Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #7

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Sorry I missed your post y'day. I haven't found a pic of Janet W yet. While she did have contact with the jury, according to Tara Kelley, she wasn't well liked by jury # 1. I wouldn't worry about her influencing JSS. Nothing's gonna save CMJA from LWOP imo.

Apparently, there's a rumor only that J17 is going to speak to media tonight but unconfirmed.

You can see Janet W in the last part of the Oct 6th video, the women standing in front of JSS bench, blonde, long dress. JSS calls her Janet. Then Janet hangs around the def table towards the end of the tape. Also at one point Janet is sitting behind MDLR.

I have no reason to believe that is not Janet W. If there was more than one Janet who is a legal asst. I would think JSS would refer to last name as not to confuse the court reporter.

This person also appears in the videos from time to time.

As to her making any remarks to anyone about anything I have no idea.


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I'm trying to watch one of the youtube's and it says I can't because "this video is currently being processed"

What does that mean?
I don't think she will clear anything up. I think her attorney probably advised her to make conditions about what they can and cannot ask, and her answers are probably already prepared and rehearsed in advance.

... and who is interviewing her? MK?
Wait a minute, I just thought of something- when the list of jurors came out, they listed who had copies of the jurors. Remember there were 6 copies. 2 went to judges assistants...this is so weird.
JMO--Respectfully, people who are ready to step away certainly should. I would encourage them to do so. People who would like to discuss various aspects of this case are well within their rights to do so.

I don't see thoughtful discussion as drama, but that is just my take.

i would agree lots of things being discussed I am not really interested in but there are new things coming in each day....the latest with juror 17 doing an interview and the video of juror selection is really good...great insight into the trial in general. After watching the juror interviews so far I have a new respect for jss...not a popular position here but she has virtually indulged this vile defendant and her team on every situation except dimissing the case and taking dp off the table. From what I see see can't stand the defense team and their tactics and she does not even look at JA...it has given me 100% confidence jss will assure ja never gets out. I also note JA and willmott are whispering all throughout the process...JSS sees that and my guess is she is not impressed. Just when I think it is time to not think about this trial anymore something new happens.
I wish we could hear more from the 1st trial jurors on why they didn't like Janet. If Janet really did say all of those things and cried over the verdict, then at the very least she should not have been JSS assistant during this sentencing retrial. Do we know if she was?

if she did those things she should not be anyone's assistant and should not be working there anymore.
Ok I do believe I have permission to post this here as this has a direct relationship to the discussion at hand. My opinions on Juror 17 given the new information coming out. And since I get tens of thousands of views on my blog when I post, including to players involved in the case who have contacted me, I will continue to use it as a venue to promote my opinions as they relate to justice for VICTIMS everywhere, especially in my own back yard.

Wait a minute, I just thought of something- when the list of jurors came out, they listed who had copies of the jurors. Remember there were 6 copies. 2 went to judges assistants...this is so weird.

It's beyond weird--it's suspicious. And to me, obvious.
i am finding this jury selection far more interesting than the trial which just makes me too angry to watch. i think juror 17 is 138 right? Or did I get that wrong? This is where based on questionaire has been read by attys and they have a chance to ask them specific questions. I assume that JM asks j17 some questions and this could be very interesting. Please anyone that sees part 2 of Oct. come online let us know.thanks.

Yes, you're right it's 138 I went back and checked. I agree, about the jury selection vids .. I'm waiting for the rest of these too!
I will watch it. Looking for: body language between husband and wife, which one dominates the interview, the expression on his face when 17 is talking. For content....if there was an actual agenda, other than $$ or 15 minutes of fame this will be the time they'll trot it out.

My guess is that 17 will be asked if she knew JM and she'll refuse to reply based on advice of her counsel. And yeah, she is surely going to say she felt bullied by the 11 and that she was just trying to do her duty in good faith. That part is inevitable.

Along with the body language, statement analysis should be interesting. If she repeats the question after it's asked. Ex. Sandusky -"am I sexually attracted to children?"If she answers a question indirectly. Ex. Arias in Flores interview, "I wouldn't hurt Travis". Stuttering, umms, etc.
I find statement analysis fascinating! http://www.statementanalysis.com/why-is-it-accurate/
... and who is interviewing her? MK?

When Daryl Brewer was interviewed by a TV personality in that very very strange way/timing, it was pure Kiefer.

Kiefer was in the background firing questions outside the view of the camera.

Brewer came to court all glammed up then refused to testify but managed to get on camera for a LONG "reasons to love Jodi" one sided testimonial put on azcentral's website (Kiefer's paper) like within an hour of him refusing to take the stand.

Kiefer showed up late to court that day...it is my belief, based on the circumstantial evidence that I observed first hand, that that "interview" (testimony by media ) of Brewer was done BEFORE he refused to take the stand over the very popular "death threat" excuse. I think the entire thing was choreographed with the DT. Yes I do think things got that underhanded and blatant.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kiefer's involved in this one too. Lin Sue Cooney was his go to girl for Brewer who he was feeding questions to (of course all to make Jodi look more like a "victim"). Let's see if she's at the helm again.

With all that being said, I do trust Troy Hayden's objectivity.

My dream interview though with be with Ryan Owens, the "hater". ;)

Kiefer has been quiet since the non verdict...makes me wonder what he's been up to.
Read your blog......your opinions on 17 actually sound very restrained and discreet. Of course, my perspective is biased by own willingness to throw word-bombs when the situation seems to call for it....:D

BTW, do you have a link to any advocacy work you're doing on the Travis law concept you've mentioned? I'm not in AZ but am interested in getting involved. I have years of hands on political advocacy experience to bring to the table. :)

... and she's an awesome shot with those word-bombs, katie ;)
Read your blog......your opinions on 17 actually sound very restrained and discreet. Of course, my perspective is biased by own willingness to throw word-bombs when the situation seems to call for it....:D

BTW, do you have a link to any advocacy work you're doing on the Travis law concept you've mentioned? I'm not in AZ but am interested in getting involved. I have years of hands on political advocacy experience to bring to the table. :)

Please email me H4M as I'm at this stage just compiling a list of interested parties. My "work" has been blasting my opinions about it in to the cybersphere seeing where it will land. That's kind of how things work for me. When things get calmer in my personal life (planning a wedding lol) I may take it further but would love to include you inthe posse. :D katiecoolady@yahoo.com is my email (hope this is ok to post here?).

And yes, I'm being somewhat restrained..by design. ;)
I'm trying to watch one of the youtube's and it says I can't because "this video is currently being processed"

What does that mean?

It means that it's been uploaded and the software behind YouTube is converting the video file and encoding it in their proprietary VP9 codec for streaming on computers. Sometimes it takes a while for long videos like these. Google that phrase and you'll probably get lots of answers.
Does anyone know if it is true that Juror #17 is being interviewed on Sunday at 10pm or is this a rumor? My friend sent me a text saying she saw a blurb for it? I'm on my phone can't find anything to confirm

ETA: Supposedly with Azcentral 12News

?ETA: I just saw an earlier post about this so I suppose it is true. Sorry I missed that!

No surprise this is the same network that M kiefer works for
No surprise this is the same network that M kiefer works for

AZ Central is the website associated with his paper. I know his voice very clearly. If he's in the background firing questions off camera like he was in Brewer, I will know it 100%. If they are behind this interview, Kiefer is involved. And they might put more of it on their website than is aired on the news.
Is Janet the woman in the long, black Halloween looking dress and the platinum blonde hair...she is in some of the jury selection tapes....the one where the jurors are being questioned, individually?
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