Do You Still Believe UFO's Are Fake? Take a Look

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Something is out there. I believe that. Not sure what though. We've seen odd UFOs playing in the sky, kinda like a game of tag. Three of them. We had company who saw them, as did a neighbor. However, many, many, years prior to our seeing them, this happened, and, fwiw, I believe the women:

It would be on January, 6, 1976 that Mona Stafford, Louise Smith, and Elaine Thomas would have a terrifying experience with a UFO and alien beings.

The added strength of a well-conducted investigation make this one of the most quoted events in UFO annals world-wide. This report would include not only abduction, but other validating sightings, physical evidence, animal reaction, and electromagnetic effects.


News video: The 1976, Stanford Abduction, Revisited:
At UA I took a course in Astrobiology to fulfill a science requirement - I am so happy I did. Very informative as well as fascinating.

While I have never seen a UFO yet (I might very well in the future) I do believe in life on other planets, and I also believe that intelligent life will be found during my lifetime (I'm 50).
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Two pilots on different aircraft reported having close encounters with a mysterious object flying high above Arizona last month, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

The sightings occurred within minutes of each other on the afternoon of Feb. 24, some 40,000 feet above southern Arizona near the New Mexico border. ABC News obtained the audio recording of the conversation between the pilots and the Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center, released by the FAA.
It's amazing and disconcerting to me to see how humanity often claims the intellectual high ground yet in the next breath makes statements about completely unexpected results once we look closer at something. You name it - predictions about our neighboring planets, about the ocean floor, the atmosphere... we know it all until we probe deeper.
To make conclusions about alien technologies, gravity, travel distances and speed just speak to our profound ignorance of the subject.

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When I was a kid I was outside with my father and brother on are farm when in a distance we saw something with lights in the sky just hovering. It then slowly mad it's way until it was right above us and it never made a sound. When we looked up at it we could tell it was a plane. After about 2 minutes it left moving slowly without making a sound. There is an air force base about 60 miles north of us and I am sure it was a secret military aircraft which probably explains must if not all UFO sightings.
When I was a kid I was outside with my father and brother on are farm when in a distance we saw something with lights in the sky just hovering. It then slowly mad it's way until it was right above us and it never made a sound. When we looked up at it we could tell it was a plane. After about 2 minutes it left moving slowly without making a sound. There is an air force base about 60 miles north of us and I am sure it was a secret military aircraft which probably explains must if not all UFO sightings.

Interesting experience. But, as to explaining all sightings? Sorry, no way - not even most. Some are mistakes for sure, but many offer proof, imho.

What I experienced in the late 60's still can't be duplicated. Linked below:

Do You Still Believe UFO's Are Fake? Take a Look
Sharing another description I wrote of my experience:

I'd left an evening service at (a local church) to try to observe a satellite which was scheduled to pass over the area. While seated in the back of the family car, I saw what appeared to be the expected satellite approach on a west to east trajectory. It was a point of light, about the same intensity as a star but not twinkling like the stars.

After a few seconds the light began to zigzag and move erratically. It made 90 degree turns without slowing. And at other times the light stopped dead. No sound was apparent. After about ten minutes, the 'craft' paused, then at speed even greater than before, it shot straight up and out of sight in less than one second.
Sharing another description I wrote of my experience:

I'd left an evening service at (a local church) to try to observe a satellite which was scheduled to pass over the area. While seated in the back of the family car, I saw what appeared to be the expected satellite approach on a west to east trajectory. It was a point of light, about the same intensity as a star but not twinkling like the stars.

After a few seconds the light began to zigzag and move erratically. It made 90 degree turns without slowing. And at other times the light stopped dead. No sound was apparent. After about ten minutes, the 'craft' paused, then at speed even greater than before, it shot straight up and out of sight in less than one second.
Cool. Mine was 1966 or 67, north central Florida.
I saw 3 triangles in the sky back in the early 70's My grandfather was Air force retired and we were going to the country to see my GGma, he totally believed they were alien , when I searched it on the internet years later , others had reported the same thing , I finally felt like I wasn't crazy!!
The problem now are drones - they're literally everywhere, which has resulted in the reported massive increase in UFO sightings over the past few years. I do believe we live in a multi-dimensional world, and sometimes we can get brief glimpses of these... I suspect (much like in the awesome movie 'Arrival' from a couple of years back) that when aliens do indeed make contact with us, their technology will be so advanced that it'll make them seem magical.
My father believed in UFOs, and one of his friends claimed to have seen one as an Air Force test pilot.

As for me, I was of the opinion that UFOs were totally explainable by optical illusion, atmospheric refraction, etc, because I believed very firmly that there is nothing that isn't explainable by known technology (yes, a poorly founded and highly opinionated view, but in my defense, I was 12, and very into science.). This was long ago, back when the Internet was not really a thing, back when cell phones were brick-sized (early 90's).

One night, about 9pm, my father and I were building a deck awning in the backyard. Our house was on a hillside overlooking a southern california beach town, not out in the wilds. It was just an average night, clear, with the moon pretty bright. We were just gathering up the tools, a task made easy by the moonlight, bright enough to cast a shadow. As I reached for a hammer, I noticed I now had two shadows - one moving.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing the bright light, much like a full moon, only a little brighter - and moving fast. I yelled, loud, for Dad to look, and he did. It was about the same angular diameter as the moon, or a quarter held at arm's length. It was brighter than any full moon I've ever seen, though not hugely so. It was round when overhead, changing to an ellipsoid as it moved west (so I'm guessing it was the shape of a thick disk). We watched it move, very fast, east to west, then take a sudden dogleg to the northeast. It left no trail. We only had it in view for a few seconds, until it vanished behind the hills.
Whatever it was, its velocity was supersonic. Had it been small and low enough to be moving sub-sonically at that rate of angle change, it would IMHO have hit the hills. I've seen low flying fighter jets plenty of times, I know what a high subsonic pass looks like. This was faster. If it was high up, it was a lot faster. And there was no sound, none at all.

I was stunned. I could not even begin to explain what I'd seen. My father, on the other hand, only smiled as he said, "I've always wanted to see one," and then returned to gathering up our tools.
We often talked of that night in the following years. At first, I tried hard to rationalize it, to fit it in with my science-centered world view. I never could. Eventually, I came to accept it as my father did; a literal unidentified flying object, something we can't currently explain.

I know what I saw. I can still close my eyes and see it. I know too that I cannot come up with a scientific explanation for it (This was long before drones, in case anyone is wondering).

Was it aliens? Was it some secret government technology test (over a major population area?!?!? Not exactly conducive to secrecy...) Was it some as-yet unknown natural phenomenon? I have no idea, and I've finally accepted that I will never know. It wasn't easy.
This is WILD. From the Washington Post

Do you believe in Alien craft?
Would love to hear from you.
PS. If anyone turns this thread political you will be forced out of the galaxy. I can do it. PeeWee ain't the only alien around here.

I so much want to believe in aliens. To me it's more strange thinking we're the only life in the universe.
I've heard some stories that humans are an alien experiment, where they used pre human with their more advanced DNA, but just gave us enough intelligence obey their orders and not think for ourselves, which is where the creation bible stories come from. It also fits my idea of if there's a god, how come the best creatures on this planet are dogs, when man created domesticated dogs? Because humans were also created to be domesticated play things for the gods, before they got fed up and left us here.
Also that's why many people can't think for themselves, and only remember what propaganda media tells them.

Although god in the old testament is just one particular alien/god, but there were many more. The gods of Greece were connected to the stars and space. That's why we think of heaven as up. That doesn't take away the spiritual aspect, as according to the Vedas people can be reincarnated to spiritual or material planets.

Well anyway, we probably haven't even found the right system to know about those things, as we still share a lot of DNA with Chimpanzees, and maybe there are better ways to find out about everything than using maths and physics.
Faraday is known as one of the greatest physicists, and he knew little about higher maths. In fact most scientists who made the most useful discoveries were more intuitive than the best at maths. I think we're part of the universe, not separate from it, so know deep down. Maybe that's what meditation is.

However I feel that if there is a higher life form from elsewhere, then they would have seen enough of our planet to make sure we don't know they exist.
I've always wondered about this story as it's near where I live.
The Full Story about Police Sergeant witness to tall 'Beings'
Colin Andrews says that a police sergeant told him he saw tall blonde alien looking people in the Mayan crop circle near Silbury Hill.
Although I had a disappointing experience with a crop circle, as was all excited in 2018 to go to a circle near Hackpen Hill. The farmer had installed a hippy in a camper van to take money to see the crop circle. It was like something out of Carry On Camping, where he kept trying to make money from it, as charged me to look around one. Then I wanted to see the older one other side of the road, and he wanted to charge me extra to see that one too. I told him I'm not paying that much money to see some man made rubbish. It wasn't even that great.

Even if some are man made, the symmetry and intricacy of some of them are amazing. When you think how big they are and they can't see the whole thing while doing them, and best seen from above. The Mayan circle was a particularly beautiful example.
I have NO doubt we're being visited by aliens from "somewhere". I've been fascinated by the subject ever since my own sighting. It was not a close up and I don't know what was controlling it, but it was still amazing.

I was watching for a manned US satellite, but instead saw a "light", almost like a star but a bit brighter and not "twinkling". It started zigging and zagging across the sky, at tremendous speed and very slowly at other times. It made 90 degree turns at tremendous speed. Once it reversed without slowing.

Sighting lasted for 7-10 minutes. Finally it was stationary for 30 seconds or so -- then it left at an unbelievable speed. Straight up and out of sight in a split second.

I’ve had a very similar experience back in the early 90’s and three others were riding with me when it happened. I will never forget it, it wasn’t like anything ever seen before or since either. There was no way it was from this world. It was creepy that night and a bit of damp fog near the ground. I had t-tops so while they were still attached because it was early winter months, we all saw it at the very same moment together. Looking up thru the glass t-tops it was so bright like a full moon and big/close but so big it was still farther away. It seemed to have caught our attention with an almost pulsing movement then still for a few seconds as if it saw us and was frozen perfectly still (seemed like minutes) but couldn’t have been because I was driving and as I had to rip my gaze away to check the road in front of me all of the sudden a big cow was standing right in the middle of the road! I came within 1/2 of sideswiping the cow. Just as I pass it I looked back up to see the (ufo or uav) whichever you want to call it as it Zipped back and forth kinda in an s pattern and put the distance instantly to infinity and out of the atmosphere. The light was a bright white with a bit of a blue glow to it. So yeah I believe, and I might have some lofty theories about some things in my life but this is no theory it was real and we all four saw it. I don’t know where it was from, I just know it weren’t from the rock we live on. I also once dated a guy who was contracted to work for a gov. Agency and I wonder if they should maybe have those guys take non disclosure agreements with them when they go on dates because he only seemed to confirm that I wasn’t wrong. So there is that.

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