Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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Fox has a special on right now and they say someone is going to give us an inside look at this family. Should be intersting but probably nothing new to us here.
No. Who among us hasn't been exposed to some type of family dysfunction or another? Some worse than others.

ICA had a pretty cushy life and upbringing, IMO. Spoiled little princess, which may have been a small part of the problem. She wasn't brought up in a drug riddled ghetto, FGS - dodging bullets from drive bys or fighting for a morsel of food.

No. She just wanted to be able to do what she wanted when she wanted. Caylee and her family got in the way of that. I still believe she had thoughts/fantasies of doing away with her parents.

I think her parents were the first intended victims too. She kept telling AH her parents were splitting up and she and AH could move in.

Plus, her searches for "self-defense" wouldn't be about killing Caylee, but may have been to get ideas to have a credible story to tell LE after killing her parents in "self-defense."
No I don't feel bad for her. Sounds like a middle class family doing the best they could. I really haven't heard of too many that can say they had it perfect, disfunction of some sort is an apparent excuse anymore. Basically I think there was something not right about KC... a bad seed/narcissism/sociopathy and that alone could have caused the toxicity that we saw in this family. I imagine it will take years for the rest of the family to work that out.
Well I have wondered if Cindy was physically abusive towards her just based on some things that have come out. You know what I mean? When I asked about this question I wasn't referring to Caylee's death because it's a separate situation there.

Other than the alleged choking incident (which I personally believe occurred), is there any proof that Cindy was abusive to Casey growing up? Cindy is no angel - she is a controlling, manipulative liar! We have proof of that, but we lack proof of physical abuse. If there is some, please direct me to it.

O/T - My non-violent mother would have choked the life out of me if I had behaved like Casey. And my family is no where near dysfunctional.
Question: Exactly how was she treated growing up? To me, this is the chicken or the egg argument - did the family dysfunction help spawn the narcissism/sociopathy or did the narcissism/sociopathy breed family dysfunction?

Without a doubt the family dysfunction led to the narcissism and sociopathy
Question: Exactly how was she treated growing up? To me, this is the chicken or the egg argument - did the family dysfunction help spawn the narcissism/sociopathy or did the narcissism/sociopathy breed family dysfunction?

IMO I think Casey Psychopathy was the cause of the dysfunction to an extent I think every family has some sort of problem area that someone else would say was dysfunction I think they had some problems before but Casey's behavior made it much worse MOO

anger towards CA for turning a blind eye when her daughter obviously needed some kind of help or intervention

but sorry for ICA....NO
Question: Exactly how was she treated growing up? To me, this is the chicken or the egg argument - did the family dysfunction help spawn the narcissism/sociopathy or did the narcissism/sociopathy breed family dysfunction?

^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^. I feel a lot sorrier for the rest of the family having to deal with a sociopath for 22 years. I am not at all convinced that ICA was ever abused in any way. I think that it is more likely that she was the abuser. As far as being choked by CA? Seriously, I probably would have done much worse when I realized that she killed my dogs, just because they were mine and I loved them...sorry, not buying the 'abuse excuse'. :twocents:
IMO most families are dysfunctional in one way or another, mine included. I do not feel bad for how she was brought up by her mother cause I don't know what that situation was. If the fight story is true, maybe CA was at the end of her rope concerning ICA. Before I go further let me say that there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to put hands on another person. If all the lies about work, babysitters, checks, ect. were coming to light maybe CA just snapped.
We have no way of knowing if the anthony's home life was the way it was because of ICA (or CA for that matter) or in spite of her.

There are way too many variables and unknowns IMO.
Nope, not in the least!
We have no way of knowing if the anthony's home life was the way it was because of ICA (or CA for that matter) or in spite of her.

There are way too many variables and unknowns IMO.

I agree, we do not know what went on behind closed doors.

Dysfunction occurs in middle and upper class families...not just poor ones. I know people who grew up poor--without all the material things the Anthony's have. But they had love and they had discipline; they were taught how to behave and that there are consequences when you don't.

The Anthony's have a nice house. Casey had food and clothes and probably all the material things she ever wanted. But it appears as though something far more important than material things was missing in that household. It looks to me like behaviors were allowed to go unchecked until finally one or both parents were at the boiling point.

But again...we really do not know all the dynamics.
Fox has a special on right now and they say someone is going to give us an inside look at this family. Should be intersting but probably nothing new to us here.

I don't watch Fox, but I'm guessing that the "insider" might be Cindy's ex-sister-in-law, Pam Pleasea, who appeared with Nancy Grace on HLN earlier this evening.
No because everything bad thing in the world cannot be blamed on how people were brought up. Sometimes people are just born EVIL
No. I feel bad for Caylee.

I agree, I feel bad for Caylee!->

I do not believe a word ICA says!↓
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony "angry eyes" WFTV‬‏[/ame]
No, I don't fel sorry for her.
She was very very spoiled and heavily overindulged. She was never held accountable for any wrongs she ever did! JMHO.
I would imagine that if it were possible today, GA and CA would like to be able to start all over and do alot of things differently with ica.

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