Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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Let's wait and see if the media pursues this.

There are several media members with the information, a couple who say they are checking on it. If it's true, and the documents I've seen sure look like it is, this will be reported before long.
Aren't the potential jurors asked during selections if they have any connections to any of the players in the trial, including the lawyers?
The outcome of this trial is sad and I don't know if this juror was stealth or not. Only the juror knows why she held out. Social media
is abuzz with documents, truths and rumors.

The positive outlook of this trial is:

1. I don't believe Jodi will ever get out of prison. Sheriff Joe is putting together a report on her behavior in the past 7 years. Based
on Perryville already being warned about her tells us she is not an ideal inmate. Judge Sherry will give her LWOP.

2. Jodi will no longer have an audience. Thanks to Sheriff Joe we saw the last of her interviews (for now). Sure, maybe 5 years down
the road someone will be granted an interview with her. Does not matter because the interest in her will be gone.

3. Most of her crazy supporters will have moved on in their lives or to another inmate who was wronged by the system.

4. Jodi will grow old in prison and no longer be able to manipulate like she does now. Look at the women who have been in prison most
of their lives, they grow old like all of us. Give her 5 years and based on current photos her hair will be gray and the face will sag
even more. She will no longer be even the least attractive. No hair color or botox for her.

5. Her family will not be able to visit regularly since Perryville is hundreds of miles from where they live. Sure, she will have the standard
jail groupies but not as many with her limited visits from the outside.

I am looking forward to April when she is transported to Perryville and reality sets in.
Aren't the potential jurors asked during selections if they have any connections to any of the players in the trial, including the lawyers?

I'm quite sure the answer is yes, but that doesn't automatically disqualify them from sitting on the jury. JMO
If you can't post a link when reporting something as fact from social media that is back up by MSM, then do not post it. At this point all we are hearing are rumors. The husband of Juror 17 did give an interview to the media so you can discuss that. You can discuss anything that has been released through twitter from MSM sources.

Thanks, Lambchop

Good morning Lamb,

This is asked with much respect, and I may have missed the reasoning eons ago, but I am wondering why, in this day and age, that we cannot use/link/copy from FB and Twitter?

At this point, so much really is covered/mentioned in FB...it's part of many people's daily lives...many people don't follow MSM for their "news," and instead use FB and Twitter for daily updates.

Is it because people can make up their FB or Twitter names/accounts and can be unverified? Or a lot of it is rumor?

But to counter that, it is interesting to see some info that is really only covered on social media.

Thanks, and I apologize in advance if it's been explained before and I haven't seen the actual reasoning.
There are just many times I read/see something of interest, and it can't be covered here just because someone in "MSM" hasn't followed it in their investigating.

This is a judge influenced result. Skewed process in selection, jury supervision, courtroom demeanor (weak).
This is JSS not doing her job worth a damn.

I would still be in that juror's face, I promise you she would deliberate with me. I would grind that person so hard so long, there would be a verdict or a new juror and she would be in the hospital with chest pains.

And you would have been the one thrown off the jury in the end for harassment.
Is Perryville (sp?) a womens prison, or both? How many lifer women are there? Just wondering who they are and what they are doing time for. They may not like Jodi at all...lol. JMO
Drat! ... but thanks, TexMex. I can definitely see JA playing prison lawyer to ingratiate herself with her prison peers and stoke her own exalted self-esteem.

Lol. I think there's some law allowing access to legal papers The author wasn't in max security iirc so maybe in max they only get 1-2 boxes?
IMO what hurts the most, if (and I do believe she was stealth) the allegations against juror #17 prove to be true, is that there is no recourse for the Alexander's to have this case retried. Seems to me that JSS left this juror deliberating even when the other 11 jurors let her know there was a major problem with her. IMO JSS erred, and it cannot be corrected. If she had disqualified this juror I agree it could of been an appealable issue based o what had transferred at that point. Jodi would again have a chance at another trial. Yet by keeping the juror on there is no new trial for the Alexander's. If the things that are now coming out prove to be true about this juror Jodi would not be given a new trial because the appeals court would see that she was a stealth juror. It just makes me sick to think that because judges worry so much about appeals justice does not get served. I am probably not explaining myself well, and I have never gotten into the discussions about JSS, but IMO on this one she erred big time. It cannot be fixed, yet an appeal on tossing the juror and Jodi getting a new trial because of it could of been fixed.

:cheers: Great post! I agree, as we have seen thought this sentencing phase, JSS avoided any appeals and at all costs, and the Alexanders paid for it with no undoing.
I was wondering...if someone is already convicted of murder by the State, can Federal charges for murder be filed? I know it may be overkill (sheesh, did I just type that???), but just thought- crossing state lines to commit a crime is a criminal (Federal) offense, isn't it? Would it have to be decided in the beginning how JA would have been charged? Was charging her at the Federal level ever considered? Just curious.

Crossing state lines with your victim (aka kidnapping) is a federal crime. Going by yourself on a road trip that crosses state lines and committing a crime in another state, not so much (unless you're committing a crime involving interstate commerce).
I do not agree that our justice system worked yesterday when the jury was hung. What it really showed is there are flaws in the system even though it works most of the time.

If anything, it shows at times it doesn't work, and victims are robbed of the just punishment that should have been handed down for their murderer.

Having one juror thwart justice should bother us all. We cannot have jurors who refuse to deliberate nor even listen to the other side of the discussion. Of all jurors, those who are on DP cases must be more honest than anyone imo. They cant say they can apply the DP if warranted and soon into deliberations say the death penalty is for 'revenge.' If they truly believe such BS then they need to step up to the plate in jury selection and state that on their questionnaire and in voir dire so that other truly death penalty qualified jurors can sit in judgment of a death penalty case. Biased jurors taints our justice system.

I don't think any of the other 11 were biased one way or the other going in but they respected the law and the oath they took. They weren't 11 for death at first. They knew no matter how hard... if death was appropriate they knew they had to seriously consider it based upon all the factors in the case. Not only did #17 refuse to even consider it in the deliberations she told them the death penalty is about revenge. That is pure bias and a closed off point of view. One she couldn't even explain to her fellow jurors nor even attempted to do.

As far as the juror discussing the movie there again it shows she was bringing in things that are not allowed to be discussed. Several jurors have been dismissed for bring outside information into the jury deliberation room discussions.

These one lone wolf holdouts are destroying our court system. She, like others was going to show the other jurors that she could draw a line in the sand and not crossover it. That has nothing to do with justice or even engaging in deliberations. That is nothing but bullheadedness like a petulant child would do.

What I think needs to happen is each state should go by the majority vote in DP cases. Many times we see the just punishment denied due to one lone vote. One vote out of 12 people should never hold justice hostage and that is what happened yesterday. I have a feeling from the moment she was selected she knew which way she would vote. She knew if everyone else voted for death she would be the one to spare JAs life.

It gives me little comfort that JA will be sentenced to life. The hung jury shouldn't have happened especially the way it did. This juror should have been removed just like other jurors have been removed from a death penalty case in the past.

Imo, JA should have been heading for death row once the sentence is finalized. That is what she deserved and she should be on death row.

Its like having to settle for less when the right sentence was ripped away from Travis and his family. I think it will even be harder on his family to reconcile knowing how close they were in their long fight for justice to put her where she truly belongs.

Its wrong that one juror holds the power and the vast majority are helpless to do anything about it.

So I wish for two things:
Majority votes rule in death penalty cases.
A law that protects murdered victims from being trashed by their perpetrator based on nothing but lies.

The lawmakers finally woke up and invoked laws protecting rape victims from being put on trial. It is just as important to me or moreso that it includes defenseless homicide victims as well.

I am writing my government officials today about that one issue that needs to stop.
Good morning Lamb,

This is asked with much respect, and I may have missed the reasoning eons ago, but I am wondering why, in this day and age, that we cannot use/link/copy from FB and Twitter?

At this point, so much really is covered/mentioned in FB...it's part of many people's daily lives...many people don't follow MSM for their "news," and instead use FB and Twitter for daily updates.

Is it because people can make up their FB or Twitter names/accounts and can be unverified? Or a lot of it is rumor?

But to counter that, it is interesting to see some info that is really only covered on social media.

Thanks, and I apologize in advance if it's been explained before and I haven't seen the actual reasoning.
There are just many times I read/see something of interest, and it can't be covered here just because someone in "MSM" hasn't followed it in their investigating.


The reason for that would be what is factual? MSM is only acceptable because it is reported as fact. Facebook entries are considered rumor, as are tweets from the public in general.
Ok..do not be angry with me! I served on a jury for a murder trial. We worked hard to come up with a verdict. Some of my fellow jurors had views which I thought were strange. I believe in the jury sysytem because I believe 99% of people have good hearts. I have watched a lot of trials and do not agree with all jury verdicts BUT I am not on the jury. I saw and experienced the court proceedings different than the people in the gallery, so I do not question jury decisions. Do not forget, we know more!

After listening to the jurors after the verdict I think the lone holdout did give her reasons..JA did not deserve the death penalty due to her mental make up. Then she shut down and held to her beliefs.

JA was found guilty of first degree murder. Most jurors saw through her. Believe Travis was a good guy. She will pay for what she did
Ok, I am finished. All of above JMO
I'm way behind here; I was stuck at work until 1:30pm E.T. and by then the you know what had hit the fan, so I've had to skip a lot. I know a lot of people hold JSS responsible for this, at least to a degree, and they are probably right. I certainly don't think she was at all helpful to the process as a whole, yet that's exactly what she should have been. I think at most (but not all) of the points she could have been helpful (and I mean to the process, not to one side or the other) she was a complete failure.

Having said that, it looks like 11 voted for the DP, and they did so early, and that the one holdout was not going to change her vote, no matter what.

So in spite of all the unethical, dishonest, spiteful, biased and cruel tactics of the defense, and the loose, disorganized, disrespectful, interminable and inconsiderate climate of JSS's courtroom, 11 of the 12 jurors saw through it all to the truth, endured it all for the truth, and answered it all with the truth.

So in spite of the legal ramifications of the one holdout. I rate the final score:

Truth: 11
Falsehood: 1

:seeya: Exactly! In fact, including the alternates, it was actually Truth: 13 Falsehood: 1

Regardless of the glee, smirks, and tasteless tweets from Arias and her DT - they failed, and failed miserably.

Enjoy your future Arias. One last day of street clothes; one last car ride; one last trip from your list of 1,000 places; one last day of media spotlight. Roll on April 13th!
Some of today's tweets regarding the hold out(start at the bottom..), apparently she had sent her own secret note! to the judge when the other jurors told her they wanted to request an alternate because she wouldn't deliberate(give them any single piece of evidence to back up her position), they even let her read what they were going to ask:

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts
jury says they were open about their request to replace holdout juror. Read their note in front of her. She wrote her own note. #JodiArias

Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision
When I was at #JodiArias jury selection, I saw a man dismissed because he admitted he saw the Lifetime movie.

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv
Female juror says holdout admitted in deliberation room that she had seen part of Lifetime movie #3tvarias #jodiarias

Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision
According to #jodiarias jury, the holdout watched the Lifetime movie and said the person in the court wasn't the monster portrayed in movie

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10
Dissenting juror said she saw part of "Dirty Little Secret," the TV movie about #jodiarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts
They felt the holdout was biased because she had been exposed to other information and brought it into deliberationns. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ
The jury wanted an alternate to replace this hold out that refused to deliberate #jodiarias #3tvarias

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv
Male juror angry that holdout said death penalty was "revenge" #jodiarias #3tvarias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10
Dissenting juror focused on #jodiarias journals and thought Arias had psychological problems.

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper
Hold out did not want to look at autopsy photos. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ
Hold out juror felt DP was revenge and she wouldn't budge right away #jodiarias #3tvarias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter
Juror #4 is speaking to his anger at the one hold out. He said the hold out thought it was a form of revenge. Juror #4 "That was hurtful"

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq
#jodiarias jurors are disturbed by sole hold out that seemed to be against the DP.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts
"the fact that she said it like we were trying to get revenge was painful." -- #JodiArias

Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2
Juror had mind made up from the start and felt death penalty was a form of revenge #jodiarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper
1 juror thinks the hold out thought death penalty would be a form of revenge. #JodiArias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10
Juror : holdout had her mind made up from beginning. She suggested death penalty was form of revenge. #jodiarias

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv
Male juror says one holdout had mind made up from beginning-#jodiarias #3tvarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts
"what angered me was that she (holdout juror) alluded that death penalty would be a form of revenge." #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ
This hold out wouldn't deliberate with us Juror 4 was very angry #JodiArias did not seem remorseful when she was on the stand

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv
We're angry that holdout did not deliberate #3tvarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2
Angry bc they said they felt juror didn't participate #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ
They feel the juror had an agenda and she wouldn't deliberate #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2
"Difficult Juror wanted to focus on journal" #jodiarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper
Jurors have not slept and are devastated. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts
"we let this juror decide what was important to delve into" to undderstand her position. #JodiArias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter
Jurors did not specifically ask for alternate #2. Just wanted sitting juror off. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2
"We raised a concerned with the judge about potential biased" #jodiarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper
Jurors did raise concern to judge. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts
the jury felt this juror would not deliberate and was "very closed off". #JodiArias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter
The ONE was "closed off". #jodiarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper
Everyone wanted to look at the evidence except for the person who was for life. #JodiArias
I'm quite sure the answer is yes, but that doesn't automatically disqualify them from sitting on the jury. JMO

No but it depends on the connection. And if the juror's husband was prosecuted by Juan that would have been a huge reason to strike her for potential prejudice. Juan would have stricken her if it wasn't done in the initial judge strikes if she'd put it on her questionnaire. If she didn't put it...
Is Perryville (sp?) a womens prison, or both? How many lifer women are there? Just wondering who they are and what they are doing time for. They may not like Jodi at all...lol. JMO

It's a women's prison. Women of all lengths of incarceration and crimes including murderers.
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