DFC Called on Protesters...

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I second that.:woohoo::woohoo:

Oh that was on target. A "peaceful" protest at this juncture at that home is almost on the impossible side. Too many emotions flying everywhere you look. With the exception on KC of course....Leave the children at home.
Tate, Halley and Iowa TY so very, very much :blowkiss: I try not to do the soapbox thing too often :blush:
I do agree that DCF workers are overworked, underpaid and I'll add unappreciated. They do however follow guidelines and there is not as much subjectivity involved as you are implying. Children aren't removed from a home based on a worker's intuition or personal beliefs about child care - although having good intuition sure can be an asset. But it takes solid facts to remove a child. No judge is going to accept a 'well that's not how I raise my children' or 'but they're just not like my family' as a reason for removing a child. In fact such statements would put one more person in the unemployment line real fast!

Yes, sometimes people are quick to report something that looks suspicious; but is it not better to report it than to read in the paper or see on the news that the child had been killed or severely injured? --To realize you might have saved that child if you'd picked up the phone and done something instead of feeling everything would be just peachy after everyone calmed down? Yeah, I do believe I'd go with making the call over having to live with that kind of guilt the rest of my life!!!

I have seen situations where reports were determined to be unfounded within a matter of days -- without taking the child from the home, but I've yet to see a case where DCF got and stayed involved without reason.

With this particular family IMO the call was justified based on the behaviors displayed...

*respectfully snipped for space*

:clap: WELL SPOKEN :clap:

I just wanted to add that many times the workers hands are tied even if the family's parenting is questionable(i.e. KC ) until they have "harmed" (broken bones, etc.)or "endangered" the child.(ex:knowingly allowing a pedophile to sleep in the same bed, alone, with your child.
IMO many children are in danger and b/c noone makes a report, DCF cant put the puzzle pieces together to protect the child. (i.e. Caylee)
*these are examples not reflective of the A's*
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The quality of parenting seems to be stealing the spotlight in the Casey Anthony case. Not only does Casey face child neglect charges, but Eyewitness News found out the Department of Children and Families issued a warning saying they intend to investigate any parent who brings their child to a protest outside the Anthony home.

Many protesters who bring their children say they just want to teach their kids about their First Amendment rights. DCF says it understands that, but parents need to be aware of the increasing violence outside the home.

Children of all ages have been seen outside the Anthony house, many of them protesting right beside their parents.

"We share concerns that the general public and the viewing audience shares as well," said DCF's Carrie Hoeppner.

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Hoeppner says, after this weekend incident involving a young boy (pictured at left), DCF has received several complaints.

"We have seen some situations there get violent, confrontational and we want parents to ask themselves, 'Is this really a good environment and do I want to expose my child to these types of scenarios?" Hoeppner said.

Now DCF is warning protesters with kids, if there's a complaint against them or if the department witnesses it, the agency will open an investigation. But Hoeppner said DCF is not trying to tell parents what to do when it comes to their children.

"I think we are the big advocates for children. Our intervention in this case resulted from the community asking us to get involved," Hoeppner said.

Protestors be warned, DCF is now watching. The Orange County Sheriff's Office said if a parent is caught committing a crime, such as trespassing, with their child in tow, he or she could also face child neglect charges.
Copyright 2008 by wftv.com.


Now I totally agree with this. People should not be dragging their children out there.
Whether people support Cindy or not, I think we all have to agree with her comment to the protester on Saturday night: "Take your children home and expose them to something good."
Yes I do agree with her on that. I'm not sure if I was suppose to copy the whole article along with the link or not. Or just quote a portion of it. I'm confused about that rule here, so mods if you need to, do your thing!
While I agree in the right to protest, children sould definately be left at home.
Whether people support Cindy or not, I think we all have to agree with her comment to the protester on Saturday night: "Take your children home and expose them to something good."

With a daughter like Casey, I find it ironic that Cindy is giving parental advice to anyone! :confused:
While I agree in the right to protest, children sould definately be left at home.

Some of those people protesting have been out there late at night too. It may have been last night on the 10:00 news that one was out there holding a baby. I thought my gosh, the mosquitoes are going to eat that baby up, never mind it should be home in it's nice soft bed. I don't know what people are thinking doing that. Get a babysitter!
I agree that children have no place at demonstrations such as this. Children should not be there! I am worried, tho, that government will now monitor and investigate people who do take their children.
How far will we allow government to go in our private lives?

Parents, leave the kids at home with a sitter. DCF, unless there's evidence of real abuse, butt out.
ITA with DCF's stand on this. Though it's sad to see that some folks need to be forced to act responsibly here. Kind of ironic to be charged with bad parenting when you are out protesting against bad parenting, though. :bang:
I agree that children have no place at demonstrations such as this. Children should not be there! I am worried, tho, that government will now monitor and investigate people who do take their children.
How far will we allow government to go in our private lives?

Parents, leave the kids at home with a sitter. DCF, unless there's evidence of real abuse, butt out.

How far will we allow the media go into the Anthony's private lives? Casey, and only Casey is the POI in this case.
I agree. The media should cover the story. But harassing the Anthony's and their neighbors by keeping a 24/7 vigil outside the home is excessive. The protestors show a tremendous lack of restraint and judgement. Bringing children out to that mess is abusive and wrong. I don't think the adult protestors should be out there either. If they have that much free time, use it to volunteer...not to scream obscenities! I don't think I could keep my cool if I was a neighbor of the Anthony's. It's a very sad and pathetic display.
Seriously..... take a look at the people protesting for a minute. Do they look eduacated? Most cannot speak in full sentences without cussing. They drag their children out at night into a potentially harmful situation. CPS should get involved. Wonder how many of them are mooching off welfare?

If the media goes away so will the protestors!!! They are only out there to get on TV. In the process they are all making fools of themselves and teaching their kids some really bad examples.
I agree, but I am trying very hard not to get banned for name calling! LOL. These protestors are not displaying their education if they have it. Some come across as seriously disturbed to me...or at least not "all there" mentally. Their behavior is way out of line any way you slice it. I can't imagine how angry and frustrated I would get if people like that sat outside my house screaming things at me every time I came out. I would probably eventualy end up being arrested for assault. LOL. I hope George can keep his hammer in check...I am not sure I could.
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The quality of parenting seems to be stealing the spotlight in the Casey Anthony case. Not only does Casey face child neglect charges, but Eyewitness News found out the Department of Children and Families issued a warning saying they intend to investigate any parent who brings their child to a protest outside the Anthony home.

Many protesters who bring their children say they just want to teach their kids about their First Amendment rights. DCF says it understands that, but parents need to be aware of the increasing violence outside the home.

Children of all ages have been seen outside the Anthony house, many of them protesting right beside their parents.

"We share concerns that the general public and the viewing audience shares as well," said DCF's Carrie Hoeppner.

Images | Raw Video

Hoeppner says, after this weekend incident involving a young boy (pictured at left), DCF has received several complaints. Wopnder how many of those were Cindy?

"We have seen some situations there get violent, confrontational and we want parents to ask themselves, 'Is this really a good environment and do I want to expose my child to these types of scenarios?" Hoeppner said.

Now DCF is warning protesters with kids, if there's a complaint against them or if the department witnesses it, the agency will open an investigation. But Hoeppner said DCF is not trying to tell parents what to do when it comes to their children.

"I think we are the big advocates for children. Our intervention in this case resulted from the community asking us to get involved," Hoeppner said.

Protestors be warned, DCF is now watching. The Orange County Sheriff's Office said if a parent is caught committing a crime, such as trespassing, with their child in tow, he or she could also face child neglect charges.
Copyright 2008 by wftv.com.
Too bad they never investigated Casey properly


Now I totally agree with this. People should not be dragging their children out there.

All it takes is an anonymous call to get DCF involved. They never check out the caller. That is why so many parents claim the other parent is an abuser in a divorce case.
It's really too bad the hair stylist didn't call DFS about the bruises and the neighbor didn't call about hearing a lot of loud yelling, cussing, and fighting at the home. Several calls to DFS, a criminal record of stealing, and a counselor to recommend could get a relative custody.
I agree that children have no place at demonstrations such as this. Children should not be there! I am worried, tho, that government will now monitor and investigate people who do take their children.
How far will we allow government to go in our private lives?

Parents, leave the kids at home with a sitter. DCF, unless there's evidence of real abuse, butt out.

I totally agree!!

I am not sure I agree with having an infant or very small child there, and I would not do it, but it is not my place to say someone else shouldn't. There are hundreds of kids at protests in Washington D.C. and other cities all the time. If one set of parents are threatened, then ALL are threatened throughout the U.S.

We were in D.C. for the Inauguration in 2000 and there were as many kids as adults there. Some were with protesters.

D.C. in 2000 we know now was likely as dangerous as anywhere because of the impending terrorist acts. I refuse to be intimidated by threats from terrorists or DCF, if I decide I want to take my child to see how important our First Amendment rights are in this country.
I totally agree!!

I am not sure I agree with having an infant or very small child there, and I would not do it, but it is not my place to say someone else shouldn't. There are hundreds of kids at protests in Washington D.C. and other cities all the time. If one set of parents are threatened, then ALL are threatened throughout the U.S.

We were in D.C. for the Inauguration in 2000 and there were as many kids as adults there. Some were with protesters.

D.C. in 2000 we know now was likely as dangerous as anywhere because of the impending terrorist acts. I refuse to be intimidated by threats from terrorists or DCF, if I decide I want to take my child to see how important our First Amendment rights are in this country.

:clap::clap: DCF investigating all protestors= HUGE WASTE of tax payer money! And big brother cloooosing in. I wouldn't bring my kids the Anthony zoo, but I'll stand by anyone's right to do so.

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