Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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The morning that Judge Stephens sentences Jodi for this, will the court day start with a sidebar ?

I had a dream the other night that Judge Stephens surprised everybody and gave Jodi 25 years with the possibility of parole. Along with that sentence, she was credited with time served, which means her sentence would actually be around 17 years. The reason for this was because her and Judge Stephens had spent so much time in chambers talking and getting to know each other that they had actually grown to be friends. Although most people see Jodi as a clear threat, the judge didn't see her in that way, just because of all of the intimate face time and private conversations.

Just working off the way things have happened in that courtroom, I can't tell if it was just a bad dream or if it was a premonition.

I guess we'll see.
Jodi Arias will be sentenced to Life Without The Possibility of Parole. When Judge Stephens was handling her morning docket before trial started one could hear her sentence folks and she was strong and certain. She has sat through years of this trial and she KNOWS the brutality and the premeditation of this murder. I believe there is no way she will give Jodi Arias any chance at freedom.

I never believed for one second she was taken in by Jodi Arias. I think she very simply lacked confidence and experience as this was her first murder trial.
Beth Karas with Jane Mitchell on what is next in Jodi Arias trial http://janeunchained.com/2015/04/03...a-beth-karas-of-karasoncrime-with-the-latest/

"I would bet ANY amount of money that this judge will give Jodi Arias natural life ( that is what they call it in Arizona )" Beth Karas, Attorney.

Interesting video

BK "according to a juror from a previous DP trial tried just before Jod", the judge in that case told the jury that they should feel good about their decision for their LWOP verdict. That 70% of DP verdicts get overturned and granted new trials, while only 2% of LWOP do. Jodi will get one free appeal then should disappear
Paul Sanders blog about the day Juan Martinez cross examined Jodi Arias' sexpert. I am finally getting a chance to watch this and I am STUNNED.

Dear God in Heaven, Dr. F. basically told the jury here that Travis had it coming. HOW VILE! The judge should never have allowed her to opine what she thinks happened in the bathroom, and why. She wanted the jury to forget that Jodi Arias PLANNED this murder. She said it was an explosion, in other words not premeditated . Juan Martinez was absolutely correct, she was arguing residual doubt, this is the epitome! It should not have been permitted.


(Residual doubt is any remaining or lingering doubt a jury has concerning the defendant's guilt despite having been satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt.)
Right! that whole attempt at residual doubt was nauseating. In fact if anything that text was a perfect example of CMJA manipulating TA with her obvious passive aggressive responses.

The PS blog was amazing. Amazing in the depths the DT went in their effort to satisfy CMJA. I have respect for defense lawyers but this team pushed it too far. I opine they were trying to avoid an ineffective consul motion. I shudder to think what would have happened if JM hadn't been the Prosecutor.

some other favorite members of the cast of characters:
Dr. Horn...respectful, considerate, professional with just the correct amount of empathy and sympathy when delivering such horrifying information. Not a smidgen of ghoul.

Wal-Mart gal...loved the completeness of her report. She left no wiggle room for the murder's gas can version. ( I can only imagine the DT squirming when CMJA informed them she was sticking to that story)

Heather the crime scene investigator... the respectful way she handled the exhibits accompanied by the comforting but disturbing at the same time crunching of the evidence bags. I shed a tear as she displayed the contents of TA's washing machine.
Happy Easter everyone. :hen:

Sentencing approaches and, given the history and histrionics of this trial, I don't expect the lead up, or the day, to go smoothly.
I'd hate to say but, really, did both sides really need to go into that much detail? Talk about derailment. JMO


I think Juan Martinez was forced to go where he went because of where nurmi chose to go.
Little Miss Delusional is in for a very rude awaking the moment her bus enters the gates of the state prison. It will be the reality check of her lifetime.


Good riddance little miss sunshine- may you rot in hell eventually. Until that time I hope you are haunted night and day by angels and demons equally.

Happy Easter fellow sleuthers... celebrating the fact that we are all FREE! Hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and loved ones who are also all FREE!
Happy Easter everyone. :hen:

Sentencing approaches and, given the history and histrionics of this trial, I don't expect the lead up, or the day, to go smoothly.

Too true! Look at something as simple as the attempted manipulation of CMJA's physical presentation from pre-murder to first trial to the pitiful image at the re-trial! So small, so meek, soooo incapable of remembering what she had done...pftttttt! She had two years to mull over her defense and in classic style made every attempt to place blame on others. TA wasn't perfect but considering his life experience he was in the junior league compared to CMJA long standing commitment to lies, passive aggressive actions, her aggressive actions, her manipulations of his friends and TA himself. Boarderline tendencies honed over time into a sharp force object. I had a patient that swore over and over she was innocent of her actions blaming her husband and finally swearing on her children's lives that she was innocent. She fooled a therapist, a senior social worker who concluded she was simply a good christian women being dominated by an controlling husband. It was only after the phone and text records came in that her lie was revealed. OMG on her children's lives!!!! That is why every bit of unsubstantiated direct evidence CMJA was and is suspect!

LWPP is a just verdict for an attention seeking murderer like CMJA.

favorite player: Dr. DM! Wonderful testimony that really cut to the chase. The back drama...two women close in age, one educated, successful, respected the other a convicted murderer, trying to play mind games on the lawyers, judge and jury. What a waste.
Do you think JM chose Dr.DM specifically to show the difference between the two?
Don't know whether JM chose DelMarte in part for the reason you suggest but the contrast certainly struck me in the first trial. You could tell how much Arias hated a woman similar in age to her sitting there in the witness box as an expert, not the defendent, and outlining all the things wrong with her. That must have been excrutiating for someone with as high an opinion of themselves as JA. I, on the other hand, enjoyed that aspect of it immensely.
8 days and a wake up 'til justice.

Btw watching the documentary series The Jinx. Listening to the lawyers commentary about Robert Durst's trial in TX, it became clear to me that defense lawyers advise clients that it is common to "forget" details of events because the act of murder is so traumatic. Seems that is a method of not having their clients say the nasty details in front of a jury. So it made me think The Fog was KN's convenient idea.

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Don't know whether JM chose DelMarte in part for the reason you suggest but the contrast certainly struck me in the first trial. You could tell how much Arias hated a woman similar in age to her sitting there in the witness box as an expert, not the defendent, and outlining all the things wrong with her. That must have been excrutiating for someone with as high an opinion of themselves as JA. I, on the other hand, enjoyed that aspect of it immensely.

Yep a very satisfying feeling. I'm sure CMJA considered many of the witnesses beneath her. Her discomfort must have been exceedingly frustrating being out gunned by lesser mortals.

Going back to her "expert" witnesses...having worked on two locked "behavioral units" I was shocked when ALV stated she had spent 44 hrs evaluating the defendant,including sending her materials to read.
This was unheard of on my units! Evaluations and testing were a cut an dried sort of thing and we were well aware that during evaluation and assessments to stay out of the weeds. We weren't even allowed to be in the same room when a patient completed the MMPI.

Samuels did the same thing, too much time, personal gifts. They both strayed into the treatment realm. a huge nono.

Geffner another total washout in credibility. All three of them under the spell of CMJA. IMHO
Hey guys,
Happy Easter to all :)
I'm wondering if you can help me find something... I recall that at one point Jodi threatened Travis with going to their Bishop to tell him about their sexual activities. Can you point me to where/when she may have said this?

Thanks so much
Hey guys,
Happy Easter to all :)
I'm wondering if you can help me find something... I recall that at one point Jodi threatened Travis with going to their Bishop to tell him about their sexual activities. Can you point me to where/when she may have said this?

Thanks so much

My only recollection about that came from Jen Woods' interview with the jury foreman. Here is an excerpt:

"After the vote we decided to do a round table chat and look at the Gchat between Travis and Jodi. (This was the chat where Travis called Jodi “evil” “a frickin *advertiser censored*” “a rotten lunatic.”) Some of the ladies on the jury noticed the manipulation from Jodi Arias and even Juror 17 agreed. We cross referenced journals and text messages and wondered why Travis was so mad. . We however did find something that wasn’t brought out in court. It was a text from Jodi Arias to Travis Alexander stating to him she needed to speak to the Bishop about the sex stat. We felt this may have been the trigger for Travis’s anger."


8 more nights then she's sentenced Travis
The morning that Judge Stephens sentences Jodi for this, will the court day start with a sidebar ?

I had a dream the other night that Judge Stephens surprised everybody and gave Jodi 25 years with the possibility of parole. Along with that sentence, she was credited with time served, which means her sentence would actually be around 17 years. The reason for this was because her and Judge Stephens had spent so much time in chambers talking and getting to know each other that they had actually grown to be friends. Although most people see Jodi as a clear threat, the judge didn't see her in that way, just because of all of the intimate face time and private conversations.

Just working off the way things have happened in that courtroom, I can't tell if it was just a bad dream or if it was a premonition.

I guess we'll see.

I saw on another site, maybe "my death space" where a legal authority said time served doesn't work with a life sentence, meaning she only gets a LIFE sentence WITH the possibility of release after twenty years. The time served would only apply if she was given an exact out date like a sentence of a flat 25, 30, 40 or 50 year sentence, then time served would apply. She only has the possibility of a Life Sentence, either Natural Life or Life with a chance of RELEASE after serving 25 years of her LIFE sentence.
I remember reading it several times to be sure of what it said. Maybe we can ask AZL and she can tell us about the sentencing laws.
Interesting video

BK "according to a juror from a previous DP trial tried just before Jod", the judge in that case told the jury that they should feel good about their decision for their LWOP verdict. That 70% of DP verdicts get overturned and granted new trials, while only 2% of LWOP do. Jodi will get one free appeal then should disappear

This is why I'm really glad the DP fell through. I think natural life would be a way worse punishment than DP, because lifers don't get the attention that DP-ers do. This is not going to sit well with Ms. Arias. Plus, lifers get a one-and-done appeal (unless they con an expensive attorney into shuffling papers for them), and it's all about technicalities: no more public drama. Not only that, Jodi has a history of getting ruled against at the state CofA and Arizona Supreme Court: they've got her figured out already.

Ooh, and my favorite part about "life"? Jodi's going to have to work, at least eventually. She hates working. Never held a steady job in her life. News flash for Jodi: you will have to work for your room and board for the next 40 years or so, and it'll be way worse than waitressing because lifers don't get the good jobs. And a chunk of what Jodi makes (approx. 50%) will likely go to victim compensation for the Alexanders, and the commissary monies that her fans are sending her will likewise be docked, IIRC. Woohoo! Jodi could get that $.10 per hour toilet scrubbing job and only take home $.05. She'll have to be at it 9-5 to be able to pay for one soda! And all that fundraising is gonna get vaporized from her commissary account. No more $100 per week Hersheys and Slim Jim's. Oh, and at Perryville, you can't traffic in commissary goods, sell 'em, exchange 'em, without incurring a major infraction on your prison record. Several of those, and BAM bu bye to privileges, Jodi! "What's a girl to do"?
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