*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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Considering I didn't have sound, did his attorney request psych evaluations or is that the next step?
Considering I didn't have sound, did his attorney request psych evaluations or is that the next step?

I think psych evaluation is a 100% guaranteed. There doesn't appear to be other defense available to him.
he sure looks drugged.

but to play devil's advocate, does anyone think for a second maybe he regrets it? Maybe the getting caught/not killing himself part not necessarily the shooting?

No :moo: In a reported 4 month plan? No. He gave up with ease. He wants the glory.
I think he is acting. He wants people to think he is out of his mind, thus not responsible for his evil actions. He is 'acting' like a slow, mentally impaired victim, not like the aggressive, cold blooded killer who shot 70 people.
the more they play it, the more I think dude is just trying to stay awake !! :(
Schizoaffective disorder is very difficult to hide. It is a debilitating disorder and while these kinds of illnesses can manifest at this age, I think this is would be very tough to not have been noticed and documented by many of the people he came into contact with over the last few years.

JMHO of course.

I am leaning towards a mental illness, but again that does not make him insane-just makes him that much more dangerous.

Agree. He has a skewed version of the world. He is legally competent in my opinion. And yes very dangerous. :moo:
They're going to file charges fast, next Monday, an Asst DA from a county around there had said it could be up to 5 months before they were filed. I'm sure the lawyer he has now knows she has her hands full, the female DA is known for seeking the DP and very tough.
Yeh I heard that too but was not really sure what it meant ...someone.........
Would they have given him anti-psychotic meds without a pysch evaluation?
Yes, regular medical Drs can give drugs that are sedating, maybe not thorazine, but things like Haldol, Ativan, Zanax, and so forth. Many ERs will give someone a "Haldol Holiday" so that they can be adequately assessed, if there is some serious violence and/or acting out (defendant was spitting, at the very least).

Psych meds are not necessarily only used by psych Drs. It's always better to have a full and thorough evaluation, but often, and especially if danger presents itself, there are things that must be done to ensure everyone's safety.

per reports of hydrocodone in his system, i doubt they
would give him anything at all for risk of interaction.
Snipped by me.

It's been days since he's ingested anything not provided by prison/jail personnel. Vicodin does not have a long life in the body; it is generally metabolized quite quickly, in hours not days, depending on the dose.

Further, there are a lot of medications which can sedate you without being the same kind of thing that vic is...vic is a narcotic, and works on certain and specific receptors in the body. Lots of other drugs work on other receptors, or block certain chemicals, and don't interfere with the same sort of receptors that vic does.

Hope that helps a bit...pharmacology is very detailed and indepth, so this is just a really small brief explanation of what can be done.

Herding Cats
He looks drugged. Sedated? Thorazine?
What he did was evil, inexcusable, and unforgivable; i am absolutely disgusted by his actions, but if he's mentally ill then he should be in an institution.
Concur ! or Risperdol - what ya think?
Actually, that's completely false. Plenty of mentally ill are in prisons. For him to get into an institution, he'd have to be found legally insane. Which is not the same as mentally ill.

Oh, you're completely absolutely correct. Sorry! I am exhausted and having trouble articulating. To me, it seems like he might potentially be paranoid schizophrenic and in that case he should get help for his illness. If he's just evil, then that's another story.
When the judge started to outline like he was not to drink etc you guys my heart started to pound .... I am thinking are they gonna let him out on bond ---mortifing!
Makes me sad to see him. He looks nothing like the photos shown on tv in the past few days.

Just overwhelming sorrow all around.
Since this guy was a neuroscience student ( a very good one at that) he would have a lot of knowledge on symptoms of mental illness/psychiatric disorders.
So, it's not out of realm of possibility he could simply be trying to look the part.
No, she didn't say that.
How in the world would someone not be surprised by something like this?

I agree, I think she confirmed they got the correct person and she was his mother. I think the news media blew it out of proportion.
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