Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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So long ago this case was about Travis Alexander.....

Now, it's about Sherry and defending her and not offending anyone on the defense team and making excuses for J17....and about Jodi Arias and her rights and her feelings and her comfort or lack thereof. And, anti DP and anti Mormon.

Travis Alexander is barely mentioned.

I have been thinking the same thing all day. I hope nobody minds, but back with the first trial we had a thread called the Observer's thread. Those who went to the trial reported to us and we pulled together to help the family and be Travis' voice anyway we could. I made this video back then about our journey - perhaps, today reflecting back on all we did will help. I can't say it any better than I did then in the description for the video - but trust me, from way before that trial and long after - I can guarantee that Travis feels our love!

Anyone remember how many times the defense accused Juan of prosecutorial misconduct in the first trial?

Here's my theory as to what happened with this trial.

Thanks first to Willmott for admitting that the defense clearly knew that Juror 17's ex husband had a criminal history. Now if only she would admit that they also knew that Juan had prosecuted him as well.

So the defense knows that Juror 17 has an ex that was prosecuted by Juan. They also know that she will be more than likely to want her own "revenge" against the man that sent her beloved to prison so they want to keep her on the jury no matter what. They know that Juan will make sure to vet each of the jurors to ensure that there is no possible juror misconduct. In order to prevent this the defense cooks up the prosecutorial misconduct concerning not only the "*advertiser censored*" on Travis computer but also the "deleting information" from Travis computer. This misconduct also involves Flores. So now Juan is having to fight the defense on two fronts, the trial against JA and the accusations against himself and LE. The defense pushed extremely hard for any and all possible prosecutorial misconduct to keep Juan busy. Juan had to defend himself, Flores, DeMarte, etc in a fashion that was a waste of time because the defense knew that it was a load of BS from the start. BUT it accomplished what the defense wanted. Their favorite pet juror was allowed to remain on the jury and hung the jury for them.

I hope that this juror is investigated completely. I hope that if it comes out that the defense did in fact know all about her lies that they are dealt with accordingly, along with juror 17. This level of deceit from the defense (ALL of the defense players including MDLR) is something that needs to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.


I don't believe such a complicated argument would be necessary. The DT could simply have done whatever it would take to slow the trial down so there would be a chance to influence a juror. If there was actually a specific juror to be softened up, so much the better. Once all the stars lined up for them, they could just hurry up their rebuttal case and get the jurors to deliberations.

If the DT knew there was a juror on their side for sure during the rebuttal case, there was going to be no need to call mom and dad Arias or have Jodi allocute.
And those who aren't are still ignorant.

One poster claims autopsy photos are always excluded in every other state because they're too prejudicial. Um, fairly certain the jury was only allowed to see photos as relevant to the crime (like his neck wound) which is fairly standard. There's no way all the photos were admitted into evidence. Another claims everywhere else a mistrial would have been declared by the family walking out during testimony. What? That just makes no kind of sense.

Another - my favorite - is a looooooooooong post about how Jodi's conviction is the fault of her defense team and expert witnesses. To be fair, they have a point but, and maybe this is just me, how about giving just a wee bit of culpability to the self-confessed killer who lied her pop rocks off for 18 days and showed not one iota of remorse?

I think we may be looking at a clan here. Therefore not only is CONVICT JA above any responsibility for her actions, they are also not responsible for their own. They are card carrying clan members. Nothing is their fault, it is always the fault of someone outside the circle.

Example: how vehemently they wanted Justice for whoever dared to put the name of CONVICT JA's lone savior on the Internet. They then go on to post the other eleven names right below their rant.

Magical thinking at work there. :eek:ddsmiley:
There is also a core group over there, that have a long complicated theory of the crime. They proudly proclaim that Det Flores and a group of Mormons FRAMED poor innocent JA, and the palm print was 'planted' by Flores, and the photos of the 'body drag' were not Jodi, because you csn tell by the strip on the pants they were not hers, they match the stripe of Mesa Police Officers uniform pants....:nuts:

That shows it's not so much about JA, even in their own minds. It's about controversy and conspiracy, and their own roles as knowers of truth amidst the ignorant, deceived masses. As soon as the controversy over this case dies down, so will their 'support' of JA.
Hope4More's-5/26. Could anyone help me with the 'TR' lost? What is that referring to? Lost his 'TR' for the second time. I don't know what TR is?
Only thing I'm really happy about is that Jodi will never be able to hurt another person ever again.

I'm glad she got life in prison. jmo
Unless you consider prisoners people. Discuss.
I have been thinking the same thing all day. I hope nobody minds, but back with the first trial we had a thread called the Observer's thread. Those who went to the trial reported to us and we pulled together to help the family and be Travis' voice anyway we could. I made this video back then about our journey - perhaps, today reflecting back on all we did will help. I can't say it any better than I did then in the description for the video - but trust me, from way before that trial and long after - I can guarantee that Travis feels our love!


So good to see you again, ANJ. Thank you for the remembrances. Very nice, in this troubled day.
Hope4More's-5/26. Could anyone help me with the 'TR' lost? What is that referring to? Lost his 'TR' for the second time. I don't know what TR is?

Temple Recommend
I wonder what would have happened if, by a freak coincidence, a member of that site during the original trial and penalty phase got a summons notice to appear for jury duty on the second penalty phase. Just saying. Stranger things have been known to happen. Do you think they would have been honest about their participation on the forums regarding this case?


Jodi will have no access to social media in Perryville. By the way, the cell waiting for her is six by eight feet. The window faces the West. Hot. Only three showers a week is allowed. Her smirking days are over.

I'm not so sure she couldn't have access to a Twitter account in Perryville just as easily as she has one at Estrella. If her Twitterer is a member of the defense team, authorities have no way to block or listen in on conversations. If the Twitterer is someone on the outside and not on her legal team, authorities can remove them from Jodi's permissible call list.
I will be ok with LWOP, but I'm still worried that she might get LWP. I pray that JSS doesn't give her this.
I'm not even considering this possibility. I need a week or two, you know?
Ha! They were the 'silly thoughts' I was having when the news of Juror 17 first broke. I'm still feeling the possibility that, by some freaky coincidence, one of Arias' Arizona based supporters received a jury summons.

I can imagine the initial speculation, and then rabid excitement when she found she was on The Trial. Not too hard to let Donovan or MDLR know by twitter/FB.

Thought it was just me. I have to admit it was one of the first things I thought of when I heard the 11-1 split.

The references on her FB, her deleted FB, Twitter and Flickr accounts didn't help either. ;)

I haven't got the patience (or frankly, the interest) to keep reading about this trial much longer. I appear to be one of the only people on the whole internet who thinks that the mistrial was sad, and frustrating, but acceptable and that JSS will give JA the maximum possible sentence.

Just briefly, can anyone tell me: what exactly do you want out of prosecuting Juror #17 if the official investigation proves she's guilty of perjury in jury selection? JA will never be eligible for the death penalty again.

I truly do wish I could accept this verdict and it not bother me, but I would be lying if I said I don't care about the results or how it came to be. The memory of it will always bring me back to a very sad and unjust day in our court system. Every time I see that happen it seems to stick with me forever.

All throughout this case I posted often about my fears that Travis' life and death would not be valued as much by this jury as many other jurors do when the victim is female and the defendant is a man. So, when I first heard they were hung, I wasn't surprised. That is what I expected. What I did not expect was a rogue juror. One juror who was able to tear the very fabric of our justice system to shreds with one vote. I will not lie, it hit me hard in the gut leaving me in tears and the memory of that injustice will forever remain.

There have been other dark days which have left indelible scars on our justice system beside JAs where justice was snatched away from the victims and I remember them all. I have always been a firm believer in justice for ALL. I hate when gender of either the offender or the victim is taken into account. It often changed the proper outcome whether the murderer was let off scott free or the punishment was incorrect based on the evidence entered including aggravators and mitigation.

But my faith was renewed when I found out that eleven out of the twelve wanted very badly to give death to JA.....not because they are vengeful people but they took all of the evidence and came to the only verdict that suited the crime that had been carried out against Travis.

And then there was one.:(

And that one made a mockery out the justice system. We as a society... should want any juror who commits perjury (if the investigations shows this to be true) to be punished. If the DA doesn't send a strong message to the community where jurors are picked from... that this behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated...... then they are opening the flood gates for more rogue jurors to get on high profile cases. If not the lone wolf will know even if they lie to get on the jury there will be no repercussions from it by the state attorney's office.

If she lied about anything I do want her to be prosecuted. No one should be above the law. If she lied she not only caused undue pain and suffering to the Alexander family, she also caused much pain to her fellow jurors and rendered an unjust vote devaluing Travis' life. We just cant allow for these kind of jurors to be on death penalty trials.

As far as my opinion personally, I don't take much comfort having to settle for less knowing she is just going to prison instead of death row. I doubt Travis's siblings do either.

If there ever was a case that warranted the death penalty it certainly was this case. The punishment of death should have been rendered because the evidence supported nothing else. IMO
It is quite interesting that when the verdict was read, there seemed to be no response from CMJA or her DT. None. Not even a sigh of relief.

They knew. Perhaps from the late afternoon information the day before or from somewhere else. Who knows. Still want to know why JA was so confident in the judge's chambers on October 30th to state that she didn't want the people she would be dealing with in Perryville to hear about her testimony either.

Maybe it was just positive thinking on her part. The law of attraction and all that. :rolleyes:

Jodi has to have been twittering from jail via MDLR, because if she had been doing it through anyone else, the tweeter could simply have been struck off JA's "phone call approved" list by Sheriff Joe. The jail authorities would soon have been able to find out who the tweeter is by simply listening to JA's phone calls. They can't, however, listen to the ones that involved the defense team and they can't prevent calls between JA and the DT. This might be why Sheriff Joe is having "legal" issues trying to get Jodi's twitter feed shut down.

Once she is formally sentenced Maria cannot have any contact with her for two years according to the Mitigation Specialists contract. Wonder who is going to miss who more? If I were Maria I would watch my back because CONVICT JA does not like anyone breaking it off with her!
Not if she is indigent. In that case the state pays for all her appeals. Info by AZLawyer.

Exactly, which is why all monies they're begging for through her websites/art sales, allegedly to buy better lawyers than would be provided free, aren't going into an account under her name(apparently the "donations" are going into some fund in Medford, Oregon...not even her home state), otherwise those monies could add up to enough to not be eligible, plus it keeps it out of reach of any civil suits levied against her. My question is, who is liable to the IRS for that income, or have they subverted that by calling it a donation, not to mention there is still some question as to who is actually the signator for the account/s?
Ironic: Members of the JAII site posting comments that they are sick over the fact that juror 17s name is "out there" when the jurorS names should be confidential when the FULL LIST (minus number 17 of course) of juror names is at the top of the page they are posting on!


Please tell me that's just one person commenting under several aliases. There cannot be that many irrational and delusional people in the world, can there?

I wish I could unsee that. That is truly alarming.
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