*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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The more I look at him , the more I wonder whether he is thyrotoxic

Thank You. I think you just diagnosed me.

Thyrotoxic myopathy may include muscle weakness, the breakdown of muscle tissue, fatigue, and heat intolerance (Quin, 1951). Physical acts such as lifting objects and climbing stairs may become increasingly difficult.

He did so much physical exercise in his killing of innocent people. I would think with the condition you mentioned, he wouldn't be up to it. Besides, I think his thinking would be less sharp and make execution of plans daunting.
Susan Smith was never sent to a mental institution. She was sent to prison for killing her two sons.

Andrea Yates was sent to a mental institution for drowning her five children.

Yes, you're right. Thank you for correcting me.
IMO, Grad school is totally different than college -- college you apply poof

grad school, you start preparing 18 mo. ahead, , you sit for GRE, you wait, at that point all you are trying to do, is be given permission, to even try ,to see, if they will even let you ask them, to send them, your application, to even be considered , to get into the program , then another whole 8 months goes by, then if they say ok, we will let you send us your stuff, then a lot of times, they have another whole test to take, then you go in for interviews, then you meet facility, then you wait , then they say you’re in group , then you go back in again, then the committee sits with you again for another 5 hours , then you wait more , then finally you get accepted into the program , then they tell you are on probation for a year !!!

NOW if he had been failing from beginning diff notion he soared!

Point: for someone to just email, the head of your grad program (email- for somone functioning you just do not do that!) ,
and say take me out bye –

just indicative of something else (MI)

It’s not ,people drop out at the GRAD level, all the time.

Just nope (heart attack , car wreck, cancer, possibly even that would be a long phone call about future stuff!)

An email to your department head no reason ugh nope.......................
IMO, It is a collective portrait of an individual suffering with severe problems falling down and everyone walking by!

Just like Sandusky stuff administration covered it up and look at what happened there .
That case is breaking huge in the last several months. IMO, my contention is that hugely influnced admin at JH univ the last 5 days.

All IMO administors look at is liability. They are just coming off Sandusky, Virginia tech, FOrt worth, and now they are involved in the biggest mass murderer in the history of the United States of America.

Say nothing (only to protect themselves) that is my concern.

Obviously something went wrong here NO?

wait. a collective portrait by whom? who is the one collecting all of that info? is there a centralized database where we can go and input our opinions of others so that other people can look a person up and see the collection of thoughts and opinions of people who encounter others on a daily basis?


i can only wonder what the collective portrait database says about me.........lol

i mean...this is getting a little silly now....i get trying to analyze the behaviors of the suspect and figure out WHY he did what he did...but i dont get trying to analyze the behaviors of every single person he came into contact with and analyze why they didnt call law enforcement and say: OMG OMG OMG OMG HE HAS ORANGE HAIR!!

or: OMG OMG OMG did you hear his voice mail message? quick, call 911!
Some kill because they are angry. No mental illness, just fed up.

Some kill because they caught their spouse in bed with another. That falls under crime of passion.

Some kill for money.

Some kill to be rid of a responsibility.

Some kill for the thrill.

Some kill for notoriety.
If its not clear this is my opinion only this individual was not descending and spiraling into a mental illness that began to rear its ugly head in his mid twenties.. Nope this is a straight up narcissistic MAN that was sick of being the underdog.. Sick of people not recognizing his intelligence.. And quite frankly sick of women rejecting the hell out of him.. He's nothing but an angry SOB!! And you damn well better believe angry SOBS will plot, plan, and slaughter innocent people.. This shooter is a classic example of an angry SOB that was fed up and decided he was gonna show us all!!!

What we saw yesterday In court is EXACTLY WHAT I SAID IT WAS AN UNMEDICATED INDIVIDUAL ACTING OUT WHAT HE BELIEVED A SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL PERSON WOULD BE DOING!!!.. And as someone said before me he fooled an awful lot of people and IMO if people don't wake up to just what the hell this cold blooded monster is up to he just might win himself out of the death penalty.. Look how many have so much sympathy for him!!!. It's exactly what happens when you place these monsters in the court room and theyre giving their performance of a lifetime.. Casey Anthony did it!!.. All she had to do was keep up the act for those jurors she faced everyday and she played their sympathy like an effing symphony orchestra.. Played them and laughed her *advertiser censored* all the way out of that courtroom..

The same exact thing is happening here except with this monster instead of playing daddy raped me, he's playing I'm so mentally ill.. And look how many already bought it.. Hook..line.. And sinker.. It's pathetic and I pray to God the media if they're going to continue the 24/7 coverage.. I pray to God they continue to expose the truth.. Truth being the cold blooded, long term calculation and premeditation of the purest of evil that went into this slaughtering the innocent as if shooting fish in a barrel..and expose that there's no heavy duty meds, nor debilitating mental illness at play here.. He's a black hearted, cold, sinister, evil monster who the last thing he deserves is sympathy:. It's repulsive and I truly wish more would take time to think about the victims and survivors that are left in the tragic wake of his evil.. That's who deserves every single solitary ounce of our sympathy.. NOT A MURDEROUS MONSTER!!!

I'm disgusted thoroughly!!!!
You say you are not 'blaming' the school, yet reread your own words:

"BUt IMO this admin did not cause what everyone saw (students are not gonna "tell" they want their degree!) they all IMO know they should have addressed it, i bet they are quietly doing guilt

70 people lives are messed up now cause the few people that saw changes did nothing ....that is sad, IMO he has slipped through the cracks, and as a result of that , here we all are ...............................sad more than anything"

It sounds to me like you are blaming the University. I think that is pretty unfair.

You say they should have called LE. About what? A student drops out of his grad program and LE is going to do what?

And is there a link to your final statement :
"obviously several people near the end had concerns over both his behaviors and his dress ... SIGNS SIGNS SIGNS ! "
It sounds to me like you are blaming the University. I am not -the silence is just odd to me and media outlets around the world. I am saying the system failed

Dr. Keith Ablow shared his diagnosis on the matter on America Live. He explained that there are holes in the mental health care system, including the student health care system on college campuses and in graduate schools, big enough to drive “no pun intended – a mad man through.”

While he isn’t sure these are present in this case, Ablow said that schizophrenia, drug abuse and addiction, bipolar disorder and other delusional disorders can strike people of this age.

In discussing Holmes’s demeanor in court earlier today, he said, “He may have been medicated while in jail, that’s possible. He may in fact be coursing in and out of different states of consciousness, literally attending to voices he hears and therefore at one time, seeming not to be able to attend to things.”
And he didn't just snap as some suggest.. He didn't just wake up one morning and say to himself I'm gonna go slaughter as many innocents as I possibly can!!!.. This is not descending or snapping or a psychotic break!! This killer used every ounce of his intelligence thoroughly and methodically planning on a daily basis for months this massacre.. That is not mental illness that is pure, straight up pent up anger, hatred, frustration all funneled into his little pet project.. Slaughter the innocent!!!

Welcome to the real world Jimmy!!! We all get sick of it.. We all get frustrated and angry.. But your selfish, self centered immature *advertiser censored* decided.. AND I VERY MUCH MEAN DECIDED TO SHOW US ALL THAT YOU ARE BIG AND BAD!! No your not!! You're a p**** coward.. A little boy with a dark evil soul that cowardly slaughtered babies!! You're nothing.. You couldn't even handle life and it sure as hell isnt because of a mental illness.. The only thing you'll be remembered for is looking like a dumbass Ronald McDonald look alike and took out your complete and total ineptness at ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE .. Your cowardly *advertiser censored* took it out on innocent babies.. What a loser coward you are and that's the ONLY thing you'll be remembered as...
plus this is COLORADO....pot capital of the united states....someone smoking pot here in COLORADO is not unusual or anything to even take a 2nd thought at. :floorlaugh:

that neighbor clearly just moved here.....
Ahhh not what I am saying

IMO a 24 year old, who lives alone, has an apt, is not out with friends somewhere, JUDGEMENT, why not toke inside your house.

If he was with friends somewhere and everyone wants to go smoke go to the back of whereever and enjoy!

No reason for him to be alone outside, risking a hassle , with a joint,

IMPAIRED JUDGEMENT was the deal not smoking pot

Lets keep this thread for the Colorado Shooting and not other cases. Thank you!

If its not clear this is my opinion only this individual was not descending and spiraling into a mental illness that began to rear its ugly head in his mid twenties.. Nope this is a straight up narcissistic MAN that was sick of being the underdog.. Sick of people not recognizing his intelligence.. And quite frankly sick of women rejecting the hell out of him.. He's nothing but an angry SOB!! And you damn well better believe angry SOBS will plot, plan, and slaughter innocent people.. This shooter is a classic example of an angry SOB that was fed up and decided he was gonna show us all!!!

What we saw yesterday In court is EXACTLY WHAT I SAID IT WAS AN UNMEDICATED INDIVIDUAL ACTING OUT WHAT HE BELIEVED A SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL PERSON WOULD BE DOING!!!.. And as someone said before me he fooled an awful lot of people and IMO if people don't wake up to just what the hell this cold blooded monster is up to he just might win himself out of the death penalty.. Look how many have so much sympathy for him!!!. It's exactly what happens when you place these monsters in the court room and theyre giving their performance of a lifetime.. Casey Anthony did it!!.. All she had to do was keep up the act for those jurors she faced everyday and she played their sympathy like an effing symphony orchestra.. Played them and laughed her *advertiser censored* all the way out of that courtroom..

The same exact thing is happening here except with this monster instead of playing daddy raped me, he's playing I'm so mentally ill.. And look how many already bought it.. Hook..line.. And sinker.. It's pathetic and I pray to God the media if they're going to continue the 24/7 coverage.. I pray to God they continue to expose the truth.. Truth being the cold blooded, long term calculation and premeditation of the purest of evil that went into this slaughtering the innocent as if shooting fish in a barrel..and expose that there's no heavy duty meds, nor debilitating mental illness at play here.. He's a black hearted, cold, sinister, evil monster who the last thing he deserves is sympathy:. It's repulsive and I truly wish more would take time to think about the victims and survivors that are left in the tragic wake of his evil.. That's who deserves every single solitary ounce of our sympathy.. NOT A MURDEROUS MONSTER!!!

I'm disgusted thoroughly!!!!

I don't think here is anyone on this site who doesn't feel for the innocently murdered victims and the families of all of them.
They woudn't be here otherwise.
Huh? The movie has been estimated to have made $161 million over the opening weekend and I am still seeing previews for it on TV. I saw it with my husband over the weekend and it was good and everyone in our theater had an enjoyable experience.

This tragedy was HORRIBLE. It sickens me. But there's no reason to blame Warner brothers, the dark knight, the actors, the theater, moviegoers, or anyone EXCEPT the shooter for what happened. People should not refrain from going to the movies out of fear of something like this happening. I for one am not going to let the shooter get the satisfaction of scaring me out of an innocent activity such as going to the movies.

It is sad that this movie will forever be associated with a terrible tragedy, but Warner Brothers is donating money to the victims and their families in Colorado, and while that does nothing to bring the victims back or anything, we can't forget to place the blame where it belongs: with JH.


This scenario, I can see happening....I guess maybe in the future some other info might come out but with the gag order in place we probably won't know much for a long time to come

I think your type of spin is beyond the beyond.

I never mentiond Warner Brothers. (link where I did)
The movei made a lot of money prior to the event.

In many areas the ticket sales slowed down.
I made no mention of anyone other than move going into DVD. - that is all I said,
As I result of the stigma that is now attached.
How did Warner Brothers get into this :waitasec:
That s right SPIN AWAY...
JH belongs behind bar forever. Nobody ever blamed anyone but JH

and by the way I just had lunch in HARLEM.... Was invited to gourmet Soul food restaurant.
Had I taken a gun with me LOL (I want nothing t do with guns) I would have been arrested.
I am not shacking from my lunch in HARLEM I had a great time.
Oh... they also have 1-3 million dollar homes there LOL
I would agree with the "mental" argument if NOT for the fact that he completely rigged his apartment up with explosives. Seems like you need to have a calm, cool, and collective mind to do that.....and still be able to get out yourself.

Must have took him a long time to rig his apartment up that way. That means a LONG time where your brain would have to be clear thinking...or at least enough to know what wire goes to which without blowing your own self up.
wait. a collective portrait by whom? who is the one collecting all of that info? is there a centralized database where we can go and input our opinions of others so that other people can look a person up and see the collection of thoughts and opinions of people who encounter others on a daily basis?


i can only wonder what the collective portrait database says about me.........lol!

LOL...yes I hear you on that one! Random human behavioral extremes happen (note I said random, such as PHD Students going on killing sprees). Predators happen, it is called part of life.
I don't think here is anyone on this site who doesn't feel for the innocently murdered victims and the families of all of them.
They woudn't be here otherwise.
Ugh and the survivors hell is only beginning its just awful....................
Does anyone know the capacity of theatre (9)?

did he pick the biggest one that night?

And if the theatre held 400 then I am gonna conclude that his rifle jamming saved the world from more horror.

Is that nuts?

Well there already is one trying to sue - so ask them?


1. The theater. Karpel claims it was negligent for the theater to have an emergency door in the front that was not alarmed or guarded. It’s widely believed xxxxxx entered the theater with a ticket, propped the emergency door open from inside, went to his car and returned with guns.

2. xxxxxx’ doctors. Karpel says it appears xxxxxx was on several medications — prescribed by one or more doctors – at the time of the shooting and he believes the docs did not properly monitor xxxxxx.

3. Warner Bros. Karpel says “Dark Knight Rises” was particularly violent and xxxxxx mimicked some of the action. The attorney says theater goers were helpless because they thought the shooter was part of the movie. Karpel tells TMZ, “Somebody has to be responsible for the rampant violence that is shown today.”

Respectfully redacted by me.

Codswallop. Karpel is just making noise with his blow hole.
1. Negligence is found when it can be determined that something was foreseeable and that an entity or person failed in their basic duty of care. A person entering a theater, then exiting out an emergency exit, which he then props open, only to return with an arsenal, is certainly not foreseeable. Having guards at the emergency exits would be financially prohibitive and is not required, legally. Having alarms would also not be required. And alarms would just encourage kids to run around causing havoc in theaters. Alarms would not alert people that a mass murderer is approaching.
2. There has been no MSM confirmation of any kind, not even a rumor, that the coward was prescribed psych meds or under a doctor's care for mental issues. Speculation, yes, but nothing more. However, if he was, under Colorado law, his psychiatrist could be liable for his conduct if it was very clear that he posed a danger to society and the doctor was negligent in his care of the patient, such as ordering his release from a mental institution. Failing to "monitor" the patient would not render the doctor liable unless his failure to monitor was accompanied by an over act such as release from the hospital or a letter to his school stating he was stable or sane, when the doctor had not assessed him. https://litigation-essentials.lexis...cid=3B15&key=83e214567f005cf17fef909e77cd0b24
3. Please. The movie business would go under if producers of "violent" film were held liable for the conduct of anyone who claimed they acted as a result of the film. The media has been found by various court rulings (upheld by the supreme court) to have a first amendment right to express what they want and no foreseeable causal link between violent media and violent conduct has been found in these cases: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Sanders_v._Acclaim_Entertainment

Sanders v. Acclaim Entertainment, a Colorado case, evidences that.

In the article you cite, Karpel states: “Somebody has to be responsible for the rampant violence that is shown today.” as a justification for why such lawsuits should be filed. Well I have news for him. Someone will be held accountable. The murderer. Isn't that a novel idea? Geez Louise!!

Actually faking it could get him out of it someday if he convinces the court that he is insane. If this happens he will be sent to a mental hospital where if it is determined the he is someday cured he can be set free. It's called innocent be reason of insanity. The implying that he is "innocent" once he is determined to no longer be a threat to society (in other words cured) he can be discharged from a mental hospital because he would not be "legally guilty" of anything. For example, Susan Smith's doctors are trying to get her released from the mental hospital she was sent to following killing her 5 children. I'm not saying that he will get off; what I am saying is I believe he's trying to fake insanity with the hopes of this happening. As for my labeling him as pure evil, sorry if thats not a politically correct term but some serious offenders are just that. I don't believe in coddling these monsters by giving them some classy mental illness term. He's sick, hes evil, he's a monster.

We are not Canada. It's highly, highly unlikely. If a guy is found that ill in the U.S. he will never be released from a mental institution. But it would be a rare thing to see him found not guilty by reason of insanity at all, even if he was gibbering under the table during trial. Do you all realize how many seriously ill people are sentenced to prison? People who cannot even stay in their seat during their trial? This guy looked as sober as the judge in his recent appearance, in comparison.

To me, this is an open and shut case. The school has already received a $55,000 fine from the U.S. Education Department after a state panel investigation found officials erred in not sending a warning alert out earlier

THis is my deal I think they are being hush hush now


Honey, you do realize that the Virginia Tech case was about their failure to warn students that an emergency was occurring, after that emergency began, even though they had time and the means to do so and it could have saved lives? Virginia Tech. was not and will not be found liable for not "responding" or "addressing" possible mental issues of the mass murderer there.

I am an attorney and I ask that you trust me on this because it is getting weary to cite all these cases and law to rebut every misconception. But schools are not guardians of the students that attend and the staff have no duty to monitor their behavior and assess them for potential mental problems. Okay? The only exception to that would be if a seriously disturbed student threatened repeatedly to harm staff or other students and the school failed to expel that student, who then harmed staff or other students. That's it. You need a clear threat and likely more than one. Odd behavior is simply not enough.

Patterns,dying hair odd color , failing boards, dropping outof elite grad school after doing great a year, , scaring gun store owners, gun range people refusing admission, and that is all we know now there will be IMO tons of signs for months . IMO IMOIMOIMOIMOIMO

Whoa, what? Do you know how many college kids dye their hair? We do not have confirmation that this guy failed. Students drop out every day across America from difficult programs, no gun store owner stated they were "scared" by this creep (link), and the observations of the gun range owner were unknown by anyone but the gun range staff, so that behavior
does not indicate a thing unless it was made known to people in the murderer's life who may have been aware of other changes.

I mean, are you aware of how many people begin acting oddly or having extreme upheaval in their lives who do NOT then massacre a bunch of people, or even one person?

I know this is scary and we want to be able to find something that could predict what was going to happen so we can somehow avoid it in the future, but sometimes unpredictable tragedies just happen. Sometimes, evil succeeds in its mission.

Andrea is one of the few cases I've ever followed where I agreed she had to be insane. I would support her being released from prison.

Although I agree she is insane I would not support her release. Once a person goes that crazy that they kill another, especially their own children, they are like a dog gone bad, IMO and need to be locked up for life. She has reached such a level of insanity that it is unlikely she will ever be stable enough to be in a society that does not strictly monitor such persons, or remain stable enough. :twocents:
It sounds to me like you are blaming the University. *I am not -the silence is just odd to me and media outlets around the world. I am saying the system failed*

Dr. Keith Ablow shared his diagnosis on the matter on America Live. He explained that there are holes in the mental health care system, including the student health care system on college campuses and in graduate schools, big enough to drive “no pun intended – a mad man through.”*

While he isn’t sure these are present in this case, Ablow said that schizophrenia, drug abuse and addiction, bipolar disorder and other delusional disorders can strike people of this age.

In discussing Holmes’s demeanor in court earlier today, he said, “He may have been medicated while in jail, that’s possible. He may in fact be coursing in and out of different states of consciousness, literally attending to voices he hears and therefore at one time, seeming not to be able to attend to things.”
Dr Keith Ablow is a complete joke and any sliver of credibility that he had is long gone with his pairing up with Glen Beck and their cashing in on Casey Anthony..

Hah!! What a joke..

As far as the school goes your quote was
"70 people's lives are messed up because of the few you said nothing.. ".. This quote within the context of speaking of the University.. You also said they're likely eaten up with guilt..

No, they're not and the responsibility LIES WITH NOONE BUT THE COLD BLOODED KILLER!!.. NOT the University, NOT the parents, NOT the neighbors, NOT the man at a gun store...
The sole responsibility lies with one person, a cold blooded slaughterer who doesn't deserve to have his name uttered.. HE IS WHERE THE BLAME LIES AND NOT ANYONE ELSE!
I would agree with the "mental" argument if NOT for the fact that he completely rigged his apartment up with explosives. Seems like you need to have a calm, cool, and collective mind to do that.....and still be able to get out yourself.

Must have took him a long time to rig his apartment up that way. That means a LONG time where your brain would have to be clear thinking...or at least enough to know what wire goes to which without blowing your own self up.
Thats what I thought then someone here made a good point --- maybe he just laid everything out but did not like really wire it up to go till that night?
I don't know what you mean by "normal" people.

OK I know "Normal" is a cycle on the dryer...LOL

Quirke is fine, goofy is fine, but mentally off balance without meds is another thing.
And Mentally ill and evil - that is something like what we have in this case.
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