Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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Jodi wanted Travis to come up to Yreka the weekend of May 24th to hear her sing the National Anthem at a car race on the 24th. I can't remember of it was in a email or gchat that he said he was stressing out because she wouldn't tell him what she had planned. Jodi went looking for a tree in the woods so she could do the fantasy of him tying her to a tree and having anal sex while she wore a school girl uniform. I think MM was going to be hiding and making a video and photos for more blackmail. Any way Travis didn't go, but instead had a UFC party at his house and met a "cutie" nineteen year old. Jodi would never be able to win against a young fresh face raised in the church Mormon girl.

Jodi speaks of vaginal sex and that it happened twice. Once when he made her feel like a "goddess" in the rose petals and candles lining the hall into the bathroom and around the bathtub. Jodi speaks of it in the May 10th sexphone call. Jodi said Travis told her it didn't count because it was under water. It is interesting that there is no mention of any form of birth control other than anal sex. I wonder if she used birth control with BobbyJ, MM and Darryl?

The other Jodi mentions in her journal in January 2008, and that it was different then the time before.

And for the red riding hood costume, there is a photo online of Jodi"stupid" sister wearing one, and a person wearing a wolf costume standing behind her.

The issue of birth control is interesting and raises a lot of questions. Odd as it may sound, I'm grateful that it was (mostly) anal sex; otherwise, I can only imagine what havoc would have ensued had she gotten pregnant. Then again, she might not have killed the father of her child. Not out of love or respect or anything like that, just to ensure she'd get money for child support (and ruin him).
Jodi wanted Travis to come up to Yreka the weekend of May 24th to hear her sing the National Anthem at a car race on the 24th. I can't remember of it was in a email or gchat that he said he was stressing out because she wouldn't tell him what she had planned. Jodi went looking for a tree in the woods so she could do the fantasy of him tying her to a tree and having anal sex while she wore a school girl uniform. I think MM was going to be hiding and making a video and photos for more blackmail. Any way Travis didn't go, but instead had a UFC party at his house and met a "cutie" nineteen year old. Jodi would never be able to win against a young fresh face raised in the church Mormon girl.

Jodi speaks of vaginal sex and that it happened twice. Once when he made her feel like a "goddess" in the rose petals and candles lining the hall into the bathroom and around the bathtub. Jodi speaks of it in the May 10th sexphone call. Jodi said Travis told her it didn't count because it was under water. It is interesting that there is no mention of any form of birth control other than anal sex. I wonder if she used birth control with BobbyJ, MM and Darryl?

The other Jodi mentions in her journal in January 2008, and that it was different then the time before.

And for the red riding hood costume, there is a photo online of Jodi"stupid" sister wearing one, and a person wearing a wolf costume standing behind her.

Right! she had something in her journal about "going all the way" with TA. Perhaps she was hoping to get pregnant knowing TA would honor his responsibility.

CMJA violated one of the most ancient rules of womanhood "never show a man your whole *ss". I wonder what sexual treat she could have provided any man after 20 yrs, bestiality?
I am curious as to what form of birthcontrol she or her boyfriends used, because she really had loads of mileage on her privates when she met TA. He was like a lamb to the slaughter figuratively and literally. Sure he had had sex before but nothing compared to the cornucopia of tricks CMJA offered. Hard for a red blooded man to resist.

MM *rubbing chin* I would love to know his piece to this puzzle.

I worked as a Rec. Therapist for ten years on two separate locked "behavioral" units. Five years with adolescents and five years with adults. the staff all knew that untreated boarderlines of any age were the most disruptive and dangerous of our patients.
Zoey didn't you post DeMarte's testimony a day or two ago..I was watching and can't find it anymore..could you please help? Thank you!
I was just watching Juan Martinez' cross of Geffner (day 24). I had to put it on pause. It was too frustrating to listen to. I love Juan Martinez and love to see him in action, but like most of the other videos from the retrial, it's just too frustrating to watch. I started getting a Jodi-level migraine.

My heart goes out to Juan Martinez regarding all the obstructionist BS that was thrown at him during this phase. I don't know how he does it. At least I can put it on pause; he and the jurors had to go through every painful aspect of every minute.

ETA: this was the day Jodi wore her sexy sleeveless top...
I always thought she robbed him. He probably had a lot of cash in his house, most people of his faith do. In case of emergency they are prepared. Plus he was going on a trip, so maybe he had cash on hand for the trip to Mexico.

CMJA purchase a 9mm pistol and ammunition for it. She had supposedly lost that Helio phone so she probable bought another one. She was renting a car and planning on another trip, she also came to Mesa for the memorial and to give her prints to police, another long trip, and she flew. She was spending a lot of money for someone that wasn't working that much. She stole from him that is for sure. She had done it before why wouldn't she do it after he was dead?

Yes, I'm reading backwards. Jodi told Det. Flores that the male ninja took went through her purse

JA: From there they were … I was here, like his armoire whatever it’s called, but his TV was here. and I was right about here and I had to stay here and I was calling his name and they were like, “Shut the hell up,” Umm and I was just…I don’t know if I was crying. It was all just like… It was so weird. Umm… he was going through umm…my purse, and he pulled out my wallet and he just took some cash. Umm I had though my cash stashed in the jeans I had worn, like a good chunk of it, like 80 bucks, stashed in four twenties in the back of my jean pockets which were in my backpack ummm but I had some cash in here, not all of it though. So he took that, though and um…

Also, if you watch or read the interrogation tapes, Jodi sings a song by Dido. This is one of her hiding in a closet watching a man sleeping. Jodi would hide in Travis's closet and watch him.. This has sub titles, but it's the same that I've found before and can't find now.

The issue of birth control is interesting and raises a lot of questions. Odd as it may sound, I'm grateful that it was (mostly) anal sex; otherwise, I can only imagine what havoc would have ensued had she gotten pregnant. Then again, she might not have killed the father of her child. Not out of love or respect or anything like that, just to ensure she'd get money for child support (and ruin him).

I don't remember what day it was during the penalty phase retrial, but I believe when they (JM and I believe EF) were reviewing a picture of her "getaway" car trunk on the day of her arrest there was a box of condoms in the picture. I remember Monica Lindstrom tweeting something about that being a smart thing for a young woman to carry around, which is true, but not exactly Exhibit A for a young woman that just murdered a man and was claiming DV and PTSD as a defense to it....
Yes, I'm reading backwards. Jodi told Det. Flores that the male ninja took went through her purse

JA: From there they were … I was here, like his armoire whatever it’s called, but his TV was here. and I was right about here and I had to stay here and I was calling his name and they were like, “Shut the hell up,” Umm and I was just…I don’t know if I was crying. It was all just like… It was so weird. Umm… he was going through umm…my purse, and he pulled out my wallet and he just took some cash. Umm I had though my cash stashed in the jeans I had worn, like a good chunk of it, like 80 bucks, stashed in four twenties in the back of my jean pockets which were in my backpack ummm but I had some cash in here, not all of it though. So he took that, though and um…

Also, if you watch or read the interrogation tapes, Jodi sings a song by Dido. This is one of her hiding in a closet watching a man sleeping. Jodi would hide in Travis's closet and watch him.. This has sub titles, but it's the same that I've found before and can't find now.


BBM I don't know if you read JA's manifesto, which she referred to as a composition, but in it JA said she was "probably singing a church hymn" during her interrogation. I guess from The Stalker's Bible? That song has been called the stalker's anthem. Eileen Wurnos requested a Dido song be played at her memorial after she was executed, although it was a different Dido song.
People do need to remember how incredibly important it was to get the 1st degree murder conviction! That was the most important part of this. And, given what we later learned about the foreman, I stand pleasantly retrospectively astonished by that verdict. I shudder to think how close we may have come to a mistrial. The foreman could have seriously mucked that verdict up.

That verdict was really the only essential thing. The special circumstances was an additional layer that will help ensure she never leaves prison. And I don't believe JSS, for whom I have much criticism, will give her LWP. BUT, even IF she did, there are enough people committed to ensuring she will never leave prison. The record will be there for all to see and the family and the prosecutor will be available to present to any parole board. It won't happen. But it also won't happen because she is getting LWOP. She escaped death by one person-no judge with a modicum of sanity would pronounce any sentence other than LWOP to JA in public.

For me, justice was done when she was found guilty of 1st degree murder. That was the tough part, the necessary & essential part. Juan did a masterful job. Getting an "allegedly" attractive, young female who swore she was abused convicted of 1st degree murder was never close to a sure thing. But it was done and, once it was done, her fate was sealed. She's never getting out of prison. Ever.

Agree 100 percent!

Even when the truth comes out, those who pay for their actions often do so with a plea deal.

One thing that we must never forget is that Jodi Arias has been convicted of first degree murder with cruelty. Such an outcome is never a "given" and we need to be very, very thankful that the guilt phase of Killer Arias's trial turned out the way it did. A guilty verdict, even for an obviously guilty defendant, is harder to come by than it used to be and even when it is obtained sentence is often more lenient than in the past.

Justice in this world is becoming quite the rare commodity. However, I believe justice not served in this life is meted in the next, and with that belief I am not left inconsolable when injustice prevails. I will admit I still shed an occasional tear over no justice for little Caylee until I remind myself that she is in a better place, and that her murderer will pay--eventually.
PIO Bill Lamoreuex of media relations said prep for JA @ PV on 4.13.15. High security & no public allowed.

VIDEO | Troy Hayden on ‪#‎JodiArias‬ at 31.55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0XIxtLoknU

Briefly: There is NO confirmation Arias will go to Perryville the same day she is sentenced [April 13].
Media is still waiting for confirmation from DOC director Charles Ryan.

Hayden will not be in town but a news crew and helicopter will be following Arias as long as enough notice is given.
Perryville is setting up an area for media to cover her arrival.
Fox 10 News Now will be covering the sentencing live.
People do need to remember how incredibly important it was to get the 1st degree murder conviction! That was the most important part of this. And, given what we later learned about the foreman, I stand pleasantly retrospectively astonished by that verdict. I shudder to think how close we may have come to a mistrial. The foreman could have seriously mucked that verdict up.

That verdict was really the only essential thing. The special circumstances was an additional layer that will help ensure she never leaves prison. And I don't believe JSS, for whom I have much criticism, will give her LWP. BUT, even IF she did, there are enough people committed to ensuring she will never leave prison. The record will be there for all to see and the family and the prosecutor will be available to present to any parole board. It won't happen. But it also won't happen because she is getting LWOP. She escaped death by one person-no judge with a modicum of sanity would pronounce any sentence other than LWOP to JA in public.

For me, justice was done when she was found guilty of 1st degree murder. That was the tough part, the necessary & essential part. Juan did a masterful job. Getting an "allegedly" attractive, young female who swore she was abused convicted of 1st degree murder was never close to a sure thing. But it was done and, once it was done, her fate was sealed. She's never getting out of prison. Ever.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! Excellent and I couldn't agree more, thank you for reminding us all that the verdict is justice.
I am on day 21...had to completely avoid Ms MF. Still looking for Demarte.
great song too bad I will always find it colored by CMJA's sick interrogation video.
Do you think she said anything truthful in her police videos?

In one of her TV interviews while describing the ninja attack I swear i thought I heard her say "he just wouldn't die" .
I can't find the link, i remember googling it a long while back. If someone has it I would love to review it again. I do think that was a truthful thought that went through her head on June 4.
Right! she had something in her journal about "going all the way" with TA. Perhaps she was hoping to get pregnant knowing TA would honor his responsibility.

CMJA violated one of the most ancient rules of womanhood "never show a man your whole *ss". I wonder what sexual treat she could have provided any man after 20 yrs, bestiality?
I am curious as to what form of birthcontrol she or her boyfriends used, because she really had loads of mileage on her privates when she met TA. He was like a lamb to the slaughter figuratively and literally. Sure he had had sex before but nothing compared to the cornucopia of tricks CMJA offered. Hard for a red blooded man to resist.

MM *rubbing chin* I would love to know his piece to this puzzle.

I worked as a Rec. Therapist for ten years on two separate locked "behavioral" units. Five years with adolescents and five years with adults. the staff all knew that untreated boarderlines of any age were the most disruptive and dangerous of our patients.

I think Jodi's skills in the sexual department are way over-rated. For starters, he thought KY jelly was the be all and end all of sexy fun! LMAO: we've all seen it on the counter in doctors' examining rooms! No mention of Sliquid, Pink, or Uberlube. Where has she been? No sex toys, either? No butt plugs, magic wands, rabbit ears? Strawberry frappuccino flavored condoms? No adventures at Good Vibrations? C'mon, Jodi, get a clue!

Poor Travis really missed out (not to be disrespectful about the dead or anything) in the sex department by settling for Jodi. I'm sure Jodi made herself out to be as experienced and knowledgeable as they come, a veritable Ph.D. in the art of coochy coo.

Plus, poor Travis evidently was naive enough not to take precautions against STD's or HIV or hepatitis: Jodi might well be a carrier. Narcissist as always, she could have made him sick 'til the end of a long life. She makes me sick.

Maybe the "you are the worst thing that has ever happened to me" was in response to Jodi telling him she hadn't taken birth control all that time and she was pregnant?
People do need to remember how incredibly important it was to get the 1st degree murder conviction! That was the most important part of this. And, given what we later learned about the foreman, I stand pleasantly retrospectively astonished by that verdict. I shudder to think how close we may have come to a mistrial. The foreman could have seriously mucked that verdict up.

That verdict was really the only essential thing. The special circumstances was an additional layer that will help ensure she never leaves prison. And I don't believe JSS, for whom I have much criticism, will give her LWP. BUT, even IF she did, there are enough people committed to ensuring she will never leave prison. The record will be there for all to see and the family and the prosecutor will be available to present to any parole board. It won't happen. But it also won't happen because she is getting LWOP. She escaped death by one person-no judge with a modicum of sanity would pronounce any sentence other than LWOP to JA in public.

For me, justice was done when she was found guilty of 1st degree murder. That was the tough part, the necessary & essential part. Juan did a masterful job. Getting an "allegedly" attractive, young female who swore she was abused convicted of 1st degree murder was never close to a sure thing. But it was done and, once it was done, her fate was sealed. She's never getting out of prison. Ever.


Travis got justice when his killer was convicted. She is going down for good very soon.

I sometimes wish this were a perfect world where all victims get justice, then I realize how ridiculous that is. In a perfect world, there would be no victims. No murdered lovers. No bodies of children found in a freezer. No innocent child gone "missing" for 31 days only to be found months later duct taped and bagged like garbage.

I am thankful every single day that Arias did not get away with her crimes. Casey Anthony should pay just because one is expected to pay when they kill their child. But Arias -- omg, Arias is so out of this world dangerous! that we would have had to fear for society in general if she had been wrongfully acquitted. That's not an exaggeration, imo -- Arias is one of the scariest women on the face of the planet. I hope they lock the door and throw away the key.
BBM I don't know if you read JA's manifesto, which she referred to as a composition, but in it JA said she was "probably singing a church hymn" during her interrogation. I guess from The Stalker's Bible? That song has been called the stalker's anthem. Eileen Wurnos requested a Dido song be played at her memorial after she was executed, although it was a different Dido song.

Jodi also sang bits of The Rose along with the other two. I can't remember the hymn it was. Oh I forgot it was O Holy Night.
For some odd reason Ms MF's testimony has been on youtube for a while....but what we all want to hear is Dr Demarte which is still missing!.....errrrrrrrrrrr.
Right! she had something in her journal about "going all the way" with TA. Perhaps she was hoping to get pregnant knowing TA would honor his responsibility.

CMJA violated one of the most ancient rules of womanhood "never show a man your whole *ss". I wonder what sexual treat she could have provided any man after 20 yrs, bestiality?
I am curious as to what form of birthcontrol she or her boyfriends used, because she really had loads of mileage on her privates when she met TA. He was like a lamb to the slaughter figuratively and literally. Sure he had had sex before but nothing compared to the cornucopia of tricks CMJA offered. Hard for a red blooded man to resist.

MM *rubbing chin* I would love to know his piece to this puzzle.

I worked as a Rec. Therapist for ten years on two separate locked "behavioral" units. Five years with adolescents and five years with adults. the staff all knew that untreated boarderlines of any age were the most disruptive and dangerous of our patients.

Frankly, "we" really know nothing about TA's sex life before JA came along. Sex with animals is a stretch IMO. "Loads of mileage on her privates" Yuck. I have never heard of the "ancient rules of womanhood". Care to explain? MOO
I think Jodi's skills in the sexual department are way over-rated. For starters, he thought KY jelly was the be all and end all of sexy fun! LMAO: we've all seen it on the counter in doctors' examining rooms! No mention of Sliquid, Pink, or Uberlube. Where has she been? No sex toys, either? No butt plugs, magic wands, rabbit ears? Strawberry frappuccino flavored condoms? No adventures at Good Vibrations? C'mon, Jodi, get a clue!

Poor Travis really missed out (not to be disrespectful about the dead or anything) in the sex department by settling for Jodi. I'm sure Jodi made herself out to be as experienced and knowledgeable as they come, a veritable Ph.D. in the art of coochy coo.

Plus, poor Travis evidently was naive enough not to take precautions against STD's or HIV or hepatitis: Jodi might well be a carrier. Narcissist as always, she could have made him sick 'til the end of a long life. She makes me sick.

Maybe the "you are the worst thing that has ever happened to me" was in response to Jodi telling him she hadn't taken birth control all that time and she was pregnant?

hahahahaha tru. But considering poor TA's experience she must have seemed like a sexual Einstein, makes me sick. Wasn't his only verified sexual completion with DR? or am I mis remembering?

wow a threat of a pregnancy? now that would upset the works!!!
great song too bad I will always find it colored by CMJA's sick interrogation video.
Do you think she said anything truthful in her police videos?

In one of her TV interviews while describing the ninja attack I swear i thought I heard her say "he just wouldn't die" .
I can't find the link, i remember googling it a long while back. If someone has it I would love to review it again. I do think that was a truthful thought that went through her head on June 4.

Jodi shows how she killed Travis. The woman was the only one that hurt Travis, not the man, only the woman. Jodi said she had her hands on his back. She got on all fours and showed Travis out of the shower down on his knees. Now this was after she her a loud noise and was

DF: What happened when the last picture was taken?

JA: He was kneeling down in the shower. I don’t remember.

(Jodi becomes animated and begins to use her hands/body to demonstrate)

JA: He’s like…if this is the shower and the sink is over here, I was like right here taking pictures, and I don’t really know what happened after that exactly, except I think he was shot.

DF: Where were you?

JA: He’s like…if this is the shower and the sink is over here, I was like right here taking pictures, and I don’t really know what happened after that exactly, except I think he was shot.
00:51 (Jodi becomes animated during this response, gets up from her chair and begins to demonstrate where everything was in Travis’ bathroom. She proceeds to kneel on the floor to show Detective Flores where she was crouched)

JA: Umm… if this is his shower and he was sitting here, I was like…Well, if this is his shower, and he’s sitting here, I was like right there on my knees, and his bathtub was right here, and I was taking them here, and I was just going through the pictures, and I heard this loud ring. ( To me that is the gun shot first, and Travis out and was on the floor on his knees, I believe that the gun did jam, and there wasn't going for no help for Travis, No call the neighbors, no, she couldn't let him out of that room alive and she went and got the knife off the nightstand (which AVL said Jodi told her, then came back the next morning saying she "mis spoke" and the knife was in the bathroom.) and Travis was at the sink and she started stabbing him chasing him down the hall as he tried to get away from her. It's interesting where Jodi said the male ninja was standing. )

: Umm…”Who is that? Who is that?” I thought he was by himself or alone or something and… He was like, “Shut up, just finish it,” and Travis was screaming the whole time. He wasn’t screaming like a girl. He was just like… like he was in pain… like he was like shocked, like “Ahhhh,” you know. He wasn’t really moving though, you know, he was just kind of staying still on the floor.

DF: Then what happened?

JA: Well, as soon as he said, “Go get help,” I turned around and they were there and…

DF: Where were they?

JA: They were in the bathroom.

DF: Where at in the bathroom – out in the hallway or in the bathroom?

JA: The girl was in the hallway, kind of. Um…and the guy was more toward in the bedroom, but like still in the bathroom, like on the tile carpet area right there where it starts. That is the same place where she slit Travis's throat.

She does say she ran into the closet but not like she said on the stand. She said she ran into the closet first because the ninja's were now in the bathroom hall and the male ninja stopped her when she was coming out of the closet into the bedroom, told her to sit down and left the room for several minutes, again the female ninja was the only one in the bathroom with Travis and had her hands on his back. Jodi said she held onto the woman's hands because she had a knife.
Frankly, "we" really know nothing about TA's sex life before JA came along. Sex with animals is a stretch IMO. "Loads of mileage on her privates" Yuck. I have never heard of the "ancient rules of womanhood". Care to explain? MOO

Geeze I thought the DT dug up every female TA ever touched LA, DR for example or it seemed like that. It was heartbreaking testimony and unfortunately "we" learned quite a bit about TA's sex life as short as it was. JMVHO

yes I was being facetious with the bestiality comment.

The Ancient Rule of Womanhood came to me via an elderly female patient of mine when I was doing a practicum at a nursing home. The question posed to the group was "What makes for a happy marriage?" Without a pause the spunky octogenarian burst out with "Never show a man your whole *advertiser censored*!" . She added something about the delicate balance of mystery and desire being key to a lively love life. I quickly moved on to the next patient before she went into details but I always remembered it.
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