Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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This. I have heard several people in the last few days saying they couldn't prove beyond reasonable doubt. I even asked one of them what reasonable doubt meant, and she said to believe 100%. I believe this jury didn't understand the concept of reasonable doubt.

I have also noticed a good many people don't understand the concept of circumstantial evidence. I guess for some it does take a video and confession. Whatever.

I completely agree with your comment. It's shocking how many people don't understand circumstantial evidence. I remind people, "Circumstantial evidence is still evidence." Additionally, the idea that someone thinks you have to believe guilty 100% could not be more incorrect. Beyond a reasonable doubt does not mean 100% belief, it just means you've excluded all other reasonable possibilities. Argh!!! It just makes me so irritated.
The state failed to prove their case.

The state claimed the murder weapon was duct tape. So what do you do, you "follow the duct tape".

The defense connected the duct tape to George, over and over again.

How many times did the state connect the duct tape to Casey?

Did the state even ask questions about who had access to the duct tape, was it locked up where only one or a few could get to it, was it missing or moved, had it been used recently or had it been collecting dirt on the torn end?

I can't really fault the state for not asking those questions though. They didn't find that duct tape when they searched the Anthony home so that closed the door to questioning about it or even testimony on it. The problem rested on George's shoulders, he closed the door on them so they couldn't ask him questions like that. He wouldn't claim the same brand of duct tape at the command center as being his or acknowledging any memory of that particular duct tape...that shuts the state completely out and in the eyes of the jury, makes George look like he is trying to disassociate himself from the duct tape (the murder weapon).

A juror is going to ask themselves how often Casey was connected to the duct tape and they saw George disassociate himself from it and they have to ask themselves why?

As far as the verdict goes, Not guilty does not mean the same thing as innocent. Not guilty simply means the evidence wasn't enough to support the claim - but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Hi, Angeleena. The defense did not "connect George to the duct tape," whatever that means. Duct tape is not a fingerprint. The "if the duct tape don't fit, you must acquit" argument is fallacious.

(One would imagine that George would dissociate himself from "the [supposed] murder weapon" if he knew that the defense lawyers were trying to falsely pin a homicide on him.]

That an innocent toddler accidentally killed would be discarded for vermin to feast on instead of being buried makes no sense if the child's mother and legally responsible guardian had been knowledgeable about her death.

As I noted in another post, sequestered juries tend to become insular communities who form conclusion even before the final arguments.
Can the judge reverse the jury's verdict? I have seen that happen when the verdict was guilty, what about the other way?

No, the judge cannot reverse a not guilty verdict. He cannot call a mistrial. He cannot ask for a new trial. No matter what. The whole jury could come forward and say the whole thing was rigged from the beginning and they still could not try ICA again or find her guilty.

Not Guilty = Over. The state gets nothing more. Ever.

Guilty = Dozens of appeals or a new trial or a reversal for the defendant.

The defendant gets all kinds of second, third, fourth, fifth chances. The state gets 0.
If anything ICA will have much time to go out and look for the "real Killer." I can't wait until she finds the perpetrator.
Blessings to Caylee and all of you!
I still don't get how George was the fall guy and they believed that but didn't believe Casey killed caylee?? There is no evidence that george did anything! If they believed it was an accident then should she be charged with child abuse or negligence.
Oh my what a good point...I hadn't thought about that but that explains a lot. I'm afraid they will never be able to get away from it now...

No, they would have left as long as they did not convict of a CAPITAL crime...if they chose another murder charge, they would have still left today. The judge would do the sentencing for those charges.
I have missed my WS family over the last few days. I checked HLN this afternoon expecting no new news. Much to my shock a verdict was in, and not the one I anticipated.

I understand the heartbreak and frustration that so many people are experiencing, but I also understand that the system in place sometimes yields unexpected results.

Our system while flawed in some places, is a rich fabric that has been woven and tailored for quality and strenth. We must trust in the craftsmanship of our legal system, and respect the boundaries and limitations that are impacted by the human factor.

We are not machines nor objects free from influence and opinion.

The system is ever changing, ever growing, and ever adapting just as human nature is ever changing, growing, and adapting.

I remain ever thankful.

Hugs to all.

Sos...I love your intelligent and reasoned posts...and I used to agree with you. I know believe that the "Dumbing Down of America" has had an egregious effect.
This makes me feel so strongly that all of these jurors, alternates included, discussed this amongst each other throughout this trial. They started deliberating long before yesterday. IMO.

ok, I quoted myself, but I had to follow up. I just now listened to this Russell Reuckler or whatever his name is, and his spiel sounded so 'previously discussed'. Does that make sense? I'm 100% convinced these guys had this all worked out way before closing statements.

My question is, if this is the case, and it comes out, can it nullify the verdict? I just feel something isn't right here.
Isn't there one of the check charges that Judge Stan Strickland reserved adjudication on? I seem to remember that for some reason.
IMO this jury did not want to be there (beside one person) I think they wanted to shock us. They wanted to go home from day one. there was no justice today. 31 days and this jury thought it was alright that she didn't report Caylee missing? Really! something stink here!
No, the judge cannot reverse a not guilty verdict. He cannot call a mistrial. He cannot ask for a new trial. No matter what. The whole jury could come forward and say the whole thing was rigged from the beginning and they still could not try ICA again or find her guilty.

Not Guilty = Over. The state gets nothing more. Ever.

Guilty = Dozens of appeals or a new trial or a reversal for the defendant.

The defendant gets all kinds of second, third, fourth, fifth chances. The state gets 0.

She could confess to it now, or even put forth a video recording of her doing the deed and she still wouldn't be convicted. It's called double jeopardy. At least that is my understanding.
I feel punked, too. While I was watching the verdict being read, I thought, "Maybe I am dreaming this. This is not real." But I knew I wasn't dreaming because it was too detailed and specific to be a dream/nightmare.

It is very sad IMO that the jurors can make a kind of hit-and-run verdict like this. I can understand that they are being threatened and need to keep their anonymity, but they should have had to draft some kind of reasoning for their decision. The way this happened is just like they said, "Ha! Too long, didn't read! Not guilty! Bye!" and then disappeared with no consequences if they didn't follow instructions.
I voted the jury got it wrong. I still believe Casey will not have a beautiful life, she will be known as a murderer, baby killer, liar one of America's most hated people and I believe we have a bunch of crazies in this world just like we think the jurors where in deciding this case, I could see someone doing something to Casey just my 1 cent. She will always be looking over her shoulder scared to sleep and so on.
I wonder if this was also part of our desensitization and apathy we have in this country now. We are all so appalled by this verdict, (myself, quite badly) but most of us aren't running out to save the crack kids in the neighborhood next door. That's someone else's problem. We aren't out saving the kid down the street who is getting beat everyday by someone. We make a phone call and let CPS take care of it. There is more cheating in schools now than ever before. We have no moral compass. How can that juror think that partying your *advertiser censored** off when your daughter is dead is not evidence? Huge Lies, not evidence? The duct tape on her head not evidence??

Is Pinellas county especially poor? Lot of displaced, divorced kids running around? High drop-out rate? A total lack of empathy for poor Caylee's plight from those jurors.

Maybe the jury just thought, "Hey, what an F'ed up family. No surprises here, that little girl never stood a chance, anyway".
ok, I quoted myself, but I had to follow up. I just now listened to this Russell Reuckler or whatever his name is, and his spiel sounded so 'previously discussed'. Does that make sense? I'm 100% convinced these guys had this all worked out way before closing statements.

My question is, if this is the case, and it comes out, can it nullify the verdict? I just feel something isn't right here.

No. The entire jury could come to the judge right now and admit they rigged the whole thing from the beginning and there is still nothing that can do to ICA. For that matter, ICA could tell the entire courtroom on Thursday morning that she killed Caylee and she could laugh in their faces all she wants. There is nothing more they can do to her.
I ll tell u what I hope I hope all the jurors go home look up the information ie cindys my space her response the grandmother claiming she hated her mother more than she loved her daughter and all the other evidence they were not allowed to see and then I hope they can sleep at night. Im disgusted that she got away with this and wtf did they think happened to this child really REALLY! Casey is no longer gonna be staying with her parents they are gonesville to her done, finished, can u imagine what she can hold over them now ... good god it aint gonna be pretty and she will become a MILLIONAIRE its sickening , and when she has her next baby her parents are not gonna see it well I hope the next time anything happens that jury can live with themselves

My only hope is that she eventually gets caught out do you all think the media will question her the hard questions and not let up until she answers I hope Kathi Belich hounds her
No, they would have left as long as they did not convict of a CAPITAL crime...if they chose another murder charge, they would have still left today. The judge would do the sentencing for those charges.

You make good point but I think they were fed up with all of it. They had a room full of evidence to go through, they had been "promised" they would be home for the holidays. I think they grabbed for any doubt they could hang their hat on and never looked back.. Simply they were fed up with the BS sad but I think true. In this day and age everybody is a victim and it is always somebody else's fault.:crazy:
ok, I quoted myself, but I had to follow up. I just now listened to this Russell Reuckler or whatever his name is, and his spiel sounded so 'previously discussed'. Does that make sense? I'm 100% convinced these guys had this all worked out way before closing statements.

My question is, if this is the case, and it comes out, can it nullify the verdict? I just feel something isn't right here.

Juror 14 commented that there was "a lot of discussion" about an accidental drowning.

Oh really, Buddy? And how would you know that? You were not in the jury room deliberating. So, what other instructions from the judge did you, the jury, disregard?
It is hard for me to put my disappointment in words. For quite awhile I have been fighting my feelings of "something is so wrong with my world"! Not just because of this case but many things have been making me feel like my world is upside down and inside out. When they read the verdict I was speachless, next I felt so defeated. Then I thought "There, there it is proof that everything is messed up!" Crazy of me to take this so personally, I know.

Did you all notice the surprise on all of the DT faces?! They weren't expecting it either.

Can't help but wonder what life will be like at the Anthony household now.
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