Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #7

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Re. Janet


@JMartinezUpdate @starknightz @BeBeSXM NO clue!!! She got 2 of our jurors kicked off and tried to get me kicked off as well

@JMartinezUpdate @starknightz she was listening to anything she could!Her and foreman would chat in jury room.We wouldn't talk to her
@brahmresnik: .@missypach @enuflumps4me #Juror17 doesn't have 'entertainment atty.' Watch #12News over next 2 nights & let me know what u think of her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So, in other words, a taped interview stretched out to 2 nights to exploit whatever local outrage there is about 17 and/the verdict.

Given the complete indifference outside SM for the retrial, and the empty courtyard and stairs outside the courthouse after the non verdict, I think (and hope) channel 12 is overestimating the advertising revenues they'll earn from the interview.
Not sure anyone else has noticed but after watching several of the retrial videos I vehemently contend that JM was severely constrained/inhibited in his questioning and wording during direct and cross examination--am I the only one who is seeing this?

OMG! Nurmi seemed single-minded about filing motion after motion; objecting merely for the sake of objecting and trying to throw JM off his game. It was more than annoying, I'd characterize it more as a targeted abuse of the system.

Juan also took some criticism about his closing argument, but I would submit that by that point he understood Nurmi's tactics: Nurmi thought he could acheive juror attrition and/or fatigue; or he thought he could rattle JM; or he thought he would confuse the jury just enough through his non-stop objections. I think Juan's closing was an acknowledgement of all that BS. He kept it short and sweet, and in the end, more jurors saw things as they really are than did the first jury. They clearly rejected and even repudiated Nurmi's tactics, to the point of saying they were actually turned off by the DT's tactics.

Watching these videos, I feel for Juan, I feel tired and exhausted and overwhelmed by all the BS, though I doubt he felt that stuff as much as I do. It makes me respect him even more that even with both hands tied behind his back, he still made every important point he had to make, and the overwhelming majority of the jurors got it.
Doxing-Rx ‏@DoxingRx 25m25 minutes ago

There is 2 big stories coming out on #JodiArias - I can not release THEM however; @juanstie has pieced them sorta together
7 retweets 21 favorites
So, in other words, a taped interview stretched out to 2 nights to exploit whatever local outrage there is about 17 and/the verdict.

Given the complete indifference outside SM for the retrial, and the empty courtyard and stairs outside the courthouse after the non verdict, I think (and hope) channel 12 is overestimating the advertising revenues they'll earn from the interview.

Maybe we should boycott, and watch the video later online... (Ha! I think I will have to anyway b/c Im out of state, I don't get that station)
Catching up.

It would not surprise me if JA has caused a "disruption" in her cell. She loves attention so much I could see her even doing it on purpose to get more attention. Or possibly having a real hissy fit about her privileges being taken away. The previous reaction she had when she was being filmed in prison by the reporter is proof that she can throw a pretty good hissy fit.

The other thing I have been thinking about is something I am really beginning to wonder about. This is pure speculation but I keep wondering about it.

What are the odds that a juror that just happened to have an ex that was prosecuted by Juan would get an invitation to appear for jury duty.
Of all the people in that county of Arizona, she just happened to be 1 of the pool to be invited to this trial.

It just makes me wonder who is in charge of sending out jury invitations and who that person may have known that happened to work in judicial administration duties. It makes me wonder how the process works and if there were any avenues to circumvent the process or infiltrate the process.

Again, just pure speculation but something I have begun wondering about lately.
OMG! Nurmi seemed single-minded about objecting merely for the sake of objecting and trying to throw JM off his game. It was more than annoying, I'd characterize it more as a targeted abuse of the system.

Juan also took some criticism about his closing argument, but I would submit that by that point he understood Nurmi's tactics: Nurmi thought he could acheive juror attrition and/or fatigue; or he fought he could rattle JM; or he thought he would confuse the jury just enough through his non-stop objections. I think Juan's closing was an acknowledgement of all that BS. He kept it short and sweet, and in the end, more jurors saw things as they really are than did the first jury. They clearly rejected and even repudiated Nurmi's tactics, to the point of saying they were actually turned off by the DT's tactics.

Watching these videos, I feel for Juan, I feel tired and exhausted and overwhelmed by all the BS, though I doubt he felt that stuff as much as I do. It makes me respect him even more that even with both hands tied behind his back, he still made every important point he had to make, and the overwhelming majority of the jurors got it.

What is truly grotesque is that Nurmi had to know his strategy of dragging out the retrial meant that JM would not be able to focus 100% on JA's retrial AND on his next trial that was already pushed back to accommodate the DT.

I have to believe that hurt JM in multiple ways. He looked exhausted.
Catching up.

It would not surprise me if JA has caused a "disruption" in her cell. She loves attention so much I could see her even doing it on purpose to get more attention. Or possibly having a real hissy fit about her privileges being taken away. The previous reaction she had when she was being filmed in prison by the reporter is proof that she can throw a pretty good hissy fit.

The other thing I have been thinking about is something I am really beginning to wonder about. This is pure speculation but I keep wondering about it.

What are the odds that a juror that just happened to have an ex that was prosecuted by Juan would get an invitation to appear for jury duty.
Of all the people in that county of Arizona, she just happened to be 1 of the pool to be invited to this trial.

It just makes me wonder who is in charge of sending out jury invitations and who that person may have known that happened to work in judicial administration duties. It makes me wonder how the process works and if there were any avenues to circumvent the process or infiltrate the process.

Again, just pure speculation but something I have begun wondering about lately.

Yes!! YES!! Good thinking!!!

so, I just checked on the Jurry Commisioner website and it actually has that as a FAC' so this is what is 'supposed' to happen;

"Where does the jury commissioner obtain names of prospective jurors?"

"The list of names that is used to call people for jury service is created by combining the County's voter registration list and Arizona Department of Transportation records. Names are randomly selected from that master list by a computer program."


So now we need to figure out who is in charge of printing the list, etc... Are you thinking that it could be a "Judicial Assistant"??! ;0)
Tara Kelley @tarakelley320 · 1h 1 hour ago
@JMartinezUpdate @starknightz @BeBeSXM interesting thing is she was kicked off the case during deliberations last time.

Tara Kelley @tarakelley320 · 1h 1 hour ago
@JMartinezUpdate @starknightz @BeBeSXM she got back on and the rest of the staff got fired

This is referring to Janet. Interesting. So she was removed but put back on. I wonder who she is speaking of when she says "the rest of the staff".
Well Kirk Nurmi's boss probably doesn't care what antics he gets up to .... we can know that by the antics he gets up to. He has no shame.

Does JW still work for the state or is she self employed now also? Does she get the same pay as KN? (have always wondered about that) I'm curious to know if KN is the only person in this whole macabre story who is getting rich.

Nurmi, Willmott and MDLR all hit the lottery with this case. ETA, neither Nurmi or Willmott have a boss..
This writer is also one of the confirmations for the juanstie restraints tweet

Could someone PLEASE make a "Who's Who In The Circus" Org chart??!!
Been off line so I don't know if this has already been linked or not.

PreOccupiedw/HLN ‏@PreOccupiedwHLN

Oh look the at least 5 time reigning champ of drunk driving is calling out #jodiarias boyfriend Ben Ernest for his second DUI. pic.twitter.com/SFpWXNDekj

It seems he hit two cars and left the scene and the police shot at his car during the chase.

Here is a youtube video explaining it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9KQotbtnbg— PreOccupiedw/HLN (@PreOccupiedwHLN) March 14, 2015
Forgive my earlier confusion then further confusion with the time zones re:Interview tonight. Lordy!! Is a fog contagiose? LOL
Like I said, JT seems to have good sources. I guess we will see. If it happened it probably happened way back when she was first punished for her video chat indiscretions.

BBM: I've been away from WS since the day of the mistrial because, you know . . . Can anyone fill me in on these video chats of JA? When did these happen? To whom was she talking? Did she let slip anything??

Thanks in advance!
Ok... just watched a LITTLE of the secret testimony. I had to stop as it literally was making me queasy.
The killer absolutely relished every second of that lie-fest. She'd be on the stand spewing venom and lazy lies
forever if she could. Her self-aggrandizing behavior is so astonishingly repellant. The fact that a truly inept attorney
is giggling her way through the questioning adds another layer of revulsion to this low moment in American justice.
#disgusted #shameful
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