Do you think Casey will go to trial or plea out?

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Would case take a plea or go to trial ?

  • She'll take a plea and tell all to clear her concience

    Votes: 19 4.7%
  • She'll go to trial and keep lying

    Votes: 387 95.3%

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I don't think a plea will be offered. She pleaded not guilty already, the only option they really have is to plead guilty by reason of insanity, and then no one would buy she is insane and she would be admitting guilt and I don't see her admitting guilt.
Hey, don't forget us Canucks up here in another country. You know what my vote would be! :furious:

Sorry, sorry!!! :blowkiss: OF COURSE I also meant our good Canadian friends!!
I voted she will go to trial, as her father had stated Caseys pushes it to the edge and piles on more, Im sure she has MUCH much more to pile on yet!! JMO
What concience???
KC will never talk she thinks she's above the law!

I have to wonder how Casey's team will resolve a very fundamental dilemma,in order to have a prayer of making Casey's bizzare Nanny story sound remotely plausible they are going to have to have her on the stand wringing a handkerchief and sniffling and lip quivering while they lead her through each torturous turn.
Because presenting it for her while she sits there mute will make it sound as insane as it truly is.
But of course having her on the stand will leave her open to redirect from the prosecuition which im sure would absolutely love to ask a few questions of their own in front of a jury that can send her to the joint for the rest of her life or strap her to a gurney.
They will reduce her story to wreckage and I would hate to see the face Casey would reveal to the Jury if and when they challenge her and show her up for the liar she is and she knows it.
So what are they going to do?

IMO..there is NO WAY in hell she will get up there on that stand. I would LOVE to see it. But the cross from prosecuters would tear her apart.

I just cannot believe the defense is heading to trial with the nanny story (as of now) When forensics come back shoing she handled the bag or contents thereof, she's done. This is the second time they've had to change their story. If this happens with forensics, or parents talk, she better prepare for a looonnnngggg stay behind bars.

Actually, as much as she needs to be 'exterminated", LWOP is much better...
1. keeps alot of Death penalty advocates away.
2. Gen pop will do her well. They won't give her special treatment as a high profile prisoner. When you're in, youre in...except if you were LE
3. lots of time to think. Lots and lots of time to think.
4. The agonizing realization that as time goes on, she's forgotten about. But her daughter isn't. And knowing your parents are living a new lifestyle with lots of other words, the life you wanted...ouch.
There is not shred of doubt in my mind that casey will take this to her grave.

She was caught on video cashing amys check and still maintained her innocence...C'mon!!

She aint ever gonna talk imo.Not even if there were 100 witnesses, video of the crime, dna on the tape...whatever. she's always gonna spin it to blame zanny.
I just had a thought. Forgive me if someone has already brought this up, but I was just thinking that if she does get LWOP, even if General Pop wasn't going to be hard on her for the murder of a sweet, tiny, little baby, (which I am sure they will,) I still think she'd have a really rough time of it. I don't think all of her lying, airs and embellishments would go over very well with her fellow prisoners. And I don't think she is capable of not lying as part of her daily existence.
I think that KC will plea out only because she knows that she buried her child with something that leads back to her and she doesn't have a lie to cover the evidence. Even GA said that once she's caught in so many lies, she breaks down and tells the truth. She will plea out to save her behind, hoping one day to enter society again.
There is not shred of doubt in my mind that casey will take this to her grave.

She was caught on video cashing amys check and still maintained her innocence...C'mon!!

She aint ever gonna talk imo.Not even if there were 100 witnesses, video of the crime, dna on the tape...whatever. she's always gonna spin it to blame zanny.

I understand what you said about the checks but when it is brought back to her about her fingerprints being all over the evidence, especially the duct tape, she will confess. Her and Zanny do not have the same fingerprints!
If KC did go to trial, do you think she would take the stand?

I think it's outside of her personality, but it might be the only thing that can save her. If she really is innocent, she needs to take the stand, and explain everything.

Otherwise, justice will be served :Banane35:
Not a chance she will plea. The only important thing as far as Casey is concerned is that she is the center of attention. She is going to want this thing to drag out as long as possible. As long as she is the center of attention, the final outcome is immaterial.
I just had a thought. Forgive me if someone has already brought this up, but I was just thinking that if she does get LWOP, even if General Pop wasn't going to be hard on her for the murder of a sweet, tiny, little baby, (which I am sure they will,) I still think she'd have a really rough time of it. I don't think all of her lying, airs and embellishments would go over very well with her fellow prisoners. And I don't think she is capable of not lying as part of her daily existence.

You are very right. I have thought about it too. There are many mothers in jail waiting to get out so they can see their kids....who actually miss their children.
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