Do you like the new format for WS?

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Lilibet, I tried what chi-mama suggested and it seems to make it a bit darker, which made it easier to read. Go to the box that says WS2016, click and select Mobile style. Then go to the bottom, select full Full site. It should look better now....?

At least on my iPad, it always shows WS2016, even if I choose Mobile. I think it goes back to that after choosing full site. Try it.... did it make it easier to see?

Thanks, spellbound. I did it that way, so we're on the same "page" but I need the font bigger, not just darker. I can't expand the screen the way I could when the ads were on one side in order to enlarge the font. None of us want the ads back. I just want bigger font. :)
Thanks, spellbound. I did it that way, so we're on the same "page" but I need the font bigger, not just darker. I can't expand the screen the way I could when the ads were on one side in order to enlarge the font. None of us want the ads back. I just want bigger font. :)

Thanks guy-this worked on my phone. Much better - you do lose alot of options but considering the screen is so much smaller, that is understandable. If I had my druthers, they would lessen the brightness.
Since the new update, my iPad is taking a long time to load various threads. Even when I just hit New Posts, and there may be 13, it is wait and wait. I have closed my other open tabs so this is the only one open.

My dislike is the Specific Case Forums section being above the newest cases! Quite frankly, I am sick of seeing Cayley Anthony, JonBenet Ramsey, and Jodi Arias/ Travis being above Up To The Minute, Missing, Located, etc. The named cases are OLD and anything said in them is a repeat or rewording of a statement said many times. Enough is enough!

This was changed in the prior make-over of the system and has been a thorn in my side ever since! The list of older cases all need to be below the most recent case information. It is not top news, important to many people, and a nuisance to have to scroll past to locate the freshest cases. Please, move it below the fresh cases people follow.

Anothing I miss, is before the prior change, there was a list of missing people by state. This made it much easier to locate a person that dropped off the main discussion forum as one remembered the state they were in, not necessarily their name.

It doesn't matter if those cases are old. The Anthony case brought a ton of traffic and new members to WS...It has 1 million+ posts...the most by far. Any developments in that case gets lots of posts. With the 5th anniversary of the verdict coming up this summer, we will surely see a reseurgence of that case in the media. JonBenet's forum has been active for almost 20 years, since WS began. With a movie and a CBS multi-part series due for later this year, not to mention the stupid Katy Perry theory that came out about a month ago and led to a YouTube video getting 2 million+ views, the case will receive more national coverage this year than many other new cases that breaks in 2016, and will bring plenty of traffic to WS. That case started the whole Internet discussion of true crime. Jodi's forum also remains extremely active. Very few newer cases stay active for even 6 months, and those cases have been active for years. They may not have 100+ people talking at once but they've all had consistent activty for years and shouldn't be banished away because they are "old news". Heck, in true crime, older cases tend to be much more notorious than newer cases...
Kudos for a couple new ones on Trending Stories, above -- though I don't think the victim was found in a "suitcas" as indicated currently.
I love the site. I'm on an ipad, and have tried the suggestions to make the print bigger, but it's not working. If there was just a bit of space on the right or left edge of the thread pages, then I would be able to expand the print.
....but I need the font bigger, not just darker. I can't expand the screen the way I could when the ads were on one side in order to enlarge the font. None of us want the ads back. I just want bigger font. :)

Hi Lilibet,
I was wondering whether you've tried a different browser on your iPad other than Safari? There are other options that might have scalable font sizes. I will try a few and see if I have any success...
Good luck :)
Hi Lilibet,
I was wondering whether you've tried a different browser on your iPad other than Safari? There are other options that might have scalable font sizes. I will try a few and see if I have any success...
Good luck :)

I tried Grazing 3 browser (free, on iPad) and got a nice big font. It takes a while to get used to it, though.
Hi Lilibet,
I was wondering whether you've tried a different browser on your iPad other than Safari? There are other options that might have scalable font sizes. I will try a few and see if I have any success...
Good luck :)

I tried Grazing 3 browser (free, on iPad) and got a nice big font. It takes a while to get used to it, though.

Thanks! I will try when I get on my iPad tonight. Traveling with phone today. :)
Thanks! I will try when I get on my iPad tonight. Traveling with phone today. :)

Lilibet, I don't know how or if I can do pics in a PM, so I will give you a tip on the font sizing in the iPad browser, Grazing 3.

Once installed led and you have your page open, go to the icon in the top right that has an up-arrow ^

Then select the font button from the drop down menu. On the left side is the font adjustment. I chose Tablet and the + (plus symbol)

Good luck!


  • image.jpg
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  • image.jpeg
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I'm still getting used to this app let alone the programme. I think the programme is cool. I just need concentrate on op errors 😁

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Thanks so much for your help spellbound. I forgot to install it last night, but will do it soon. Travel does a number on my brain!
Trending Stories can be good if updated -- where's WA - Ingrid Rounsaville Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 ARREST ??
That one defines "trending story."
Lilibet, I don't know how or if I can do pics in a PM, so I will give you a tip on the font sizing in the iPad browser, Grazing 3.

Once installed led and you have your page open, go to the icon in the top right that has an up-arrow ^

Then select the font button from the drop down menu. On the left side is the font adjustment. I chose Tablet and the + (plus symbol)

Good luck!

Woo Hoo! Grazing 3 works great with the bigger font. Huge hugs Spellbound!!!! :loveyou:
Woo Hoo! Grazing 3 works great with the bigger font. Huge hugs Spellbound!!!! :loveyou:

Thrilled that it actually was a help! Glad you were able to make it work. Nicer for reading, with these darned old eyes. :hug:
I have the "Thanks" button but cannot see which posters "Thanked" a post. I am using a PC.
I'm on an iPad and the font size is perfect for me. I'm old and wear readers so many sites I have trouble seeing, but not the new WS. The backgrounds is also a nice light gray on my iPad. Perfect.

Okay. Now, I'm jealous. My background is glaring white. There are very few light gray areas but not within the posts. Is there a way to make the entire background light gray on my lappy? TIA

Also, when sending a PM, we are limited to just a few (I think it's 3) items within brackets; be it the bold function, colorization, etc. I feel my PMs have lost some of their flair with the new guidelines imposed on PMs.
Tip of the day for my peeps at WS:

I had my eye glass clinic order awesome computer eyeglasses with my prescription in them. The glass itself is a golden shade of yellow for reducing the glare. My eyes are old; however, I've never required vision aids until recently, thus, the computer glasses are strictly used for reading while on my phone, tablet or laptop.

"Without computer eyeglasses, many computer users often end up with blurred vision, eye strain, and headaches — the hallmark symptoms of computer vision syndrome."

Do you mean that the signatures are large? The avatars in the upper left corner are all the same size. Or maybe you think they're too large.

If you mean signatures, I know what you mean about large ones. I just reduced the size of the photo in mine for that reason. If I could figure out how to format it so the printing is next to it rather than above and below, it would take up less room. I tried everything with no success. I'd appreciate any ideas. But I do want to keep Stephanie's case visible, so she is not forgotten. However, I'm all for smaller too. :)


Personally, I like the way your Stephanie sig is formatted. I can tell you how to put the text beside the picture, if you wish, send a PM my way.


I totally agree about the flashing avatars or a lot of moving/jumping emoji or icons used as part of a sig being a nuisance. Almost always skip their posts and scroll until the flashing avatar or a large group of jumping, rolling or hopping emoji sig is no longer visible. Some of the flashing avatars could induce/trigger an epilepsy seizure for those with epilepsy.

"Reflex Epilepsy":
"....exposure to flashing lights at certain intensities or to certain visual patterns can trigger seizures. This condition is known as photosensitive epilepsy."

I used purple font a couple of times when posting in a thread. A poster following the same thread asked me not to use purple for it hurt her eyes trying to read it. It is about being considerate and courteous of one another. I pray no one has been offended by this post. If so, I apologize in advance.

DeDee, thanks for the suggestions on computer glasses! I am overdue for an appointment, and will definitely ask about this.
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