Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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I know nothing about this. If I did know something about it, I would be reporting it to the proper authorities before saying anything on social media.

I need my fellow WSers to help me out here I don't know much, but apparently a juror from the first trial overheard a judicial assistant make a comment about JM... Something like "JM deserves to be stabbed", or "should be stabbed"...

It's also been mentioned that maybe she could have been the one to leak the juror list with their addresses, etc..

I just thought I'd ask you since you seem to know a lot!
I couldn't agree more. I could stomach about two paragraphs of this Opinion piece disguised as reporting AGAIN which is nothing more than another attempt to smear Martinez, cry foul for Arias and whatever pathological issues Kiefer has going on.

Let me review some Kieferisms:

1. He called Travis Alexander a "douche bag" and "scum bag" to me to my face (and in writing).

2. He was rabid in the courtroom to anyone who he sat next to spewing about how he thought this should have been pled to 2nd degree, excuses for the gas cans, how this was a crime of passion etc etc. (more than one, actually three other well known journalists complained to me about getting stuck sitting next to him having to listen to his nonstop nonsense).

3. He said this to me and I quote "I can't wait til the second degree conviction comes in so I can walk up to Martinez and tell him to stick it up his *advertiser censored*".

4. He knew the first jury was hung before they announced it.

5. He knew and REPORTED the juror number of the foreperson WHILE THEY WERE DELIBERATING, then redacted it from his article which was online only.

6. He got an "exclusive" with Daryl Brewer allowing him a one sided "testimonial" glowing about the killer Arias online just within an hour or two after Brewer "refused to testify". His name was not on this piece but his voice was in the background bulleting questions at Brewer--all aimed at cuing him to aggrandize Arias while painting her as the victim.

7. He "reported" that Martinez spent his days on the courthouse steps mugging for the cameras and influencing jurors in the vicinity (which allowed the defense, who I believe he acted as the unofficial "media arm" to , to request a mistrial over this). In REALITY that happened exactly ONE day, long after court was over for about 10 minutes. In the same article, he "reported" the defense team had to daily walk out a side door with security guards. I walked out the same door as the defense team most days I was in court, observed them walking to their cars right past the media trucks and smiling for courtwatchers with cameras. Not once with a security guard. Kirk Nurmi held the courthouse door open for me once.

8. He reported Alyce LaViolette "stalked" when in reality she was sitting in a PeiWei speaking out loud about the case, DURING the middle of her televised testimony and a fellow diner snapped her photo and tweeted it. This was reported as "stalking" and "harassment" by Michael Kiefer.

And all of that, ALL of it is beyond his completely biased articles.

Shaking my head he can have a job at the Republic other than his biased controversy is worth more than them than true reporting. It's disgusting.

He doesn't sound like a very intelligent man. Anyone who can not see the facts of this case.. either choose not too by turning away from them with eyes wide shut.. OR ... are just not intelligent enough to see the truth.
Link to pics? Thanks.

Note her hip height, especially in the third pic, in most pics I've seen she's usually standing with bent knees, reminds me of how much her chair was lowered in court.... making her appear smaller than JW. I do have more examples but most links are no longer viable, point is that she was no tiny little bit of fluff that couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag. She was a full-grown woman(larger than the average) who not only had years of martial arts training but also the strength to carry heavy trays of food/drinks for hours at a time.



Note her hip height, especially in the third pic, in most pics I've seen she's usually standing with bent knees, reminds me of how much her chair was lowered in court.... making her appear smaller than JW. I do have more examples but most links are no longer viable, point is that she was no tiny little bit of fluff that couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag. She was a full-grown woman(larger than the average) who not only had years of martial arts training but also the strength to carry heavy trays of food/drinks for hours at a time.




She actually looks Larger than Travis in the second photo.
And Willmot is in heels!

They surely must have a scale and a height wall for when you're booked? IDK, i've never been booked before. :)

Lol, funny you ask that because I just found this while looking for viable links for the pics I posted... link is on this pic.

All of this strictly my opinion;

The last time his email was accessed at 4:19 pm. I believe she accessed it. Travis possibly went to the bathroom, she hauled butt downstairs, accessed his email. Whatever she saw on that computer, email or otherwise set her off. She made her way back upstairs, and once he was in the shower, after the regular pictures, she pulled the gun. There's a picture of him with his mouth open and face obviously surprised, a little scared it looks like. She held him at gun point and made him sit for the "intense look" picture. He looked terrified. I think the shot came first. She took that picture of him, stood up, hence the accidental bottom of Travis body's picture. She shot him, Travis screamed, her ears were ringing because of the shower enclosure. In the "ninja" story,she said she blacked out once hit in the head. I think she was stunned for a minute due to the blast of the gun. Travis got to his feet, meanwhile she pulled the trigger again and it jammed.

The "linebacker" tackle was travis lunging at her, trying to get the gun. He was able to knock her down toward the toilet area, that's the ceiling picture. She wanted to contain the attack and shooting to the tile so it could be cleaned easily, so she moved further into the bathroom, making the end up near the toilet area.

In the "ninja story," JA says she was resting her head on his back, asking if he was ok. Once Travis was on the ground after lunging at her, he was on all fours. She kneeled, rested on his back, reached around and plunged the knife into his chest. The rush of adrenaline allowed him to stand again, with a roar he threw her off of him, the "body slam." This is the point he most likely mumbled, "kill you b****."

There was a struggle as he moved toward the sink, him trying to get the knife from her.

He made it to the sink to survey the damage, coughing up blood from the bullet that penetrated his sinuses. JA attacked him from behind, clustering knife wounds on his back. I think there was a struggle again as he attempted to take the knife, failing and getting stabbed in the head as he gave up and wanted to just get away.

She probably waited to see if he would just collapse. He made it to the carpet, probably gathering his strength to scream. She slit his throat to silence him and to end his life for sure, since he had fought all the other attacks and was surviving. The camera was kicked around in the struggle. She began to drag him, realized it was difficult.

She stripped the bed, tossing pillows off, possibly tearing the tassels as she flung them off the bed. She used the duvet or sheet to put his body, or part of it, to drag him easier. The palm print happened as she held on to the wall, dragging and pulling. Eventually, she was able to get him in the shower, clean herself over him after rinsing the blood from his body. Her hands were bleeding, but I don't think she noticed much until she gathered the laundry. A roommate said the banister felt slick. She either touched it with bloody hands, or the laundry soaked in blood was rubbing on it as she made her way to the laundry room. I think Napolean (sic) was gated downstairs so he wouldn't interfere in her plans.

trucrimefest! :cheers: THANK YOU! This is exactly right on as my theory.
Looking at those "on the outside" pics of JA it really hits home how she will never get to dye/fix her hair again, hike anywhere, see any grand sites she was so set on, have sex with a man, eat in a restaurant, ride in a car on a road trip, soak in a tub, shop at a store (not even a Walmart) and on and on and on...dang if that doesn't just stop you in your tracks and make you (me) feel so appreciative of all the simple pleasures in life like laying on my couch in my jammies on a Sunday watching the food network, eating Thai leftovers, gazing at the flowers my man sent me this week and listening to my brother laugh in the next chair while seeing a wide open door in my vista leading straight and freely to the outside.

Doesn't it just seem daunting to think about these things sometimes and how young she is and how many nevers she is facing? Well deserved but dang...

(and LOL Lambchop on that edit...oops and sorry!)
He doesn't sound like a very intelligent man. Anyone who can not see the facts of this case.. either choose not too by turning away from them with eyes wide shut.. OR ... are just not intelligent enough to see the truth.

I think Kiefer's long-standing disdain for Juan Martinez has blinded him to being able to see the truth. Facts don't matter to him. He takes in information and twists things so that he can feel justified in writing negative things about JM. That is his motivation and the guiding principle in all he does.


I really wonder why he hates JM so much. I think part of it is as simple as he doesn't like his courtroom "style," but still, it seems so personal. I can only guess that there's something deeper going on.
Definitely the best interview in that post-verdict marathon. I wonder if the jurors have all seen it? I wonder if Miccio Fonseca and Geffner have seen it?

I don't post much at all, but I have to say I'm impressed w/ this interview. I avoided all interviews, assuming they'd be more self-serving karp; plus CMJA makes me beyond ill. But kudos to this guy for kicking her <self-modsnipped> arse! Thanks for sharing.
She actually looks Larger than Travis in the second photo.

She was also a good bit heavier in these pics than she has appeared in court. Esp. looking at her arms and her butt/thighs.

Juror treatment, conduct in Arias case raise questions

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Wow. Whodathunkit. More incredulous crap from J17.

Their initial vote on a sentence was split, with seven wanting death, four undecided, and Juror 17 opting for life.

As they discussed the case, Juror 17 brought up the made-for-TV movie.

There were words thrown around. "People can't think they can come to Arizona and kill people," she recalled being said.

"Right away I got the feeling that they were not an impartial jury," she said.

Juror 17 believed Arias was guilty. Though she carefully guards her reasons for voting for life, she said she considered the mitigation testimony of psychologist Robert Geffner critical. Geffner, a defense witness, said it was his opinion that Alexander engaged in multiple manipulative and exploitative relationships with women, including Arias.

"I couldn't understand: How can you kill someone you love?" she said. "We were asked to accept that she was guilty of first-degree murder and that aggravating factors had been found. But I also focused on the totality of it."

She didn't budge from her vote for life.

Guess she was cleaning house and not paying attention during all the true crime and NG shows she's watched. I mean really. How many murders involve someone killing someone they 'love'? Pfffft.
Provided things move along as scheduled, three weeks from tomorrow, Arias will be sentenced to natural life in prison by JSS. I cannot believe that the judge will give Arias anything less than the maximum allowed and I hope that the sentencing hearing is one in which the Alexander family speaks out on all they have endured since the death of their brother and that JSS does not mince words and speaks freely and harshly to Arias.

This will be a long post, in which I try to give a history of Arias' support and communications.

On top of the crime itself, what makes Arias stand out is her narcissism, along with her need for power, control and her voice to be heard. She is an attorney's worst nightmare, first freely speaking to LE, then writing a letter, a manifesto and interviewing with the media all in the first few months after her arrest. She has never stopped using people or speaking out. When she was first jailed in Maricopa County, she did have some friends visit her, but these gradually dwindled down until trial began and the JAII site was born. Before that, Donavan was released from jail in March 2009 and started posting on a number of social media websites under the name karma4ever. The PR campaign was thus launched to besmirch Travis' character, alluding to his dark side. Arias also was able to manipulate Matt McCartney and Ann Campbell, with Ann carrying out coded magazines with a message for Matt.

I've been absent from this forum for a while because I have been gathering information to better understand Arias and her supporter, and how information flows. I'll share some of what I know with you.

As best I can tell, Arias most likely had a number of very lonely years at Estrella, until the trial began. Dr. Samuels testified that Arias and her mother would argue during jail calls; everything I have heard says that the relationship with family is estranged. Even Aunt Sue, who is an apparent supporter on SM, was upset when Arias tweeted in November 2013 about the family filing for bankruptcy and communication between Arias and the family lessened even more. Once trial began with jury selection in 2012, the website JAII was formed and over time, a cult following has developed. From what I can tell, very new people wrote to her during the early months of trial, but towards the end of the trial and post verdict, quite a number of people did start to write to her.

Donavan was tweeting for Arias starting in February 2013. What people may not realize is that this same twitter account was being used in 2009 for a very brief period of time (source MyDeathSpace). In early 2013, media reported on Arias selling her art via EBay and again, MyDeathSpace has a first reference to her art sales on EBay in August 2012. Once the art sales got national attention, EBay shut the account down. It is believed that Arias' brother, Carl, was responsible for establishing the financial accounts associated with the sales. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the person handling the physical sketches scammed Arias around August 2013 by keeping her drawings, forcing Arias to regroup.

Summer of 2013 was when Arias' communication system and network really started to crystalize and grow. A supporter from Florida, Heinz Frick, designed a website for Arias to showcase her art and to promote the bookclub that she had promised in her allocution. In addition to JAII, there were a number of pro Arias support groups on FB which were still public. Her family was working to start an appeal fund for her that was protected from any damages awarded in a civil suit and Arias expressed frustration to a supporter about the length of time this was taking. Finally, in October 2013, the appeal fund was launched via the FB account the aunt had been running. As soon as the fund was announced, the FB account kept getting shut down. With that, a new page on her website was devoted to the appeal fund.

Arias continued to tweet during this time, but Donavan was no longer the tweeter. Arias had also added a blog page to her website and had vented on her blog over the release of Jane Velez Mitchell's book. In other words, Arias was both very vocal and very visible on SM, just as things were heating up for her retrial. November 2013 included hearing addressing media coverage in which David Bodney cited Arias' use of the media. During this same time, Arias submitted a hand written motion to dismiss Nurmi as counsel and this motion was leaked to Michael Kiefer who posted the document online.

With a scheduled trial date of February 2014, hearings were being held more frequently and things kept getting leaked to the media. Because things are still under seal, an exact date cannot be pinpointed, but it seems that in December 2013 JSS placed a gag order on all trial participants. Despite this gag order, Arias kept tweeting for almost two full months. Late December 2013 included a series of three very angry tweets from her about a XMas message attributed to her which she neither authored nor approved. She singled out Edd as being the responsible party and banished him for almost a year.

Somewhere along the line, her web developer added a mailroom feature to her website. With this, a supporter could type in a message for Arias, up to a certain number of words. The message would be assigned a control number and it was promised Arias would respond back. I can only imagine the file system for this! This seemed to work well for a while, but then ran into a period of time where mail from this source was not being delivered to Arias as per her unofficial twitter account.

The extent to which MDLR has been involved and facilitated communications for Arias is not fully known, yet she has played a role. In February 2014, she was banned from jail visits for smuggling out a pinwheel drawing. I do not know if she played any role in delivering the website mailroom messages to Arias, but I suspect that she did. I do know of several individuals who received letters from Arias which were handwritten during court, then passed to MDLR who emailed scanned copies of the letters to recipients. This happened during the first trial and the retrial.

What is very clear is that Arias does know how to figure ways to get around rules, either breaking them or bending them. While she was acting pro per this summer, she made personal calls under the guise of legal calls and thus these calls were not recorded. During video visits, she would get relay information by writing messages on her skin and wash them off after the calls. She currently has had jail privileges revoked and has found a way around that as well. Once of her supporters is a licensed California attorney and she is in regular contact with this individual under protected legal visits, so these video visits and phone calls cannot be monitored.

Like it or not, when Arias goes to prison, she will still have right and privileges. It is my hope that AZ DOC can limit her influence with supporters so that she fades into nothingness.

Very insightful gcharlie, I've been wondering lately where you were but never would have guessed the amount of digging you were doing - very good job. :)
Very insightful gcharlie, I've been wondering lately where you were but never would have guessed the amount of digging you were doing - very good job. :)


I've been in direct contact with a few individuals who formerly supported Arias, though one did not necessarily believe in her innocence. Contact included letters and postcards, phone calls and visits. Over time, they came to see her manipulative ways and are very, very sorry for their support of her. I have to be careful with what I do reveal, so anything I have said has another source on SM before I disclose more information. I also am a few layers removed from a mole/the moles who have infiltrated some of her most secret groups.

When this is all over and done, if I have permission, I will share more of what I learned over time.

Note her hip height, especially in the third pic, in most pics I've seen she's usually standing with bent knees, reminds me of how much her chair was lowered in court.... making her appear smaller than JW. I do have more examples but most links are no longer viable, point is that she was no tiny little bit of fluff that couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag. She was a full-grown woman(larger than the average) who not only had years of martial arts training but also the strength to carry heavy trays of food/drinks for hours at a time.




Jodi is always trying to snuggle up with Travis and he's never relaxed when she's doing this. In the NY photos, he told her explicitly, IIRC, that he didn't want any closeness.
Do we even know that it was possible for JM to strike J17? I do not recall seeing anything that JM tried to get J17 eliminated or that he voted to keep her.
Do we even know that it was possible for JM to strike J17? I do not recall seeing anything that JM tried to get J17 eliminated or that he voted to keep her.

We don't have enough information yet. Martinez should have had a certain number of peremptory strikes, but with everything under seal, we don't know if he had used them up on other potential jurors. In hindsight, he should have used one on juror 17.

I'm ambivalent with the outcome due to juror 17. I keep thinking about what KatieCoolady has shared about the path ahead for the Alexander family, if Arias were sentenced to death. The family has been through so much already and the VIS this time around really showed the toll this has taken. I don't want them to have to go through more. If it were me in their position, I would take comfort in the fact that 11 jurors and alternates spoke out and were ready to give the penalty the family wanted. Vindication, if you will. But I am not in their position, so I can only offer my comfort and support to them for this outcome.
Do we even know that it was possible for JM to strike J17? I do not recall seeing anything that JM tried to get J17 eliminated or that he voted to keep her.


At 8:24 is voi dire (sp, sry) of juror 17, it ends at 14:47...then at 26: is a bench conference about j17.....she is held back after the other jurors leave and questioned by the judge....Juan wants her off ..twice he said she was crying and the judge chose to keep her....

juror 17 was juror 138 during this time
We don't have enough information yet. Martinez should have had a certain number of peremptory strikes, but with everything under seal, we don't know if he had used them up on other potential jurors. In hindsight, he should have used one on juror 17.

I'm ambivalent with the outcome due to juror 17. I keep thinking about what KatieCoolady has shared about the path ahead for the Alexander family, if Arias were sentenced to death. The family has been through so much already and the VIS this time around really showed the toll this has taken. I don't want them to have to go through more. If it were me in their position, I would take comfort in the fact that 11 jurors and alternates spoke out and were ready to give the penalty the family wanted. Vindication, if you will. But I am not in their position, so I can only offer my comfort and support to them for this outcome.

Wow gcharlie! You have been busy! Excellent work and thanks for sharing the parts you can. I hope the Court will tighten up their security and procedures after all this fallout and info has come to light. Why MDLR aided and abetted CMJA is beyond my comprehension. The only thing that comes to mind is MONEY. Do you have insight on that as well?
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