Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think I would believe her more had she not stole money from her family and friends; told another friend she's such and great liar; told lie after lie after lie to all her friends about where she worked and where her daughter was; stole from her grandparents; lied about the start.

Lies are common indicators of someone who has been sexually abused over and over. It may indeed be a "learned" behavior one that a child learns early on in order to cope with the abuse.

Mental illnesses can be very difficult to comprehend by just looking at someone, oftentimes, one illness such as a PTSS, can lead to another.

Casey Anthony is mentally ill , imo.

We don't or should not put to death a mentally ill person anymore then the mom in Texas who drowned her 5 children.
I also think GA knew beforehand....
But I don't see how Baez's questions are shameful...he is doing his job as a defense attny....
Everyone is willing to nearly castrate him for accusing GA of sex abuse...well you know what if he believes what Casey told him? Is he not doing his job if he believes? Who of us can say what he believes or disbelieve's about what Casey has told him? Remember that outburst the other day where he told her she was acting like a 2 yr old? That to me sounded like a man who could hold his own and state his own opinion.
Alot of ppl believe GA did sexually abuse Casey (me) but most believe he didn't.....Everyone has their own opinion.....
Who is in JB's body that they know if he believes or not?
I sure as hell am not taking up for Casey.....while I believe she was sexually abused by GA I also do NOT believe the drowning theory...and even IF Caylee drowned I do not think GA was in on a cover-up....
I just get so aggravated at all the snarky remarks about Baez objecting or asking for sidebars or as per todays questions asking if anyone saw caylee being starved, running to casey, etc....
He is just doing his job as a defense attny.

Whoa!! I never stated that JB should be castrated, or was doing anything other than some other defense atty's would....I think he has made himself look like a rookie or a bully to the jury, but that is his business.

It is quite obvious JB either believes ICA, or does a very a good job making it seem that way.

Maybe it is just built up frustration on your end, but I never said anything close to what you were defending...just puttin that out there. :)
Hmmmm GA can get extremely agitated over "GAS CAN QUESTIONS" but while questioned about abusing his daughter he keeps his calm, LOOKS DOWN, and says simply "no" he never did that.
He was getting aggitated over how many times JB was going to ask the same silly questions, come on,when he cut his lawn and how often? Really?
JB is making a fool of himself and will turn this trial into a sideshow.
WEll, she told a few people about Lee touching her breasts. And in her recent jailhpouse letters where she speaks of that, she says she MIGHT have vague feelings that her dad did something when she was very young, but she did not know for sure. That was just months ago. So how can they now make such specific, vile accusations if that was the case?

I am also an abuse survivor. And I know that my uncle was NEVER allowed access to my kids. Yet this 'good mother' was letting her abuser bathe and change and tuck in her child every night. Does that sound reasonable to you.

And you say that you are a survivor. Do you think that you would ignore the tragic death of your child and party and go clubbing, because of the child abuse you suffered? Because I wouldn't.

I did act out sexually in my teens, and went a bit wild, but it never took away my feelings or my ability to grieve loss. I do not know why people are believing JB when he says that.

EXSCUSE ME I AM A SURVIVOR.....I don't just "SAY" I am....
And I also taught them from the very time they could speak that NO ONE, not even trusted ppl like their grandpa's, grandma's, mom, dad NO ONE was to touch their privates, etc...and i was so damned afraid someone would hurt them that I questioned them at least once a week...have eased up now but not much. Anytime I saw my kids looking sad in anyway that would be the first thing that hit my damned mind, that someone hurt them....
but the fact is some ppl who have been abused simply do NOT care if it happens to their kids and I think Casey was one of those ppl.
for the record for the 100th time althought i believe GA abused Casey I DO NOT BELIEVE HE KNEW ABOUT OT COVERED UP THE DEATH OF CAYLEE.
Lies are common indicators of someone who has been sexually abused over and over. It may indeed be a "learned" behavior one that a child learns early on in order to cope with the abuse.

Mental illnesses can be very difficult to comprehend by just looking at someone, oftentimes, one illness such as a PTSS, can lead to another.

Casey Anthony is mentally ill , imo.

We don't or should not put to death a mentally ill person anymore then the mom in Texas who drowned her 5 children.

Casey is not mentally ill. She has a personality disorder, most likely sociopathy, but she is fully aware of the difference of right and wrong. She didn't hear voices telling her to kill Caylee. She did it completely on her own for her own benefit.
I am quite sure that JB has had her examined by a qualified psychiatrist and if there was anyway to play the mentally ill card he would have done it.
No. Why would she have not told anyone all these years? And her mother doesn't appear to be a shrinking violet.....I think she would have been aware of George abusing Casey, and wouldn't have stood for it.
Whoa!! I never stated that JB should be castrated, or was doing anything other than some other defense atty's would....I think he has made himself look like a rookie or a bully to the jury, but that is his business.

It is quite obvious JB either believes ICA, or does a very a good job making it seem that way.

Maybe it is just built up frustration on your end, but I never said anything close to what you were defending...just puttin that out there. :)

I never said YOU did, and sorry if I made you feel that way.
I sincerely hope he believes her, and isn't just saying anything to make himself to look better.
He was getting aggitated over how many times JB was going to ask the same silly questions, come on,when he cut his lawn and how often? Really?
JB is making a fool of himself and will turn this trial into a sideshow.

All we need is the bearded lady and the tattooed man and 3 rings and the circus will be in town.
WEll, she told a few people about Lee touching her breasts. And in her recent jailhpouse letters where she speaks of that, she says she MIGHT have vague feelings that her dad did something when she was very young, but she did not know for sure. That was just months ago. So how can they now make such specific, vile accusations if that was the case?

I am also an abuse survivor. And I know that my uncle was NEVER allowed access to my kids. Yet this 'good mother' was letting her abuser bathe and change and tuck in her child every night. Does that sound reasonable to you.

And you say that you are a survivor. Do you think that you would ignore the tragic death of your child and party and go clubbing, because of the child abuse you suffered? Because I wouldn't.

I did act out sexually in my teens, and went a bit wild, but it never took away my feelings or my ability to grieve loss. I do not know why people are believing JB when he says that.

Survivors of Incestous relationships in a close family proximity, do not all "act out" in the same way.

She may be far more prone to a dissociative disorder then perhaps you or I would have been.
Everyone reacts differntly.

We can't say that because we didn't harm our own child that "There but for the grace of God go I" or at least that is how I look at it.

But I speak for myself, and not others when I say I would prefer giving her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to sexual abuse by family members (father or brother) and that she has become very adversely affected mentally and emotionally by it over time, which then indeed led to the taking of her own child's life in a "revenge" mode of a sick mind, never treated or diagnosed.

I think her family did her a great disservice for covering up for her when the State's Atty's office originally may have "cut a deal" for the "accident" and they should have gotten her mental health help on day one.

They knew she had serious problems for a long time, but wanted to cover up.

I think Casey A. however, did do this deed, and took the child's life, but I'm opened to hearing what her defense has as evidence to prove otherwise.

(just imo)
I do not believe for a minute the GA abused KC. Not because it isn't possible but because it came from KC, who has zero credibility. I would have to see a videotape before I believed a word that came out of her mouth.
White rain, you said you got a vibe about that man due to hugging him. Have you had physical contact with ga? If not, what is or has ga done to give you a "vibe". Thanks in advance.

I just get a "vibe." A creepy-crawly feeling when I look at him...I might not be right, but its what I feel, and I am an entitled to my opinion as is anyone else.
Please don't tell me you haven't ever saw (maybe met, maybe not) someone who gave you the creeps?
She's not mentally ill. She is pure evil. Just a very evil person that lies and cheats and is lazy and lives off of others. I think she is just a bad seed and has been spoiled rotten her whole life and rules the roost. I do think her mother has contributed to her being this way and getting away with all of her 'sins' for years by protecting her. I think her dad was more normal than the mom and I don't believe there was any sexual abuse. I think she wants attention at all costs. I hope she gets the death penalty. She is an awful person. She is like that kid in the movie The Bad Seed. She just learned to lie to get away with things her whole life. She has no morals. She will lie, steal, cheat. I was abused as a child and I am nothing like her. I don't lie at all as a matter of fact and the way it is sounding she wasn't even abused at all.

Lies are common indicators of someone who has been sexually abused over and over. It may indeed be a "learned" behavior one that a child learns early on in order to cope with the abuse.

Mental illnesses can be very difficult to comprehend by just looking at someone, oftentimes, one illness such as a PTSS, can lead to another.

Casey Anthony is mentally ill , imo.

We don't or should not put to death a mentally ill person anymore then the mom in Texas who drowned her 5 children.
12:45 am here...good night all (even those I disagree with)
gotta be up at 9 am...scared I am gonna miss something or someone really important to the trial!
most days I pray my 2 yr old will sleep till at least I am waking HIM up every he sleep with us, I cannnnnnnnoooottttt wait till I can get him in his own bed!
This is based on my personal opinion, and it could be wrong...I just go with what I feel.....
As I have said before my hubby's ex-boss always gave me creepy vibes....he was a hugger, but so am I, a big one in fact.....I always felt like pushing him away and never knew why until he was charged (and found guilty and sentenced) to molesting his own step-daughter.
He was the nicest guy, he lived in a million-dollar home, one of those that ppl would say "I never would have believed it...." That was me, and I couldn't
figure out why he made me so uncomfortable till after the fact....
That being said I always had this creepy feeling vibe from GA since before this was ever said by Casey...and I just follow my heart....
also just feeling like everyone follows "the boy who cried wolf" story...that casey has lied so much that she must be lying about this.....
My gut just tells me otherwise, about the sex abuse anyway.
I fully believe she and she alone is 100% responsible and thay only she knows aboyt Caylee's death.

Again, thank you for your response..

I understand that "creepy" feeling when meeting someone in person...can't always pin point it, but it typically plays out right along with my intitial "take" of the person. Some people just make your skin crawl regardless of their appearance or social standing....I understand completely.

I will admit that I do not have the best opinion of GA, but for different reasons. I have not watched nor read the opinion pieces / articles in this case, I have read all the released docs, and have watched unedited videos without commentary, so I know my opinion is just my own without outside influence... as I am sure yours is as well.

I don't get the creepy feeling with GA, beyond the fact that I believe he has traded in his MAN card years ago, and has played the whipping boy for many years at the hands of his wife.... which is sad... and a little pathetic. I don't respect GA as a man, but it is more out of sympathy. I am sure you have come accross men that have handed their manhood over to the wife at some point... you kid of feel sorry for them....

Thank you for your honest response, I appreciate it.
If you go back and read white rain's posts she goes from having two daughters to in a later Post having a son. Or maybe she thinks males don't get sexually abused.
I do not think that George sexually abused Casey. She has never seemed awkward or uneasy around him in any of the footage we have seen. In the jailhouse tapes there is not one thing that gives off a vibe of an incestuous relationship between the two. She is way to comfortable and seems to like things in her control and all about her. She tells her father he is a great father and she is glad Caylee had both her parents as grandparents. In all the pictures you see of George and Caylee he is a loving grandfather Hearing him speak at Caylee's memorial service. It is absolutely absurd to accuse him of this. He comes off as nothing more than a very hurt man who loved his grandchild very much. Of course he isn't going off at the defense when being asked these questions. With Casey nothing could surprise him. He is not perfect he may have had gambling problems, extra marital affairs, problems at work. Does that make him a molester.

My brother was a serious problem child in an out of jail from 17 to 25. He too a pathological liar, stealer, can't pay his bills. Was he molested? was he beaten? No, I had the two greatest parents a child can have. Some kids are just born from a bad egg and Casey is one of them.

Did George find Caylee drowned in the pool? No! He would have never said anything about her car smelling like a dead body. He would have never reported the gas cans missing. He wouldn't have been hounding her with questions in the jailhouse interview. So what if he calls her sweet or gorgeous. Many fathers do. My sister hid her pregnancy at 19 for 7 months. She didn't look it too much. My father was in the hospital room with her. It's not a bad thing or a sexual thing. Shoot I had my sister, mom, mother in law, husband, and his grandmother in the room with me. They all sat on the cot by the window out of eyes view, while my husband was the only one with a view. Seriously some people find the littlest things to nitpick over.

Bottom line is Casey Anthony is a pathological LIAR. This too is another lie. She had no job, had no nanny, had no money, her kid didn't drown in a pool, and her father did not molest her. When you tell the truth you are consistant. She never has been including in her molestation triumphs. You can be gon 31 days and not have one person see you shed a single tear while an image flashes through your head of your child's lifeless body in your arms. You can sit in a court room and hear them say you killed your child or say that you found your father holding you dead baby and not get one flashback and break down crying from something so horrific. But when you look your father in the eyes as someone is claiming that he molested you, you can feel that guilt eat away at you and you break down. Because I believe George has always been the one to do everything for Casey and Cindy was the hard one. I think she broke down because she actually might care about george but in her survival game it seems like one of the only ways she may be able to make it out of this by throwing the bait on him. A lot of people don't like to make eye contact. I don't, I have a problem with one of my eyes that makes me insecure. Also when in tough situations where I am trying to keep from breaking down I try not to make eye contact in the fear of crying publicly.

I without a doubt believe george is guilty of nothing more than loving his family. To those with "feelings" sometimes your intuition can be wrong.
No, I don't believe George sexually abused Casey...not now, not on Casey's "word." If the DT has some other evidence or other corroboration, I will listen and evaluate it then, but stictly because Casey says so? Sorry. No.
I will answer this too, since I also believe Casey was probably abused. I started reading the discovery on this case as soon it was posted on way, way back in 2008. As soon as I read that she mentioned it to others I believed her. My abusers friends and family would never in a million years believe what he did (most of my immediate family didn't either), but my little sister called me from her father's death bed and told me he was asking for my forgiveness so he could go to heaven. He didn't know I'd already forgiven him years ago. To my knowledge, he did not try anything with any other children around him. He did try something with one of my adult siblings way later in life which led them all to suddenly believe me!

However, once again, I have to say that this in no way excuses, explains nor mitigates the murder of Caylee.

MOO :twocents: (which I forgot to add on my last post, but it is)

ETA: I think Casey and her DT *are* just using this as a defense and that is not right, because again, any kind of abuse is not an excuse for murder. I also believe that they are probably sensationalizing the abuse to try to get the jury to believe she had some sort of break down to explain her behavior, so I agree with everyone on that aspect, I just also believe the abuse probably did happen.

Thank you for your response!

I admire you and all victims for putting it out there, I am in your group, I am just not so open...

Maybe I am hardened over these years, but I have seen sooooooo many women play this card without merit. It does happen, everyday, mostly women play the SA card, or just general abuse card, without merit just because they can. It is frightening how fast a life can be destroyed when accused of being a molester or an abuser....and how fast the general public will just jump on the band wagon.... this guy is guilty..the woman said so.

That was not always true, and was probably not true in your case, and my case and so many other cases in the past. But the tide has shifted in the past 15 plus years... now, all us women have to do is make the accusation to law enforcement, and that man is arrested on our word... that is powerful!! I could have my husband arrested on rape charges with a phone call to 911!!!

That reality is a travesty for true abuse victims... it is a shame.

I have no idea what really happened to lil Caylee, I have my theories as does everyone else here, but, this attempt to excuse what she did at the expense of her family is simply reprehensible.

Again, I thank you for your response and honesty.
I believe that every molester has more than one victim. If he did molest her which I am pretty certain he didn't. You can bet more victims would come out of the wood work in the next few weeks. George is still living he has had plenty of years to prey while being a cop, neighbor kids, other young family members. If he did this there would be more than just Casey!

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