Do you think Casey will go to trial or plea out?

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Would case take a plea or go to trial ?

  • She'll take a plea and tell all to clear her concience

    Votes: 19 4.7%
  • She'll go to trial and keep lying

    Votes: 387 95.3%

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Another reason why I don't think KC will plea is because her new "high-profile" defense team won't let her. They will convince her that they will win the case for her. I think they all have their motives for joining this case - MONEY and FAME. IMO - they all want to be involved so they can write their books. If she takes a plea - they won't have much to write about in their books. Nope. The defense team (arrogant bunch) will let the trial go on - for their own gain. Just my opinion.
ITA JB isn't going to let her plea, and she's loving all the attention. She better enjoy it, she's going to be just a number for the rest of her life. I voted she'll go to trial because I think she will. I think your poll should have included "she'll plea to save her sorry butt but will never tell the truth". That would be my second choice.
Casey Anthony's Cupid profile: "...the premise of the game is impeccable: outwit, outplay, outlast."

I don't believe Casey will ever stop playing the game. JMO.
When the child's bones are identified as Caylee's and the defense sees all the evidance LE has, do you think Casey will keep up with all the lies and go to trial or take a plea in exchange for the whole truth as of what happened and to try to clear her conscience? :rolleyes:

Her father said she always takes things to the bitter end. Look at her walk down the halls at Universal Studios- she only stopped when she reached the end of the hallway.

The attorneys will all abide by her wishes because they want their spotlight.

Greetings, Sleuths...long time lurker, first time poster. I agree wholeheartedly with sweetmop. I think KC will view the trial as the ultimate chance to bask in the spotlight. I believe she thinks she is crafty enough to sway the jury. I'm already imagining her sashaying into the courtroom and blinking innocently to play victim and conjure sympathy. She's probably already planning on what she'll say to People magazine when she grants them an EXCLUSIVE! interview to tell her side of the story.

Has anyone seen "Chicago"?

Speaking of which, I'm tired of CA blathering on every show that the public is only hearing one side of the story. Yes, CA...YOUR side! LE has behaved in the most professional manner and I think they're going to cream KC with overwhelming evidence against her while quietly letting perp and family dig themselves in deeper with more lies. Sorry to get OT...

:Welcome-12-june: GeorgieFayne!
It is entirely up to the State now to decide if they want to offer a plea of any sort. They offered one already, so I would think no more offers will be forthcoming. The defense can, possibly, try to persuade (after evidence is disclosed and sound) the State to offer a plea just to save the sad details being exposed, but the State does not have to offer one.

ETA: Plus the State now has remains and evidence, why bother to offer one?
I think she will take the plea. She would be crazy if she didn't. But then again, she has no common sense. Her legal team, if acting in their own best interest, might convince her to go to trial claiming that they could get her NG verdict.
I think she'll roll the dice and go to trial, for a number of reasons, but I guess it really depends on what new evidence there is, the remote possibility that the death penalty will be sought after all, and whether behind the nauseating public front there is a decent lawyer involved who will give her advice in her best interests. If the evidence is such that the state would offer her nothing better than LWOP, there's maybe no reason for her to plead and she'll take her chances at doing any better at trial. A lot depends on whether any new evidence really makes it way too late to try to claim some sort of "accident." I know she loves attention, many think it's hard to convict a young, decent looking mom for murdering her own child, etc., but she would have to testify to really ever "sell" the stupid Zanny/Nanny story to a jury, and that would be a disaster. No one else can do it. That would pretty much leave her defense case as an attack on everything, trying to raise reasonable doubt.
Have no proof other than a feeling IN MY GUT (and the appearance and actions of the Ants over the past few weeks with the DP going off the table...for then) but I think a plea was about to happen for the body. Now, not so much. Whatever sweetheart deal the creature could have gotten just went away. If she could still get 30-or-under for a confession--accident, panicked, browbeaten by Cindy, post partem depression, whatever--, IMO, the defense would be insane not to take it, but who knows. LE might not be in a mood to deal anymore. The defense might want to play it out at this point figuring they don't have much to lose and wanting to keep the circus going for their own purposes. Right now, everyone is waiting for crime scene and remains to be processed. Nothing will be asked or offered until then, and quite probably not then. Not any more. Things have changed.
IMO..I have no proof of this..but I would bet my bottom dollar that one of the stipulations for this defense team to come to town, (with no advance pymt except what they'll make on their appearances on TV, books, expert witness testimony fees on future cases...etc...) is that the trial goes the full they get max exposure.

best case scenario for the dream team...Death penalty...(lpwop is ok too for them)

WHY? Appeals baby. Lots of them. Civil trial (if any) publicity. KC is their cash cow. (thats fine, let her rot while they do appeals, just like old Scotty boy, nothing hurts more than losing AGAIN on appeal...sometimes it takes a few losing appeals to realize just how screwed you really are) one hires a dream team to plea. And no dream team comes to town to be part of a plea. They want to go all the way, so they can jack up future revenue by spouting off this case. Even if they lose. Even if they're dirty.
FYI...look for the dream team to hire a pyschologist to put in their pocket the possibility of insanity by post partum, etc...PUKE!
Another reason why I don't think KC will plea is because her new "high-profile" defense team won't let her. They will convince her that they will win the case for her. I think they all have their motives for joining this case - MONEY and FAME. IMO - they all want to be involved so they can write their books. If she takes a plea - they won't have much to write about in their books. Nope. The defense team (arrogant bunch) will let the trial go on - for their own gain. Just my opinion.

That's exactly what I was thinking. The new defense team doesn't want to lose the lime-light. They will convience her to go full steam ahead so they won't have to go home and leave book, tv, movie, fame etc.

They don't care about Caylee or Casey for that matter. It won't take much to convience her either.
Remember when Casey and LE went to Universal?? Casey lied that she worked there, said she lost her ID, said her supervisor was named Tom Manley when no Tom Manley worked at Universal, and finally took the police through the halls of Universal to show them her office. She walked with confidence through the hallways, and after a few minutes turned around and said, "I lied, I don't work here."

Later when the police took her into a conference room at Universal to question her, they asked her to describe her movements the day Caylee disappeared: She said she dropped Caylee off with Zenaida, went to work ... and at the end of the day left her office at Universal to pick up Caylee at Zenaida's. What??? She had just a few hours earlier admitted to LE that she didn't work at Universal!!

She'll go to trial and she'll continue lying. She can't stop herself from lying and will always revert to the lie even after she has revealed the truth.
I think alot of it depends on the duct tape evidence and what other things they find out....
Remember the script the nanny gave her to follow as they drove off with the baby. Any "mistruths" that come her way she is just following the script. She was just doing it to save her family blah, blah, blah. Please let there be fingerprints on the tape!!! She will continue with the story as "mother of the year" until the end.
Casey Anthony:(from her Cupid profile) "..the premise of the game is impeccable: outwit, outplay, outlast."

I don't believe Casey will ever stop playing the game. JMO.

i totally agree with this. i was married to a violent sociapath for almost 20 years, so find it easy to determine what she will do by thinking about what my ex would have done. she will never stop playing the game. she will just keep altering her story to suit the situation.

Another reason why I don't think KC will plea is because her new "high-profile" defense team won't let her. They will convince her that they will win the case for her. I think they all have their motives for joining this case - MONEY and FAME. IMO - they all want to be involved so they can write their books. If she takes a plea - they won't have much to write about in their books. Nope. The defense team (arrogant bunch) will let the trial go on - for their own gain. Just my opinion.

i agree with this, too. ego is an amazing thing. (mostly unfortunately - imho)
My vote: go to trial and keep lying.
No matter what her truth is, I don't believe we will ever know, the real story. Not from KC.
KC won't plea out because she CAN'T stop lying. It is a pathology. Even if she entertained the thought of "coming clean" all of her words would still trip out of her mouth as LIES. She can alter and change the lies she's already told, but they will never become truths. KC isn't wired that way. I'm not excusing her actions. She knows right from wrong. She just makes her own rules, bending them to suit her needs. She "borrows" money. She "bends" facts. She "protects" her family. None of that will save her from the straight fact that she killed her baby. None of that will compel her to share all she knows.
She will go to her grave with the truth. She says Klee was kidnapped and that is what she will stick to. She did not take a plea before and she will not now. She will never ever admit she did this to her daughter.
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