Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #5

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A suppressor can be useful in self defense as not to alert an assailant of your position. It's also "better" for your hearing. Though it is by no means silent. Have you heard one in person? I don't hunt, would never hunt. I am a gun owner with CHL and I don't own a silencer, but I am not opposed to it if one chooses.

I agree. I wouldn't want to be in the woods hunting with someone who had a silencer. I want to know when the gun is fired and what direction.
Jodi told the world that daddy Bill kept a gun with a silencer close by when he had dialysis. In his interview with Det. Flores he said that he had a 25 caliber stolen in the eighties, and it was recovered by LE and he never went and picked it up. IIRC he said he got it for Sandy.

I guess there is no information to figure out whether the gun that was found in the bedroom was registered?

Was it ever determined if the gun found in the car was the actual gun that JA bought? Was she trying to make sure there was a second 9mm to switch out for the one she might have had to use on her "camping trip"?

Everything this woman does is just so suspicious.

I can't even fathom how she has been able to hold court over that website and her fawning sycophants for the past 7 years by unlimited VIDEO chats all over the world? That news just floored me. What fool thought that this would be a good idea in a jail and/or prison? I think that's the one place where communication technology should remain at a standstill with limited phone calls and visitation, all monitored using updated technology. Why would someone think it's a good idea to bring updated technology to the inmates to actually use?

SMH :notgood:

He has a long sleeve maroon/dark reddish button front shirt on in the picture.

Sure does look like him, easier to see in a side by side like that.

I guess only his friends and family would be able to verify if he grew in a goatee during the last 5 months or not. He's clean shaven in most of the pictures I've seen him in, including the ones with juror 17

The left photo, he also resembles "Goldmember" from the Austin Powers series. Too tall to be Mini-Me, tho.
I agree. I wouldn't want to be in the woods hunting with someone who had a silencer. I want to know when the gun is fired and what direction.

I'm wondering if some states haven't legalized 'silencer hunting' to safeguard against some kind of federal restriction for the free ability to purchase silencers in the future .. If that happened then they could argue 'But we need those for hunting purposes'.

began using pentobarbital in three-drug protocol on May 25, 2011 (AP, 5/25/11)

switched to one-drug protocol (pentobarbital) on February 29, 2012 (AP, 2/29/12)

Execution protocol has been changed to allow witnesses to watch all of the execution. Previously, witnesses could not watch the insertion of IV lines (Associated Press, 6/7/12)

at least enough pentobarbital for two more executions (AP, 9/19/12)

First use of midazolam and hydromorphone in a two-drug protocol on July 23, 2014 was botched. Execution of Joseph Wood took over two hours, witnesses reported Wood gasped and snorted throughout the execution. (Washington Post, 7/23/14)

:eek: My GS has been on this for four years to control seizures . I'm so glad he is being weaned from it. Of course you have to be careful with all meds but to hear that one is actually used to kill people, Jesus! Scary. I guess they use an awful lot of it?
Dang, she is one mean arse woman. Yes, I would think that would be the only thing that would be a ClassA felony. Attempted murder or it can be a Class A Felony if she attempted to assault one of the officers there.

Gee Miss. Goddess better tread lightly around Angela.
She is suspected serial killer.
Thank you for explaining... I think it's human nature to want to see justice, and it's just so traumatic for us when when evil, like a murder as horrible as this one, doesn't get punished to the full extent of the law.

I think knowing that evil will be punished accordingly helps keep society civilized. When evil goes unpunished I would think that those prone to do evil things will not be so afraid to do so.

Stealth jurors usually hope to upset what is believed to be the inevitable. They are loners without sole power to either convict or acquit...all they can do is upset the process by hanging a jury. Hung jury does not mean the person goes free; it usually means they will be tried again. I have heard of trials that ended in mistrial by hung jury more than once before finally getting a jury verdict.

I personally would like to see more states adopt rules that recognize a 11-1 vote as a verdict. IOW, some states currently do not require all 12 jurors to agree; I would like to see all states go that way. It would not eliminate the possibility of stealth jurors doing their thing but it would make it more difficult for them, IMO.
Many studies have been held about methods for executions and the firing squad is rated as the quickest and humane.

In fact the executioner doesn't know if its his weapon who killed the murderer. I think they line up around 7 guys and all fire with 6 having blanks.

Yikes! I think Ronnie gardner in 2010 was the last by firing squad. In Utah. I would want to be put to sleep for sure.
FWIW, it appears that J17 was liking and perhaps commenting on facebook pages (a couple of news pages, a nascar page and a softball page) in Novenber 2014. Was the jury supposed to be on Facebook at that time? That is the only month the archives seem to be showing at the moment.
So it started Han 13 2015

This is down in the article

At noon, “The Daily Share,” HLN’s first live daily show under the new brand, kicks off with hosts Ali Nejad and Yasmin Vassoughian. Another first for HLN is T-Mobile’s all-screens sponsorship of The Daily Share.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Activity on The Daily Share's FB page began on Sept 23, 2014. First they uploaded a cover photo. Then they made their first post (with some video attached) - "Hello world! Welcome to The Daily Share! News, information, enlightenment. And sad Kanye."

I do not know how people would hear about this show or why they would "like" its FB page prior to it airing in January, but nevertheless the page was created 4 months ahead of its launch so it's possible, albeit unlikely IMO, that #17 "liked" it before January.

But that still doesn't get her off the hook. Jury selection began Sept 29th. Are we really to believe she "liked" a not-yet-aired TV show's FB page within the first 6 days said page was created?? I'm sure this alone is not enough proof for the court to determine she lied about her FB activity, but it's enough proof for me.
Yikes! I think Ronnie gardner in 2010 was the last by firing squad. In Utah. I would want to be put to sleep for sure.
11 people including 2 Australians are soon to be executed by firing squad in Indonesia- pretty sure all drug crimes.
12 shooters per person to be executed. All at the same time.
They are blindfolded and hand & legs bound.
Barbaric IMO
Ok ... are these video chats for real? I just saw one released on Twitter and i'm like WTH? How, how, can she do this? Is this fake??
Well the experts and all the money didn't get the result the state had hoped (DP) as the murderess was convicted anyway.
11 people including 2 Australians are soon to be executed by firing squad in Indonesia- pretty sure all drug crimes.
12 shooters per person to be executed. All at the same time.
They are blindfolded and hand & legs bound.
Barbaric IMO

I believe In our constitution in It's entire form. I agree that the government shouldn't subject It's citizens to cruel and unusual punishment. They are the seekers of truth and have to dole out punishment set by standard of care at the time. if the condemned takes an abnormally long time to die we should give far more than what's required instead of the minimum like In OK they gave the3 drug with 5mcg of midalozam which was only like a1/3 of recommended dosage. The problem is the US has trouble obtaining the drugs BECAUSE they are used In executions. Now had jodi of received dp and squirmed a bit i honestly wouldve felt no sympathy as Terrible as that is
I have never seen a state that allows for so much downtime.

Here in Georgia the judges and jurors put in 5 full days and sometime even come in for trial testimony on Saturdays if the case last long. They can go through a death penalty case in three or four weeks tops. I have even seen some judges allow the jurors to come in on Sunday afternoon after church is over if the jurors are in the deliberation stage.

But the Judges here doesn't pussyfoot around either. They know time is money and they also are mindful that jurors have their own lives they need to get back to also.


Look at this Boston Marathon bomber - they are saying this will be over in 2 wks max .. JSS should have her feet held to the fire over this ridiculous trial. She allows
Arias to monopolize the court by testifying to a bunch of irrelevant graphic sex talk for 18 days!
Okay, it's time for yet another Ambien post. I guess everyone should just start putting these on your schedule, 10:00pm CST...

I have a lot of thoughts, many/most are assumptions, so don't start running with these as rumor ... This is the plot of a conspiracy. Enjoy.

1. When you think back to J17's husband opening the door, with a little hostility to his tone, and had the script about how she was/or felt 'abused' during deliberations. .. he sure seemed like the one wearing the pants. Just a 'tad' bit controlling. And cocky.

A. Is he controlling enough to pry each day's story/testimony from J17 on what had happed in trial day after day. Have deep conversations about it over dinner. Or even during the holidays with other friends and family. I mean, once you've told your husband, you might as well get everyone in the family's opinion. (Someone posted an article the other day about the make up of a DP jury and how it is mostly white .. the jury panel experts said it is because the possible jurors who are minority, usually get kicked off because they don't believe in DP.)

B. Is he controlling enough to research on the internet all day long about that pretty, sexy little thing that's on trial .... she could even be classified as a *advertiser censored* (ha-ha, remember his favorite shirt: I <3 *advertiser censored*). You know, there are a lot of guys in CMJA's cult/camp. Does this guy even work?

C. J17 coming from a previous violent controlling man would find it comforting that her DH is taking an interest in something she is doing. And there's no reason to fight when he has done all the research, made up his mind, and he's happy ... he has his chance to screw over THE MAN.

D. Assume now that DH has stepped up and is joining her at the courthouse to 'watch' from the back row. Well, now they really have something to talk about over dinner because he just heard everything she was not allowed to. You can double the pages of the book you will sell with two sides to the story.

E. If DH starts to feel strongly about CMJA and starts to brainwash J17 ...how could she deny him his vote? Even though everything the 11 are saying to her makes sense, she can't give them her vote, and she's so brainwashed and knows what she is 'supposed' to (for him) do, she can't fully participate. She has her man and her plan.

Well, that was a little bedtime story ... night guys! :eek:fftobed:
"In her thirst for adoration and attention, Arias is willing to corrupt these young girls, all to satisfy her own narcissism. That needs to stop, Arpaio says"

Please. Sentence her already
Thank you.

That is very strange to me. Why would he put a silencer on his little .25 caliber?

The only reason I could see someone wanting a silencer would be someone who was up to no good in the first place.

No, he never went and picked his .25 from the police department. He left it there. The only reason is as you said Only if you want to get away with something, and that would be a person or animal? I thought it odd when she said it while she was on the stand. I can't remember what brand or caliber she said it was.
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