Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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The other thing troubling for me about J17 is whether it's true her husband was soliciting funds for an interview immediately following the verdict.

That shows secondary gain from her being the lone holdout.

Her husbands responses in the interview also seemed prepared to me


It is entirely possible (or probable) that he called the media himself and offered to make a statement. How else would this journalist know which door to knock on so soon after the non-verdict?

And I think by doing so, coupled with his alleged FB comments, he outed his wife as #17. It doesn't take long for people to figure out who you are when you have the media film in front of your house and your voice isn't disguised.
I truly do wish I could accept this verdict and it not bother me, but I would be lying if I said I don't care about the results or how it came to be. The memory of it will always bring me back to a very sad and unjust day in our court system. Every time I see that happen it seems to stick with me forever.

All throughout this case I posted often about my fears that Travis' life and death would not be valued as much by this jury as many other jurors do when the victim is female and the defendant is a man. So, when I first heard they were hung, I wasn't surprised. That is what I expected. What I did not expect was a rogue juror. One juror who was able to tear the very fabric of our justice system to shreds with one vote. I will not lie, it hit me hard in the gut leaving me in tears and the memory of that injustice will forever remain.

There have been other dark days which have left indelible scars on our justice system beside JAs where justice was snatched away from the victims and I remember them all. I have always been a firm believer in justice for ALL. I hate when gender of either the offender or the victim is taken into account. It often changed the proper outcome whether the murderer was let off scott free or the punishment was incorrect based on the evidence entered including aggravators and mitigation.

But my faith was renewed when I found out that eleven out of the twelve wanted very badly to give death to JA.....not because they are vengeful people but they took all of the evidence and came to the only verdict that suited the crime that had been carried out against Travis.

And then there was one.:(

And that one made a mockery out the justice system. We as a society... should want any juror who commits perjury (if the investigations shows this to be true) to be punished. If the DA doesn't send a strong message to the community where jurors are picked from... that this behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated...... then they are opening the flood gates for more rogue jurors to get on high profile cases. If not the lone wolf will know even if they lie to get on the jury there will be no repercussions from it by the state attorney's office.

If she lied about anything I do want her to be prosecuted. No one should be above the law. If she lied she not only caused undue pain and suffering to the Alexander family, she also caused much pain to her fellow jurors and rendered an unjust vote devaluing Travis' life. We just cant allow for these kind of jurors to be on death penalty trials.

As far as my opinion personally, I don't take much comfort having to settle for less knowing she is just going to prison instead of death row. I doubt Travis's siblings do either.

If there ever was a case that warranted the death penalty it certainly was this case. The punishment of death should have been rendered because the evidence supported nothing else. IMO

IMO a high profile case such as this would be the best to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Fine her a huge amount, lock her up for as long as possible and give the media all the details. Do the same with the one who leaked the jurors names.
The last thing I want to do is defend anyone in this case. I think of Travis all the time and I still believe this is about him. His murder was caught found guilty and will spend her life in jail. And that is justice.

I think that JSS did her job maybe slower in this phase but she got it done and now JA will have less issues to bring on appeal. I think that Nurmi and Wilmott tried their best to give her a defense and as disgusting as it is, Since they tried so hard she can not ever claim ineffective counsel.
I think that no matter what people do know who the real Travis was and won't ever forget that.
double post deleted

I don't know why it is telling me your post is deleted since I only see this one post.

But anywho...........

I do understand your logic.

I have a different take on it maybe than most. In some states it isn't a joke and they do take it seriously and it is carried out rather quickly as far as death penalty cases goes.

If it is good enough for a man to be given the death penalty then the same rules should apply to females who deserve nothing less. Of course we already know there is a great disparity between genders and which one receives death and which gender rarely does. That needs to be fixed as well.

I believe that if the evidence was there in one case where they voted for death then if there is another case like it or even more heinous like this one then it must also be given.

I really don't care if she was ever executed. 70% of the people in the US still believe in the death penalty and as the political seasons change that also can go up higher.

In the past five years the DOJ tells us violent crimes have dropped but lately I have been reading several articles that may soon change those statistics and a lot of cities are having more homicides and other violent crimes than they have had in many years.

If there is proof positive evidence of guilt like in this case I am all for the death penalty.

So to me the majority of the money spent has already been spent on this case. So she could have sat right there on death row in a cell all to herself and appeal all she wants. I want people who deserve death to be sentence to death equally despite the gender of offender or victim. The aftermath isn't what is important at the time. That is why jurors are told not to consider costs or anything of that nature.

And we can never tell what the government is going to do. I read that executions usually take place within 12 years in Arizona. So they very easily at some point in time could decide to speed up the process like other states have done and are doing. At least she would have been sentenced correctly and always have a big "DR" on her prison uniform. She would always be wondering if they decided they were going to execute her and when. She would know that each and everyday she could be a dead woman walking the green mile one day. There would be no assurances for JA that executions of women would not change.

It wasn't fair that Travis' murderer wasn't punished to the fullest under our law and it certainly was a travesty why that wasn't the verdict when it should have been.

Justice and fairness for all ....not just for some who get the death penalty deservingly and others who are just as deserving do not.

No matter how flawed our system is Az has the death penalty and it should have been rendered in this case.

If the juror really was stealth it's still up to the lawyers, and in this case, the prosecution lawyer, to have weeded her out. There is no two ways about it, as much as we like Juan it was his job to uncover any pro defense or anti DP bias any of them had and use one of his strikes to get rid of her, it could be argued that he should have checked to see if he had prosecuted her ex husband in the past. I am not playing devils advocate, by saying this, it's just the truth. It was his job during jury selection, if it didn't work out, then that's just the way the chips fall really. It doesn't mean I didn't think Juan did a great job, and I love watching him in action, I still think he's great.
It's been posted at least a dozen times, if not more, by various folk on this board, including AZLawyer, that Arizona doesn't even have 'parole.' The best (the very best) that JA could hope for IF she was given such a sentence, is that in 25 years she could try and petition for a clemency hearing and only the Governor of the state could grant clemency. In other words, she ain't getting out. Apparently this still isn't believed, though I'm not sure why.

But, that said, no way will JSS give her LWP. I've before asked anyone to post info in which JSS has been lenient in a murder case. Not one person has posted any proof. So far it's all just fears and paranoia, based on no actual data of JSS' sentencing history and nothing that shows any leniency, but based solely on JSS being "secretive" and "appearing to give the defense team anything they wanted" in this case.


If this was her (JSS) first murder case, then no one could provide that proof to you. I recall information being posted that this was her first one. Please feel free to correct me IF I have it wrong.
It's been posted at least a dozen times, if not more, by various folk on this board, including AZLawyer, that Arizona doesn't even have 'parole.' The best (the very best) that JA could hope for IF she was given such a sentence, is that in 25 years she could try and petition for a clemency hearing and only the Governor of the state could grant clemency. In other words, she ain't getting out. Apparently this still isn't believed, though I'm not sure why.

But, that said, no way will JSS give her LWP. I've before asked anyone to post info in which JSS has been lenient in a murder case. Not one person has posted any proof. So far it's all just fears and paranoia, based on no actual data of JSS' sentencing history and nothing that shows any leniency, but based solely on JSS being "secretive" and "appearing to give the defense team anything they wanted" in this case.

BBM. There seems to be a fair amount of speculation here. I know that's just fine on this forum, so I have no quibble with speculativeness, but do you have evidence for your ideas?

There seems to be a fair amount of quickness to making fellow posters wrong.....
I will be ok with LWOP, but I'm still worried that she might get LWP. I pray that JSS doesn't give her this.

Oh IMO JSS has taken a lot of flack from the general public and she's aware of it. I think she will do the proper thing and she'll give Stabby LWOP. Just think, LWOP is a better sentence for Stabby. She's got probably 50 plus years to live behind bars (and they may not be health years either), taking a few beatings from inmates who don't like her pretty face :puke: or her holier than art thou attitude, the fact she butchered a nice guy and whatever other grudges they might have against her, she will be faced with this and be fearful. The DP is an easy way out IMO. She would be all alone in her cell, drawing, singing, reading, exercising, without the fear of the other prisoners. Heck she was afraid to testify in court because some crazy, grey haired guy showing up in the gallery and all the hate mail she received scared her, imagine her leaving her cage to face those who hate her in prison. :O MOO.
<respectfully snipped for space>

As far as my opinion personally, I don't take much comfort having to settle for less knowing she is just going to prison instead of death row. I doubt Travis's siblings do either.

If there ever was a case that warranted the death penalty it certainly was this case. The punishment of death should have been rendered because the evidence supported nothing else. IMO

I could not agree more. My personal belief is that justice was not served for Travis' family, except for one thing, and that is the convicted murderer will not become a celebrity awaiting her execution by filing appeal after appeal or perhaps garnering media attention as her execution date nears. Once formally sentenced and sent to prison, she will become another number, and spend the rest of her miserable life behind bars doing menial labor inside the prison to get money for whatever the commissary offers. Her parents will have to travel hundreds of miles for a brief visit with her, which likely won't happen very often. She will have to comply with the orders of the guards (and often other inmates) 24/7 for the rest of her life. In a way, it may be justice for Travis, just knowing how many years she could live and how miserable she will be.

I have been thinking the same thing all day. I hope nobody minds, but back with the first trial we had a thread called the Observer's thread. Those who went to the trial reported to us and we pulled together to help the family and be Travis' voice anyway we could. I made this video back then about our journey - perhaps, today reflecting back on all we did will help. I can't say it any better than I did then in the description for the video - but trust me, from way before that trial and long after - I can guarantee that Travis feels our love!


I remember the KCL car, and just recently took it off of my siggy, also, we were members of the "Bad :butthead: Club", and you made a motto for us. WOW, this has been a long ride hasn't it? Good to see you.
anyone that has listened to JSS in her comments at the time that JA could have allocuted but refused unless sealed etc. should be confident JSS is not letting her off anything short of natural life. The total disgust for JA is obvious as JSS attempts to be sure that JA understands what she is doing by not speaking directly to the jurors and showing remorse. again not a JSS fan no doubt not the best judge for this case but to have to deal face to face with this attention seeking monster must really take its toll. I am not so sure there will not be a delay on the sentencing with some dt maneouver but it will come.
Also, did you hear in court, when Juan said that the Alexanders would ask that the sentencing be on a Mon or Tues? JSS said I can certainly accommodate that.
BBM. There seems to be a fair amount of speculation here. I know that's just fine on this forum, so I have no quibble with speculativeness, but do you have evidence for your ideas?

There seems to be a fair amount of quickness to making fellow posters wrong.....

According to this article:

Thursday morning, they called it quits and Stephens declared a mistrial. Under Arizona law, Arias automatically will be sentenced by Stephens to life in prison. Arias' formal sentencing hearing has been scheduled for April 13. Stephens will decide whether she's eligible for release after 25 years.

I agree. Can you imagine KN or JW trying to pad their resumes with this case the way it ended? Although they probably both will. They have no shame.

Well, since Nurm stood on courthouse steps and said "today's victory" & MLDR posting 'We Won", I'm sure they will as their minds are not right. Reality is, a Hung Jury is not a victory. A victory is if the jury verdict was Life. Their defense would have convinced the jury to save her life. That is not what happened.
about the deliberation angle and not knowing of a successful case where juror was removed for not deliberating. And there is a 9th Circuit:

We hold that if the record evidence discloses any reasonable possibility that the impetus for a juror's dismissal stems from the juror's views on the merits of the case, the court must not dismiss the juror.5 &#8194;Under such circumstances, the trial judge has only two options: &#8201;send the jury back to continue deliberating or declare a mistrial.

Now that case dealt with a federal trial but the constitutional concepts are no doubt relevant. But this is really about the inability of the ct to investigate the content of the deliberations because of secrecy and so says if there's any possibility the jurors position is based on the case's merits you can't dismiss the juror.

The situation there is different than what I see here. And I do think the judge does have an obligation to investigate, so far as possible, whenever so many jury members express the same concern. For me, if JSS had undertaken to investigate and heard the concerns I would think a responsible follow up would be to go back and review the juror information from voir dire and then question her. In this case, it may have then shown (1) the undisclosed 1st degree murder charge against her ex while they were together; (2) that Juan was the prosecutor of her then partner's 1st degree murder charge which is the same charge in the JA case with the same prosecutor; (3) that she was untruthful in both respects as she did not even disclose that her ex had any criminal charges while they were together-only that he had them after they were separated-that was not true and never mentioned.

The 9th Circuit case is not at all about removing a juror for misconduct/perjury/cause as opposed to for not "deliberating". To me, the "not deliberating" claim, when explained by 11 jurors and appearing credible should at least trigger an investigation into possible reasons for why the juror may have a reason not to deliberate that would amount to misconduct. That would make it like the Scott Peterson case where the foreman was removed for cause during deliberations and nothing affected the verdict.

I think the judge's failure to take any action was consistent with her trial behavior but served to render this whole proceeding an absurdity, an expensive absurdity.

this was a state case. I'll have to look but maybe she's saying AZ doesn't have a process. But it can't be the 9th Circuit. For one thing, CA is part of the 9th Circuit and the Scott Peterson trial had a deliberating juror dismissed. Most state courts would have a process for removal for cause regardless of the stage of the process. But AZ could be unique.
You might be right, but...... that would likely mean Jodi would get a generic public defender. No $2 million heavy weight. Anything better than a regular public defender (I don't mean to malign public defenders, but there will be a lot of tricky obstacles to working with Jodi) will be from Jodi's pocket.

If AZ is like my state, she won't get a "generic" public defender, she'll get an appellate attorney/defender -- specifically an attorney assigned to her who specializes in court of appeals level defenses.

ETA: Yep defense attorneys for indigent prisoners also include appellate cases: https://www.cochise.az.gov/indigent-defense-coordinator/home
But she could hurt someone again, it could happen to a guard, another prisoner, a doctor, etc. It could take a while, but it could happen. Hopefully she will be the one to feel a beat down first though.

Are you feeling worried that Perryville, which houses MAXIMUM security inmates, doesn't know how to properly classify, contain, and control their prisoners? Arias will be assigned to a maximum security status and she will have to earn her way out of that. One would think Arias is the only murderer that prison has ever dealt with. I bet they know more about controlling murderers than Sheriff Joe.
BBM. There seems to be a fair amount of speculation here. I know that's just fine on this forum, so I have no quibble with speculativeness, but do you have evidence for your ideas?

There seems to be a fair amount of quickness to making fellow posters wrong.....

Yes, my evidence comes from AZLawyer, who has addressed these questions before. I'm not speculating or making things up, I have read the information that was shared by her in response to these questions asked earlier. AZLawyer specifically told us that AZ does not have a parole mechanism in place.

ETA: Bernina posted information about the Board of Clemency in AZ. As written, it applies to crimes committed on or before Jan 1, 1994.
I don't know why it is telling me your post is deleted since I only see this one post.

But anywho...........

I do understand your logic.

I have a different take on it maybe than most. In some states it isn't a joke and they do take it seriously and it is carried out rather quickly as far as death penalty cases goes.

If it is good enough for a man to be given the death penalty then the same rules should apply to females who deserve nothing less. Of course we already know there is a great disparity between genders and which one receives death and which gender rarely does. That needs to be fixed as well.

I believe that if the evidence was there in one case where they voted for death then if there is another case like it or even more heinous like this one then it must also be given.

I really don't care if she was ever executed. 70% of the people in the US still believe in the death penalty and as the political seasons change that also can go up higher.

In the past five years the DOJ tells us violent crimes have dropped but lately I have been reading several articles that may soon change those statistics and a lot of cities are having more homicides and other violent crimes than they have had in many years.

If there is proof positive evidence of guilt like in this case I am all for the death penalty.

So to me the majority of the money spent has already been spent on this case. So she could have sat right there on death row in a cell all to herself and appeal all she wants. I want people who deserve death to be sentence to death equally despite the gender of offender or victim. The aftermath isn't what is important at the time. That is why jurors are told not to consider costs or anything of that nature.

And we can never tell what the government is going to do. I read that executions usually take place within 12 years in Arizona. So they very easily at some point in time could decide to speed up the process like other states have done and are doing. At least she would have been sentenced correctly and always have a big "DR" on her prison uniform. She would always be wondering if they decided they were going to execute her and when. She would know that each and everyday she could be a dead woman walking the green mile one day. There would be no assurances for JA that executions of women would not change.

It wasn't fair that Travis' murderer wasn't punished to the fullest under our law and it certainly was a travesty why that wasn't the verdict when it should have been.

Justice and fairness for all ....not just for some who get the death penalty deservingly and others who are just as deserving do not.

No matter how flawed our system is Az has the death penalty and it should have been rendered in this case.


I think you quoted my post before I deleted it. I kept the double, but deleted the original.

I agree that in some states it isn't a joke and if the crime had been committed in one of those states I would be disappointed in anything less than the DP for JA.

The fact that everyone, including the jury knows that she deserves the DP will have to be satisfaction enough for me. The problem is if she had gotten it in Arizona, it wouldn't be what I consider a real DP, with the benefits it would afford her. I mean really, it's ridiculous. Anyone voting for the DP for JA is also voting that she get all those benefits! It's just galling and wrong, and it doesn't sit well with me.

I can't blame anyone for voting that way because it's what she deserves, and it's the only option given. But it's a shameful lie that it's the most severe punishment that society can give. Tell that to surviving families, who's killers walk among us because they got the DP. There's so much that could be done, and needs to be. How about no DP conviction can be commuted to anything but LWOP? Sounds reasonable, but even that isn't the reality. It's just ridiculous.

If this was her (JSS) first murder case, then no one could provide that proof to you. I recall information being posted that this was her first one. Please feel free to correct me IF I have it wrong.

It's her first DP case. She has spent prior years in the criminal superior court divsion of AZ, and other years in the family court division.

Sources: https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa..../Judges/judicialBio.asp?jdgID=105&jdgUSID=217


AZLawyer's research on JSS prior cases appealed
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