Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

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narlacat said:
Christianity is a proselytizing religion, it is a duty to share their religion and convert others- that's the way it is.
Look at the problems in Africa with HIV/AIDS, prohibiting the use of condoms ..
Narlacat, once again, no one is forced to convert.
Dark Knight said:
Maybe you're a false poster. Reb doesn't actually exist. Just a figment of our imaginations, most likely. :slap:

And I didn't mean the pagan-folk specifically, no.
What do you mean, imaginations? There's no such thing as multi-person solopism.
Details said:
What do you mean, imaginations? There's no such thing as multi-person solopism.
You've never heard of mass hysteria before??? :p
Maral said:
Narlacat, once again, no one is forced to convert.

I won't dignify the second part of your post with a response.
Bravo Maral! It was both inaccurate and unnecessary.
I cannot believe that this idiot broke open a sealed tomb! This is totally against the law!! And then he enters it without permission and without any proper training. Anybody doing such a thing would be jailed and fined by Israeli law. Who does he think he is? He has now made this tomb the potential target for anybody who wishes to vandalize it and it is now contaminated for an scientific reevaluation. They are a horrible example, working against all of the efforts for preservation and respect for Israel's cultural heritage. I have no respect for anything this idiot has to say. :banghead:
Cypros said:
I cannot believe that this idiot broke open a sealed tomb! This is totally against the law!! And then he enters it without permission and without any proper training. Anybody doing such a thing would be jailed and fined by Israeli law. Who does he think he is? He has now made this tomb the potential target for anybody who wishes to vandalize it and it is now contaminated for an scientific reevaluation. They are a horrible example, working against all of the efforts for preservation and respect for Israel's cultural heritage. I have no respect for anything this idiot has to say. :banghead:
I didn't see it but that is total crap! Do you think Israel will actually charge him, or is he safe because of his celebrity and money? No one should be exempt, obviously. Dumb.
Dark Knight said:
I didn't see it but that is total crap! Do you think Israel will actually charge him, or is he safe because of his celebrity and money? No one should be exempt, obviously. Dumb.

At the very end of the show they addressed the issue. Apparently the Israel Antiquities Authority did not initially seal the tomb. The people in the apartments requested that it be sealed to prevent anybody from falling down the shaft. Jacobovici admits that he did not receive any permission to open the tomb but agrees to reseal it at the request of the apartment owner. So, it is possible that the IAA never knew that the tomb had been opened by him until they saw this film (tonight?). I hope that they fine him big time and prevent him from continuing to film his TV show in their country if he is going to be so irresponsible. He has been watching too much Indiana Jones. It is a horrible example for the public who will get the impression that it is okay to just break into tombs.

P.S. That the mtDNA from the Yeshua ossuary and the Maria tomb did not match only means that they are not siblings through their mother. It does not mean that they were not siblings through their father. A man having more than one wife, whether through a polygyny or death/divorce and remarriage is perfectly possible.
There is a discussion on now with Jacobivici and scholars. Bill Dever is a VERY well respected archaeologist. His conclusion: It goes far beyond any reasonable conclusion. Possible but not likely.
I am disappointed that Bill Dever didn't confront Jacobovici about breaking into the tomb. I expect to see Dever in a few weeks and I am definitely going to ask him about that.
ooooo, it's coming on right now here in hawaii! thanks for posting!
make sure you watch the discussion with Ted Koppel that follows. It is MUCH more interesting and informative than the docudrama itself, IMO.
Maral said:
Narlacat, once again, no one is forced to convert.
No its more subtle than that.

I apologise for laying blame, of course Catholicism is not to blame for HIV/AIDS in Africa but with so many Catholics there and such a problem with AIDS, you really think the Church would change it's stance on condoms.
Cypros said:
At the very end of the show they addressed the issue. Apparently the Israel Antiquities Authority did not initially seal the tomb. The people in the apartments requested that it be sealed to prevent anybody from falling down the shaft. Jacobovici admits that he did not receive any permission to open the tomb but agrees to reseal it at the request of the apartment owner. So, it is possible that the IAA never knew that the tomb had been opened by him until they saw this film (tonight?). I hope that they fine him big time and prevent him from continuing to film his TV show in their country if he is going to be so irresponsible. He has been watching too much Indiana Jones. It is a horrible example for the public who will get the impression that it is okay to just break into tombs.

P.S. That the mtDNA from the Yeshua ossuary and the Maria tomb did not match only means that they are not siblings through their mother. It does not mean that they were not siblings through their father. A man having more than one wife, whether through a polygyny or death/divorce and remarriage is perfectly possible.

I watched the documentary and found it very interesting. As you said, the tomb was only sealed at the apartment complex to keep kids out and such. So they got into a tomb folks. Big deal. And, after hearing all the names on the ossuarys, I can believe it is the tomb of Jesus and family. Way to many names that fit for it to almost not be. I can believe it. It doesn't scare me or make me angry that they could have found the real deal. Seems this is making a lot of Christians anxious for some reason. Sounds like some of you would be all for "crucifying" these guys. Jesus would probably be glad some of you weren't around in his time.
BeeBee said:
Jesus would probably be glad some of you weren't around in his time.
I don't think that's a fair statement. Or a nice one, for that matter!

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia hopes to add salvation to the seemingly endless list of things Internet surfers can find on YouTube.

The archdiocese has started posting weekly Lenten messages from Cardinal Justin Rigali on the popular video-sharing site. His first video got nearly 13-thousand views as of Thursday afternoon.

In his first YouTube video, Rigali says, "Lent is the fitting time to heed the voice of God the father that says to each of us, 'This is my beloved son, listen to him."'

The cardinal also plans to post YouTube messages for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.

Cypros said:
I cannot believe that this idiot broke open a sealed tomb! This is totally against the law!! And then he enters it without permission and without any proper training. Anybody doing such a thing would be jailed and fined by Israeli law. Who does he think he is? He has now made this tomb the potential target for anybody who wishes to vandalize it and it is now contaminated for an scientific reevaluation. They are a horrible example, working against all of the efforts for preservation and respect for Israel's cultural heritage. I have no respect for anything this idiot has to say. :banghead:
Not really sealed - it was used by a divinity college to dump old holy books, it was a play area for kids - then it was sealed by the apartment complex (not the Israeli's) as a safety issue.
BeeBee said:
I watched the documentary and found it very interesting. As you said, the tomb was only sealed at the apartment complex to keep kids out and such. So they got into a tomb folks. Big deal. And, after hearing all the names on the ossuarys, I can believe it is the tomb of Jesus and family. Way to many names that fit for it to almost not be. I can believe it. It doesn't scare me or make me angry that they could have found the real deal. Seems this is making a lot of Christians anxious for some reason. Sounds like some of you would be all for "crucifying" these guys. Jesus would probably be glad some of you weren't around in his time.
Yeah, I found it more persuasive than I expected it to be. And the opponents on Koppel were not very good - heck, I could give a better counterpoint than they did! The first pair were just all offense at his style, and the fact he's not an archeologist (and maybe that friends of theirs were quoted with opinions that now turn out to be more controversial than expected) - but just no facts. I mean, come on now - the closest they got was to say that there isn't enough data with a mere few thousand names to give statistics - that's a feeble and grasping excuse!

And the religious guys next - yeah, if a person is referred to by a name 2 centuries later, and that name is found on a tomb, obviously that name was used during that time 2 centuries earlier, and there's reason to consider they may have been the same person.

The priest seemed pretty evenhanded, the middle guy was an obvious fundamentalist (who still seemed less offended at a challenge to his beliefs than the two pickle-faced archeologists were) who won't take anything not in the Bible, as interpreted by his church, as true; the lady on the end was kinda annoying with her insistience that we were all sheep who would be fooled by recreations (I don't think the film had any problems with showing that this was their hypothesis, not fact).

On the negative side - stats were never analyzed on the negative side - how likely is it that a person killed elsewhere is buried in Jerusalem? Would this family have the money for this type of burial?

But still, better than I'd expected. I wasn't going to watch, but I got curious, and I don't like the calls from some groups to boycott Discovery for asking questions, so I figured I'd watch just for that.
Cypros said:
make sure you watch the discussion with Ted Koppel that follows. It is MUCH more interesting and informative than the docudrama itself, IMO.
I watched it all. I loved it. I especially loved the fact that some construction workers...if we stretch and tweak that a bit...we could even call them carpenters...uncovered the tomb...and a little boy "found" it and told his momma who called in some Jewish scholars who saved it from being obliterated.

I think that's a sign.
BeeBee said:
I watched the documentary and found it very interesting. As you said, the tomb was only sealed at the apartment complex to keep kids out and such. So they got into a tomb folks. Big deal. And, after hearing all the names on the ossuarys, I can believe it is the tomb of Jesus and family. Way to many names that fit for it to almost not be. I can believe it. It doesn't scare me or make me angry that they could have found the real deal. Seems this is making a lot of Christians anxious for some reason. Sounds like some of you would be all for "crucifying" these guys. Jesus would probably be glad some of you weren't around in his time.
You think the Christians were anxious? Did you see the scientists? They are the ones that sat on this infomation for 27 years!
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