Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

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I think people would be very surprised to know how many families are homeless, living in vacant homes, selters and their cars. Some of these are people who owned homes but when the economy sank many sank with it.

I live in the NE and our local newspaper did an article about the kids that are homeless going to school....very very sad. A young man who works for me was homeless for a bit last winter. He ended up with frostbite on his hands and feet. Almost lost both feet....he didn't however he will have problems for the rest of his life. No one should have to live like that.

Yes. and that is not even counting those who are technically homeless but not on the streets because they are temporarily bouncing from friends and relatives homes and have no permanent address. :( sad state of affairs.

In my area, generally the abandoned home squatters are not the "family" type of squatter. They are the single male, drug, drink or mental health issue variety. But that is not to say families with children never would.
Well, it sure felt to good to have some hope for a while.
Thinking the homeless guy is just a homeless guy and nothing at all to do with this case. Just glad they have found him and can potentially rule him out and another mystery solved. The bigger mystery still remains though...where is Lisa?

Yep, if they rule him out we will be right back to square one.:waitasec:
You betcha (as a certain politician might say)!!

Ya know, I'm increasingly skeptical of Detective Young's attitude. The guy has struck me as arrogant from Day 1, and here he is, dismissive of this new evidence, and saying things that are contrary to what on-the-ground witnesses have said. Hm. Maybe. But I'm not so sure about Det. Young.

Another glass of Smirnoff, please?

*passing 1/2 g* we do it rez style ;)

Maybe they're thinking half of KC will show up.
Gov. Nixon called out 50 members of the MO National Guard.

Thank you national guard for your service and also for taking time out of your life to help this little girl. It doesn't matter that you have orders, it matters that you will do it!

I'm going to outside, smoke a cigarette, take a few deep breaths and come back to a new thread with the words Found Alive...at least I better.

Smoke one for me please? I quit 11 and half months ago. Still miss it from time to time.
I'm going to outside, smoke a cigarette, take a few deep breaths and come back to a new thread with the words Found Alive...at least I better.

That will be my prayer also as I say good night.

If the diapers are old why didn't LE find them? They should have checked all abandoned homes is the area.

I read on that Russ guys twitter that this abandon house was a mile from the Irwins and several blocks outside of the intensive search area. I don't think it had been searched before.
jersey is not what I expected. But I can not judge looks, my uncle sort of looks like him, with the thin hair and all...
I think I am the only Websleuther who doesn't live in Beverly Hills. Many people are not cognizant that homeless families must squat in vacant houses and Mr. Tanko does not look evil to me.
IF the police are basing their opinions that the find tonight has nothing to do with Baby Lisa because of the distance from the home, then IMO those police officers of that opinion need a swift kick in the arse. I understand that they have apparently decided that DB is the perp but it is clear that either we (the public) are not being told relevent information or LE is simply refusing to investigate anyone or anything not connected to their "prime suspect".

I hope and pray that they do the right thing and check this out completely and not do some half assed job of it for Lisa's sake.

Please ignore all tweets I posted that came from JMOKC. My mistake. I thought it was a reporter. Too much happening at once. Sorry.
Now you are REALLY going to twitter jail. hehehe

I removed them all.
Where is this abandon house located??? What LE is saying, has me thinking they do have something, and brings high hopes that Lisa is found alive and returned home.

I'm gonna pray for a 2AM presser like the last time we all stayed up late with the baby in the box (underneath the bed) case! Come home baby Lisa...please! In God's name I pray....

That's conflicting info. In a tweet from tonight it said that this house had been previously searched. So I doubt those diapers were there when they searched it or we would have heard about it.

I guess it depends on who's tweeting. Personally, I didn't see that tweeted from mainstream sources.
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