Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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And Martin Rudoy stated that XZ, Rebecca, and Max were there at the time of the accident. Unlike some, i don't need him to say "only" to know that ES and GS were not there. That is a rumor and there has never been any truth to it.
The pain Dina Romano (also Jonah Shacknai, AND all of Rebecca's loved ones) is feeling is unfathomable to me. She (also Jonah Shacknai, AND all of Rebecca's loved ones) will be grieving for Maxie (and Rebecca) the rest of their lives. I understand why her quest to learn how her Maxie died that tragic morning is important.

Having said that, I think the way she's going about it is a mistake. I find it pretty despicable for her to accuse Rebecca and her sister, in every press release, in every media interview. She shows NO evidence of Rebecca and/or XZ being responsible for Maxie's death. NONE. But yet she STILL continues to do so. And by do so, IMO, she has opened herself up to speculations regarding her motives. Yes, she is grieving. Yes, she is in unimaginable pain. As is Jonah and Rebecca's loved ones. However, it doesn't excuse Dina Romano of her actions, statements and accusations regarding Rebecca and XZ.


I agree with your points. The SDSO's lack of full investigation and rush to judgement on both deaths has left so many questions unanswered.

Neither family has received the full answers to questions they have about Max and Rebecca's deaths.

DS would serve her son's memory much better if she refrained from her accusations against Rebecca and her sister and instead made her public case in a more straightforward, fact based manner.
I found this part of Dina's recent response to CPD's decision interesting. Dina is telling us that biomechanical expert Dr. Gomez did not prepare the original diagram of Max's fall. Instead it was SDSO. In my opinion this is another misrepresentation by SDSO and CPD. I don't know why so many have faith in these agencies when two cases have so many gross inconsistencies.

Additionally, Shacknai said, &#8220;It was disclosed by Commander Lawton of the COPD, that the diagram presented at the multi-agency press conference led by Sheriff William Gore on September 2, 2011, illustrating an inaccurate scaling of Max&#8217;s frame to that of the staircase railing was not prepared by Dr. Gomez, but by the San Diego County District Attorney&#8217;s Office.&#8221;

respectfully snipped by me

Exactly. Chandeliers are anchored in ceilings to withstand hundreds/thousands pounds of weight.

lol said the guy who hung the chandelier?

I have obsessed over this point at times during the case. I even asked a builder with over 30 years in all trades of construction. He said "chandeliers are hung with anchors strong enough to hold the actual chandelier up and in the ceiling." I suppose in an old house like that mansion- it could have been eroded (?)with all the connections weakened to a degree. I wonder when it was hung and if it is an original chandelier.
:lol: @iSleuth :lol:

"lol said the guy who hung the chandelier?
Has the paramedic/ambulance report from Max's accident ever been released to the public? IIRC, it has not. If anyone has a link to this it would be greatly appreciated. TIA
lol said the guy who hung the chandelier?

I have obsessed over this point at times during the case. I even asked a builder with over 30 years in all trades of construction. He said "chandeliers are hung with anchors strong enough to hold the actual chandelier up and in the ceiling." I suppose in an old house like that mansion- it could have been eroded (?)with all the connections weakened to a degree. I wonder when it was hung and if it is an original chandelier.

I believe that it was not the original chandelier. The house was the site of the 1982 Designer Showcase house for the San Diego Historical Society and local chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers.

If a chandelier does come down, it is usually the result of it becomming unscrewed from the anchor mounting in the ceiling, and the entire housing along with the chain comes down.....I did this when I was 5, so I speak from experience.
What I find disturbing is that BOTH sets of families are unhappy with the investigation into both of these suspicious deaths.
And neither family can appear to get either case reopened.
If everything is on the level, why not just reopen both investigations?
What I find disturbing is that BOTH sets of families are unhappy with the investigation into both of these suspicious deaths.
And neither family can appear to get either case reopened.
If everything is on the level, why not just reopen both investigations?

Perhaps LE realized they had compromised both scenes and know because of that they cannot prove what really happened and they want to save face by keeping them shut.

Or there is a powerful individual that has had great influence over both cases and to whose benefit it is to keep them closed because of their own culpability.
What I find disturbing is that BOTH sets of families are unhappy with the investigation into both of these suspicious deaths.
And neither family can appear to get either case reopened.
If everything is on the level, why not just reopen both investigations?

The really upsetting part of this is that our public servants are supposed to be serving in good faith to find truth and justice and uphold the legal system. With so very many inconsistencies to the findings AND PARTICULARLY BECAUSE BOTH FAMILIES are pleading for a reopening of both cases, it absolutely defies logic that they not be reopened. That is a very poor legacy to leave in these public servants' careers. It makes no sense.

Dina Romano and her "team" would have done themselves "justice" by establishing for FACT, with hard evidence, the others really were gone that morning. . Perhaps then, the CPD would have had something of substance to look at. As it stands now...Rebecca and her sister being the only ones there...it's all just rumor.

Mittymick, you are so correct in stating the obvious. The multiple redactions on various news sources that stated there were others at the scene of Max's fall cannot be a coincidence. For what possible reason would it not be proven otherwise that others were at the scene? It is nonsensical and there's no way around it. So easily cleared up, don't you think? What is there to lose? Now there is the question frankly.
I am not blinded by greed, and I looked at those autopsy photos and did not see the outline of a scooter on Max's back. I saw something much more sinister, IMO.

Mrs Holmes wrote:
any mother and lawyer that can look at those autopsy photos and not see the outline of the scooter on her sons back... is blinded by greed...IMO

Bolded and snipped my me.

I am confused (and concerned).

Max's autopsy photos have been released?? I can't hardly believe autopsy photos would have been released to the public by any official agency such as the Medical Examiner or police departments. Have they been leaked online? Intentionally released by someone else? Why? Autopsy photos typically are highly protected by the courts and laws.

Is there a link to a news source that states Max's autopsy photos have been released? Please don't link the photos here-- I just want to establish whether or not that Max's autopsy photos have been released, and WHO released them.

Thanks in advance.
Hi KZ! - I think the autopsy photos may be confused with the photos taken in ICU. Also, a new website has been created for Max. The website has a drop down box titled photos. Under this box there is a selection to view Max's ICU photos. You must login to view these photos. I do think it is possible an autopsy photo was used in the illustration comparing the stair railing to Max's frame. This photo is open to the public on the same website, same drop down box, the picture is under the title Investigator Images. IIRC this particuluar photo and illustration was not released as part of SDSO's or CPD's investigation into Max's death. I believe it was released by Dina's investigative team. Several photos of Max were released at the time Dina announced her request to reopen Max's case.

maxshacknai.com was created to provide the facts around the death of Max Shacknai. We believe the facts show that Max&#8217;s death was a homicide, whether intentional or accidental, we hope that his case is reclassified as such.
*Lash*, so are you saying Dina Romano has a autopsy photo of Maxie on Maxie's site? Or no? So confused.

edited to add

nvm. No need to answer. I believe it has been pulled. The wholo photo dropdown box . The new Maxie's site is not up either.
Hi KZ! - I think the autopsy photos may be confused with the photos taken in ICU. Also, a new website has been created for Max. The website has a drop down box titled photos. Under this box there is a selection to view Max's ICU photos. You must login to view these photos. I do think it is possible an autopsy photo was used in the illustration comparing the stair railing to Max's frame. This photo is open to the public on the same website, same drop down box, the picture is under the title Investigator Images. IIRC this particuluar photo and illustration was not released as part of SDSO's or CPD's investigation into Max's death. I believe it was released by Dina's investigative team. Several photos of Max were released at the time Dina announced her request to reopen Max's case.

maxshacknai.com was created to provide the facts around the death of Max Shacknai. We believe the facts show that Max’s death was a homicide, whether intentional or accidental, we hope that his case is reclassified as such.

Thanks, Lash.

I have to wonder what Jonah thinks about these photos being posted in this manner. I wonder if he approves of this "strategy." I wonder if Dina sought his permission to post pictures of Jonah's son in this manner?

I also have to emphasize that there is no logical way for any layperson to view any pictures of these type and make any inferences or determinations as to what caused the marks or injuries. It is not possible for any layperson to do this. Only experts with significant knowledge of the child's medical care, and documentation within his medical records, or forensic investigators, are qualified to comment on the source of photographed marks.

Of course Max looked bad 5 days after admission. We have to remember that this is a child who, very unfortunately, suffered a second story fall onto his head and/ or face, a 30+ min cardiac arrest and paramedic resuscitation at the scene, ambulance transportation to 2 different hospitals, ER treatment at at least one of the 2 hospitals (with potential direct admit at Rady bypassing ER), and 5 days of very intensive medical care and diagnostic treatments, with transportation within the hospital to radiology, etc. It is entirely possible that many of the visible marks can be related to Max's original injuries sustained in the fall, evidence of therapy (such as various tubes and securing devices), immobility, and physiological effects such as decreased circulation to some areas of the skin, expected bruising, etc.

Patients who suffer multiple trauma, and the effects of the above (resuscitation, transport, ICU care, and physiological sequelae) do not look good. Most people who have suffered multiple trauma look perfectly awful in ICU. That doesn't mean they were assaulted in any way. I cannot stress this enough-- ICU patients who have suffered multi-trauma look REALLY awful several days after admission. Many third space and swell up everywhere, bruising becomes more evident, the marks and bruising from medical care becomes evident (tape burns, excoriated skin, etc), and their own altered physiology from the injuries and treatments combine to produce images sometimes so shocking their own family members cannot recognize them. None of this means the patients who looking astonishingly bad have been assaulted.

It is a tremendous leap of logic for anyone to say or imply that "this" mark in a photograph means an assault happened, without the context of the patient's entire course of injury and care. I personally think it is extremely unwise to post pictures of this nature on a public website. Of course he looked bad-- no one should have expected him to look like he did before the accident and 5 days in ICU. None of those pictures proves he was assaulted in any way. IMO, they are simply inflammatory and heart breaking, and a breach of Max's privacy.

I support Dina looking for the answers she needs to begin to heal. I support her lobbying efforts to have Max's case reopened. But IMO, this website and pictures is not a good way to do that.
*Lash*, so are you saying Dina Romano has a autopsy photo of Maxie on Maxie's site? Or no? So confused.

edited to add

nvm. No need to answer. I believe it has been pulled. The wholo photo dropdown box . The new Maxie's site is not up either.

Hi Mittymick! The new site is still up, including the drop down box with the photos. There is an ICU picture of Max under the drop down box labeled Max's Death. I believe it is under the second investigation. I personally believe the photo used in the illustration of Max's back next to the staircase railing is an autopsy photo. Sorry for any confusion. I know it would be easier to post the picture. It is just something I morally will not do.
I just saw the maxshacknai.com site. The photos under Max are stunning especially the ones with both Dina and Max together. She was so beautiful in the last one where she was holding him when he was a baby.

This site presents Dina's cause in a more personable and sympathetic manner. What happened to Rebecca and Max are tragic to each family. I personally pray for both families to find the peace and strength necessary to move on with their lives though they will never forget or get over the loss of their loved one.

Dina is requesting signatures on a petition to request that Coronado Police reopen the investigation into Max's death. The petition requires 10,000 signatures and has slightly under 500 at this time.

I would like to be able to sign her petition even though I believe his death was accidental. A re-investigation would bring Dina some peace as a mother so I would certainly want her to have that if at all possible. I could be supportive if I believed that she was only seeking to discover what happened that morning and not wrongfully blame possibly innocent parties for his death. Since I have this qualm I will not sign her petition.

However, I would be more likely to sign it if she was seeking to know who was there that morning but she doesn't question that at all. Jonah and the two older children do not have valid alibis for that morning that I have read, therefore, I will not sign her petition for that reason alone.

I would think that Dina would also want to know where the others were at that morning. She could not be reached after the fall so how can she be so sure that Jonah and his two older children were not there.

I signed both petitions for Rebecca Zahau. One for SDSO to reopen and the second one asking the CA AG to investigate. Both petitions failed with approximately 1,500-1,600 signatures each. I would sign a third petition for her case tomorrow if necessary because I believe she was murdered and that her family is only asking that a fair investigation be done.
freespeech ITA

I think that the time is now for all of us to try to work together to get these cases reopened. If we can all put aside our personal suspicions regarding this case maybe we can all make a difference. I still believe, without a shadow of a doubt that RZ was murdered. I don't know why and I'm not 100% on who but I am sure RZ was murdered.

However due to instances in the past of straight out cyberspace stalking I will not sign any petition or register on the site. Probably not even one for RZ. I want justice for both Rebecca and Max but there is way too much spin and stalking to even begin to think about attaching oneself to it. Which may have been the point all along. If people talking about and protesting the RZ case are silenced by people intolerant of their opinions it's a big win. This makes the new site and DS becoming so public all the more interesting.

Always MOO
The new website for Max has absolutely gorgeous pictures of Dina and Max. Max is so handsome and his smile is contagious. I also was touched by the picture of Dina holding Max when he was a baby. Dina looked beautiful, happy and proud. I'm so sorry this tragedy happened.

There are unanswered questions in Max's death investigation. If this happened to me, I believe I would want some of the answers Dina is seeking. We don't know how the word 'suffocation' was used by Dr. Peterson when he spoke with Dina. What did Dina and Jonah interpret Dr. Peterson's words to mean? We do know a Protective Services Report was pending. Was the report a normal procedure because there was an accident involving a child or was it related to something Dr. Peterson had said? When did Dina and Jonah learn about this pending report? I believe Dina's questions began here and understandably. I think we all agree, the illustration of Max's fall was so obviously flawed. I could not accept this as an answer in my sons death. The diagram only created more questions for Dina. I do understand Dina's quest for answers.

The new website for Max is a good format in drawing attention to Max's case. The focus is Max, his story and seeking signatures for a petition to reopen his case. As it stands Rebecca and XZ are accused of some involvement in an assault on Max. To further an assault theory, I would need to know the alibis for everyone that morning. If Jonah had an agreement with Dina, why did Jonah leave Max with Rebecca and XZ? I would support an unbiased investigation. At this time, I don't believe Max was assaulted. I think it was a horrible accident.

I agree reopening the investigation could bring Dina some peace. She has been through a traumatic experience with unanswered questions. I would also like to be able to sign Dina's petition. I cannot at this time, for similar reasons. Unfortunately, after seeing the name of a particular blog listed in Dr. Melinek's report, I do not trust my information would be secure. This is a blog that has sleuthed blog posters that have a differing opinion. The sleuthing has resulted in personal information of bloggers being displayed on their website. Names, places of employment, residence and even a persons weight. I do not know Dina's full affiliation with this blog, but I cannot trust my information would remain private. In my opinion, this affiliation has hurt Dina's cause to reopen Max's investigation. Many of the bloggers who have been attacked by this blog actually support the reopening of Max's case. Unfortunately, the concern for privacy will keep many bloggers from signing Dina's petition. It is really unfortunate and unnecessary. I do hope Dina receives the signatures she needs.

The new website for Max has absolutely gorgeous pictures of Dina and Max. Max is so handsome and his smile is contagious. I also was touched by the picture of Dina holding Max when he was a baby. Dina looked beautiful, happy and proud. I'm so sorry this tragedy happened.

There are unanswered questions in Max's death investigation. If this happened to me, I believe I would want some of the answers Dina is seeking. We don't know how the word 'suffocation' was used by Dr. Peterson when he spoke with Dina. What did Dina and Jonah interpret Dr. Peterson's words to mean? We do know a Protective Services Report was pending. Was the report a normal procedure because there was an accident involving a child or was it related to something Dr. Peterson had said? When did Dina and Jonah learn about this pending report? I believe Dina's questions began here and understandably. I think we all agree, the illustration of Max's fall was so obviously flawed. I could not accept this as an answer in my sons death. The diagram only created more questions for Dina. I do understand Dina's quest for answers.

The new website for Max is a good format in drawing attention to Max's case. The focus is Max, his story and seeking signatures for a petition to reopen his case. As it stands Rebecca and XZ are accused of some involvement in an assault on Max. To further an assault theory, I would need to know the alibis for everyone that morning. If Jonah had an agreement with Dina, why did Jonah leave Max with Rebecca and XZ? I would support an unbiased investigation. At this time, I don't believe Max was assaulted. I think it was a horrible accident.

I agree reopening the investigation could bring Dina some peace. She has been through a traumatic experience with unanswered questions. I would also like to be able to sign Dina's petition. I cannot at this time, for similar reasons. Unfortunately, after seeing the name of a particular blog listed in Dr. Melinek's report, I do not trust my information would be secure. This is a blog that has sleuthed blog posters that have a differing opinion. The sleuthing has resulted in personal information of bloggers being displayed on their website. Names, places of employment, residence and even a persons weight. I do not know Dina's full affiliation with this blog, but I cannot trust my information would remain private. In my opinion, this affiliation has hurt Dina's cause to reopen Max's investigation. Many of the bloggers who have been attacked by this blog actually support the reopening of Max's case. Unfortunately, the concern for privacy will keep many bloggers from signing Dina's petition. It is really unfortunate and unnecessary. I do hope Dina receives the signatures she needs.


*Lash*, thank you for your heartfelt post. You beautifully express sentiments and concerns that I felt but was able to articulate.

You and Inthedark bring up good points regarding the cyber stalking issues. I personally do not know how much of that was really done or if the PR people were just posturing and bashing. The PR show was so repulsive that it actually had the opposite of it's intended effect. It made me more suspicious and drew more attention to the lies and inconsistencies in the case.

I feel quite sad that even though I sympathize with Dina's plight I cannot sign her petition also for the reasons that you and Inthedark mention.
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