Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Dear ZoeyW,
I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday.
I send you my best wishes.
Flowers for you!!! (Can't find the flower smiley :/ )
So, this is apparently the 281129's appellate lawyer ... as per the Facebook page Juan Martinez Prosecutor Support Page.


boy, she is so pissed that she can't even summon her game face/voice for the judge while she's being sentenced by her. She was SEETHING. To me, it was the purest "Jodi" we'd seen/heard.

Kind of funny in a way. All those years of carefully structured storytelling and endless days on the stand acting a part and it all goes up in flames as she disappears, hopefully forever, from public view. She couldn't contain her hatred of the Alexanders who represent Travis to her and, in her warped psycho mind, represent how she has been victimized. Doncha all know she HAD to kill him-he was going to ruin her plans, the con to get a successful, naive, hardworking, pliable Mormon husband. I've always felt she thought she stumbled into nirvana with the Mormon community. So many good-hearted hardworking people ripe for plundering. How dare he cast her aside, how worried she was that he would ruin her chances with the next Mormon mark.

So, on her final day in the spotlight, there were no more rules of evidence, of presumptions in favor of the defendant, protections for her rights, all that was over and the family could finally say whatever they wanted. So could her own sole witness, her Mother, who in true Arias fashion was so over the top, tone deaf and clueless that she evoked only disdain. But not the Alexanders. They spoke the truth from their hearts and did not have to contain their emotions to protect the process any longer. Not even her lawyers could do anything-no more repeated pop-up objections to thwart the flow. And boy, did she HATE that.

And so in her raging farewell appearance she even managed to confess details of the murder that she repeatedly claimed were covered by that dense "fog" that was apparently not so dense after all.

She thus went out like the seething, murdering liar she is. And all is a little bit more right with the world.

So well said IMO. She had been briefed to expect LWOP. She was 'seething'. BUT down she went and "all was a little bit more right with the world". :tyou:
I read a tweet that Sheriff Joe will be releasing his report on the inmates conduct in May. I wonder why he is waiting so long.

It's going to take that long to compile it :laughing:
Dear ZoeyW,
I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday.
I send you my best wishes.
Flowers for you!!! (Can't find the flower smiley :/ )

Not quite what I was looking for, but maybe this will do:


Happy belated birthday, and thanks, Zoey, for your presence here. Your resourcefulness in finding links that help to connect the dots, as well as your thought-provoking posts, are so much appreciated!


(Ermahgerd, I think I'm channeling dog.gone.cute!) :)
Yes, that's her. Yes, Stacy's own mother (grandmother to the 2 girls) is convinced that her granddaughter (Ashley) actually killed 2 men, one of them her own father, at 11 yrs of age, rather than the one person who benefited financially from 2 dead husbands! What 11 yr old would even know about antifreeze in the first place? What a stupid, stupid woman she is.

Even the judge said to Stacy, at her sentencing, she had tortured 2 men. Poisoning by antifreeze is a horrible death, it takes up to a few days, depending, all the while the person is in agony as their organs are shutting down one by one. I stand corrected though; Stacy didn't give antifreeze to her own daughter, she laced her daughter's drink with a high amount of Ambien, to make it look like the daughter wanted to kill herself and did so through an overdose.

The clincher for me was that Stacy misused the word anti-freeze, both spelling it in the suicide note and saying it as 'anti-free'. That's distinctive and illiterate! I'd already seen other shows on this case in the past, but I watched the 20/20 show anyhow. They did have photographs I hadn't seen before, but I didn't like the way they kept hinting that it could've been Ashley! There is NO WAY Ashley did it!! Thank goodness her own sister believed in her! Her mother killed both husbands for the insurance money, then tried to throw her own daughter under the bus by attempting to kill her. They also interviewed the monster, who got the idea from Lynn Turner, who also poisoned a second husband with anti-freeze before they figured it out. The monster claimed that noone, not even a 20-year-old would drink a drink from their mother that tasted bad. But she ignored the fact that Ashley trusted her NOT to harm her! I don't care if the first husband favored her younger sister, or if she didn't get along with the step-father, neither is motive for murder. And the note she wrote her boyfriend about suicide was handwritten, not typed! Besides she couldn't have typed it, it was time stamped while she was in a college class. So glad these girls lives are back on track.
From the very beginning of this I was dying to hear about ja from all of her friends and family. I wanted to know what people close to her thought, and how she became the person she was. Now, after 7+ years, I really haven't learned too much. The only ones that had anything good to say about her in public was Daryl, her mother and that heroin addict friend. Was there anybody else? (Not counting people who are paid to say good things)

So many questions left unanswered. Still waiting for more information to fill in the missing blanks.

I know a lot of people here are dog-lovers, and I have to say that I'm beginning to feel like my Border Collie. He goes crazy when he's shut off from whatever action is going on on the other side of the door.

With all the secrecy surrounding this trial, I just want to know -- for once and for all -- EVERYTHING that what was hidden from the public that we have a right to know.
I'm not even going to say I won't read Lawrence's book, should he ever write it. I'd imagine it won't be as flowery as Baez's book about CA.

Also, I just saw a Snapped episode about the Camia Gamet case. Kinda similar to this case in that the girlfriend was abusing the boyfriend (but she was physically abusing him as well in this one ) and then eventually murdered him with several weapons, claiming self defense. During the victim impact statements at trial, she laughed, rolled her eyes, and interrupted the family. The judge sentenced her to life, saying he wished they were in a desth penalty state and he hoped she dies in prison. This trial was in 2013 too.
Wow!!! Where can I read more about this case?

Yeah (responding to LinusK's post), she called it Anti-free; which I guess is what happens when you poison not one, but two husbands. She ain't going to be FREE ever again.
Wow!!! Where can I read more about this case?

That is why I have always said that the evilness of female murderers are often overlooked. Women have done some of the most heinous viscous murders imaginable. She isn't the only Black Widow to do such a thing all for financial gain. One has to be cold as stone to watch their victim die in agony day by day as they watch them like a spider does its prey. Just like Arias has to be cold as ice to murder Travis three times over and then blame it all on him by lying trying to save her worthless life.

Lynn Turner from Georgia fed anti-freeze poisoning to her husband until he died in agony as she pretended to diligently care for him. She got away with that one but then she decides to do the very same thing to her firefighter boyfriend and she murdered him with anti-freeze poisoning too and then was charged with her husband's murder and her boyfriend. She committed suicide in prison by overdosing. Good riddance.

And then there is the infamous Black Widow case of Marie Hilly. (sp?) She poisoned her husband for the life insurance money. She set fires to her homes in order collect insurance money. She was also suspected of poisoning her own mother who suddenly died. She poisoned her own daughter by using arsenic. She did not die but almost died and became crippled for life. MH before she was arrested went to another state to live and lied to this man telling him she was his deceased wife's long lost sister that he never knew his wife had. The dumb *advertiser censored** bought it and married her. She was arrested before she could poison him to death. She escaped from prison and died from being out in the environment when on the run.

Imo, murders shouldn't be put in categories. Each heinous acts done by certain ones speaks for itself as to how evil they each are.

Each memorable one like these mentioned and Arias' stands alone in the heinousness and wickedness of each individual murderer. Most murderers don't torment/torture the family members of the victim for 7 long years like Arias gleefully has done. So she definitely is one of the ones who will always be remembered .....not only because of her macabre overkill acts she did to her defenseless victim but the purposefully evil acts she continued to do for 7 years to Travis' family.

Hi guys -

I hate to drop on with an OT comment not pertaining to this case but there is a case on websleuths which we could really use some help for and I know the Team Travis Alexander members you have on here are the best of the best. If you would please find a few minutes of your day to take a look at this thread on websleuths and give your opinions or help I would really appreciate it - I wouldn't be going to you guys if I didn't know how passionate and intelligent and helpful you guys are and how your involvement can turn a whole case around.


Thank you so so much, please carry on doing what you do ladies! [emoji8]

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Here is a link about Marie Hilley if anyone is interested.

►Brief Chronology:

May 25, 1975 – Frank Hilley, husband, dies.

1977 – Lucille Frazier, Marie’s mother, dies.

1979 – Daughter Carol Marie Hilley, 20, survived

Nov. 1979 – Carrie Hilley, mother-in-law, dies. Suspected murder.

Neighbor children; poisoned, survived

Police & fire investigators – illness, suspicion of poisoning

2 arson fires

Nov. 12 or 13, 1979 – on the lam until Jan. 13 or 14, 1983

Feb. 22, 1987 – on the lam for four days, causing her death.

So, this is apparently the 281129's appellate lawyer ... as per the Facebook page Juan Martinez Prosecutor Support Page.


(snipped pic)
He lists a whole lot of case types and courts there, summing up with "all types of criminal cases in any court in the State of Arizona". Then adds (just in case you're not a criminal) "The firm also handles Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, all Accident cases."

What I don't see is any mention of appeal work, which I would think would be important for a lifer?

I'd love to think this guy is handling her appeal, but if he is working for her at all, it may just be for the civil suit w/Casandra Collins?
Wow!!! Where can I read more about this case?

Google will be your friend! Killer's name is: Stacy Castor.

She's worse than Arias. She killed 2 men, almost her own daughter, tortured 2 husbands with poison to get the life insurance $$, then tried to get her own daughter convicted of the murders as she overdosed the daughter.

You can also watch the 20/20 episode about her and the case HERE.
Sorry to intrude or anything, I think everyone on here has one case that they are pulled to more than that others (and for some it is probably this one for you lovely ladies!) and Neo is mine. Always made me feel sad that he never got as much interest here on websleuths so could use your expertise and opinions greatly. Thanks ladies for your help as always.

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He lists a whole lot of case types and courts there, summing up with "all types of criminal cases in any court in the State of Arizona". Then adds (just in case you're not a criminal) "The firm also handles Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, all Accident cases."

What I don't see is any mention of appeal work, which I would think would be important for a lifer?

I'd love to think this guy is handling her appeal, but if he is working for her at all, it may just be for the civil suit w/Casandra Collins?

I agree.

I thought appellate lawyers were a specific breed or specific education?
That is why I have always said that the evilness of female murderers are often overlooked. Women have done some of the most heinous viscous murders imaginable. She isn't the only Black Widow to do such a thing all for financial gain. One has to be cold as stone to watch their victim die in agony day by day as they watch them like a spider does its prey. Just like Arias has to be cold as ice to murder Travis three times over and then blame it all on him by lying trying to save her worthless life.

Lynn Turner from Georgia fed anti-freeze poisoning to her husband until he died in agony as she pretended to diligently care for him. She got away with that one but then she decides to do the very same thing to her firefighter boyfriend and she murdered him with anti-freeze poisoning too and then was charged with her husband's murder and her boyfriend. She committed suicide in prison by overdosing. Good riddance.

And then there is the infamous Black Widow case of Marie Hilly. (sp?) She poisoned her husband for the life insurance money. She set fires to her homes in order collect insurance money. She was also suspected of poisoning her own mother who suddenly died. She poisoned her own daughter by using arsenic. She did not die but almost died and became crippled for life. MH before she was arrested went to another state to live and lied to this man telling him she was his deceased wife's long lost sister that he never knew his wife had. The dumb *advertiser censored** bought it and married her. She was arrested before she could poison him to death. She escaped from prison and died from being out in the environment when on the run.

Imo, murders shouldn't be put in categories. Each heinous acts done by certain ones speaks for itself as to how evil they each are.

Each memorable one like these mentioned and Arias' stands alone in the heinousness and wickedness of each individual murderer. Most murderers don't torment/torture the family members of the victim for 7 long years like Arias gleefully has done. So she definitely is one of the ones who will always be remembered .....not only because of her macabre overkill acts she did to her defenseless victim but the purposefully evil acts she continued to do for 7 years to Travis' family.


Over and over again, the Criminal Justice System seems to give women a pass. It's a sickening double-standard. If Jodi had been a man, "he" would undoubtedly have been sentenced to death. And no appeals court would ever overturn that sentence or conviction.

Add to that the fact that we (speaking for myself only) women's rights activists were successful in getting courts to stop "blaming the victim" when it comes to rape, it's such an insult to true victims of domestic violence that its now become such a commonplace defense tactic when women commit pre-meditated murder. The tables have turned.

The two should never have become conflated. It's an embarrassment and insult to those of us who fought so hard to make domestic violence a viable defense, that we are now seeing it used by pathological women, most of whom, through their narcissism and psychopathy alone, don't fit the standards of abuse.

There has to be a middle ground. Women can't simply claim to be abused every time they murder someone. Especially when there is a total lack of physical evidence of abuse.

I think KatieCoolady's idea of addressing this issue on the legislative level is a good thing. I hope that there will be a Travis Alexander's Law enacted in the near future.
Dorian Bond/Dan Raynak connections:


"When asked about role models or mentors, Bond immediately mentions Phoenix-based attorney Daniel Raynak. “I work with one of the best attorneys in Arizona,” he said. “I feed off his desire to help someone and to see that justice is done whether or not the client has money.” Working in Raynak’s building with all of the attorneys there has inspired Bond to show that lawyers really do care. He is currently working pro bono case with Raynak that has perked the interest of Erin Morarity of “48 Hours Mystery” and “60 Minutes” fame. “It’s a long process but I am confident in our client’s innocence of the murder and that we will one day expose the truth,” says Bond.
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