Did Darlie Routier murder her precious sons? Part 2

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Did Darlie Routier Murder Her Precious Sons ?

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All I need to know about this is that someone broke into the home, rummaged around the kitchen that is attached to the den where she and her sons were to look for a knife, brutally stabbed one child who I am sure made horrific noises while dying, did the same thing to the next boy and she still slept through all of this. The dog didn't bark once Daren never woke up through all of this, including Darlie's "struggle" with the intruder, the gate was closed outside and Darlie recived a cut to the neck not even deep enough to kill her and a few little cuts while her sons had gaping fatal wounds.

Oh and the fact that her purse/rings/watch was sitting on the same counter as was untouched.
I know, I just don't see how she has snowed people into thinking she is innocent!

I think maybe one of the reasons is that normally we do not want to believe that a child's parent let alone the person that carried this baby for 9 months would do such a horrible act against her kids. But this was back in 96 when you did not hear about it as much as today because of the speedy internet news highway. So imo as the years go by and more and more evil people conduct these crimes you can totally see her pattern. Check out the story of the Seattle girl Knox who is sitting in prison still denying that she had anything to do with the death of her English roommate. This girl has even denied being in the home that evening even though video shows her entering with date/time and her dna in blood was found. It so much puts me in the mind of Darlie's "WORK"/THOUGHT PROCESS
If you read all the available info out there on Ms. Darlie's trial you would realize that there were many spectators that were allowed in there everyday and documented/recorded the events of each day.

Recording (electronic) was not permitted. So provide me the source for documents that demonstrates that the 'performances' of the attornies were neutral. Be a very strange 5 week trial, if acting and innuendo were not involved.
I think maybe one of the reasons is that normally we do not want to believe that a child's parent let alone the person that carried this baby for 9 months would do such a horrible act against her kids. But this was back in 96 when you did not hear about it as much as today because of the speedy internet news highway. So imo as the years go by and more and more evil people conduct these crimes you can totally see her pattern. Check out the story of the Seattle girl Knox who is sitting in prison still denying that she had anything to do with the death of her English roommate. This girl has even denied being in the home that evening even though video shows her entering with date/time and her dna in blood was found. It so much puts me in the mind of Darlie's "WORK"/THOUGHT PROCESS

Agree with you. It is hard to accept any murder, or even hard to accept one murder is worse than another, but the murder of your own offspring is incomrehensible.

This is the very issue that confounds me. Both sides of her family have stuck firm with Routier for 11 years. There has to be more. Even Scott Peterson's in laws gave up on him after a while.
WW and Mary, I see where you are both coming from, and agree the transcripts provide a record of the trial. However they do not contain the theatrics, speech inflexions of the attornies etc. It is well documented that the acting performances of the lawyers in the way they present their case, can strongly influence a jury.

Isn't it strange, how those of us on WS's, who have absolutely no doubt left as to Darlies innocence, have read the transcripts, without the theatrics, acting performances, speech inflexions etc...and we all think she is 'guilty'...I formed my opinion on facts, not theatrics.
Isn't it strange, how those of us on WS's, who have absolutely no doubt left as to Darlies innocence, have read the transcripts, without the theatrics, acting performances, speech inflexions etc...and we all think she is 'guilty'...I formed my opinion on facts, not theatrics.

I completely agree with you.
Agree with you. It is hard to accept any murder, or even hard to accept one murder is worse than another, but the murder of your own offspring is incomrehensible.

This is the very issue that confounds me. Both sides of her family have stuck firm with Routier for 11 years. There has to be more. Even Scott Peterson's in laws gave up on him after a while.

Well IMO the reason her in-laws stuck by her is because their son was involved somehow. Of course I believe it was after the murders were committed they I believe he became in involved.
Recording (electronic) was not permitted. So provide me the source for documents that demonstrates that the 'performances' of the attornies were neutral. Be a very strange 5 week trial, if acting and innuendo were not involved.

Rocking - So what you are saying is that we as individuals can not see "through" all the "performances" and "innuendo" as juries in order to make the correct decision of innocence or guilt.
Rocking - So what you are saying is that we as individuals can not see "through" all the "performances" and "innuendo" as juries in order to make the correct decision of innocence or guilt.

I was not there, so I do not know about their performances, but I have been on two juries, one for attempted murder. I think the lawyers 'performance' can influence the presentation of a particular or influential point.
Youre messing the quotes up Rocking and making it difficult to follow you....do you know just to hit the quote button when you need to quote.
Youre messing the quotes up Rocking and making it difficult to follow you....do you know just to hit the quote button when you need to quote.

Don't see where Dingo, is this better?
Now youve got the hang of it...some of your posts look like youve been quoting yourself when the posts belong to others..lol.
Now youve got the hang of it...some of your posts look like youve been quoting yourself when the posts belong to others..lol.
That was happening to others yesterday, too. It wasn't just rocking. ;)
No problem, ww!

I spend WAYYY to much time on WS! I notice everything. :)
I voted 'just don't know' but I lean towards Darlie's guilt.
Where are the transcripts, do you have to pay for them?

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