Did Casey Act Alone? Poll

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Did ICA act alone or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 877 91.6%
  • No

    Votes: 50 5.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 3.1%

  • Total voters
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Obviously we would need the testimony of ICA to absolutely confirm, but I haven't seen any evidence in three years that seriously points to an "accomplice" actually being involved in the death of little Caylee.
I voted alone but I'm curious to know for those of you that didn't vote for alone who do you think helped Casey?
There's no verification of that, only George's words, whom I don't trust. The last verified sighting of Caylee was on the nursing home video the day beforehand.

ITA. I think both GA and CA are regretting (well, possibly anyway) that they covered reflexively for ICA with that story and refusing to acknowledge the fight.
Wow, that's quite a result! I agree with the majority, alone.
Alone. Than she vacuumed the car trunk ( hence only 1 hair with the death band) But, woe is me the car still stank---so she loaded up Tone's garbage and abandonned the car by a dumpster.
That car business wasn't accidental.
No, ICA did not act alone.
Satan was with her all the way.
Yes, she thought up the murder, and carried it out alone.
Casey acted alone in the murder of her precious daughter. Cindy has been in denial and up until six weeks ago....was still looking for the nanny.

She contaminated crucial evidence(the car, doll, and trunk) with cleaning fluids and febreeze.

I was relieved to see both Cindy and especially George finally tell the truth.
if she had help, the crime would not be so sloppy with so many gaps in her story
They have to LIVE this insanity because they chose to bed down with the DEVIL HERself. Once they drank from the waters of evil, they have damned their own lives forever....so they had to go forward...no matter their innocence in doing the deed themselves. Too bad they never held their own daughter accountable in return for their continued love and support, as normal INNOCENT people would do. It is crazy that they would just join her and sell their souls along the way. It is insanity....George knows it....Lee knows it....but they are bedazzled by the Malignant Narcissistic who is calling all the shots...Cindy. She can't divorce herself from the monster in the jail because she had a hand in creating it. Her work of art that she can't
give up on....Casey is an extension of herself.....Cindy is trying to save herself....NOT Casey.

:yes: Firefly Respectfully Quoted

Alone- (and I have to agree with everything else you wrote) She will never do what is right to get what she wants in life, she will always use people in the worst way. She likes money and she will never say to herself "I should earn that money I want in an honest way." I believe if left to her own devices Casey Anthony would kill again. She has already written of her desire to adopt children, and who says she wouldn't get pregnant again? What happens when she gets jealous of the next baby...Irish accent or not?

I read at websleuths almost everyday for more than two years and I was not prepared for what I have come to understand about Casey Anthony during this trial. When Jose gave his opening statement my eyes were opened to just how far Casey Anthony will go to get what she wants. :devil:

I know if she was released I would hope to never see her in my town, and I cannot help but feel sick for anyone running across her who did not know what she is.

(I paraphrase)

Lee Anthony: "CMA, I love you.
CMA, I am so proud of you.
CMA, I hope you are proud of me."
Wow, Poll shows 93% of us believe she acted alone.
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