Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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ABSOLUTELY NOT--Agree that Casey is a "BAD SEED"
No! Absolutely not! If she were a 13 or 14 year old, then maybe.
Casey is a grown woman... regardless of HOW she was brought up or what happened to her, she still knows right from wrong. I think most of her horrible life was exaggerated. Sure, there's some dysfunction... but who doesn't have that to an extent?
My life sucked growing up too.. but my kids are still alive, unharmed and thriving quite nicely. I've never even thought about abusing them, let alone killing them.

I came from a family (mom's side) who were active in the KKK and very racist. I was raised to fear and hate black people.... Once I hit about 13... I realized that there was absolutely NOTHING to fear and hating people because of their race was stupid.
Right now I wouldn't even DREAM of being racist. I have quite a few black friends as well as my kids. My 13 year old son actually ONLY likes black girls because he thinks they're more attractive than white girls... My 5 year old's best friend is a little black girl. I just posted a pic of the 2 of them together on my facebook.

My point is.. imo, after a certain age you KNOW what's right and wrong.. regardless of what you've been told your whole life.
Casey gets no sympathy from me.
Other than the alleged choking incident (which I personally believe occurred), is there any proof that Cindy was abusive to Casey growing up? Cindy is no angel - she is a controlling, manipulative liar! We have proof of that, but we lack proof of physical abuse. If there is some, please direct me to it.

O/T - My non-violent mother would have choked the life out of me if I had behaved like Casey. And my family is no where near dysfunctional.

I too believe that CA may have choked ICA. I don't think that it was over her stealing though. ICA had been stealing from her for years with CA's knownledge. I think that if she choked her it may of been because of something that ICA had done to Caylee or something she exposed Caylee to. That's why I think that CA wouldn't admit to a fight with ICA. If she admitted to it then she would of had to admit to what ICA had done to Caylee or maybe even the life style ICA exposed Caylee to. I do believe that CA loved Caylee dearly. Caylee was at an age that she could tell Cece about her day. CA knows a lot more then she'll ever tell. There has to be more to the story of why she was wanting to take Caylee away from ICA. I don't think that it was only because ICA was stealing and lying. It had to be either the way that ICA was treating Caylee, or neglecting Caylee or the life style that ICA exposed Caylee to. We've seen photos on line of where little Caylee had bruises on different sides of her face at different times. In one she also appeared to have a black eye. I think that CA may have been questioning ICA on these issues. In the photos where Caylee was at home in GA and Cece's house, she was well groomed. In the photos where Caylee was with ICA at her boyfriends apartment, where she had the bruises she looks unkept. I think that ICA wanted to get rid of Caylee as well as her parents. It was easy for her to kill Caylee, she just hadn't figured out how to get rid of her parents. It appears that she was searching for ways to do so. I do think that it was a good idea for the A's to sit in court with ICA. I'm pretty sure that GA has seen the real ICA. CA on the other hand has only seen a reflection of herself. These are IMO. Do I feel bad for KC/ICA? In no way, shape or form. She is evil incarnate.
The only person I feel sorry for is Caylee Marie Anthony. She never had a chance to grow up.
Just curious if anyone feels bad for KC because how Cindy treated her growing up? The reason I am asking this is because I have been sitting here wondering if Cindy was abusive physically towards KC because of that whole choking her bit for stealing the checks.

ETA: I am talking about separate from Caylee's death bc there is NO EXCUSE what so ever for KC killing Caylee and I agree her up bringing had nothing to do with that. I agree with all those that answered the question that how you are treated growing up doesn't make you a murderer.

NOPE, not at all!
Question: Exactly how was she treated growing up? To me, this is the chicken or the egg argument - did the family dysfunction help spawn the narcissism/sociopathy or did the narcissism/sociopathy breed family dysfunction?

There are many perfectly normal households that produce functional member's of society and one member is dysfunctional.

As far as the Anthony's are concerned, I think that as a society we have to blame somebody or something for what ICA did, because the alternative is too hard to accept. There is pure evil in this world.

TC, Robin

Ha! I just re-read my thought's. .. Not sure if I have ever seen a perfectly normal household :) I bet nobody else has either.
We don't know enough about the family behind closed doors to know if Casey was "abused" or not. If she was physically, verbally, and/or sexually abused growing up, perhaps that could explain some of her behavior. Some people are able to rise above a tough childhood and some are not. But we just don't have proof that abuse per se occurred. I'll bet there were fights in the home but don't know that. However, Casey doesn't appear to be delusional or so out of touch with reality doesn't know right from wrong. If she were, surely the defense would have been able to bring out psychiatric exams to prove it. IMO, without evidence that she just didn't know what she was doing, she shouldn't get a pass for "being abused."

I'm also not sure whether or not to believe the claim that Cindy choked Casey on that last fateful evening. Choked, really? I could even see her slapping or hitting Casey, but choking? I don't know, that seems more extreme than hitting, to me.

Agreed. And no one knows what went on that night, but if I, as a parent that was taking full responsibility for raising my grandchild, had been lied to, stolen from, etc etc etc and THEN found out that that same child STOLE from my elderly parents? would be on! Let's not forget that 'poor little Casey' was an ADULT still living in her parents home and contributed NOTHING, for her own upkeep or her baby's.

I have no doubts that there was a knock-down drag-out fight that night, but as far as this horrible choking goes? Well the Princess had plenty of pics within just a day or two of this incident, and I have yet to see a mark on her neck, or anywhere else. So I take that whole story about the 'near strangulation' with a huge grain of salt. JMO. :twocents:
I too believe that CA may have choked ICA. I don't think that it was over her stealing though. ICA had been stealing from her for years with CA's knownledge. I think that if she choked her it may of been because of something that ICA had done to Caylee or something she exposed Caylee to. That's why I think that CA wouldn't admit to a fight with ICA. If she admitted to it then she would of had to admit to what ICA had done to Caylee or maybe even the life style ICA exposed Caylee to. I do believe that CA loved Caylee dearly. Caylee was at an age that she could tell Cece about her day. CA knows a lot more then she'll ever tell. There has to be more to the story of why she was wanting to take Caylee away from ICA. I don't think that it was only because ICA was stealing and lying. It had to be either the way that ICA was treating Caylee, or neglecting Caylee or the life style that ICA exposed Caylee to. We've seen photos on line of where little Caylee had bruises on different sides of her face at different times. In one she also appeared to have a black eye. I think that CA may have been questioning ICA on these issues. In the photos where Caylee was at home in GA and Cece's house, she was well groomed. In the photos where Caylee was with ICA at her boyfriends apartment, where she had the bruises she looks unkept. I think that ICA wanted to get rid of Caylee as well as her parents. It was easy for her to kill Caylee, she just hadn't figured out how to get rid of her parents. It appears that she was searching for ways to do so. I do think that it was a good idea for the A's to sit in court with ICA. I'm pretty sure that GA has seen the real ICA. CA on the other hand has only seen a reflection of herself. These are IMO. Do I feel bad for KC/ICA? In no way, shape or form. She is evil incarnate.

Awesome post!!!! ITA. :rocker:
I do think she was brought up poorly. I think CA was a terrible mother... she taught her to lie, manipulate, cheat, and smile while doing so. My mother brought me up in a similar fashion... really terrible way to view the world. If it weren't for my husband and son who, under very trying circumstances taught me to love unconditionally, not just to use someone, I may have ended up in a bad place like Casey.
Had Casey married Jesse and moved away from her mom, I know this story would have had a different ending.
Do I feel sorry for her? Not at all, but wish that Cindy and George had been better parents... Lee seems awfully messed up as well, living in the shadow of his sister all of those years!!
Not in the least, no excuse. It's a sin against her status, not only as a human, but as a mammal. Sheesh, she's a broken thing. mo
I don't feel bad for Casey one bit. She didn't have it bad by my standards in any way. If anything I feel her parents treated her like the "baby" of the family for far too long. She grew up with both parents, in a nice middle class neighborhood, didn't work, got her car for free, had her parents supporting not only her but also Caylee. If her life was so bad she would have GTFO a lot sooner. I came from a dysfunctional family (which is actually an understatement) as many other people have and that is no excuse for what she did to her sweet little girl. Even IF George did molest her (which I don't believe) that would be IMO all the more reason to leave ASAP, not continue to live and mooch off them.
Nope .
I will save my sympathies for the children in and out of the hospital fighting cancer or the ones going to bed hungry or abused tonight .
I don't feel badly for her at all. Many of us have had less than idyllic childhoods, but we managed not to murder as a grown up. I am so sick of people who blame their screwed up adult lives on their bad childhoods. When you become an adult, you know what's what. If you see something in you that you don't like, fix it. Don't blame everyone else for your shortcomings.
I do not feel sorry for the way she was brought up. In fact from what we know at this point she was given every opportunity to have success. She had two parents who held steady professional jobs. A nice home, a pool, animals, friends, a car.. from what I can see she had many advantages that many, many kids never get a chance at.

ICA had every opportunity to move out of the home and most likley at the expense of her parents.. or boyfriends..she didnt have to pay her way through life. If she wanted to leave she could have. She made a choice to stay at home because she could continue to be a spoiled brat and she was ALL READY living the good life.
Bottom line is I do not care what kind of abuse someone lives with it gives her no right to kill her child. There are many many many inmates how murder out of anger, fights, drive by shooting, husband to wife.. I am sure alot of those people went through some abuse in their life.. however as an adult you know what is right and wrong .. it comes down to right and wrong and morals... you have it or you dont.

I think she had "the beautful life" right before her eyes and never ever appreciated it.
She was born a bad seed.

I guess each could go on and on and on about what life dealt her. I just know that it dealt her ALOT more opportunities than most young girls have. There are people who would give anything to have things she DID have.

He!! no, cry me a river.

KC has no idea what a really difficult, dysfunctional, abusive household is. There are many families that have experienced far worse-I feel bad for those children, not the girl that got everything she ever could want materially, even from a harsh mother that may or may not have degraded her verbally.
I will never forget learning how Cindy had scrubbed Caylee's favorite doll "Mama" apparently trying to rid it of the scent of death. I literally cried my eyes out knowing that Caylee didn't have her beloved doll with her in her final moments on this earth. To this day I still choke up just thinking about it.

:rose: Caylee
Well, I think I'm kind of the exception here. I do believe that how children are parented is hugely significant in how they develop psychologically. It's also true that many children are able to turn out okay despite not very good parenting, but some, for whatever reason (inborn sensitivities, etc.) are more profoundly affected than others. I don't think that people are born sociopaths or psychopaths, I think they become that way because of interactions between their genetic make up and how they are parented. Just my opinion, but based on a lot of reading.

I feel sorry for Casey because she is not capable of feeling the emotions that I think are the best parts of life: love for others. She may have faked being a "good mother" well enough to fool her peers, but she didn't love Caylee. For me, the love I feel for my children (and now grandchildren) has been incredibly profound and enriching. She didn't love her boyfriends - even while she was working on moving in with Tony she was screwing around with other men and keeping some back-up guys in place. And she obviously didn't love her parents. Think how sad your life would be if you didn't love the people you love. She probably doesn't know what she's missing, but I think there is a deep emptiness inside her.

I believe that inability to love and care for others came from the way she was parented. You don't have to be abusive to raise a child who is unable to attach to others. People here talk a lot about Casey being spoiled, but I actually suspect that her life started out rather differently. We can see how controlling Cindy is, and how willing she is to lie. I think Casey's early childhood (the time of life when personality is shaped) was one of strict control, and I think Casey learned that she was only loved or wanted when she was doing exactly what Cindy wanted her to. I also suspect she saw Cindy lying and was lied to by Cindy and realized she could not trust her. That kind of experience can make a child shut down from attaching to anyone, because it is too painful.

I think it was only when Casey got older and Cindy saw the threat of the "perfect-family" image being shattered that they began to cover up her stories and avoid confrontation. This happens a lot when little kids have been over-controlled; once they get into their teen years and parents can't control them anymore the way they once did, the roles almost reverse.

So yes, I feel sorry for her. I don't believe she was born this way, and I don't think she chose to be the kind of person she is. I don't think any of us do - some of us are able to overcome difficult childhoods but some are crushed by them. And having said all that, I think it is a terrible and appalling thing that she did to Caylee; I believe she is guilty of murder.

THIS so much!! I totally agree with you here. You said it perfectly better than I could.

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