do you think maddie is alive or dead

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Do you think Maddie is Alive or Not?

  • alive

    Votes: 12 3.4%
  • Not

    Votes: 46 12.9%
  • Alive and parents innocent

    Votes: 33 9.2%
  • Dead and parents not innocent

    Votes: 166 46.5%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Dead and parents are innocent

    Votes: 63 17.6%

  • Total voters
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I'm not quite sure what that link is supposed to illustrate?

That Grime gets paid very well for his dogs?

Do you think he would be able to get paid that well if the dogs were "wrong" or "inaccurate"?

How much do you think he got paid to plant evidence? Because that's what you're implying. And who paid him? The British police? The Portugese?

Yes, lets get these incredibly expensive dogs in, and pay their handler to falsify the results. Why bother with the dogs in the first place?

There has to be a million cheaper ways to frame somebody...


U asked for the link, I provided it. <modsnip> . I'm not implying anything. I believe the dogs responded to handler cues, and were alerting to please the handler. Dogs sense what their owners want. Mine can anticipate my every move.

I worked in a federal agency for many years and my experience has been that most "experts" exist in their own minds, only. If these dogs are so great, why haven't we heard of their miraculous talent beyond 2007?
Why would a film clip of the dogs working, which they did for hours, include stuff they didn't find?

The clip is edited to only show what she did hit on, not what she didn't, otherwise it would be about 10 hours long and show her running through the entire resort not hitting on anything, being called back, still not hitting on anything, for 99% of the time.


It's not about the actions of the dog though. It's about the actions of Grimes. Why does he only hang around the Scenic? Why does he constantly call her back to that car but none of the others?

You could argue that we're not seeing anything but the fact is that 5 mins odd is all we have to go on. Either you use that as 'evidence' or you ignore it completely based on the fact that you can't know entirely what happened.

like i said, a top quality handler and his assets (dogs) are paid what they are worth. dogs of this caliber would not continue to cost that kind of money if anyone thought there was any funny business going on.

this is no ways supports the utter conjecture that grime acted in any way unprofessional or attempted to skew results. methinks the DOJ and FBI agrees (seeing grimes' credentials).
the great coconut scandal is often brought up in the lisa irwin threads too... here is a response to one such post i made a while back:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset">Originally Posted by brit1981
I agree, why not take a ten month old probably easier to handle than a new born. Plus there was one dog hit, but there were hits when looking for Gina de Jesus too and she was alive. Would le have looked harder if they thought she was alive? Plus dogs have made other false alerts like in the jersey case where Grimes dog alerted to coconut.
no links? i'd like to see one that mentions the hit in the de jesus case -- thnx!

here are some interesting ones about that coconut:

Another nonsense is the ‘coconut story’. What was believed to be a piece of child’s skull was recovered and subsequently found to contain collagen (only found in mammals) This then found its way to Kew Gardens for forensics, and then just happened to change size, colour and shape and somehow ended up being a piece of coconut.


Eddie is now reacting very strongly and indicating to us that the scent of dead human flesh is in this location. This is where we were to find JAR/6, which the establishment continue to say was only coconut, but cannot explain how Eddie reacted as he did, nor indeed, how the lab at Oxford found Collagen.

Collagen is not found in coconut or wood, it is only present in mammals, which would seem to destroy the claims of the Jersey establishment, aided and abetted by the Jersey Evening Post and Channel Television, that JAR/6 is coconut or wood.

If this dog was a waste of money, then how did he lead us to this exact spot? How did he later, in the ‘live’ presence of Wendy Kinnard (the then Home Affairs Minister) and Graham Power (the then Chief Police Officer), lead us to the bones in the cellars which an Anthropologist in the United Kingdom said were “fleshed and fresh” when burnt and buried? It cannot be a co-incidence that this dog, trained to detect the scent of dead human flesh, reacted so strongly in an area where we were to find a fragment of substance initially identified by a professional, accomplished, Anthropologist, as a part of a child’s skull, and right beside the spot where builders found bones and children’s shoes which they thought were human bones. No amount of spin by Le Marquand and others can contradict this, and no amount of misinformation from Warcup and Gradwell can conceal this truth.

Throughout the investigation, we subjected Martin and his dogs to many ‘verifying’ tests, from burying swabs in sand (which he always found no matter how large an area), to minute blood stains. The dogs never failed!

As for Martin Grime and the dogs that they have tried to discredit, they are now working full time for one of the best Law Enforcement Agencies in the world in the USA: the FBI.


I'm still waiting for the explanation of how Grime/the PJ/the British police were able to plant Madeleine's DNA in the alert sites.

How clever that they knew exactly where the dogs were going to alert, to plant it there beforehand.

Or wait a minute, the dogs alerted wrongly? So what was the DNA material collected then, at the alert spots?

There was either biological/cadaver material at those places, or there wasn't.

McCann supporters are claiming...what...that it was put there after the dogs? Then left to decompose, then tested? Or they put it there before the dogs found it, and gave Grime a map so he'd know where exactly to "cue" his dogs?

So how did "someone" have the foresight to collect decomposing DNA before Madeleine even vanished?

Are we hinting that the PORTUGESE POLICE are a pedophile ring themselves?????? Stealing innocent babies then framing the parents?

Why use DNA that was consistent with Madeleine's in the first place, if you're trying to convince everyone she's alive and being held?

U asked for the link, I provided it. Please try to follow the thread. I'm not implying anything. I believe the dogs responded to handler cues, and were alerting to please the handler. Dogs sense what their owners want. Mine can anticipate my every move.

I worked in a federal agency for many years and my experience has been that most "experts" exist in their own minds, only. If these dogs are so great, why haven't we heard of their miraculous talent beyond 2007?

Erm....they died. :( They don't live forever unfortunately.

You don't honestly think we hear of every single case every single dog ever works on do you?


And the fact that we haven't heard of their later work means ALL their work is invalid?

Quick sack the PM, no one's seen ANYTHING he's done, ever!
It's not about the actions of the dog though. It's about the actions of Grimes. Why does he only hang around the Scenic? Why does he constantly call her back to that car but none of the others?

You could argue that we're not seeing anything but the fact is that 5 mins odd is all we have to go on. Either you use that as 'evidence' or you ignore it completely based on the fact that you can't know entirely what happened.

There's a third option.

Taking it all as an indicator of what direction the investigation should go.

It's all very well for us armchair detectives to sit around and second guess after the event, but at the time there was so much information and so many bases to cover.

Let's not forget that the dogs were brought in by the British Police, who were the ones who first developed the evidence implicating the McCanns.

We still don't know what this evidence was.

We still don't know 50% of what went on in this case, at least, but what we do know indicates a cover up.

50 years ago these two would've hung...there was no such thing as DNA, just common sense and circumstantial evidence and eye witnesses.

We have everything in this case, circumstantial, forensic, and eye witness - and still everyone's insisting the McCanns are blameless angels and the PJ and the dogs are bumbling incompetents or worse, totally corrupt.

It just doesn't make sense to write off any valid investigation as flawed, failed, corrupt...especially when the main players refuse to speak or answer questions.

Erm....they died. :( They don't live forever unfortunately.

You don't honestly think we hear of every single case every single dog ever works on do you?


And the fact that we haven't heard of their later work means ALL their work is invalid?

Quick sack the PM, no one's seen ANYTHING he's done, ever!

How do u know they died?
Lol, so which is it? The dogs are currently working for the FBI as redheadedgal says above, or are they dead? I won't ask for links to back up either claim, because I know they don't exist.
Erm....they died. :( They don't live forever unfortunately.

You don't honestly think we hear of every single case every single dog ever works on do you?


And the fact that we haven't heard of their later work means ALL their work is invalid?

Quick sack the PM, no one's seen ANYTHING he's done, ever!

This is their blogspot.. Nothing mentioned of their death there.

It is funny too. For unbiased dogs and handlers.. There are all kinds of thoughts on the mccann case.
Lol, so which is it? The dogs are currently working for the FBI as redheadedgal says above, or are they dead? I won't ask for links to back up either claim, because I know they don't exist.

Here's an entire website devoted to them, including more recent successes.

One of the dogs is deceased, not sure which one, maybe Keela. :(

I will keep looking for a link.

Either way what has Eddie or Keela being dead have to do with Madeleine?

Here's an entire website devoted to them, including more recent successes.

One of the dogs is deceased, not sure which one, maybe Keela. :(

I will keep looking for a link.

Either way what has Eddie or Keela being dead have to do with Madeleine?


It is funny that dogs that are so important, Would not have a link to their deaths.. It is hard to find anything on them except the McCann case.
Funny how you don't believe dogs that both a alerted to microscopic blood and DNA, which was proven to be able to come from Madeleine. How do you explain that? It was MICROSCOPIC! Couldn't be seen! Therefore how would anyone know it was there?
Funny how you don't believe dogs that both a alerted to microscopic blood and DNA, which was proven to be able to come from Madeleine. How do you explain that? It was MICROSCOPIC! Couldn't be seen! Therefore how would anyone know it was there?

IT does not mean anything. She could have bled, Had a scraped knee, dropped her tooth brush.. there are too many innocent explanations.

She was in the room, In the car, Her DNA is supposed to be everywhere.
Funny how you don't believe dogs that both a alerted to microscopic blood and DNA, which was proven to be able to come from Madeleine. How do you explain that? It was MICROSCOPIC! Couldn't be seen! Therefore how would anyone know it was there?

Please link to where you read Madeleine's DNA was found.

Forensic report

Where does it say that Madeleine's DNA was found?
The only DNA identified was from 3 living men one of those being Gerry McCann.
Apparently he is not as perfect as people think.. Good article on what he gets paid and mistake that Eddie made.

Eddie the sniffer dog - the animal that had supposedly found the 'scent of death' in the Portuguese flat where Madeleine McCann disappeared - no longer had a licence for UK police forensic work when Harper started using him in Jersey. Eddie, whose owner, Martin Grime, was paid £93,600 for less than five months' work, triggered the first excavations by barking at a spot where Harper's team then unearthed what was claimed to be part of a child's skull. In fact, as a Kew Gardens expert has now confirmed, it was a piece of coconut shell.

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Here's an entire website devoted to them, including more recent successes.

One of the dogs is deceased, not sure which one, maybe Keela. :(

I will keep looking for a link.

Either way what has Eddie or Keela being dead have to do with Madeleine?


I believe it was Eddie on their website it says Eddie was 7 years old in 2007 & keela was only 16 months. I do remember hearing about one of them passing away as well.
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