DFC Called on Protesters...

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Umm, her "sweet little boy" needs a few bars of soap for that trash mouth of his!

I think what he needs is a role model that doesn't teach him it's OK to talk trash. He was only doing what his mother was doing. What chance does he have to learn the right way to behave with a mom like that? The way he talks is HER fault, not his.
I think what he needs is a role model that doesn't teach him it's OK to talk trash. He was only doing what his mother was doing. What chance does he have to learn the right way to behave with a mom like that? The way he talks is HER fault, not his.

Hope Casey was peeking out the window when all of that was going down, because the majority of the women in prison look and act just like that out of control protestor. That's what she has to look forward to in the slammer. When will Cindy and George learn to stay inside or go in the backyard? That woman was a scrapper and was ready to kill Cindy.

you are right about the caliber of people in jail. i suggest casey start doing some push-ups.
I know some folks here think that children shouldn't have been taken there. Because something might happen. Dude! We can NOT live like that. People can be hurt anywhere! If we are not to send kids to places where they might get hurt.... then many parents should have their kids taken away for allowing them to attend school! What happened in front of the A's could have happened anywhere. Confrontations do happen. Should ALL parents who get into confrontations have their children taken away? What about Little League games? Wow! It gets wild there. Should parents that take their kids to Little League games have their child taken away?

Comparing what's going on at the Anthony protests etc to a Little League game is kinda like comparing taking a child to a pit bull fight vs taking a child to a wiener dog race.

Kids yes, can get hurt anywhere, but when you knowingly take them into a volitale situation in which you know more likely than not could result in your child being hurt, is just wrong. I wouldn't send my child to school if the teachers there were holding hammers, with adults fighting, media everywhere etc. We are not talking about taking a stroll down past the Anthony's house on a typical Sunday afternoon. We're talking about taking young babies there after 10pm or later. Having small children surronded by people yelling baby killer. Yes, she might be a baby killer, but do you want to take your kids to that persons house? I think the ONLY reason people are doing this is because they don't "fear Casey". If Casey was some burly man who was suspected of molesting small children....I bet none of those mothers would have their children out there protesting. Would a mother bring their young children to Scott Peterson's house to protest? Would a pregnant mother feel comfortable standing outside of Scott Peterson's house protesting? When he was inside? Why do children need to be brought into this kind of environment? Give me one good reason why a child needs to be brought to the Anthony House to protest - and don't say to learn to uphold the constitution. I'm talking the young babies that won't even remember this or understand what a constitution is.
Why do children need to be taken anywhere at all? Shall we really leave kids at home where they are totally protected from everything? That is unrealistic.

Yes, this is alot like little league.

This was suppose to be peaceful. Most of the time it IS peaceful. At times things get emotional and out of hand. Over STUPID stuff.

That can describe what is going on at the A's and it can describe youth sporting events. Tee Hee!

No offense towards little league, I'm just using that as a known example. I've seen the same stuff in all sorts of youth sports. It's the parents that act just horribly!

Folks, the idea that kids should be raised with cotton around them, is just plan nuts. We all could see that something MIGHT happen. But we can also watch a corner of a busy intersection and say the same thing. Yet folks still will cross. and eventually someone does get hurt.
My daughter is in elementary school. I would not bring her on a walk around the block there. I do not want her to know that any of the Anthonys or protesters exist. Children need to play and read and enjoy meals with their families. Bringing them into a situation where they are going to hear things about events and concepts that are angry, evil and foreign to them is not nurturing or helpful in any way. That boy that was hurt needed to be home sleeping.

Is his next field trip to the dollar ballet?
Why do children need to be taken anywhere at all? Shall we really leave kids at home where they are totally protected from everything? That is unrealistic.

Yes, this is alot like little league.

This was suppose to be peaceful. Most of the time it IS peaceful. At times things get emotional and out of hand. Over STUPID stuff.

That can describe what is going on at the A's and it can describe youth sporting events. Tee Hee!

No offense towards little league, I'm just using that as a known example. I've seen the same stuff in all sorts of youth sports. It's the parents that act just horribly!

Folks, the idea that kids should be raised with cotton around them, is just plan nuts. We all could see that something MIGHT happen. But we can also watch a corner of a busy intersection and say the same thing. Yet folks still will cross. and eventually someone does get hurt.

um not cotton, but I don't think I would be taking my kid to protest in front of a house that belongs to a family I don't know where people are screaming things like MURDERER at almost 1AM. That is just very bad parenting. I have two kids and they are both in bed by 10PM. I suggest other parents do the same and maybe their kids would not be on tv getting hurt and getting reported to children's services.
My daughter is in elementary school. I would not bring her on a walk around the block there. I do not want her to know that any of the Anthonys or protesters exist. Children need to play and read and enjoy meals with their families. Bringing them into a situation where they are going to hear things about events and concepts that are angry, evil and foreign to them is not nurturing or helpful in any way. That boy that was hurt needed to be home sleeping.

Is his next field trip to the dollar ballet?

I agree - jsut really bad bad parenting right there. I mean we have been hearing on the news how fights have been breaking out there. The Anthony home is NOT an amusement park it is the private home of a family. I have seen the videos of the fights and the people slamming on their door at night with their entire families in tow - it is just disgusting. I wouldn't even take my 15 year old there. These protestors should go home already and get a life.
Umm, her "sweet little boy" needs a few bars of soap for that trash mouth of his!

Yeah, I'd agree to that IF his own mother could've handled herself in an appropriate manner in front of her child and America. Apparently, he was just repeating what he's heard coming from her! I totally blame that on his mother's poor parenting--sweet or not.
I'm new to WS. So here goes, if child endangerment means putting a child in harms way, and you can be charged with that. And the protesters are at the A's house for the little girl. Then why are they putting their own children in harms way? I'm not saying to stop the protesting, but do it in a more positive and productive way, and for God's sakes leave the children at home!!
Sigh..... Thanks for tuning in NC. Read up a bit on FL system please. I know of kids in the Foster system who were yanked from place to place AT NIGHT! We have had kids taken, and ended up sleeping in DCF offices.

And no, they are not only removed if thought to be in immediate danger

How many of the folks here who think that DCF should have been called, really thought that the parents was going to go home and hurt this child? Or that the parents wasn't going to seek medical care for the child if needed?

Respectfully snipped
I know that I was glad when I saw myFox station interviewing a member of DCF yesterday morning. If people are surprised that a visit to scream at the Anthony's invites a visit from DCF they should be made aware of it.

It doesn't occur to some folks that situations on TV can also be dangerous.
The family is pretty bad. Not nearly as bad as the Anthony family though

Cindy has a mouth on her too. She really needs to stay away from these protesters. Why not have the body guards hammer stakes into the ground and throw up the crime scene tape.
This is exactly why a 3rd party....ie DFC needs to step in. They can investigate and they can talk to parents. An appropriate thing to take your children to, would be say....a vigil in the park for Caylee, or a balloon releasing. This is a traumatic situation. A little girl is missing. They may never find Caylee. They may find Caylee dead. They may find horrible things. So when you tote your 5 year old or your 9 year old along how do you explain innocent before proven guilty, right to a fair trail or how about........child neglect when your out there carting around a Tomb Stone and telling Caylee's grandma to go to hell?

And about the example comparing this to Little League..... and something as volatile as this situation broke out with parents screaming at each other, taking out some base ball bats and throwing punches. I bet 9/10 parents here would take their child by the hand and say....."See those Adults over there, they are an example of what NOT do" and we'd go home...and mommy would call the police on her way to home.
Cindy has a mouth on her too. She really needs to stay away from these protesters. Why not have the body guards hammer stakes into the ground and throw up the crime scene tape.

That's what their getting paid to do dang it! Let them actually do something. Cindy likes to provoke and enjoys the attention no matter what comes of it. No kids could be in that type of situation but God forbid! Cindy do not! I repeat do not chase a protester to their vehicle when they are getting ready to leave. That is just an attempt to try and get them to stay.......do you really want them there that bad? It would seem so
Sigh..... Thanks for tuning in NC. Read up a bit on FL system please. I know of kids in the Foster system who were yanked from place to place AT NIGHT! We have had kids taken, and ended up sleeping in DCF offices.

And no, they are not only removed if thought to be in immediate danger.

We need the DCF. It does save childrens lives. But the reality is that they are over worked, and understaffed. Folks are low paid. Much of the investigation is checked against what the investigator believes is the correct way of parenting. Last time I checked, no 2 parents agree 100% on how to raise a child.

I'm not slamming DCF. I'm slamming folks who think calling DCF is the answer to every situation that they don't approve of. Unless it's a serious situation, they might cause more problem then there was. which would make WHOM the child abuser?

How many of the folks here who think that DCF should have been called, really thought that the parents was going to go home and hurt this child? Or that the parents wasn't going to seek medical care for the child if needed?

I don't need to read up on the FL system - I lived there for 32 years and worked the last +5 with homeless families with children. As a family specialist I worked very closely with DCF, the courts, CMS and nearly every other agency in the county and quite a few outside of it. Before that I worked for another agency that focused on the needs and well-being of children (for roughly 10 years).

I realize you don't know anything about me, and I didn't see any reason to qualify myself before posting as it was not relevant to the subject. But since I apparently do need to clarify, I have worked with DCF to have children removed from their families; to help reunite families; to keep children with their families; for said families to comply with the conditions set forth by the court; and to assist families in obtaining every available service/resource to help improve their lives, their parenting skills, and their health and socioeconomic status.

And I've had to tell families to leave with as little as a 72 hour notice - and trust me that is not a fun thing to do. Especially not when there are children involved - and there always were. All in all having DCF involved for a set amount of time is not the worst thing that can happen to a family or to children living in dangerous environments!

I do agree that DCF workers are overworked, underpaid and I'll add unappreciated. They do however follow guidelines and there is not as much subjectivity involved as you are implying. Children aren't removed from a home based on a worker's intuition or personal beliefs about child care - although having good intuition sure can be an asset. But it takes solid facts to remove a child. No judge is going to accept a 'well that's not how I raise my children' or 'but they're just not like my family' as a reason for removing a child. In fact such statements would put one more person in the unemployment line real fast!

Yes, sometimes people are quick to report something that looks suspicious; but is it not better to report it than to read in the paper or see on the news that the child had been killed or severely injured? --To realize you might have saved that child if you'd picked up the phone and done something instead of feeling everything would be just peachy after everyone calmed down? Yeah, I do believe I'd go with making the call over having to live with that kind of guilt the rest of my life!!!

I have seen situations where reports were determined to be unfounded within a matter of days -- without taking the child from the home, but I've yet to see a case where DCF got and stayed involved without reason.

With this particular family IMO the call was justified based on the behaviors displayed. The child was up way too late and was brought into a volatile situation - made more volatile by the actions of the 'mother' and even the child himself. The child was injured because the 'mother' needed to be restrained. The seemingly injured child was ignored because his 'mother' apparently felt it was more appropriate to continue screaming obscenities and insults rather than tending to him. And when they finally decide to leave it's with the child doing his best imitation of his 'mother' -- I'm sure that made her proud.

So could I be certain she wouldn't go off on him at home or even just down the street? Absolutely and unequivocally NO I could not!! She was, at best, in a confrontational and aggressive mood, and who knows maybe she felt that he ruined her fun for the night by getting himself hurt! Better a kid with a bruised arm than one slammed against a wall or worse.

...Stepping off my soapbox...
I don't need to read up on the FL system - I lived there for 32 years and worked the last +5 with homeless families with children. As a family specialist I worked very closely with DCF, the courts, CMS and nearly every other agency in the county and quite a few outside of it. Before that I worked for another agency that focused on the needs and well-being of children (for roughly 10 years).

I realize you don't know anything about me, and I didn't see any reason to qualify myself before posting as it was not relevant to the subject. But since I apparently do need to clarify, I have worked with DCF to have children removed from their families; to help reunite families; to keep children with their families; for said families to comply with the conditions set forth by the court; and to assist families in obtaining every available service/resource to help improve their lives, their parenting skills, and their health and socioeconomic status.

And I've had to tell families to leave with as little as a 72 hour notice - and trust me that is not a fun thing to do. Especially not when there are children involved - and there always were. All in all having DCF involved for a set amount of time is not the worst thing that can happen to a family or to children living in dangerous environments!

I do agree that DCF workers are overworked, underpaid and I'll add unappreciated. They do however follow guidelines and there is not as much subjectivity involved as you are implying. Children aren't removed from a home based on a worker's intuition or personal beliefs about child care - although having good intuition sure can be an asset. But it takes solid facts to remove a child. No judge is going to accept a 'well that's not how I raise my children' or 'but they're just not like my family' as a reason for removing a child. In fact such statements would put one more person in the unemployment line real fast!

Yes, sometimes people are quick to report something that looks suspicious; but is it not better to report it than to read in the paper or see on the news that the child had been killed or severely injured? --To realize you might have saved that child if you'd picked up the phone and done something instead of feeling everything would be just peachy after everyone calmed down? Yeah, I do believe I'd go with making the call over having to live with that kind of guilt the rest of my life!!!

I have seen situations where reports were determined to be unfounded within a matter of days -- without taking the child from the home, but I've yet to see a case where DCF got and stayed involved without reason.

With this particular family IMO the call was justified based on the behaviors displayed. The child was up way too late and was brought into a volatile situation - made more volatile by the actions of the 'mother' and even the child himself. The child was injured because the 'mother' needed to be restrained. The seemingly injured child was ignored because his 'mother' apparently felt it was more appropriate to continue screaming obscenities and insults rather than tending to him. And when they finally decide to leave it's with the child doing his best imitation of his 'mother' -- I'm sure that made her proud.

So could I be certain she wouldn't go off on him at home or even just down the street? Absolutely and unequivocally NO I could not!! She was, at best, in a confrontational and aggressive mood, and who knows maybe she felt that he ruined her fun for the night by getting himself hurt! Better a kid with a bruised arm than one slammed against a wall or worse.

...Stepping off my soapbox...

Man, I say step back on that soapbox because you belong on a pedestal! That was AWESOME, truly awesome… Thanks so much for sharing... :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Man, I say step back on that soapbox because you belong on a pedestal! That was AWESOME, truly awesome… Thanks so much for sharing... :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I second that.:woohoo::woohoo:
I'm new to WS. So here goes, if child endangerment means putting a child in harms way, and you can be charged with that. And the protesters are at the A's house for the little girl. Then why are they putting their own children in harms way? I'm not saying to stop the protesting, but do it in a more positive and productive way, and for God's sakes leave the children at home!!

Good post... lots of common sense. I agree. But hey whats so common about common sense right? I will say welcome to WS.

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