*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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Sorry, if this all has been discussed, but I haven't read nearly all of this thread. Anyway, I will reframe from mention this monsters name because I really hope, although highly doubt, the public will forever forget his name and only remember those innocent people that he took away. I'm posting this because this event this tragedy really truely shocks and scares the hell out of me. Lets face it, considering the tragic events and acts of vilance that I've seen on the news whether local, national, or international very few events have freaked me out like what happened in Colorado. Maybe it's because I was also at a midnight showing of the same movie, although 1000 miles away from this theater, with my husband and son. However, I think what really truely scares the hell out me is the evil face I saw on TV today. The following are my reasons:

1. He probably has an IQ of a genius. There is no denying he is very smart. Smart, or in this case brilliant, criminals are the scariest. I saw a very smart sane person sitting in court today.

2. He planned this tragedy out months in advanced which is very similar to terristist. But he's not a terristist because it appears he has no ideological or political motives for the killings.

3. He chose a very unsuspecting densely populated area.

4. Witnesses report that he appeared dressed normal and talking on a cell phone or looking for someone before stepping out of the theater from the emergency exit. Once re-entering the theater he was armored and fully loaded. This to me shows someone that wanted to fool his unsuspected victims.

5. Once he exits the theater he surrenders to police willingly instead of killing himself like most mass murders end up doing. This adding to the fact he was armored from to toe leads me to believe that he wanted to live to see his "fame." Or maybe he just wanted to see or hear about the results of my next reason.

6. To me it feels like he wanted to cause as many casualties as possible and live to watch his face on camera. This "monster" (sorry if that offends anyone but I'm sorry that's how I see him) even wanted to further the shock value by rigging his apartment for possibly law enforcement.

7. First he's working with authorities telling them about the explosives in his appartment, but then decides to not coroporate with them regarding what types of explosives or the quanity. Was is just playing with authorities for his own amusement?

8. Those who attended classes with him (I heard there were only 6 admitted to the program he was in) say he never spoke unless spoken to and when someone would ask him a question he acted like they were disturbing him.

9. When I saw him on TV today in court, I did not see someone who was insane, I saw a highly intelligent evil monster that was trying to manipulate and fool the court into thinking he was innsane.

Bottom line, these are my opinions, and I in no way believe everyone will agree. The "thing" I saw in court today that took away 12 innocent lives Friday is the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. I think he's evil; I think he's a monster; I think he's highly intelligent; I think he wants to get away with this; I think he truely think he is brilliant enough to get away with this; I think he wants to scare people and maybe gets off on all this; I think if he did get off by innocent due to insanity that he would try to profit off of his evil act; I think, no I pray, he never sees the light of day again. I'm very sorry if anything I've wrote has offended anyone or broke any posting rules, but I've had nightmares since all this happened and I live 1000 miles away. I can't even begin to fathom what the victims felt today seeing the face of this monster after experiencing the true nightmare they went through.

I AGREE. And I think he plans to try and get sent to a hospital so he can eventually prove that he has been 'cured' of his mental health issues.
After looking throughout these threads, this case does seem like the work of a mentally unstable person. Just by two cents: I believes Holmes suffered from some sort of bipolar. These could also maybe equate the grandiose ideas that were present in his head prior to the attack and the night of the attack. I have a friend who has bipolar II and have seen such behavior with the delusional thoughts and behaviors, sometimes even downright scary. It would be interesting to see if Holmes fits this mold.
Wrt the whole mentally ill and crime bit.

Several states have begun implementing what are commonly referred to as diversion programs. ( link ) Importantly, they are not to be confused with NGRI cases.

These inter-agency programs are designed to divert mentally ill people who have been charged and convicted of a non-violent crime (though there are exceptions) to compulsory outpatient treatment as opposed to jail. Unlike NGRI cases, diversion programs have to do with post conviction sentences. Moreover their goal is to reduce recidivism rates for those whose mental illness plays a role in repeated criminal offenses. And finally, the team includes, minimally, the presiding judge, the prosecuting and defending attys, a mental health case worker, and someone from law enforcement.

ETA ~ in light of the gravity of this man's crimes, even if he is found to be severely mentally ill, afaics, he would not qualify for such a program.
RDW, I agree... I also think there is a "fine line" with people who are a genius and being insane.. Not meaning he deserves an insantiy plea AT ALL just saying there seems to be a breaking point of some sense with one's of genius level.

I AGREE. And I think he plans to try and get sent to a hospital so he can eventually prove that he has been 'cured' of his mental health issues.

Yes, and what's scarryer is if he succeeds. Omg, I think he just might be smart enough to do just that. From what I've been hearing from the media today regarding his appearance it frightens me. We all know how much influence media has. They are playing right into his claws. Omg, I could not imagine being in the same room today with that "thing." I think I would have to be disbared before I would be his public defender sitting next to him today.
This is also from the same article and it reads rather odd.

...snipped..."Shortly after the tests were done, the classmate said, a neuroscience administrator took the group for drinks to tell them Mr. Holmes had dropped out."

Here's how it could seem - like hey let's go for drinks, he's finally gone. It's just an odd sentence I guess.

Now see that's the crap I hate about reporting its like the game telephone the more it's tOld the less accurate it becomes.. Because the truth as it was intiay reported was that the tight knit small group of students decided to go for drinks.. James did not go.. And the professor on his way home stopped in at the impromptu get together and that's when he told James fellow classmates he was withdrawing..

The full original article is in this thread..
No mention that VR thought he seemed strange in any way. :waitasec:

"On July 9, Mr. Holmes stopped by Zephyr Bar, where he talked with Virginia Rosetta Jones, a neighbor from across the street who would often see him at the bar. They shared a beer and chatted."

"He seemed really educated and he talked about furthering his education," she said. "I told him to keep doing what he was doing."

How many of that list of people that suffer some kind of mental illness have killed people in a movie theater?

Or killed anyone anywhere?

I was responding more to the sense I had that so many posts were IMO like because JH planning skills that means no mental illiness. SO I thought hey a list of folks who have been able to highly productive, organized, etc etc still suffering.................

First of all, just because someone suffers from a mental illness does not mean it is debilitating enough to render them incapable of functioning. Those who commit crimes when at that level, however, are the only ones who stand a chance to get off on an insanity plea. Thus, the majority of people who suffer from depression, or anxiety disorder or whatever, do not suffer to the degree that they can't function or can't determine what's right or wrong.

Second, most people with mental illness have times when it is really affecting them and times when it is not. During the times it is really affecting them (like they are hearing voices about harming themselves or others), they are NOT highly productive or organized.

Third, none of the people on your list committed murder. None. Mental illness does not explain or excuse how a man who was doing well in a doctoral program until about mid-May, decide then to methodically plan and execute a murder, taking months to organize.

If he was too crazy to be held responsible, he was too crazy to do much planning at all. If he was too crazy to be responsible, chances are he would have suddenly attacked one or two people, with no prior planning at all.

Bottom line, just because a bunch of famous people have had mental problems at some point in their lives, does not mean that the coward who massacred 12 innocent people does too, nor that he is so ill that he shouldn't be found culpable by our justice system. :moo:
Well, I was also questioning if the administrator would take them out for "drinks" if they were alcoholic drinks because I would think that would be a bad practice legally for the school and
administrator. Is that common in general?


In a college setting that is normal. We drank with my prof4essors in law school on occasion. I know other people whose professors take them out for beers at the end of the semester.
Ya know I'm very bothered by the man whose going around stating that the shooter had his regular dark hair Tuesday evening when he had beers with him.. This just cannot and is not accurate and is easily provable..so why does this guy feel the need to make up this lie??.. anyone??

I say easily provable as clearly the shooters dark roots were evident in today's court hearing.. Proving his hair had been colored for quite some time.. Not to mention the picture evidence proving the shooter had long since dyed his hair since early July..

Why is this guy lying???

Well why don't you ask him. It's not as if he is some unattainable figure like the Pope. He phoned into JVM. She specifically asked questions regarding Eagan's hair color that Tuesday.

This man has given other media interviews. I do not believe anyone has asked about Eagan's hair color.

The dude most likely has an FB - twitter - something. Could express sympathy for his situation. Mention his segment on JVM and how courageous he is in coming forward. Possibly ask a question or two. He seems to need some comfort at this time and is finding it in talking it out.
This is also from the same article and it reads rather odd.

...snipped..."Shortly after the tests were done, the classmate said, a neuroscience administrator took the group for drinks to tell them Mr. Holmes had dropped out."

Here's how it could seem - like hey let's go for drinks, he's finally gone. It's just an odd sentence I guess.

I have a feeling from the beginning that something happened in that school...school could be hiding something..i can feel it and i also feel that he was LET go!..

When classes ended in May, the students were required to pass a first-year test referred to as the "prelims." The school said students had to stand before three professors and answer questions.

Shortly after the tests were done, the classmate said, a neuroscience administrator took the group for drinks to tell them Mr. Holmes had dropped out. The administrator said she received a short resignation email from Mr. Holmes that didn't explain why. Some assumed he had gone back to California.

I don't think he is insane.
I don't think he is mentally ill.
I think he is simply evil.
I have a feeling from the beginning that something happened in that school...school could be hiding something..i can feel it and i also feel that he was LET go!..

When classes ended in May, the students were required to pass a first-year test referred to as the "prelims." The school said students had to stand before three professors and answer questions.

Shortly after the tests were done, the classmate said, a neuroscience administrator took the group for drinks to tell them Mr. Holmes had dropped out. The administrator said she received a short resignation email from Mr. Holmes that didn't explain why. Some assumed he had gone back to California.


Why would the school hide anything? I'm not able to imagine why they'd have to hide letting him go even if they did. Could you share your thoughts please?
I have a feeling from the beginning that something happened in that school...school could be hiding something..i can feel it and i also feel that he was LET go!..

When classes ended in May, the students were required to pass a first-year test referred to as the "prelims." The school said students had to stand before three professors and answer questions.

Shortly after the tests were done, the classmate said, a neuroscience administrator took the group for drinks to tell them Mr. Holmes had dropped out. The administrator said she received a short resignation email from Mr. Holmes that didn't explain why. Some assumed he had gone back to California.


Now i dont know how i feel about YPL's association on this. He could know the truth. I dont want to insert him here ( sorry admin ) but he was a possible concerned classmate who told LE that JH is sick, stopped taking his medicine and Jail is not the right place for him but Hospital. Just some theory.... i still feel some cover-up happened when nobody wants to release his name in the media and yet Fox Denver has the info...moving on until i see this YPL's name come up again..
Why would the school hide anything? I'm not able to imagine why they'd have to hide letting him go even if they did. Could you share your thoughts please?

Ived read on one article that JH could be arrogant if he wants to per his classmate and he knows how to refused.


That oral examination for their prelims that happened in May could have started an arguments betweem him and those 3 teachers/admins who made the oral exam. They possibly wanted him to change his study or research and he refused... I dont know i am just guessing for now but something that he got frustrated, he was possibly working on something so bad and he got rejected and he believed that he was right. Maybe somebody even call his work as a "joke" for him to call himself as a Joker :(
Sorry to quote myself. Nobody finds it odd that he does not have eyelashes in the mugshot? Was this talked about already and I missed it? There are a lot of behavioral disorders where one might pull out their eyelashes. In the earlier photos of him he had very dark eyelashes.

yes, I've noticed that too!
I asked in a previous post if anyone else noticed that maybe he plucks his eyebrows, what do you think? I think they look different, much thinner, compared to earlier photos when he had dark hair. IMO very peculiar makeover...
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