Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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It's in ZoeyW's post above...#727. JW said it wasn't in the record and JM said it's in his record. lol

Here you go friends, the infamous Jodi Arias squuezing/torturing of her cat. http://www.azcentral.com/community/mesa/articles/20130620jodi-arias-sidebars-exclusive.html

Also, here is something else the jury did not hear , as a child Jodi Arias hit her little brother in head with baseball bat according to the babysitter


"HAWKINS: Yes, absolutely. There were several times that I had observed, when I was babysitting, sort of very aggressive behavior from Jodi towards her brother.

One incident in particular, I was called to babysit on a weekend night, I believe it was, and I was in the kitchen cooking them dinner, and they were in Jodi`s room, I believe, and they were just kind of interacting with each other. And all of a sudden, I just heard Carl just let out this bloodcurdling scream. I went in there and he had a pretty good knot on the top of his head. Jodi was standing there and Carl was crying, and he kept trying to tell me that she hit him. He was probably about three or four at the time.

PINSKY: Hit him with what, like her fist?

HAWKINS: No, with a baseball bat."
Okay - what am I missing?? Here's two maps of the time zones in the U.S. Which is correct - anyone in Arizona - What time is it NOW??!!! It's 1:45pm here on the Left Coast :)

I live in Arizona and right now at the time of this posting it is 1:56 pm. I hope that helps.
What I hold JSS responsible for would be if she allows JA at her sentencing to further trash her victim.

I do not feel it is appropriate and do not believe it would be an appeals issue to not allow her to do it. I also do not feel a judge who is on the ball and in charge of their court would allow it, yet I think JSS will.

The more JA talks, the worse for her, IMO. If she does trash, I hope JSS will trash her right back. I'm 100% sure she will trash her with natural life in Perryville, but I'm hoping for some choice words too. We'll see next week!

JA is allowed to speak and beg for mercy. This is the law. It sucks, but it's not JSS' fault.
Oh my gosh! ALV says she has turned down cases since the Arias trial because people saw her testify and wanted her to testify for them. Yeah right! I can't believe how much she is using the case for her benefit and to line her pockets. Disgusting!

She is disgusting and every single time, without fail, someone sends me more of her public speaking ON THIS CASE I send it straight to Phillip for Mr. Martinez and straight to Judge Stephens. Yes. I do. If, as and when she testifies again .......her reputation of lying to the court and the jury will precede her.
The more JA talks, the worse for her, IMO. If she does trash, I hope JSS will trash her right back. I'm 100% sure she will trash her with natural life in Perryville, but I'm hoping for some choice words too. We'll see next week!

JA is allowed to speak and beg for mercy. This is the law. It sucks, but it's not JSS' fault.

JA should be allowed to do all that that she can legally do. But she goes way beyond that as we all know, and JSS lets her ramble far, far too long in most instances. She can beg and plead and even claim her innocence if she chooses--I don't care about that. But if she begins a whole new guilt phase at her sentencing hearing, JSS can and should put a stop to it sooner rather than later. I hope she does. From what I have seen of JSS so far, I think the killer will be allowed too much leeway on sentencing day. I really, really want to be wrong about this. I would give anything to see JSS bring down the hammer if that is warranted.

I am the last person to want the killer's legal rights trampled. I never, ever want anything turned over for her on appeal. Or even spun around :)

However, re-reading my original post I can see how it was misunderstood. I knew what I was saying but without preamble it was hard for anyone else to know what I was saying. Sorry about that.
It's definitely a ZOO in there and unfortunately JA will adapt quickly, just like she did in jail. She is a survivor after all. I just hope she gets some of the justice she deserves.

If you don't believe life in prison is punishment then what would be considered punishment?

No one has any control over how well or how poorly Arias adapts to Perryville or feels about her circumstances, and in the end, does it matter? Isn't the important thing that she is locked away forever and the AZ prison system keeps her inside their walls and in their control?

Most killers lie; it's not like they're vestiges of morality. So Arias lies too. She doesn't do a thing to TA. People who know TA know the truth and that's all he would care about.

General question to all: who here concerns themselves with how killer Pamela Smart has adapted to her life in prison? Or Diane Downs? They've both been in prison for 25+ years now, both with life sentences.

Concern over Arias in prison is for naught. There are so many killers who haven't been caught, are still a danger, and missing persons whose bodies haven't been found and Arias garners more concern. Arias is toast. Done and done.
Just catching up... I "see" that the posts per page went back to 25... :gaah: Now instead of 3 or 4 pages, I've got at LEAST 29!! :banghead:


I want to hear the sidebars

Me too!

No you are right I don't want to hear white noise but I DO want to hear what they are saying in those darn sidebars that took up more time than the actual trial itself.

So, from what I've read here per AZLawyer everything SHOULD be unsealed at the end of sentencing. I sure hope so!! I want to listen to those sidebars...

"PHOENIX - A judge will permit live video coverage of convicted murderer Jodi Arias' sentencing April 13.

But Maricopa County Superior Court spokeswoman Karen Arra said in an email Monday that some footage could be excluded because some witnesses may not want to be photographed."

BBM ~ Maybe "some witnesses" is JA herself?


So... will HLN be showing this live?? Anyone know? or just ABC - ?

RBBM: Yep ... her highness does not want to be photographed in her stripes and shackles !

:boohoo: I sure am waiting to see her in her stripes, shackles on the legs, shuffling in... :lol:

:seeya: Actually, I thought it would be more like 2-3 days ... :couch:

Seriously, there will be:

:tantrum: from JA and her DT

then a :judge:

and another :judge:

more :tantrum: from JA


and another :judge:

:gaah: :gaah: and :gaah: !

and off you go Jodith :jail:

LOVE :loveyou: all your emoticons dog.gone.cute - always entertaining!! :wave:

For crying out loud, what does this even mean? This has to be the biggest circus of all time. How can this succubus continue to manipulate? I think I'm going to start drinking Bloody Marys when I wake up next Monday morning to prepare for whatever happens.

I shall join you zonaNpa - and :welcome6: to this thread!



  • BloodyMary.jpg
    8.4 KB · Views: 267
If you don't believe life in prison is punishment then what would be considered punishment?

No one has any control over how well or how poorly Arias adapts to Perryville or feels about her circumstances, and in the end, does it matter? Isn't the important thing that she is locked away forever and the AZ prison system keeps her inside their walls and in their control?

Most killers lie; it's not like they're vestiges of morality. So Arias lies too. She doesn't do a thing to TA. People who know TA know the truth and that's all he would care about.

General question to all: who here concerns themselves with how killer Pamela Smart has adapted to her life in prison? Or Diane Downs? They've both been in prison for 25+ years now, both with life sentences.

Concern over Arias in prison is for naught. There are so many killers who haven't been caught, are still a danger, and missing persons whose bodies haven't been found and Arias garners more concern. Arias is toast. Done and done.

No I don't know how Pamela Smart has adapted to prison life but I am curious. Just as I will be curious about Jodi. I think it's because we want them to feel some hurt and pain for all they have caused and we have not "seen" her hurt yet. JMHO
Doggone, I just have to tell you how much entertainment you've given my granddaughter during this trial.

When I'm watching her, a lot of time she's sitting in my lap as I'm scrolling through posts. She is absolutely DELIGHTED! when we come upon one of your posts with all the animated stuff. We have laughed together as I taught her to fake laugh "hahaha" to:lol: (it's hysterical!); say "eek!" to :gaah:; and she waves to the computer when you offer a simple :seeya:.

I might be missing a few, but I just wanted you to know that a little person has been highly amused by your posts. Plus, you've helped build some basic language skills.

So from my granddaughter and myself, :loveyou:.

That is so cute GigiG! I, too love dog.gone.cute's emoticons! In fact, I look forward to them!

For your granddaughter:


I live in Arizona and right now at the time of this posting it is 1:56 pm. I hope that helps.

I think it works like this. Arizona never goes on daylight savings time. So when say CA is on daylight savings time AZ and CA are on the same time. It is during CA non-daylight time that CA would be an hour behind AZ, but currently we are on daylight savings time, so 8:30 AZ time, on April 13, 2014, is the same time as CA Pacific Daylight time = 8:30. If someone believes me wrong, please let me know, as I plan to watch the sentencing at 8:30 not 7:30!
No I don't know how Pamela Smart has adapted to prison life but I am curious. Just as I will be curious about Jodi. I think it's because we want them to feel some hurt and pain for all they have caused and we have not "seen" her hurt yet. JMHO

That's about the spectator's needs, desires, and wants. Those who fight to put away killers don't get wrapped up in the killer's feelings, or how they might adapt to prison or hope for revenge and look for hurt and pain. They work to get killers behind bars so society is safe.

Waiting around and hoping for a killer to 'feel' bad or feel remorseful (or feel anything), is futile. Some may in time, maybe decades. However many or even most never do or they continue to only feel sorry for themselves. This is killer 101 standard stuff. Prisons are full of people who swear they're innocent and were wronged and the system was out to get them. There's nothing new here.
Diane Downs has absolutely no grasp on reality. She is paranoid and delusional and her life is just plain sucky--and it would be even if she were not in prison. I wish I could find the letter she sent to her daughter--the one that she gave birth to after her arrest. It leaves little question to the state of her mind these days. And considering that was written some years ago I imagine her mental status to be much worse now rather than better. At best, Downs is medicated to the point of comfortably numb.

Not sure about what Pam Smart endures these days but most prisoners adapt fairly well just because they have no choice. Prisons are set up to help them adapt because when they adapt they are less likely to be trouble. Those who cannot or will not adapt find themselves often separated from the others for short or long, or sometimes very long, periods of time. That's for everyone's protection/well being.

I believe prison is a punishment more so for some than others but I guess that's true with just about anything. Jodi will probably adapt after an initial period of rule-breaking and not liking being told what to do. Eventually she will come around, though. And so what if she does adapt. She's still locked up, not running around with blond tresses and fake *advertiser censored* in everyone's face. No Starbucks. No travel beyond the prison walls except possibly if she has to be hospitalized for something. And then she would be under heavy guard and still have rules to follow. The worst of it all, I believe will be no coming and going as she pleases. To each his own--but for me, I could do all of that for a few years if I had to but the eventual realization that I would live the rest of my life like that would surely suck!

I do not think we have to worry too much about Jodi Arias embracing her new life with much enthusiasm. It will be all about survival, and that will not leave much room for many good times.
:seeya: :loveyou:

BBM: :great: idea ... but as you pointed out, 21 emoticons is the limit.

I will need at least a minimum of :drumroll: 100 emoticons per post :hilarious:



so - go here -

what you do is - right click over the emoticon you want - click "copy" and bring it over here putting the emoticon between
That way you can have MORE than 20.

I have no clue, either! They (any defense, ja herself) to say whatever they wanted to during the trial. There are zero mitigating factors to bring up at this point - what's it going to change given where she's going? The ONLY thing I could understand would be for the defendant to make an honest statement of apology and actually admitting that she killed Travis Alexander. She will never use the correct terminology that she murdered him (or butchered him) but has always described Travis' "passing" or "when he passed" However, she isn't capable of being sincere in apologizing. Not that it would make any difference in her sentence, but it would be the decent and moral thing to do.

I don't know why anyone would be allowed to speak on her behalf - does anybody know? This isn't rhetorical, I'm just so curious as to why it's allowed legally-speaking because it makes no sense to me.

The only people who should be allowed to speak are the victims.

BBM ~ Her lack of criminal record is one. And, possibly her age. JMO
Diane Downs has absolutely no grasp on reality. She is paranoid and delusional and her life is just plain sucky--and it would be even if she were not in prison. I wish I could find the letter she sent to her daughter--the one that she gave birth to after her arrest. It leaves little question to the state of her mind these days. And considering that was written some years ago I imagine her mental status to be much worse now rather than better. At best, Downs is medicated to the point of comfortably numb.

Not sure about what Pam Smart endures these days but most prisoners adapt fairly well just because they have no choice. Prisons are set up to help them adapt because when they adapt they are less likely to be trouble. Those who cannot or will not adapt find themselves often separated from the others for short or long, or sometimes very long, periods of time. That's for everyone's protection/well being.

I believe prison is a punishment more so for some than others but I guess that's true with just about anything. Jodi will probably adapt after an initial period of rule-breaking and not liking being told what to do. Eventually she will come around, though. And so what if she does adapt. She's still locked up, not running around with blond tresses and fake *advertiser censored* in everyone's face. No Starbucks. No travel beyond the prison walls except possibly if she has to be hospitalized for something. And then she would be under heavy guard and still have rules to follow. The worst of it all, I believe will be no coming and going as she pleases. To each his own--but for me, I could do all of that for a few years if I had to but the eventual realization that I would live the rest of my life like that would surely suck!

I do not think we have to worry too much about Jodi Arias embracing her new life with much enthusiasm. It will be all about survival, and that will not leave much room for many good times.

Pam Smart has not had a great life in prison. Excerpted from Wikipedia:

In October 1996, Smart was severely beaten by inmates... Ever since she was severely beaten, she takes medication for chronic pain and sometimes thinks of suicide. Her counselor, Dr. Eleanor Pam, says that "she has many, many, many dark days."...

...In an interview with ABC News, Smart indicated she is afraid of growing old and dying in prison and would rather have had the death penalty than life.

So perhaps LWOP is a fate worse than death...


ETA: I believe Susan Smith's story follows a similar trajectory.
That's about the spectator's needs, desires, and wants. Those who fight to put away killers don't get wrapped up in the killer's feelings, or how they might adapt to prison or hope for revenge and look for hurt and pain. They work to get killers behind bars so society is safe.

Waiting around and hoping for a killer to 'feel' bad or feel remorseful (or feel anything), is futile. Some may in time, maybe decades. However many or even most never do or they continue to only feel sorry for themselves. This is killer 101 standard stuff. Prisons are full of people who swear they're innocent and were wronged and the system was out to get them. There's nothing new here.

Re BIB - and sometimes they are telling the truth, and sometimes they are still executed, so I personally would prefer to not be quite so cavalier or dismissive when it comes to guilt and innocence. Maybe in the cases you cited and which I'm not familiar with there are no doubts, and definitely I have no concerns re innocence or justification when it comes to Arias, but your post happened to be very timely as in between reading here I've been reading the article linked to below and just finished it. Sobering stuff IMO and a good example of how even the most cast-iron sounding evidence can turn out to be very rubbery indeed. I'd recommend it to anyone with the time and inclination to read it. BTW, if this post reads rather negatively towards your bolded bit it's because I literally finished reading the article when I read the post and am feeling a bit p'ed off at the injustice of this particular case. Nothing personal intended but going by your tagline, you'll understand that.

I think it works like this. Arizona never goes on daylight savings time. So when say CA is on daylight savings time AZ and CA are on the same time. It is during CA non-daylight time that CA would be an hour behind AZ, but currently we are on daylight savings time, so 8:30 AZ time, on April 13, 2014, is the same time as CA Pacific Daylight time = 8:30. If someone believes me wrong, please let me know, as I plan to watch the sentencing at 8:30 not 7:30!

That is correct Rosebutter

So perhaps LWOP is a fate worse than death...


ETA: I believe Susan Smith's story follows a similar trajectory.

I believe for many, LWOP is worse than death. It certainly would be worse for me. I would not fear dying as much as I would living in emotional pain, fear and hopelessness.

It seems Pam Smart has family that believe in her and visit her still, after all these years. Will Jodi Arias have that? Something tells me she won't.
Here you go friends, the infamous Jodi Arias squuezing/torturing of her cat. http://www.azcentral.com/community/mesa/articles/20130620jodi-arias-sidebars-exclusive.html

Also, here is something else the jury did not hear , as a child Jodi Arias hit her little brother in head with baseball bat according to the babysitter


"HAWKINS: Yes, absolutely. There were several times that I had observed, when I was babysitting, sort of very aggressive behavior from Jodi towards her brother.

One incident in particular, I was called to babysit on a weekend night, I believe it was, and I was in the kitchen cooking them dinner, and they were in Jodi`s room, I believe, and they were just kind of interacting with each other. And all of a sudden, I just heard Carl just let out this bloodcurdling scream. I went in there and he had a pretty good knot on the top of his head. Jodi was standing there and Carl was crying, and he kept trying to tell me that she hit him. He was probably about three or four at the time.

PINSKY: Hit him with what, like her fist?

HAWKINS: No, with a baseball bat."

Jodi told Det.Flores about her needing to tell Doggyboy that she was sorry about kicking him. This was when she was asked about anger problems. She said she was pissed that she had to pick up Angela and Joey's dirty diapers when Doggyboy tore open the trash. She said he moved a few feet after kicking him and wasn'seen after that. I wonder how many animal's Sandy and Bill had to get rid of after she maimed and or killed them. Dr.DeMar told us about it in the first trial. That would of been about the time Jodi was growing pot and her fog rolling in?
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