*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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some of us Websleuthers are interested in discussing the whys and hows of such an brutal, unexplained act of violence. yes, of course, the why doesn't excuse the action. We all know he committed an evil act. saying it over and over really doesn't interest me. What interests me are the whys. then proactive measures can be taken to help reduce the number of these shootings.

Really brain tumour patients are what... evil. Spree killers. Charles Whitman showed signs of disease before his death. Brain tumours usually go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. So since the the 60s any widespread crime sprees attributed to brain tumour patients. Maybe a proposed notification of brain tumour patients when they move into your area. In case the crazy eyes do not give them away.
yeh , system wont do it ($) but imo we would find profound brain patterns, but we find that with most mental illiness..... $$$$$$!
Why are people so willing to try and pass this crime off as mental illness? I am stumped. In my opinion he was in complete control. As the Law dictates for culpability. I think he is nothing more than a geek psychopath with a good brain. He is full of hatred and "we" were to pay for the wrongs society placed on him. In his view.

Mentally Ill people can be evil and dangerous He has it all.
He is very obviously not sane.
According to tmz (since its not msm, can we link to it or not) three women from AFF site rejected him before the shooting. TMZ claims he contacted these woman and they rejected meeting with him. I am not surprised. I don't think he was doing well in attracting females.

Well he will have plenty of females contacting him in prison, sending him fan/love letters, money for the commissary, etc...

Jeffrey Dahmer got quite a bit of female attention, this guy will get plenty too.
fact the Father went to Colorado

that is huge (dad got there right away dad been confused about his son for years. IMO, mom gets it, source of intense conflict within the marriage.

IMO he was not faking today, this is a very disturbed young man, who dad the other day , convinced his son, to start his meds again.......

..........what he looked like today is what they look like (eyes) when they start their meds again ...............

I agree about the meds...he seems to fit a lot of the traits of one who suffers from Aspergers syndrome. Excelling in one area..lack of communication with the eyes..not fitting in...the list goes on.

some of us Websleuthers are interested in discussing the whys and hows of such an brutal, unexplained act of violence. yes, of course, the why doesn't excuse the action. We all know he committed an evil act. saying it over and over really doesn't interest me. What interests me are the whys. then proactive measures can be taken to help reduce the number of these shootings.

Even some of the most skilled shrinks don’t always know.
And his reasons will not be TRUTH it will be from an MI mind.
Bottom line many studies have been done why they do what they do.
Those studies are found on the internet.
Did anyone else notice that he doesn't have eyelashes in the mugshot??
A sad thing is we will never know ahead of time what sets people off...that is what is sooooo scary....who could know ahead of time if someone is gonna actually go postal and kill people? There is just no way...you can think it but how on earth could you prove it?

I know some people especially a young teenager.....and I could bet my last dollar what is gonna happen to him in a few years but I can't know that for sure or get him locked up...we can suspect and predict and it just won't work.
According to tmz (since its not msm, can we link to it or not) three women from AFF site rejected him before the shooting. TMZ claims he contacted these woman and they rejected meeting with him. I am not surprised. I don't think he was doing well in attracting females.
His first photo spooked me.
I bet they were spooked too.

But rejection can feel like pain... and if you are hurting enough and you are off balance you try to hurt others too. BUT his apartment took months to rig up, so doing harm was in his plan.....Not the cause of rejection.
Well he will have plenty of females contacting him in prison, sending him fan/love letters, money for the commissary, etc...

Yep. Thursday, the guy was pratically invisible. Today, lots of women are interested in how his mind ticks.

It's no mystery. He said it himself...

"Will you visit me in prison?"

Hi guys...my first post on this case. Firstly from OZ would like to tell everyone that this truly has shocked everyone around the world. Secondly, these guys are so similar, the nerds getting obsessed with movies,cartoons, video games. I think the do gooders who say that violence in movies and especially games does no harm are speaking thru their backsides.

Thirdly, what I am about to say may upset a few people: but quite frankly I dont give a rats if this guy turned schizo, nuts, depressed whatever. He killed 12 people, end of story, he needs to be punished lock him away from society for life. I dont think he should go into a mental instution whatever as they try to "rehabilitate" them.....look at that guy that ate the guy on the bus::: for goodness sake they are letting him have day leave::: not right- he killed someone.....nuts or not: MOO

Fourthly just for your interest I have posted a page from one of our main newsites.....please note the poll and what australians and I think many parts of the world are thinking or your gun laws....sorry if this offends.

Its confusing to me - same thing happened with Luka here - those of us who wholeheartily bellieve mental illiness is involved are NOT saying no consequence. I think those of us who empathize with illliness as being just that --we are saying punishment is not the answer.

I do not think any of us who endorse that notion are saying let him (or Luka) let em free. BUT for those of us with mental illiness notions also realize that he is not even going to be capable to feel empathy , remorse, insight for his behaviors , that is the core of the illiness!

.. we are saying that as a civilazed society, mental health track him -- he is not gonna even feel anything about being in jail (part of the illiness)

BUT those of us who truly beleive mental illiness is no different than diabetes, as a society, would get less "reward" by locking him up , while at the same time understanding he must never be free, but does not need to be punished

he is sick .....like diabetes his brain is not producing neurotransmitters correctly ...no different than insulin diabletes, etc etc

how many times have we seen a person with diabetes, with low blood sugar drive erratically --- do you want to punish him - the problem here IMO is lots of folks do not look at mental illiness as an illiness.... not a choice ............
it is a medical malfunction... nothing more .............

a human not working right - does that translate to being free no it translates to society not needing to punish for bad nuerotrnamitters or low insulin levels, or cells dividing wrong, or or or or !
Above portion BBM for focus.. Thank you for stating this as I have been asking this and did not personally believe that he would be receiving any high powered meds at approx 72hrs in.. Like anti psychotics, sedatives, or truthfully any mood altering drugs whatsoever..

IMO whatever state it is that he is whether Ill or acting out a part long since planned.. Either way I believe it is not a medicated state..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:

I didnt think he was medicated today.

Imo, he is no longer on an adernaline rush(high).

He certainly looks odd in court appearance today, but I don't think it is because of any drugs he has been given since being arrested - he had the same large-eye stare in his booking photo.
Why are people so willing to try and pass this crime off as mental illness? I am stumped. In my opinion he was in complete control. As the Law dictates for culpability. I think he is nothing more than a geek psychopath with a good brain. He is full of hatred and "we" were to pay for the wrongs society placed on him. In his view.

Personally, I haven't seen anyone minimize the crime. We are trying to make sense of a terrible act that we can't relate to. We want to understand, not excuse.
It doesn't have to be the prison medicating him. His lawyer could've had a psychiatrist come in and prescribe medication.
Yes or dad convincing him to sign consent to resume the meds his doc, on the outside, prescribed and he was not compliant with docs orders. for a peeroid of time as he regressed ..........................
He certainly looks odd in court appearance today, but I don't think it is because of any drugs he has been given since being arrested - he had the same large-eye stare in his booking photo.
yeh! he was activily psycotic that night!

IMO his visit from dad profoundly slowed him down..........
Is there something wrong with the Holmes Family lawyer :EEK:
TY She just was odd what was going on with her lips I was thinking is she petrified, have something stuck in her front teeth, worried about her lipstick??

- the lips crap really bugged me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just not impressive at all ....................... and then she did some piece about "Well i do not know what the laws in Colo are"!

I was blown away........... dont admit that in front of 487 media outlets you moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

l Lone the fact that mom and dad hired THERE OWN private attorney is indicative -- they know his mental illiness history SHALL come out, and fear they may be held liable for not keeping the very disturbed son away from people that he might , one day harm / kill .........

IMO, ....................Mom dad know there child is sick they have been dealing with it for years!
Personally, I haven't seen anyone minimize the crime. We are trying to make sense of a terrible act that we can't relate to. We want to understand, not excuse.
God that is what I have been trying to say..................
We want to understand, not excuse.
Local news says later today the parent's attorney went to their house to pick up some additional paperwork or info. A Mustang was moved out of the garage - whose Mustang I don't know.
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