Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #5

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according to Beth all information from her years behind bars will be released by Sheriff Joe. It was described as two 3-ring binders full. Included will be transcripts of every phone conversation she has had, every visitor, every purchase, etc

I'm sure she will insist none of it was her fault!
I agree. I think they have done all they can for Travis, Suing her in civil court will make it all about JA not Travis. IMO

While I agree with you on some levels, I think whoever represents Travis Alexander's estate will sue whoever has been involved in the slanderous attack on Travis. JA and her family and supporters should not be allowed to profit from any stories, screenplays, movies that might continue the slander. It won't be all about JA. She won't be in a courtroom, IIRC.
Sadly people form opinions from things they see in the media or read in the media every day, all day long. People form opinions from everything they see and hear, even if it's not totally accurate. Jumping to conclusions is very common, you might say it's the most practiced form of mental aerobics! It takes a lot of discipline to not form an opinion and to not jump to conclusions. Look at how things posted on Twitter become 'factoids.' It's like constant whack-a-mole to get at the truth. I struggle with this myself and try hard to be aware of it.

For me, this further illustrates how egregious I found MK as a reporter to be. His opinions opined as news were a real slap in the face to anyone that actually followed the trial as he knowingly ignored much of the evidence presented in his articles.

Heck imo, many of his tweets didn't even reflect what was going on in the courtroom... ie. when things weren't going in favour of the DT, he'd be commenting on wanting to go for lunch or would suddenly need to go do something else instead of tweeting the news(that's when he would even bother tweeting at all while everyone else would be filling pages and pages with testimony), something I had hoped as a reporter he at least felt obligated enough to report the truth to the best of his ability(instead he often would only tweet what was looking good for the DT, at least until that last week or so when I noticed he was barely responding, and then his articles were so slanted that I couldn't even count on them for a true accounting of what had happened in court that day).

Not that MK was the only one that I found to be that way, but as someone that seemed to be the head reporter for the local news he was certainly the most obvious.
That makes me very happy - happy that the AZ penal system's got her number and are shutting her up.

Everyone who is worried about her getting privileges at Perryville can rest assured that she will break rules repeatedly and not be entitled to privileges for very long. She can't help herself
What i still can't understand is HOW did J Arias get people to follow her and believe her lies, those foolish people will do anything for her and they haven't ever met her? What is it about her? She came onto our screens through the murder of Travis Alexander and instead of bowing her head in shame she threw out this arrogant attitude to the public. No shame knowing the world has seen her private parts even her own family seeing those photos, and listening to herself sex talking on tape in court, she has got to be perverted. Just imagine she is locked up and can still draw people to her, can't get my head around it all. I have a question, with all the underhanded actions of MDLR, how was she reinstated again or so i'v read? I hope and pray when she is locked away for life she will not have power to torment Travis family, God love them they need peace. I'm not a great poster but i come here daily to read, thank you for being here. Bronagh in Ireland.

Young girls can be so foolish and easily led. If girls that age will run away to join terrorists in a foreign country...

Someone should do a workup comparing ja to manson. Who'd win in that smackdown?
Too little, too late. Juan should've booted her during jury selection.

Exactly right, I'm not sure what those minutes are supposed to prove other than the fact that JSS did the right thing by not removing her. I'm no longer convinced that there was jury misconduct on her behalf at all, perhaps she just didn't want to vote 'death' and people are unfairly demonising her. At the end of the day the state should have looked at her Facebook and into her ex-husbands case during jury selection, there is a chance she could have been dismissed for cause, but it was way too late once deliberations started.
Has it been determined that J17 has a "oneness" with Jodi? JMO

IMO, yes. The Secret....Law of Attraction or whatever it's called. Watching the movie....yes, IMO
What i still can't understand is HOW did J Arias get people to follow her and believe her lies, those foolish people will do anything for her and they haven't ever met her? What is it about her?

Crazy attracts crazy. I've seen it in just about every murder case I've followed.
So, now we know why JA is fighting to stay in jail. No more video in prison.

And as for #17, imo....an agenda from day one. Praying no one gives that family a dime.
So, now we know why JA is fighting to stay in jail. No more video in prison.

And as for #17, imo....an agenda from day one. Praying no one gives that family a dime.
After reading that minute entry, I agree. J17 had an agenda and she lied to the judge when she was questioned in chambers, imo.
From Jeff Gold:
Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq · 2m2 minutes ago

Judge Stephens issues copious "minute" justifying her #JodiArias #Juror17 decisions..
More of s written opinion than minute.

I'm glad she released this. Now we know they were already investigating many things that have been rumored and made a decision regarding it. The only thing left to know is did she admit to knowing Juan. Which they already know the answer to since they have already reviewed her voir dire .

Too little, too late but Jaun and Flores knew what she was about before the end.
BK site

Arias Retrial — Minute Entry related to Mistrial This just-released minute entry describes details about Juror 17…
You are entitled to your opinion about it too. I happen to think that A civil case is useless and full of more pain. They won't ever get a dime, She will never be out of jail and all it will do is bring JA back to the limelight to slaughter Travis again. There is no upside to it.
I am sure they want to make sure she pays with everything she has, But I think in the end it will only cause them more pain. What happens if the Civil case goes against them also????? It would be devastating.
They got her. She is in prison for life. Leave her there to rot and forget she existed as much as you can. Remember Travis and build him a life even though he is gone.

Respectfully, I disagree. We filed a civil suit in regards to my brother's murder. We won. The money was used to fund 3 scholarships: One at Duke University, one at the Hill School, and one for the Children of the Chester County Detectives who solved my brother's murder.

While you are entitled to your opinion, I take it you have never walked in these shoes. IMOO
On March 3, 2015, the State filed under seal a Motion to Strike Juror Number 17 because
her Facebook account indicated she had recently viewed the movie “The Secret” and had
researched “The Law of Attraction World.” As such, the State claimed Juror 17 violated the
court’s admonition and should be excused for cause.

Late in the afternoon on March 3, 2015, the Court conducted individual questioning of
jurors in chambers to determine if the jurors continued to have concerns about Juror 17
effectively deliberating and to inquire of Juror 17 regarding the allegation that she had violated
the court’s admonition by watching “The Secret” and researching “The Law of Attraction
World.” The defendant, all counsel and victim family members were present.
The Court questioned two jurors, including the foreperson, regarding whether there was
still a concern that Juror 17 was not effectively deliberating.

Juror 19, the foreperson, stated that prior to submitting the juror question about Juror 17,
the consensus was that the juror was “not sharing his or her viewpoint” and was “not
participating in the deliberation process as everybody else was.” Juror 19 stated he noticed
“immediate improvement” after the question was submitted but it was even better in the
afternoon after the court had provided the additional instruction. When asked if he believed this
juror was able to participate in deliberations, he answered affirmatively.

The Court also questioned Juror 17. Juror 17 stated she had not read, seen or heard
anything about the case in the media nor had she done any research about the case or any of the
topics discussed during the trial. Juror 17 stated she knew of “The Secret” before the trial and
had read it two years ago and saw the movie but had not watched the movie or read the book
since sitting on the jury. Juror 17 stated she had done no research on the Law of Attraction. She
stated she had a Facebook page but had not ever discussed these topics on her Facebook page.

On March 4, 2015, the State filed, under seal, a Motion for Reconsideration of State’s
Request to Strike Juror Number 17 with attachments. The Court set oral argument on the motion
later that day. At the oral argument, Mesa Police Department Detective Esteban Flores
explained the attachments to the State’s motion. Detective Flores stated he had accessed the
Facebook page for Juror 17. Because it was a private page, he could only see limited
information. Detective Flores stated Juror 17 had accessed her Facebook page the previous day.
He was able to learn that Juror 17 had “liked” ABC News, The Daily Share, Nancy Grace, Fox
10 News, 3TV Phoenix, CBS 12 News, CBS 5 AZ-KPHO among others. He could not state a
date when Juror 17 “liked” each site. There is a link attached to each site but there was no
information available regarding whether Juror 17 actually read more than what was depicted on
the Facebook screen. Detective Flores stated it was possible Juror 17 had received news feeds
on her Facebook page from these entities but he could not determine if that occurred unless he
obtained the records from Facebook.
Some of the pages attached to the State’s motion were from
other Facebook pages like Nancy Grace. One way to determine if Juror 17 read those news feeds
would be to determine if she “clicked” on the newsfeed to get more information.

A subpoena would be required to get records that would so indicate and it would take at least two weeks to
obtain those records
.During the hearing,

During the hearing, Defense Counsel Willmott stated she had learned that
other jurors had Facebook pages and had accessed their pages during the trial. Without
information subpoenaed from Facebook, she could not determine if the jurors had accessed
information in violation of the court’s admonition.

The Court found that without more specific information the Court could not conclude the
Juror 17 improperly viewed information about the case. The Court acknowledged the juror had
the opportunity to read about the case on her Facebook page, but all jurors have that opportunity
every day to read or see or hear something about this case if they wish to do so. See R.T. March
4, 2015, pages 27, 28. It is presumed the jurors will follow the court’s instructions. There is no
presumption a juror will betray his/her trust. It is in the sound discretion of the trial court to
determine whether a juror should be interrogated about violating the admonition.

On March 4, 2015, the defense filed a Motion for Mistrial; Juror Coercion alleging the
individual questioning of jurors was coercive thus requiring a mistrial.


They were onto Juror 17 all along, but they didn't want to delay things two weeks in order to serve a supeona on her Facebook accounts.
Flores apparently didn't research her husbands Facebook to see the tie to MDLR, nor did he research hubbie's background.

Justice Denied !!!
Nothing about JM prosecuting her hubby.....sigh

Because they didn't know then that was while deliberations were still going on. But didn't break to the media till the day after the hung jury was announced and her name was out in cyberspace
:great: From Sheriff Joe!

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Joe Arpaio, Sheriff

For Release: March 10, 2015

CONTACT: Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing various violations of jail video visitation policies, today is banning ten (10) of inmate Jodi Arias’ most regular visitors.

The ten are not only regular visitors to the high profile inmate but are also responsible for assisting Arias in her prolific use of social media.

More at Link: http://www.mcso.org/MultiMedia/PressRelease/JodiAriasBan.pdf

I love this man. I really do.

I'm reading Slumber Party From Hell by Sue Ellen Allen and while I don't agree with a lot of her personal opinions, it's been great learning about the inside.
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