Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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In that 12 page letter that JA sent to JSS she shows her hatred for Deanna Reid by complaining that KN didn't impeach her for lying about having sex with TA when KN interviewed her. Also her hatred for Det Flores because he didn't impeach him and Dr. Horn. I think in the retrial that is why JW really went after Deanna in her cross examination. It made JA happy but made JW look like a real B for doing it.
Common sense should tell anyone that he would not have 'confessed', but would have insisted that she misunderstood and the whole scenario was not as it appeared. There again, they supposedly had no discussion about it at the time - she grabbed her angel and ran, drove around, opened her garage door from down the street (yeah, thanks for the embellishment Arias), vomited, and went to a Mormon centre. How would he even have known what she saw, or her interpretation?

A very dumb liar liar pants on fire psychopath.

Did ALL that, AND took a nap at the same time too, right??!
Bwahaha, do you recall one of the experts on the stand said that CMJA has an IQ of 112 and CMJA glowed daggers at them before furiously doodling away again? And then when Dr. de Marte testified didn't she say CMJA's IQ was 119, somewhat average? Earth to CMJA: Memorizing pompous prose doesn't make you an "Einstein"!

Yes!! I totally remember that.., I LOVED it!!!
IIRC the wonderful Dr. DeMarte testified that while reviewing material about ja's behavior, she wondered whether there was an "intellectual deficit". One of the vids on youtube, but it will take me some time to find it. Anybody else knows which one? She referred to the booking photo, mother's description of ja as a child being "happy as hell" for example.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s_MoStf1Gs at 1:50-ish

Thank you for that. The was my favorite expert witness... And my favorite part was watching JA pretend like she wasn't listening and Demarte wasn't bothering her... But it so obvious that she was so jealous of Demarte.
I'm impressed—JA's protestations to the contrary—at how unsophisticated and unimaginative Jodi is at sex. The hallmark of inexperience is her excitement about KY Jelly, when we all know that's what doctors routinely use in rectal and gynecological exams. Most adults have observed this stuff on the counter of their generalist's examining room. But consider this as well: there is no sign that any "toys" were found: no Magic Wand, Turbo Glider, butt plug, or Rabbit. Like the KY focus, this suggests lack of a creative repertoire , Jodi's sense of herself as a sexy turn on notwithstanding. Then there is the startling absence of lubricants that aren't so "doctor-ish". I mean, really, no Pink, Sliquid, Slippery Stuff, Please?

Hate to tell you, Jodi, you are a veritable novice in the sex department. Prudish and stodgy. "Old-fashioned", to use ALV's moniker. And, oh, goody, you never will get to visit Good Vibrations, either online or in person. Bwahahaha!

RSF, very impressive. You must have a very exciting private life! ;0)
Regarding the pedo letter, apart from the content, which is plainly straight from Jodi's malicious imagination, the forgery itself is also so obvious.

Just a cursory examination of the handwriting reveals so many "tells."

In Jodi's handwriting, the descenders on letters extend far below the baseline, almost as a flourish. In the forgery, all the "Y"s follow that tendency, with the descender of the "Y"s falling well below the baseline. In Travis' known handwriting samples, although he uses an odd mix of upper & lower case, he consistently keeps almost all letters on the baseline.

Also notable is that with the letter "B," the middle stroke between the two curvilinear parts meet at the vertical stroke in Travis' writings. Jodi, however, has a lazier style, where her "B"s look more like a "D" with a bit of an indent in the middle. In the letter, the "B"s look more like Jodi's handwriting.

I don't know if any of this makes sense without being able to show the visuals, but I hope you can get the idea.

At the end of the day, this document is such an obvious forgery I can't believe that Nurmi said something to the effect that "experts" couldn't rule it out as being not authentic (or some such nonsense).

Very interesting information. Thank you for sharing.
Another thing I noticed in the 'manifesto' is where she writes of her arrival in Mesa after being 'guilted' into going. She says she arrived at 4.30 am, exhausted, but TA insisted she watch funny videos on YouTube and a demo of his new punching bag. She then states they went to bed about 5 am. So on the one hand she is trying to give the impression that he made her stay up even though she was very tired, and on the other gives the detail that she went to bed about 30 minutes after arrival. Half an hour is not long at all to arrive, say your hellos, go to the toilet, maybe have a cup of tea and get ready for bed, let alone watch videos etc. I know it's a very minor point but still think it is interesting in terms of how the impression/s she wants to convey are so often not backed up by the facts, even those she willingly supplies.
Jodi wrote in her journal aout being somewhere and it was freezing, and apologized for her handwriting being so cramped. It look very close to the pedo writing. Who apologizes for their horrid handwriting in their own freeking journal

Jodi is also ambidextrous

HA. So true. Who apologizes for handwriting in a PERSONAL journal. OBVIOUSLY she was writing it for public consumption.
Another thing I noticed in the 'manifesto' is where she writes of her arrival in Mesa after being 'guilted' into going. She says she arrived at 4.30 am, exhausted, but TA insisted she watch funny videos on YouTube and a demo of his new punching bag. She then states they went to bed about 5 am. So on the one hand she is trying to give the impression that he made her stay up even though she was very tired, and on the other gives the detail that she went to bed about 30 minutes after arrival. Half an hour is not long at all to arrive, say your hellos, go to the toilet, maybe have a cup of tea and get ready for bed, let alone watch videos etc. I know it's a very minor point but still think it is interesting in terms of how the impression/s she wants to convey are so often not backed up by the facts, even those she willingly supplies.

I picked up on this too! I just went to double check and she actually says they went 'to sleep' around 5am... So it wasn't just doing all those things you mentioned, it was also brushing teeth, getting changed/undressed, settling into bed and so on. In 30 mins? All of that? The whole thing just reeks of so much BS...! :gaah:
I picked up on this too! I just went to double check and she actually says they went 'to sleep' around 5am... So it wasn't just doing all those things you mentioned, it was also brushing teeth, getting changed/undressed, settling into bed and so on. In 30 mins? All of that? The whole thing just reeks of so much BS...! :gaah:

And she says they woke up around 1:00 p.m. (forgetting or not knowing about Travis' text to CH at 12:13), plus she only says they 'hung out, among other things', never mentions a little sex party and picture taking episode.
Hi everyone ! I am sort of new to the forum, I rarely post much due to being sort of shy, coupled with not really being all that smart.

<awkward pause>

I have a few questions to ask in regards to Jodi's prison sentence. These are hypothetical questions of course, and many of them could be answered with a yes or no. Some may take a wee bit of explanation, but hopefully not.

The individuals most qualified to provide these answers would most likely be: A) an attorney.....B) Someone who pretends to be an attorney...C) Someone who knows an attorney or has one in their family.....D) Someone that works in the prison system....E) Someone who has or is currently escaping from prison..... F) a legal scholar who resides in Arizona.... G) an Az legislator....H) anybody that has an A, C, D, E, S, P, or M in their name..
K) Individuals born in the 50's, 60's or 70's.

The questions:

1) After imprisoned, can Jodi get married to another female inmate ?

2) Does Arizona honor same sex marriages in a prison setting ?

3) If Jodi was to get married in prison, would she and her new wife get to share a common cell together ?

4) If Jodi's new wife was to get paroled and be released someday, could they as a couple apply to adopt a child or possibly go through a surrogate type of arrangement ?

5) Let's say that one of these days, Arizona elects a Governor who is single, handsome and available. If this man was to become pen pals with Jodi, and fall head over heels for her, could he pardon her, even with a life sentence ?

6) If after Jodi is pardoned, she moves into the governor's mansion and sets up house, remodels, and has her friends come around for sleepovers and bong parties, is this going to cause a conflict of interest for the Governor himself ?? Would it be illegal for him to have a convicted felon living with him, eating his food, and doing his laundry at the expense of the taxpayers?

7) In that movie, "The Green Mile", one of the prisoners had a little mouse that used to come around and hang out with him and he taught the mouse to do tricks and what-not. If Jodi was to befriend a mouse, a spider, a cockroach, or some other critter, would she be allowed to keep it, or would it have to schedule visitation just like everybody else ?

8) When Jodi's hair starts to turn grey prematurely, will they allow her to dye it back to it's original brown color if she can afford the Clairol "Nice and Easy" from the commissary, or perhaps get it through her family ?

9) Could President Obama pardon Jodi on the way out the door ? If she was to send him some of her most convincing "abuse" stories along with a few of her paintings, do you think he might ?

10) If Jodi was to apply to become a member of Websleuths, would she be approved as a "verified insider" ?
Would that be because she knows a lot about the case, or because she is in prison ?

I guess that's about all the questions I can think of right now. I was sitting around here all afternoon sipping on some Vodka and lemonade drinks, and all of a sudden these questions just sprang to mind !! I'd appreciate if one of the qualified people listed above would fill in the answers for me.

Thanks soooooo much for your time.......:oddsmiley:


Hi Steelman,
I laughed so hard just visualizing the scenarios. My only qualifier is I was born in the sixties and have a nephew who is an attorney. I can see number scenario number 9 happening. Fits in with everything else coming out of Washington DC. &#128517;
In that 12 page letter that JA sent to JSS she shows her hatred for Deanna Reid by complaining that KN didn't impeach her for lying about having sex with TA when KN interviewed her. Also her hatred for Det Flores because he didn't impeach him and Dr. Horn. I think in the retrial that is why JW really went after Deanna in her cross examination. It made JA happy but made JW look like a real B for doing it.
She is so deranged...and used her lawyers to exact revenge. And yes a lawyer will fight and go to bat for their client but I've never in my time of watching trials...starting with OJ.....seen a DA be so used and manipulated by their client. That's literally what happened on the stand....she hated Flores for not being manipulated by her....she hated Deanna for being what she never could be. And JW and KN played right into her hands....they went above and beyond geragos and Baez. I am amazed how easily they played into her hands. Clearly they had zero experience with a high caliber socio/psychopath
She is so deranged...and used her lawyers to exact revenge. And yes a lawyer will fight and go to bat for their client but I've never in my time of watching trials...starting with OJ.....seen a DA be so used and manipulated by their client. That's literally what happened on the stand....she hated Flores for not being manipulated by her....she hated Deanna for being what she never could be. And JW and KN played right into her hands....they went above and beyond geragos and Baez. I am amazed how easily they played into her hands. Clearly they had zero experience with a high caliber socio/psychopath

Played into her hands or just played the game with her? Please don't make them out to be normal. They too are repulsive.
Played into her hands or just played the game with her? Please don't make them out to be normal. They too are repulsive.
No I think she played them like a violin to exact her revenge, because they went over and above and beyond defending their client. I have never ever seen lawyers go above and beyond defending a client like this. What the previous poster said is true-her fake manifesto is her true self and hell hath no fury than a psycho/sociopath scorned. Make a fool of them or not do what they want and you will rue the day you met them. I have Dealt with lower level sociopaths and believe me....they can do a lot of damage....they all work the same.

She couldn't exact her revenge without getting in more trouble so she got assigned lawyers to do it. They've never dealt with such a high level of evil-most aren't like her. Its so obvious from watching the way Nurmi and wilmott hammered Deanna, horn, Flores, that it was practically Jodi in their forms doing the talking. Its obvious from the way Travis was really killed and again and again she had gotten to them and manipulated them big time. There is a lack of intelligence and it was fun and easy for her to do....and she didn't have to do much but learn to work the system and learn what to say and how to say it to make them jump. Nothing more than chumps and pawns in her game.
I am a crossword freak, but IF I EVER see anything resembling "(de)/edify", I will go off.

Anyone ever figure out why she is so stuck on that word?

That's a good question! I can't quite figure out what she thought it meant, either. Defame? Destroy? Badmouth?

v. t Disedify To fail of edifying; to injure.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
disedify To fail of edifying; impart false doctrine to.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
v.t Disedify dis-ed&#8242;i-f&#299; to do the reverse of edifying: to scandalise
In literature:
But we have not space to pursue the disedifying history of their quarrels.
Just to give an idea about how relative Jodi's "superior" level on a verbal test is, consider Juan. Juan is truly "superior", light years more advanced than Jodi, indeed, likely light years more advanced than anyone in the courtroom. He is a master of language, and would probably rank in something like the top <0.1%. You would see this kind of facility in an elite Ph.D. program. And he spills out sophisticated words off the cuff. Very, very impressive. I believe he's bilingual, to boot.

Juan obviously has worked hard to achieve that level of verbal sophistication, hangs out with others who are similarly gifted (you can't use/learn big words with people who don't understand you), and has a natural linguistic talent. I can't emphasize enough how rare this is.

DeMarte is very adept, but not quite at this level. Close. She can give very technical information in straightforward professional language, with very rare umms. When she and Juan are preparing for her testimony, this must be quite a conversation; the flow from one to the other probably goes very fast (remember, Juan has to tell her in the courtroom to slow down, although he can keep up no problem), and I'll bet it gives both a good shot of intellectual adrenalin. Mutually stimulating, with lots of lightbulb moments. I would have loved to be in the wall for oe of those conversations.

So, let's not fall into Jodi's self-deception that she has any kind of recognizable verbal sophistication. She isn't even at Nurmi's or Willmott's level (a very low bar, indeed). She is considerably behind Deanna's and Abe's as far as using words precisely. Demarte's clear as a bell evaluation that Jodi had "superior" verbal skills and high-ish IQ was very strategic: accurate, yes, per the tests, but big gotcha for Jodi.

I love seeing Nurmi cry when Juan interviews people and takes no notes so Nurmi can't prepare for his cross, he bemoans: "It's so unfairrrrrrr...." LOL.

v. t Disedify To fail of edifying; to injure.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
disedify To fail of edifying; impart false doctrine to.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
v.t Disedify dis-ed&#8242;i-f&#299; to do the reverse of edifying: to scandalise
In literature:
But we have not space to pursue the disedifying history of their quarrels.

Edified by TexMex! Thank you!
Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret is on LMN today (Friday) at 4:00PM (EDT).
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