Don't know if this got posted yet- Dr. Lillian Glass on the killer & her mother's body language when addressing the judge.
From the article - "That statement says it all about who Jodi Arias is- a sadistic, mean, hateful creature with no remorse who’s comment was designed to torture the family who had hoped their brother died with no pain at the end. But Jodi made sure that they knew that he was in pain and was not unconscious.
She then paused for several seconds, took a deep breath where she raised her shoulders ( a body signal of deception) and went on to say ” He still tried to attack me.” Considering the physical shape Travis was in at the time, it is highly doubtful that he was trying to attack her at that moment. She then goes on to say, It was I who was trying to get away, not Travis.” She then says I never wanted it to be that way Judge…. ” She doesn’t say your honor or Judge Stevens. Instead she calls her judge which is another clear act of the passive aggressive defiance on Arias’ part."