Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #8

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MLDR called Troy because she heard he was the reporter behind this article. She also told Troy she had not read the article. right.......:liar:

MLDR learned these confrontation tactics from Jodi.
Maybe MDLR was trying to flush out a source. How could she have thought Troy leaked the story -Troy is a reporter, not a source, if he had the information he would have written the story, but Troy has a lot of sources, maybe MDLR felt that by accusing Troy he would say something like, "No, but I heard so-and-so talking about it." The reason I think this might make sense is because why, of all the people MDLR could have called, and all the things she could have done, including making a statement on her own, did she call Troy Hayden, and not only make a statement, but 'accuse' him of leaking the story? It sounds a little manipulative.
Tex-Mex, I love the term Jodifesto!

IMHO, it is her master cheat-sheet to keep the lies she told to date straight.

I also recollect that she asked for copies to be made so she could sign them (and sell them?) when she became famous.

Well, the concept was okay for two whole years, until she suddenly claimed self-defense. I do note she mentioned early on about the two incidents of alleged abuse by Travis. From this, she started her third defense tactic and it grew in complexity as time went by.
Tex-Mex, I love the term Jodifesto!

IMHO, it is her master cheat-sheet to keep the lies she told to date straight.

I also recollect that she asked for copies to be made so she could sign them (and sell them?) when she became famous.

Well, the concept was okay for two whole years, until she suddenly claimed self-defense. I do note she mentioned early on about the two incidents of alleged abuse by Travis. From this, she started her third defense tactic and it grew in complexity as time went by.
And the first draft of her book, once she got this 'prison thing' behind her.
Tex-Mex, I love the term Jodifesto!

IMHO, it is her master cheat-sheet to keep the lies she told to date straight.

I also recollect that she asked for copies to be made so she could sign them (and sell them?) when she became famous.

Well, the concept was okay for two whole years, until she suddenly claimed self-defense. I do note she mentioned early on about the two incidents of alleged abuse by Travis. From this, she started her third defense tactic and it grew in complexity as time went by.

It appears to have been written between her arrest (July) and her extradition (Sept) in 2008

She was excited, but said she's "not bragging" that her picture was above the fold on the front page of the paper
It appears to have been written between her arrest (July) and her extradition (Sept) in 2008

She was excited, but said she's "not bragging" that her picture was above the fold on the front page of the paper
Unbelievable. So her picture is in the paper because she's just been arrested for a brutal murder, and all that gets through to her is "my picture! my picture!" and just in case the slow reader misses it, it's "above the fold, front page, just sayin'."
Tex-Mex, I love the term Jodifesto!

IMHO, it is her master cheat-sheet to keep the lies she told to date straight.

I also recollect that she asked for copies to be made so she could sign them (and sell them?) when she became famous.

Well, the concept was okay for two whole years, until she suddenly claimed self-defense. I do note she mentioned early on about the two incidents of alleged abuse by Travis. From this, she started her third defense tactic and it grew in complexity as time went by.

She does say something about she forgave Travis for one instance that she said was "no worse than what my own father" has done.

She also never mentioned oral sex when Travis gave her the Book of Mormon at Starbucks. No sex, no park. They were sitting around talking and Napoleon was with Travis.
Also no sex on baptism day. She recalls it as a great and special day in her life.

I never believed either of those events. IMO she added the sex at 'sacred' times to dirty up Travis and to take a slap at his family
And if the mutliple accounts were used to try to limit reporting, here is the proper term for the illegal activity called "structuring". Below explains it.....

"Structuring, also known as smurfing in banking industry jargon, is the practice of executing financial transactions (such as the making of bank deposits) in a specific pattern calculated to avoid the creation of certain records and reports required by law, such as the United States's Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Internal Revenue Code section 6050I (relating to the requirement to file Form 8300).[1].....

Structuring includes the act of parceling what would otherwise be a large financial transaction into a series of smaller transactions to avoid scrutiny by regulators or law enforcement. Structuring often appears in federal indictments related to money laundering, fraud, and other financial crimes. "


We receive SARS in our gov't office...we cannot refer to them if/when we open an investigation.
FYI, we see a lot of structuring, LOL
I thought there was supposed to be a part 3 of Juror' 17's interview. Has anyone come across it?
Tex-Mex, I love the term Jodifesto!

IMHO, it is her master cheat-sheet to keep the lies she told to date straight.

I also recollect that she asked for copies to be made so she could sign them (and sell them?) when she became famous.

Well, the concept was okay for two whole years, until she suddenly claimed self-defense. I do note she mentioned early on about the two incidents of alleged abuse by Travis. From this, she started her third defense tactic and it grew in complexity as time went by.

Does anyone know the date JA was writing the manifesto? Or the date it was seized?

Unbelievable. So her picture is in the paper because she's just been arrested for a brutal murder, and all that gets through to her is "my picture! my picture!" and just in case the slow reader misses it, it's "above the fold, front page, just sayin'."

She also says something like..the local editor thought it "profitable enough" to use her image on his papers

Oh....she also talks about the memorial service she missed in CA..

Matt bought her airfare. She was on her way to the Sacremento airport when she had a flat in Weed, CA
Here is a link that describes some of the financial reporting requirements of US banks
CTR (currency transaction report) + SAR (suspicious activity report)


I'm hoping the references to bank accounts, e.g. in the Examiner article, mean that a) all the accounts will be investigated in the aggregate (I'm pretty sure this would be the case); b) all are frozen (ez pz, since this can be done in less nefarious situations like a divorce or death); c) they also look at money going out (are the accounts paying off others in prison and/or witnesses and/or miscellaneous thugs and/or jurors who hold your life in the balance; d) the source of the funds (drugs? mafia?); e) fraud in setting up accounts e.g. in fake 501(c)3's or to shelter money from bankruptcy proceedings; f) whether the money belongs to the state to pay back Jodi's defense retroactively, since she wasn't indigent.

Among other things...... If they do any of this, I bet they do it all, since pretty much all it would take is to look at payments in and payments out.
I really think that the SJ guy may have been embezzling a lot of it... And think how much he could have scammed off of his CA is innocent site too!! He's a con who makes a living off of the deranged people who support KILLERS!!!

I'm getting dizzy from all the twist and unexpected turns in this BETTER than Hollywood fiasco!!!

He could have been making deposits and taking withdrawals in order to launder money. This would make the account a conduit for e.g. drug money, bribes, bank robbery.....
Zimmerman had his wife remove about $9000 per transaction to avoid scrutiny. It didn't work.

If there are 14 accounts, roughly $9000 in each, could equal as much as $126,000 at any given time. I wonder how much was funneled to the Appeal Fund? How much went elsewhere?

This investigation will take some time before we officially hear about it, IMHO.
She also says something like..the local editor thought it "profitable enough" to use her image on his papers
Oh,ok, "my picture is not in the paper because I committed murder, it's in the paper because the low-life editor is trying to make a profit off of me."
The person who wrote the Examiner article just tweeted that they can not provide more details at this time.

She said she cannot name the source who provided banking information that connects the DT members
with Jodi's bank accounts. According to her a high level source is involved in the investigation and that the
investigation has been ongoing for some time.

Bolded by me

For those who have not read it.

That could be. But thinking about it, I usually take 5000 and I do that every few months so they may be checking on the smurfing thing. But, they do know us well enough to know where our money comes from and this has been our habit for years so, hmmm.

I'll bet it is just the policy at that bank. They have also called to verify checks before that are to a store that we don't usually shop at so that tells you how small town it is LOL.

I guess that ain't all bad.

Financial sector employees are required to use due diligence for this kind of thing. They are also trained regularly on how to spot red flags. Failure to be rigorous can result in sanctions to institutions and their employees.

I would say most retail checks are validated up front. This is done by machine through a special service.
the killer loves details and recalling events. It wouldn't surprise me if one day she doesn't blast out of her fog and spill where she ditched the gun, knife, bloody clothes, and the missing floor mats from the car rental. She's deranged enough to create a Treasure Hunt map with clues for locating them via Twitter.
Well, I've caught up again!

I've been considering the Examiner article. I don't recognize it as truly MSM, but a slight step above Tweets.

It should be noted that there were 3 precursors to the story Beeswick broke yesterday.

1. Jeff Gold (defense attorney and JA "hater") who began tweeting "follow the money" frequently ever since the hung jury and mistrial.

2. Juan's Tie. We don't know who this person is, but he is obviously the source of the materials mentioned in the article. It's obvious to me that this was a long-term investigation.

3. Christina Beeswick. She wrote the upside-down article.

It sounds to me as though these three worked in concert to break this story. I'm wondering if Juan's Tie could be a double-agent here and chief researcher.

Gold would serve as legal counsel. Remember, Christine said the article had to go by "legal" before it was posted. Could Gold be the "legal" in this case?

I know one thing for sure. The allegations in the article are very strong and if incorrect, could lead to a major legal case. I don't believe they would have run with this story without being extremely positive the allegations are true.

However, I am waiting for MSM and LE (state, federal) to verify the claims at some unknown point in the future.

Until then, I'm :fence:

By "legal" the writers surely meant that the wording in the article had to be run through the muckety mucks at their respective organizations.

Jeff Gold was one of hundreds who trotted out the phrase "follow the money" including many on this site long before the most recent mistrial. IIRC, there was discussion here on WS early last fall, way before the retrial began or during those day long sidebars. What else was there to do, lol?

However, perhaps by alluding to Gold and the money trail you are referring to the first trial? Yes, someone needs to look at payoffs in that phase.
The person who wrote the Examiner article just tweeted that they can not provide more details at this time.

She said she cannot name the source who provided banking information that connects the DT members
with Jodi's bank accounts. According to her a high level source is involved in the investigation and that the
investigation has been ongoing for some time.

Bolded by me

For those who have not read it.


I'm "buying" the overall truth of the Examiner article. It is really not that over the top or inflammatory. References to MDLR would have to have been researched diligently otherwise they might be libelous. The article doesn't mention anything extreme in the way of scrutiny of financial transactions: you can tell, because many of us WS-ers are familiar with these kinds of investigations, at least in a bare bones kind of a way. Only small amounts of money were cited, when there might be a temptation to throw in something much bigger. Plus, we know that Jodi's transactions into and out of her commissary account have not gone unnoticed (thank you, Sheriff Joe). And the article really just solidifies what we knew all along: there's a lot fishy in Jodi's finances.

So, all in all, I don't see anything incredible in the article.
MLDR called into Fox 10 news yesterday and spoke to Troy Hayden. The call was not recorded on the air. This is a post from their conversation.

Troy Hayden's twitter:

MDLR: "I am not handling any money" for #JodiArias. "I have not had my Twitter subpoenaed." "I closed down my Twitter because of threats."


MDLR: "#JodiArias did not have a breakdown in jail."
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