Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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What is the evidence Jodi will get one taxpayer funded appeal? Doesn't she have to pay for all appeals unless she got the DP?

Also, I think Sheriff Joe was trying to stop her from tweeting, but wasn't sure he could legally do it. Maybe the reason JA is not tweeting right now is because he got it figured out?
Jodi is on her own. She has to pay for her appeals.
Even Hollywood script writers couldnt have come up with these endless storylines surrounding the convicted killer. Anyone attached to this felon appears to be just as dangerous and/or unhinged. Mind boggling is a gross understatement. Her cadre of conspirators is exhaustive. [emoji15]
OMG! I know we can't prove it but, in our opinion- knowing how the DT operated from day 1; to me, it's not a leap to believe now, with all this coming to light, that J17 also could have contact with MLDR or even the killer herself! One thing many were saying, early on in this phase, how much the killer was smiling this time around. We did not notice that about her as much before. Every photo showed her glee. :thinking: Just another puzzle piece as def witnesses like to say.

Maybe she didn't feel the need to allocute or present mitigation witnesses because the DT knew in advance that the jury would be hung.
6 copies....1) judge 2) court reporter 3) defense 4) prosecutor 5/6) administrators.
YES the middle names is why they know it was leaked....

I wish they would listen to all calls from Maria DeLaRosa and JA. Katie I would love to know what you thought of her and if they are rumors etc.? I listened to the one phone call leak about money, it was disturbing.

Jodi has to have been twittering from jail via MDLR, because if she had been doing it through anyone else, the tweeter could simply have been struck off JA's "phone call approved" list by Sheriff Joe. The jail authorities would soon have been able to find out who the tweeter is by simply listening to JA's phone calls. They can't, however, listen to the ones that involved the defense team and they can't prevent calls between JA and the DT. This might be why Sheriff Joe is having "legal" issues trying to get Jodi's twitter feed shut down.


Travis was a good guy. He had family and friends who loved him. He deserved a fair trial. Not one tainted by a rogue juror
There is also a core group over there, that have a long complicated theory of the crime. They proudly proclaim that Det Flores and a group of Mormons FRAMED poor innocent JA, and the palm print was 'planted' by Flores, and the photos of the 'body drag' were not Jodi, because you csn tell by the strip on the pants they were not hers, they match the stripe of Mesa Police Officers uniform pants....:nuts:

I wonder what would have happened if, by a freak coincidence, a member of that site during the original trial and penalty phase got a summons notice to appear for jury duty on the second penalty phase. Just saying. Stranger things have been known to happen. Do you think they would have been honest about their participation on the forums regarding this case?


You know, I hope they investigate Juror 17 to the full, because I think it's becoming obvious that she had no right to be on that jury. Nothing will be done, I'm sure, because the outcome only affected the State's position, not the defence's, and who would want another mistrial anyway! The odds of getting a unanimous death sentence are virtually nil. Hopefully the investigation will scare her, and other potential jurors who would like to bring their agendas into the deliberation room.

But - it's the leaking of info, especially the posting of the Arizona Eleven's names, that really needs to be dealt with. That list is still up on the JAII site, but was modified. Juror 17 reads "The juror that saved Jodi's life" where the name would be. IMO the source is glaringly obvious. I'm also reminded of the day there was a tweet "Jodi is to speak to the jury tomorrow" right at the Secret Testimony time. Remember that one? I can't recall if it was that tweet, or another, that appeared and was quickly moved to the Vent Room. Anyone recall that?

I recall that occurring as well. It was someone on her page stating that CMJA would be speaking to the jury the following day. That caused the speculation to swirl that Jodi was the "secret" witness. And as it turned out--she was!!!
I haven't got the patience (or frankly, the interest) to keep reading about this trial much longer. I appear to be one of the only people on the whole internet who thinks that the mistrial was sad, and frustrating, but acceptable and that JSS will give JA the maximum possible sentence.

Just briefly, can anyone tell me: what exactly do you want out of prosecuting Juror #17 if the official investigation proves she's guilty of perjury in jury selection? JA will never be eligible for the death penalty again.

Speaking only for myself, I'm OK with the verdict as it stands, it can't be changed anyway.

As far as the juror, if she did hold out because of Juan or financial gain or any preconceived ideas, I think she should be exposed. If none of these rumors can be proven, then it is what it is.

My biggest concern is the jurors names being released by someone with the obvious knowledge that it's illegal. That's the part Monica Lindstrom didn't address in her article stating the system wasn't broken. Her concern was with the state looking like a bully if they went after J17. My concern is for the others that obviously voted their convictions and weren't provided the legal protection of anonymity that they had been promised. How does that make the state look? (Not aimed at you Daisy...but ML...yep!)
My next postcard to CMJA: CMJA, The 11 members of the jury really liked Dr. DeMarte.
Followed by another postcard: CMJA, You sure have aged. What no make-up in prison?
Another: CMJA, The money from your tracings will go the the Alexanders'.
Another: CMJA, Dr. DeMarte has a brain, beauty, and really liked. What do you have?
Another: CMJA, All your commissary money will go to the Alexanders'.

I know this is really "teenage" but I have a smile on my face.

It would be really great if in addition to LWOP JSS includes a lot of restitution in the sentence. That way, Jodi is commissary-free for the rest of her life..... Bwahahaha: no spare sets of panties.....
Maybe she didn't feel the need to allocute or present mitigation witnesses because the DT knew in advance that the jury would be hung.

It is quite interesting that when the verdict was read, there seemed to be no response from CMJA or her DT. None. Not even a sigh of relief.

Sources: Only 6 copies of list of jurors full names existed. Judge, two court aides, court reporter, and pros & def got 1 each. #jodiarias

(tweeted 4:23 pm March 7)
this was a state case. I'll have to look but maybe she's saying AZ doesn't have a process. But it can't be the 9th Circuit. For one thing, CA is part of the 9th Circuit and the Scott Peterson trial had a deliberating juror dismissed. Most state courts would have a process for removal for cause regardless of the stage of the process. But AZ could be unique.

AZL has posted, on the legal question thread, the 9th Circuit guidelines/rules? for judges when there is a deliberating juror problem. Seems JSS had two options only when the eleven came to her - Allen or mistrial.
Jodi has to have been twittering from jail via MDLR, because if she had been doing it through anyone else, the tweeter could simply have been struck off JA's "phone call approved" list by Sheriff Joe. The jail authorities would soon have been able to find out who the tweeter is by simply listening to JA's phone calls. They can't, however, listen to the ones that involved the defense team and they can't prevent calls between JA and the DT. This might be why Sheriff Joe is having "legal" issues trying to get Jodi's twitter feed shut down.
But I'd always heard it was Donovan, at least for a while.
I wonder if the Alexanders will seek to ensure that something comes of this????

Could play into the civil suit as well.


I'm not positive this is a question for an attorney, but I doubt that the Alexanders have standing for a suit against a juror. They may be able to sue the State of AZ but while being victims, they are not citizens of AZ. The people of AZ are the prosecutors, and they are the ones cheated if judicial error occurred. It's messy. The people of AZ could maybe indict the juror on perjury, but I do not think that this is a civil issue. (LOL confusing myself!) Wheres AZ Layer? Help! JMO
I will be ok with LWOP, but I'm still worried that she might get LWP. I pray that JSS doesn't give her this.

Surely JSS will give her LWOP based on how close the jury came to giving her a verdict of death? If she doesn't I'll be amazed.
I wonder what would have happened if, by a freak coincidence, a member of that site during the original trial and penalty phase got a summons notice to appear for jury duty on the second penalty phase. Just saying. Stranger things have been known to happen. Do you think they would have been honest about their participation on the forums regarding this case?



Ha! They were the 'silly thoughts' I was having when the news of Juror 17 first broke. I'm still feeling the possibility that, by some freaky coincidence, one of Arias' Arizona based supporters received a jury summons.

I can imagine the initial speculation, and then rabid excitement when she found she was on The Trial. Not too hard to let Donovan or MDLR know by twitter/FB.
I will be ok with LWOP, but I'm still worried that she might get LWP. I pray that JSS doesn't give her this.

It's been posted at least a dozen times, if not more, by various folk on this board, including AZLawyer, that Arizona doesn't even have 'parole.' The best (the very best) that JA could hope for IF she was given such a sentence, is that in 25 years she could try and petition for a clemency hearing and only the Governor of the state could grant clemency. In other words, she ain't getting out. Apparently this still isn't believed, though I'm not sure why.

But, that said, no way will JSS give her LWP. I've before asked anyone to post info in which JSS has been lenient in a murder case. Not one person has posted any proof. So far it's all just fears and paranoia, based on no actual data of JSS' sentencing history and nothing that shows any leniency, but based solely on JSS being "secretive" and "appearing to give the defense team anything they wanted" in this case.


Supper tonight:
Beef tenderloin, squash casserole, cheddar biscuits and Mac n cheese
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