Digital Forensic Evidence from Ricardo M UPDATED 1-24-09

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I would expect Baez to ask KC about the chloroform search on the computer. He knows it's a feature of the prosecution's case. KC may have given him the explanation that the search was directly related to the captioned image posted by RM. Baez needs everything related to RM to show that this is the basis for the web search.

Baez has to anticiptate that the prosecutors will use the web search to show murder with premeditation. So he is preparing to cut the legs out from under that by explaining that the chloro web search had nothing to do with Caylee and everything to do with RM.
True but couldn't the state argue that she had dryer sheets in her car because of the 'smell' she was trying to suppress? So she dumped the car because it became too unbearable for her to coverup so she just dumped it? Because when I saw dryer sheets as some of the items removed from the trunk, its obvious she was using those suckas to try to drown out the smell.

I so want this case to be over but i know Casey isn't gonna crack.

I think DotsEyes point is the dryer sheets could be a major source of the chloroform. There was one in the trunk, one in the car, and four in the trash bag.
IMO, Baez is grasping at straws. He's better off going with a different defense than throwing someone else under the bus and the Nanny story.

OT-I posted this same topic late last night (found story on Gretas boards), Why do my posts get bombed :)
IMO, Baez is grasping at straws. He's better off going with a different defense than throwing someone else under the bus and the Nanny story.

OT-I posted this same topic late last night (found story on Gretas boards), Why do my posts get bombed :)
I agree JB is grasping at straws and LE has cleared RM and his computer.
It was just stated on NG that JB is trying to say that KC and JB were still dating when KC did the searches on her computer for chloroform and might try to say that it was RM that did the searches on KC's computer
***mine get bombed also
I agree JB is grasping at straws and LE has cleared RM and his computer.
It was just stated on NG that JB is trying to say that KC and JB were still dating when KC did the searches on her computer for chloroform and might try to say that it was RM that did the searches on KC's computer
***mine get bombed also

I assumed she saw the chloroform 'joke' thing and then did the searches on her computer to see what it was about, etc.. Hardly think bf went to her house and did searches.
I think DotsEyes point is the dryer sheets could be a major source of the chloroform. There was one in the trunk, one in the car, and four in the trash bag.

I have boxes and boxes of dryer sheets in my car.I have togo to the laundry mat every week so I dont bother taking them out. There isnt enough chloroform in dryer sheets to show that high of choroform in KC car. If it was true dryer sheet were that high in chloroform that was in casey car I would be a goner right now:crazy:
The way in which JB writes his argument for the info indicates for me that his position is that KC looked it up because she saw it on his website and then after she found out about Chloroform she ended their relationship. At least that's how the motion reads.
When my son was 2 (now 19) slept hard like a rock. We would have family get-togethers at the holidays(have 11 bros and sisters) we would play cards and visit loudly. He would be the only kid to crash on the couch and sleep right throught it. His babysitter said you could take him to Disneyland and back and he would not wake up. Amy is not a mother and it is hard to determine her experience with children. The more children a person is around the more vast your knowledge is about how each of them are different.
IMO... I just do not see a kid in the video the DAY BEFORE.. that looks like she has been drugged on a regular basis. Also chloroform only last for a short bit... unlike Benadryl... if you are talking Benadryl then yes... I could see Casey doing that.

Yes I think Casey would give Caylee benadryl whenever she wanted to party. This would explain how Casey could get away with having Caylee sleep on the couch in the living room where everyone was partying. Amy said that once Caylee woke up, looked at AMy then she shut her eyes and went back to sleep. This defitely sounds like she had been given benadryl or sme kind of cold medicine that would make her sleepy and groggy. I just wonder if Casey was out of this med or thought that Caylee was outgowing these meds so decided to try cloroform as a sleep agent and something went horribly wrong.
Yes I think Casey would give Caylee benadryl whenever she wanted to party. This would explain how Casey could get away with having Caylee sleep on the couch in the living room where everyone was partying. Amy said that once Caylee woke up, looked at AMy then she shut her eyes and went back to sleep. This defitely sounds like she had been given benadryl or sme kind of cold medicine that would make her sleepy and groggy. I just wonder if Casey was out of this med or thought that Caylee was outgowing these meds so decided to try cloroform as a sleep agent and something went horribly wrong.

Liquid dramamine is oft used for these purposes.

I have never believed the chloroform tale. It wears off very quickly.
I think DotsEyes point is the dryer sheets could be a major source of the chloroform. There was one in the trunk, one in the car, and four in the trash bag.

I think that is a possibility. Maybe the dryer sheets mixed with human decomp WOULD produce such a high amount in chloroform.
That is why you are the suspicious1. :)

I think if the police were too concerned they would have searched his apartment for chloroform for evidence that she was using it there at his apartment. They are aware of this image and were by the time the forensics came out. The discovery of evidence of chloroform compounds in the Anthony house(either Casey or Caylee's bedroom) in the backseat or front seat of the car, and in Ric's apartment would sure make a case for them if they could find it!! Forensics should have been performed if they think she was chlorforming Caylee. Prosecution then could then tie this case up with a DP!

Had she been chloroforming Caylee she would have had to be going out and putting the rag on Caylee every 2 hours as the effects only last a few minutes to two hours. Ho

IQuotes below from following source:

"Chloroform is a substance, that when inhaled or swallowed, causes a reaction, that releases gases that render the victim unconscious. This can last up to several minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the dosage of the chemical, the weight and the height of the person. They will wake up with a sore throat, a migraine (very bad headache), and a mettalic taste in his/her mouth."

--Inhalation of chloroform is less likely to be deadly -- especially
if the person is breathing air at the same time -- but death can

--More likely effects of inhaling chloroform are dizziness, nausea,
disorientation, headache and possible drunken-like behavior.
Longer-term exposure can lead to hallucinations and psychotic

Please read the article at the link above. Chloroform is HIGHLY TOXIC. I just do not see Casey carrying around a bottle of chloroform to use on a 2 hour basis throughout the night. The lid coming off.. spilling.. rolling around in the trunk of her car. Falling out of her purse (like a phone) she was just to careless.

I will say.. that it COULD BE probable that Ric and Casey were experimenting sex and chloroform and that would be a HUGE issue.

watched a New detective or type show the other night and there was a man of Indian descent that had been named beneficiary in several relatives wills only to have these people mysteriously die. When one of this suspects brothers were questions, the brother states that the three main ways that people kill others in this man;s country, was to kill via arsenic , cyanide and ChLOROFORM. So this most definitely kills.
That is why you are the suspicious1. :)

I think if the police were too concerned they would have searched his apartment for chloroform for evidence that she was using it there at his apartment. They are aware of this image and were by the time the forensics came out. The discovery of evidence of chloroform compounds in the Anthony house(either Casey or Caylee's bedroom) in the backseat or front seat of the car, and in Ric's apartment would sure make a case for them if they could find it!! Forensics should have been performed if they think she was chlorforming Caylee. Prosecution then could then tie this case up with a DP!

Had she been chloroforming Caylee she would have had to be going out and putting the rag on Caylee every 2 hours as the effects only last a few minutes to two hours. Ho

Quotes below from following source:

"Chloroform is a substance, that when inhaled or swallowed, causes a reaction, that releases gases that render the victim unconscious. This can last up to several minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the dosage of the chemical, the weight and the height of the person. They will wake up with a sore throat, a migraine (very bad headache), and a mettalic taste in his/her mouth."

--Inhalation of chloroform is less likely to be deadly -- especially
if the person is breathing air at the same time -- but death can

--More likely effects of inhaling chloroform are dizziness, nausea,
disorientation, headache and possible drunken-like behavior.
Longer-term exposure can lead to hallucinations and psychotic

Please read the article at the link above. Chloroform is HIGHLY TOXIC. I just do not see Casey carrying around a bottle of chloroform to use on a 2 hour basis throughout the night. The lid coming off.. spilling.. rolling around in the trunk of her car. Falling out of her purse (like a phone) she was just to careless.

I will say.. that it COULD BE probable that Ric and Casey were experimenting sex and chloroform and that would be a HUGE issue.

I am just thinking out loud but I wonder if Casey and friends were into things such as inhaling chloroform as some do with inhalants? I don;t know if that is even possible but it says it can lead to hallucinations and psychotic episodes. Maybe this is what happened to Casey and Caylee. Perhpas Casey was partying with this stuff, started having hallucinations , killed Caylee and is now having psychotic episodes making her truly beleive these insane stories about Zani, and all the other bull she has been handing out.
I assumed she saw the chloroform 'joke' thing and then did the searches on her computer to see what it was about, etc.. Hardly think bf went to her house and did searches.
Oh I agree with you. On NG this is what they were saying JB might try but you know the more he does this sort of thing it seems to make it more obvious that KC is guilty
I think JB will do exact what JWG did on this very forum. He will use them to show reasonable doubt that Casey looked up chloroform as a premediated way to kill her daughter. JWG on this forum (under computer forensics), was able to show that Casey went from a MySpace page to google and did the searches in only 12 minutes. He will present the interviews to show that even Ric does not use chloroform and could not have been a "source" of chloroform for Casey. JB job is to present REASONABLE DOUBT that Casey "may have" used chloroform to kill Caylee.

However.... if the prosecution can show hard evidence like a container that held chloroform, evidence found in the house or the cabin of the car.. then JB is going to have a really tough job. (if it is not already tough)

It would behoove JB to show that Ric DID NOT or DOES NOT use chloroform for partying, sex, inhaling.. etc... This would only implicate his client further because it would show that there was some availability. As a juror, in scenario, I would tend to believe, with absence of a chloroform container or positive proof of purchase, that she did NOT use chloroform. If the defense can prove the chloroform COULD POSSIBLY be from cleaners or other sources then JB has done his job to show that chloroform was not used.

However, if JB tries to pin this on Ric by stating he had possession of chloroform and used had used chloroform with Casey. Then he had better have something stronger than the forensic evidence on the computer to get to a point of reasonable doubt.
Get ready for another doc dump if the judge grants the motion. I must admit the dumped lover "RM" was on my suspect list at one time and when "the heart sticker" came to light I wondered "What If..."

Me too! i do think KC is the one who did it, but have to admit that the scorned lover aspect of this was in my mind when the heart sticker was found. i recall a im convo with her saying that RM wasnt taking the news of her new relationship very well. If she had been smarter, she prob should have tried playing that angle...
Baez will say that the "Win her over . . . with Chloroform" photo is what made KC look up chloroform and that led to "how to make chloroform" - as in one thing leads to another on a computer.

As is stated before, I got this pic in an e-mail entitled "Dating Tips For Ugly Men."

I thought it was hilarious. And it didn't make me buy chloroform, use chloroform or try to make any. It was a joke!
Maybe she was going to try to pin it on RM. Scorned lover got back at her through her kid.
TurboThink, I remember it being up much longer than the day after as well. Yet many here recall it was removed the day after. It's hard to figure out how to search the threads to find out this timeline bit of info, but I think it's important. If it wasn't removed the day after then all the speculation about why he would do it so quickly goes out the window.

If he played any role at all in her death he had to know about the chloroform connection so why wait until she's reported missing to remove it?..Any FOOL would've done it the day after she died..We know he didn't do that so if JB tries to go there with RM in court he'll end up looking like a FOOL!..Not that JB cares because this impression will play over&over during the course of the trial..There's no way around it.
Baez will say that the "Win her over . . . with Chloroform" photo is what made KC look up chloroform and that led to "how to make chloroform" - as in one thing leads to another on a computer.

As is stated before, I got this pic in an e-mail entitled "Dating Tips For Ugly Men."

I thought it was hilarious. And it didn't make me buy chloroform, use chloroform or try to make any. It was a joke!

I agree... Ive seen it posted all over Myspace and Facebook for some time.. it is JUST meant as a joke... (granted, given the circumstances with poor Caylee, it doesnt seem funny ) but its no more inciteful than the silly little things like "I missed my husband... but my aim is getting better" kinda thing..
I was wondering when RM would get dragged into this mess. Not only for his chloroform pic (which I think was an innocent yet offensive gesture of a young man) but in an IM between KC and Iassen he mentioned that RM has Gonzalez as part of his name. Also KC owed him money. So I have a feeling that even though he is innocent he is about to be put through the wringer by JB. Also, CA setting up his Apt. as Zanni the Nanny in a jail video. How many young lives will be ruined in this mess? Just for knowing KC, we will see what will be thrown out and what will stick.

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