavily involved with his program at the university it is somewhat understandable he wouldn't be leading much of a social life. Many academics are somewhat of the loners due to their intense interest in their studies.

Yes, well said. The environment in a PhD program is very different from an undergraduate program. There isn't a lot of socializing and partying. PhD students are expected to spend nearly all their free time on their studies and conducting research. To an outsider, that might make them seem odd or withdrawn, but that's the nature of a PhD program.

I apologize if it's already been posted, but in this Reuters article, one of Holmes' fellow PhD students disputes the "loner" label that the media is trying to attach to him:

"People are using the word 'loner' to describe him, and that's not a fair representation," said a fellow doctoral student at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus who knew Holmes and agreed to be interviewed on condition of anonymity.

"He has friends. He's quiet and keeps a low profile, but we're all like that. We're PhD students. There's not a lot of time to do other stuff," the student said.

Just for comparison purposes, this is the data from Switzerland:

Number of guns in circulation

In some 2001 statistics, it is noted that there are about 420,000 assault rifles stored at private homes, mostly SIG SG 550 types. Additionally, there are some 320,000 semi-auto rifles and military pistols exempted from military service in private possession, all selective-fire weapons having been converted to semi-automatic operation only. In addition, there are several hundred thousand other semi-automatic small arms classified as carbines. The total number of firearms in private homes is estimated minimally at 1.2 million to 3 million.[9]

Gun politics in Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes we just hear about it more because of the internet and such. News travels and spreads fast these days but these sorts of crime are not particularly new.

I belong to NAMI (National association for MI) I do a 5 mile walk annually, and took many courses from them (they also want me to teach)
The attendance of MI has grown more then you can imagine.
Is it because once upon a time we did not know about Bipolar - maybe.
But we did know about schizophrenia, and other illness, but the attendance is growing A LOT.
Is there something in the water :waitasec:
Is it the falling apart of the strong family structure :waitasec:
Is it that people do not had a spiritual recourse :waitasec:

I don’t know and maybe it is all that. but while the internet is disseminating information faster then ever.
The attendance is also growing faster then ever - REALLY.
Yes, well said. The environment in a PhD program is very different from an undergraduate program. There isn't a lot of socializing and partying. PhD students are expected to spend nearly all their free time on their studies and conducting research. To an outsider, that might make them seem odd or withdrawn, but that's the nature of a PhD program.

I apologize if it's already been posted, but in this Reuters article, one of Holmes' fellow PhD students disputes the "loner" label that the media is trying to attach to him:

"People are using the word 'loner' to describe him, and that's not a fair representation," said a fellow doctoral student at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus who knew Holmes and agreed to be interviewed on condition of anonymity.

"He has friends. He's quiet and keeps a low profile, but we're all like that. We're PhD students. There's not a lot of time to do other stuff," the student said.

I had no social life when I went to law school, aside from student get togethers now and them it is very competitive and not much time for screwing around. And law school is nothing compared to med school or a PhD in neuroscience. I cant imagine the dedication and extra hours put in to be successful in those areas of academia.
This is being randomly placed and is not directed at any poster or any position on any issue.

Please take the in depth gun control debate to the Political Pavilion. There has been some good conversation about it on these threads, but it is a hot issue and can derail the topic at hand in a flash.

Thanks for your cooperation up to this point and if it is referenced here and there that is totally fine. It is just when we get into a debate about it- it becomes OT and frustrating to some.

another reminder. :)
I think there have been other reports this guy was a loner? I don't have a link handy. It would sure make him blend in as a loner in such a demanding Program. It has been my experience thru education that many of the brightest to brilliant tended to be loners or hang with those with similar interests. (One brainiac in my Chemistry class blew up the bathroom. Nobody got hurt. He made sure nobody was in there and nobody in the halls :what: When asked why he said "cuz i could") Socialized but preferred to hang with the chess club etc. as opposed to the sports people. Again just my experience.
I cant imagine the dedication and extra hours put in to be successful in those areas of academia.

I was busy enough working full time and getting an MA in History. I couldn't fathom working on a PhD in a science or math. That, at least to me, would be like 2 full time jobs!

I didn't really have any friends in my graduate progam, but that was because I was working in an occupation totally outside the realm of academia that outsiders have a hard time relating to.

To them I probably seemed like a loner....or maybe another word that modesty and the TOS prevent me from using!
If a person is over 18, parents have no insight into any of their medical records. So if mental illness starts at a later date, it is very possible the parents might not know.
Given Holmes chosen field of study and his subsequent actions, no doubt the connections to all that will be looked into by fbi profilers etc searching for a motive. It's pretty tough for a layman to enter that arena without some experience or training so we will likely have to defer to the professionals but, a very interesting progression is possible along this path. The high intellect and select nature of the studies provides a disguise in itself that few would understand or be able to differentiate between what was within acceptable parameters and that which had crossed a line.

Which brings me back to his leaving the study program. Did someone recognize the deviance and potential for problems before hand? Did someone want to put distance between the school and Holmes? Even early on in the link provided you see evidence /notations of a mentorship type program linked to Holmes and his study of temporal illusions. Who administered that program? Who was his mentor? Someone saw or should have seen this coming!!!

ps... thanks Reannan, very nice common sense post on how the downhill slide can begin so easily. post #458
From the article... "Some nights, neighbors heard loud music throbbing in his third-floor apartment, and often complained about it, or noticed a strange purple light in the windows."....purple light could likely be "black light"... super popular in disco's...think: late 70's/early 80's..but even today in dance clubs..

I wonder if the occasional loud music was an experiment to determine how long it would take for police to be called/to respond?
That is possible but I dont think people would go for and it and sounds expensive. But I would have no problem with it as I am not mentally ill so my guns would be ok.

Also I want to point out I am not all gun ho about guns I dont really care much for them and would LOVE a world WITHOUT THEM where they dont even make them, but this isnt 'Imagine" and I am not John Lennon, that is not the world we live in.
I know we do not live in an imaginary world LOL.

But too often chit happens that may be avoided.
I know many with guns, they do not take it everywhere like accessories.
I even know they have a safe at home and lock it up from the children.
They are mindful and accountable and I have no issue with them when they carry.

But I do have issue with the lax laws in most states, and am Happy I live in NY
where the laws are not lax.

But when I read stories like this one my heart tears up and I get mad as hell.
I feel that more – much more can be done.
I think we have to go to the political pavilion to talk about this topic so I will end it right now. :)
Actually mods said we can discuss gun control if we wish but to do it respectfully. Gun control or freedom is related to the case. However, telling posters what and what not to post is part of TOS violations though.

This is being randomly placed and is not directed at any poster or any position on any issue.

Please take the in depth gun control debate to the Political Pavilion. There has been some good conversation about it on these threads, but it is a hot issue and can derail the topic at hand in a flash.

Thanks for your cooperation up to this point and if it is referenced here and there that is totally fine. It is just when we get into a debate about it- it becomes OT and frustrating to some.


In case you missed it. BBM.
Given Holmes chosen field of study and his subsequent actions, no doubt the connections to all that will be looked into by fbi profilers etc searching for a motive. It's pretty tough for a layman to enter that arena without some experience or training so we will likely have to defer to the professionals but, a very interesting progression is possible along this path. The high intellect and select nature of the studies provides a disguise in itself that few would understand or be able to differentiate between what was within acceptable parameters and that which had crossed a line.

Which brings me back to his leaving the study program. Did someone recognize the deviance and potential for problems before hand? Did someone want to put distance between the school and Holmes? Even early on in the link provided you see evidence /notations of a mentorship type program linked to Holmes and his study of temporal illusions. Who administered that program? Who was his mentor? Someone saw or should have seen this coming!!!http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2177233/Dark-Knight-Rises-Aurora-Colorado-shooting-Video-gunman-James-Holmes-science-camp.html

ps... thanks Reannan, very nice common sense post on how the downhill slide can begin so easily. post #458

Good observation - thank you.
Perhaps we will learn more after the weekend. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I can only imagine how those directly affected want answers. What if there really isn't one :banghead:
If a person is over 18, parents have no insight into any of their medical records. So if mental illness starts at a later date, it is very possible the parents might not know.

Actually, due to HIPAA, parents may not always have access to their child's records even if they are under 18, depending on the situation.
Here is a link to an article about a WW2 veteran who shot and killed 13 of his neighbors in 1949. I am posting this to add a little perspective to the events in Colorado. These "active shooter" incidents didn't originate with Columbine. The media never seems to go back any further than that event. This has been going on a whole lot longer than many people realize.

Mods....feel free to delete, alter, or remove this post if it doesn't fit. I just thought a little historical perspective might be a good idea.


Exactly....I always think of the Bath School killings in the 1920's when people imply that these kinds of incidents are "new" and unprecedented. Then there were the University of Texas tower shootings in 1966 and the Michael Soles sniper shootings in Wichita in 1976 among a number of other incidents. The proliferation of cable news media in the last 30 years has just made these horrific incidents SEEM so much more frequent as they project them into our environment 24 hours a day for weeks on end following such acts.


Bath School disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Usually we hear if the School has had issues with a Student. Maybe we just dont have the information as of yet. Or perhaps he found his solution to life and no longer held an interest in school. He was busy with "other things"
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