Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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Aw, look. MLDR is back on twitter with a protected account.[h=1]Maria De La RosaProtected Tweets[/h][h=2]@faithwillsave4[/h]Animal lover, advocate for justice, fighter for justice and victim survivor. Strong advocate against the death penalty.
Joined December 2012

As I read that, MDLR joined Twitter at the same time Jodi's first trial started. Wonder if there's any connection?
I'm considering making a run for judge in 2016. I don't know anything about the law and haven't been to law school or anything, but I'm pretty sure I could do as good of a job running the courtroom as what I've seen in the Arias trial.

I have approved this message and appreciate your vote---- Steelman for Superior Court Judge--2016

Sorry, you're overqualified.
As I read that, MDLR joined Twitter at the same time Jodi's first trial started. Wonder if there's any connection?

Anybody else notice that the very definition of faith Is the belief in something not based on proof. So in her context lies will save. Let me know how thats working out in 15-30 years of traviss murderer being in prison.
Had to chuckle to myself when Juan objects to her runway rehearsal with leg chains : "she looked like she had a problem with one of her legs." at 06:32

What a bunch of BS, waste of court time. Mr. Martinez had to school JSS on the law unreal.

I saw Steven Alexander stand up (I think it was Steven), he probably wanted to jump across and choke her I know I would have.
When you appeal to a higher court that is not obligated to look at your case, the request for that court to consider your case is often called a "petition for writ of certiorari." A "writ of certiorari" is the higher court's order to the lower court to send up the record for the higher court to review.

Does this mean the higher court is accelerating the appeals process (by looking at the trial now), so that Jodi will know pronto that she's SOL? And the Alexanders will soon know for sure Perryville is it for the rest of time? No chance of her getting more "appeal money" (aka candy bars) if the appeal has already been worked over and rejected....

This possibility would be waaaay better than the death penalty because it would kill Jodi's hope.
My favorite was when JM replied to JA that he can't subpoena god. Lololol

This was in context of her saying only her and god knows what was going on in her head during the murder to which he replied well i can't subpoena god.

In the Doug Grant trial his attorney, Mel McDonald said in his closing "What you decide will live beyond this courtroom...Thank you so much for your commitment and your time. And may God bless you. Its been a privilege".

Juan Martinez: We're gonna object. It's pandering to say God bless you.

Mel McDonald: It's not pandering. (through gritted teeth)

Judge: Overruled.
My favorite was when JM replied to JA that he can't subpoena god. Lololol

This was in context of her saying only her and god knows what was going on in her head during the murder to which he replied well i can't subpoena god.

My fave was ... “What were you going to do with the gun, ma'am? Throw it at him?”
Does this mean the higher court is accelerating the appeals process (by looking at the trial now), so that Jodi will know pronto that she's SOL? And the Alexanders will soon know for sure Perryville is it for the rest of time? No chance of her getting more "appeal money" (aka candy bars) if the appeal has already been worked over and rejected....

This possibility would be waaaay better than the death penalty because it would kill Jodi's hope.

I don't know what the context was for someone's question to me about a petition for a writ of certiorari--I don't think it had anything to do with this case. Either way, the answer to your question is no. The appellate courts have no power to consider JA's case until an appeal is filed with them, which can't happen until after sentencing. And even then, IMO there will be post-trial motions filed by Nurmi that will delay the start of any appeal.
I don't know what the context was for someone's question to me about a petition for a writ of certiorari--I don't think it had anything to do with this case. Either way, the answer to your question is no. The appellate courts have no power to consider JA's case until an appeal is filed with them, which can't happen until after sentencing. And even then, IMO there will be post-trial motions filed by Nurmi that will delay the start of any appeal.

No not this case, it has to do with the murder of my SIL. Her killer's attorney filed it. Again, thank you for the answer.
So now there is a new FB page that is called F--- the Alexanders except that instead of --- the whole actual word is the name and every post on there starts with the same thing. They even posted the autopsy photos and said that the pedo got what he deserved.

Well that was fast. I and a bunch of other people reported it and now that page is unavailable.

They have made another page and twitter says it is back up.
Oh wow .. that's a bit of nastiness isn't it? So what do we think, that the art seller lives in Arizona? Doesn't JA have family there .. her mom's cousins .. why do they have to be so nasty? I have always stood up for perpetrators families in general because I believe they are victims too, but I don't see why the Arias clan have to provoke Travis' family and friends so much.

Yes, family members of a crime victim are also victims, and known as secondary victims in British Columbia and Alberta, and probably many other provinces and states. The following definitions are from Victims of Crime: Victim Service Worker Handbook published by the BC Ministry of Attorney General.

primary victims of crime
A primary victim of crime is a person against whom a crime has been committed or attempted. A crime is an act defined by the Criminal Code of Canada and is punishable by law. A person may be a victim of a personal crime, such as assault, sexual assault, or robbery. Or, a person may be a victim of a property crime, such as theft or break-and-enter, if he or she is the owner of the property that has been stolen or is a resident in a home that has been broken into.
The crime does not have to be reported to police, proceed to charges, or result in a guilty verdict for the victim to be considered a victim of crime. It is the act itself that defines a victim.
secondary victims of crime
Secondary victims are those who are related to the primary victim and so are also significantly affected by the crime. A secondary victim may be a parent or sibling of a person injured in an assault, for example, or the child of a woman who is a victim of violence in her intimate relationship.
A secondary victim may also be someone who witnessed a crime but was not directly victimized. This may include, for example, a friend who was present when a person was assaulted, or a customer in a bank during a robbery.
Secondary victims who are family members or close friends may themselves suffer traumatic reactions to the crime, or may also require support because they are part of the informal support system of the victim. In either case, secondary victims may require the same kind of information, support, and referral as primary victims of crime.

thats what I love about Juan. He will throw in some real doozie sarcastic cut-downs when he needs to. And he does it without changing his demeanor so you dont know he even did it until he is 2 steps past it.

Then you think back. Did he really just say that? LOL

BBM *snickering* and reliving the moment he asked Det. Flores if he had had sex with Nurmi - :silly:
So now there is a new FB page that is called F--- the Alexanders except that instead of --- the whole actual word is the name and every post on there starts with the same thing. They even posted the autopsy photos and said that the pedo got what he deserved.

Well that was fast. I and a bunch of other people reported it and now that page is unavailable.

I don't understand what ja supporters get out of trashing the family of a murder victim? I really don't get it and I have a good imagination. Anybody have insight into that?
My fave was ... “What were you going to do with the gun, ma'am? Throw it at him?”

Yup. That was my very favourite Juanism. And my favourite bit with Willmott is where she was trying to suggest the bullet hadn't gone through Travis' brain, and that Dr Horne couldn't prove it and the lovely Dr Horne was like "erm, it had to go through his brain....IT HAD TO GO THROUGH HIS BRAIN....IT.HAD.TO.GO.THROUGH.HIS.BRAIN!" Simple geometry yet JW tried her damndest to get Dr Horne to testify that bullets don't travel in straight lines.
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