*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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I had not thought of it that way. To me with all the planning, I would think he would want to watch just like people who start fires.

But I don't think he wanted to call attention to HIMSELF before he went on his rampage. His car was parked in the theater parking lot. He could have been arrested before the main event if he called it in beforehand. I think that load of bombs was meant for the first responders and cops who came knocking AFTER the massacre.
Respectfully redacted by me.

Hey, Pax, show me a court order to medicate this coward.

I highly doubt he has had any access to any psych meds yet at all. It normally takes a long time before inmates who are booked can be evaluated by a psychiatrist and prescribed drugs. Even in emergencies, it is common for truly psychotic people to just lay their wailing or eating feces for days before help arrives.

In fact, one expert states: http://www.examiner.com/article/unl...s-was-medicated-during-first-court-appearance

I frankly think he looked more nutso in the original photo they kept showing of him. Sinister smile, to me. Weird eyes.

But the level of planning that went into this - nah. Once I learned about that, I just can't buy that this guy is that crazy. There's something off, of course. And I think you could see that to some degree before the massacre. But if he was acting that bizarrely before this event, I doubt anyone would have sold him firearms. At two different location no less.

Nope, I find it very convenient that he is suddenly so crazy he can't function in court but for two months he was sane enough to meticulously plan a horrific tragedy. I'm just not buying it.
Above portion BBM for focus.. Thank you for stating this as I have been asking this and did not personally believe that he would be receiving any high powered meds at approx 72hrs in.. Like anti psychotics, sedatives, or truthfully any mood altering drugs whatsoever..

IMO whatever state it is that he is whether Ill or acting out a part long since planned.. Either way I believe it is not a medicated state..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
I would rather just have the AR-15 semi-automatic to begin with.

My son has a AR semi-automatic (beautiful gun) and it really is no more powerful than a regular deer rifle.

Regular deer rifles only take a few rounds at once. They can't be fitted with a 30 round magazine or a 100 round drum. The power of an AR-15 is not that each round packs a bigger punch, it's the ability to keep up a rapid rate of fire. Using large magazines and swapping them quickly. It's this ability that makes firearms like the AR-15 more dangerous than standard rifles in the hands of a spree killer.
This. He wanted some vagina or at the minimum a female friend of a sexual nature, to be blunt about it.

I guess I agree. He seemed like a dork with his "Looking for sexy times, very nice!" Borat quote. Very immature. JMO
If he was not having sex, I would guess it isn't by choice. Described by quite a few as "quiet and shy" -not the best characteristics to have in order to attract females.

Actually, I'd say that might be his choice. He probably thwarted real meaningful sex because he was building bombs etc.
But I don't think he wanted to call attention to HIMSELF before he went on his rampage. His car was parked in the theater parking lot. He could have been arrested before the main event if he called it in beforehand. I think that load of bombs was meant for the first responders and cops who came knocking AFTER the massacre.

I think it was to happen at the apt. before. Everyone would be tied up allowing more kill time for him. Plan failed. Thankfully. He is a "Joker" and a "Gamer" Game on! "I am smarter than you so see if you can dismantle my brilliance" They did :woohoo: Just bouncing off your post and :moo:
Actually, I'd say that might be his choice. He probably thwarted any sex because he was building bombs etc.

Wasn't too busy to be rejected by three females from AFF site, according to tmz.
Actually, I'd say that might be his choice. He probably thwarted any sex because he was building bombs etc.

Maybe he was mistaking Borat's making 'liquid explosions' with the real chemical type of explosions. J/K
If he was not having sex, I would guess it isn't by choice. Described by quite a few as "quiet and shy" -not the best characteristics to have in order to attract females.

He also didn't take opportunities offered to meet a girl or hang out with the camp crowd. It could've been the shyness, or the lack of interest. It didn't sound like a priority to him from what I've read about him so far. Just saying.
He also didn't take opportunities offered to meet a girl or hang out with the camp crowd. It could've been the shyness, or the lack of interest. It didn't sound like a priority to him from what I've read about him so far. Just saying.

He was in high school then.
I am not sure how much of what that guy says about JH should be believed anyway.
I think he is pissed most of all at being associated with JH as a mentor.
I think he very much wanted to hook up with a female and not just for sex..

I bet you he has never really had a girlfriend.
Gee, I hope we are not going to blame it on depression, considering that large percentage of the population is in fact depressed.

That is true. Most employers who have access to their health insurance data see that anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds having been driving up their rates for the past decade. (This is my industry.)

In my own circle of friends, I'm one of the few who doesn't take anti-depressants. I'm not making any type of judgement or opinion - just piggybacking on to your statement about the large percentage of the population being depressed.
According to tmz (since its not msm, can we link to it or not) three women from AFF site rejected him before the shooting. TMZ claims he contacted these woman and they rejected meeting with him. I am not surprised. I don't think he was doing well in attracting females.

I think he was the type who wanted no Interpersonal relationship with a woman or anyone else. If he had a sexual need it was gratification period.:moo:
In fact, a large percentage of the population is NOT truly depressed. People have been brain-washed by TV psychologists and doctors without much training in psychiatry to think that normal sadness is depression. It is not.
Actually, I'd say that might be his choice. He probably thwarted real meaningful sex because he was building bombs etc.

Yep. I could see where this might interfere with the social life. I guess it would be hard to have a young lady over to the apartment if it was full of various devices that you didn't want seen.

And not just a potential ladyfriend. Anyone wouldn't be welcome.
Holmes created a profile on AdultFriendFinder on July 5. Knowing what we know he was planning, there wasn't much time to strike up a meaningful relationship. I wonder if he had gotten involved in some wild sex if it would've swayed him away from his destructive plans.

I don't know how to discuss the article as I'm not sure we can post a link. From what I read - "One of the women told TMZ that Holmes wasn't aggressively seeking out sex, rather he was just looking to "maybe chat, but "nothing sexual."

All my postings are MOO. Mods, please delete if I posted something not allowed.
I would rather just have the AR-15 semi-automatic to begin with.

My son has a AR semi-automatic (beautiful gun) and it really is no more powerful than a regular deer rifle.

Ok, thank you for this.. It now makes things much clearer for me as I was quite baffled at a scope being mounted on such an agressive weapon as an AK47..but now in hearing that this particular gun, the AR-15 is on a scale of not too far off from a hunting rifle.. It makes much better sense to as to why a scope would be appropriate to be mountEd on this particular gun.. Thanks!
And really, quoting Dr. Drew? He is an internist, not a psychiatrist. Listening to him make psychiatric diagnoses makes me sick.
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