Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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This is JMO, but I think they did not know her previous married name to husband #1, therefore not putting two and two together. If they did, she would have been disqualified immediately.

Furthermore, she lied when she was asked if she knew anyone on the DT, PT. She obviously knew JM. I am just not sure how deeply they search into jurors past marriages and divorces to gain sufficient knowledge. Besides, I think JM would not have connected her previous married name to someone he convicted, as it is such a common name. I dunno, just my thoughts and opinion. :dunno:

the fact that she mentioned what she did about first husband...should have triggered a check...they can punch in a name and see past names just in a matter of seconds...if we know her maiden name first name and current name they should too ....
If Jodi Arias, in her perfect world (which will never happen) ever got a new trial, I wonder what NEW creative trial strategy she'd come up with. Let's see we've covered she wasn't there, the Ninjas did it, self defense, blame the victim, what's left? His roommate did it? Aliens? Santa Claus? Someone else who climbed in thru the doggie door?
the fact that she mentioned what she did about first husband...should have triggered a check...they can punch in a name and see past names just in a matter of seconds...if we know her maiden name first name and current name they should too ....

Yep, no denying it. Big fail.

WOW! I would bet that this ends up as coming from MDLR..... she's not very intelligent, from what I've seen.

That's where my money is! She is fairly closely connected to that site isn't she?
If they did, and she said that she could keep an open mind, follow the instructions and deliberate in good faith, then nope.

ETA: Just going by Beth Karas' notes on her during jury selection, I think is it's crazy that Juan Martinez accepted her on the jury based on just the background that she gave them at that time. But he did.

I read those notes from BK and even without husband's problems with the law ...as she described the abuse red flags went up for me...i just keep saying I don't understand and we never will...at this point I have to say without further explanation and actually seeing what went down I am more upset with the state for letting her on than for her being on.
If Jodi Arias, in her perfect world (which will never happen) ever got a new trial, I wonder what NEW creative trial strategy she'd come up with. Let's see we've covered she wasn't there, the Ninjas did it, self defense, blame the victim, what's left? His roommate did it? Aliens? Santa Claus? Someone else who climbed in thru the doggie door?
Someone hypnotized her and programmed her to kill him. We need to find that evil hypnotizer!
The website says "I was abused, and I fought back" .... she will waste another pile of state's money appealing on that basis......
That's not a basis for appeal, she had her opportunity to present that during the trial. Appeals are about errors that occurred in the trial, it's not a simple do-over. There has to have been a major mistake made by one the players, usually the state, to win an appeal. She can't just say, "Hey! I lost, I want another chance!" doesn't work that way.
AZlawyer, what can the Alexander family attach when Jodi loses her civil case? Can they attach the money that is put into the prison store? Can they attach her art work? It has shown to be of some value. Im sure she will find an angle where there is one.


"Value" is a word that implies worth. I'd prefer to say that her "artwork" (it pains me so much to call it that) attracts buyers of dubious ilk, which then translates to $$$ for JA. : )
And if she gets a new trial she could end up on Death Row. What's a girl to do?
Not the way I understand it. *IF* she were to be granted a new trial, the prosecution could seek no more than LWOP (which I assume the Judge will sentence her to).

If Jodi Arias, in her perfect world (which will never happen) ever got a new trial, I wonder what NEW creative trial strategy she'd come up with. Let's see we've covered she wasn't there, the Ninjas did it, self defense, blame the victim, what's left? His roommate did it? Aliens? Santa Claus? Someone else who climbed in thru the doggie door?

According to many of her supporters on JAII, Deanna killed Travis and framed JA. If not Deanna, then it was the Mormon church.
If Jodi Arias, in her perfect world (which will never happen) ever got a new trial, I wonder what NEW creative trial strategy she'd come up with. Let's see we've covered she wasn't there, the Ninjas did it, self defense, blame the victim, what's left? His roommate did it? Aliens? Santa Claus? Someone else who climbed in thru the doggie door?

....let me guess, Nurmi did not like her 9 out of 10 days, and it's his fault she was convicted...
Well regarding #17's info being released, since that "other" site obviously had the whole list(right down to their middle initials and even some of their webpages), then it stands to reason they also had #17's, perhaps they're the ones who released it to the media($$ talks)... how else would a tv camera have been able to show up at their doorstep so quickly for the one on one with the hb(heck the juror herself was allegedly not even home at the time), unless it's true that it was the hb himself that "outed" her?


Hmm, I definitely heard the hb says his wife "held strong to her beliefs and he is proud of her for that"... only question is, what are her beliefs, he claims she believes in the DP but she couldn't even give one example to the other jurors what crime would be worthy of a DP if not this one? He also claims she looked at all of the reports and pics and how would he know that ... that's also not what the other jurors had complained about, in fact that was their problem, that she refused to look at all the evidence and only wanted to focus on JA's journals, maybe for tips on how to write her own.. since she too is a fan of the LoA and the movie the Secret.:/
Another thing glaring at me is, how would her husband know she was the holdout? They were not supposed to talk about the trial? Obviously she came home each day & told him what was happening in deliberations! Esp. if 'she wasn't even home yet' & was already posting on his FB about shopping interviews 'for the right price'.

"Value" is a word that implies worth. I'd prefer to say that her "artwork" (it pains me so much to call it that) attracts buyers of dubious ilk, which then translates to $$$ for JA. : )

Apparently interest in her "artwork" has taken a nosedive. Most of her pieces are now discounted. Buy 2 for a certain amount instead of 1 at the original price.
IIRC AZL or one of the Attorneys on this site said he could have had her dismissed for cause, without using his strikes....

How does the strike system work...often for whatever reason both sides agree not to take the potential juror...then if one side wants and the other does not you use a strike...but what about a situation of clear past experience with abuse etc. does the judge not have some say too? I don't believe such a biased juror should be put on because JM is "out of strikes"?
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