Does Misty really not know what happened? *POLL ADDED*

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Does Misty know what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, she is still lying

    Votes: 203 67.7%
  • No, she was passed out

    Votes: 40 13.3%
  • No, she was too high on drugs to remember

    Votes: 28 9.3%
  • No, she wasn't home

    Votes: 29 9.7%

  • Total voters
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Or the voices of LE (judging on Tommy's take of things and what Tommy said LE didn't want to hear)?

IIRC, Misty has also stated on quite a few occassions LE didn't want to hear what she has told them either...My problem with that is was she telling LE lies or was she trying to tell the truth...Thus far the ONLY stories that have been released have been lies...Right now whats even more confusing, I recall reading she took a LDT that revealed Jo had never threatened her, and I'm wondering WHY LE let all those stories come out about her being threatened by Jo...Boggles the mind...JMO
IMO I don't think Misty knows anymore about what happened to Haleigh that night other than what the Cummings' clan wants her to know. I honestly don't think that she was there at the MH that night and was told only what they had to tell her to get her to help cover their butts period. I think she found out the terrible news about Haleigh between the hours of 1:30-2:30am when the neighbors saw her outside the MH screaming and on her cell phone. That right there tells me when she found out. If she had been there earlier that evening when this took place then I think she would have freaked out then and surely not between the hours of 1:30-2:30am. That is when she found out in my opinion. I think this all happened on TN's watch and that's why she was so determined to get Misty to come and babysit. I still think RC did something but I believe Haleigh's demise was on TN's watch. In the end I think Misty was suppose to be the fall girl. To me that is the reason she can't keep the stories straight, because she doesn't know and that's also the reason why RC married her and TN and GGSykes stood by her like glue. Remember GGSykes was mad that RC even allowed that girl back into his house. Besides why the heck would GGSykes and TN go to Shell Harbor the day before the search at the dock and search the woods on their own? That makes no sense unless they were checking to make sure nothing was left behind to point towards RC. They just used Misty for their cause period. I don't believe that Misty would harm that child under any circumstances. She's been kicked around most of her life and she was hungry for love an attention and she fell right into their plans to blame it on the dumb one. I just wish she would realize how badly the Cummings have used her and come clean with what she does know, because she probably does know enough now to know who is actually responsible. All one has to do is take a look at how the Cummings tried to control her every move and her every word at the beginning of this case and it tells it all right there. They didn't let her out of their sight. The Cummings kept her around long enough to make her out as the villiage idiot and then they got rid of her. In doing so they made it look like she was guilty. TN, RC, and GGSkyes you haven't fooled me one bit. I've said it from the beginning that Misty was setup and no one would listen to me, but all one has to do is look at the facts and the facts point to who is responsible. Misty please wake up before it's too late and the Cummings have ruined the rest of your life. Tell LE was you know and let the cards fall where they may. You have a future ahead of you and it's not with the Cummings. You have a chance to straighten your whole life up, get an education and find someone who might really love you and not use you like RC, TN and GGSykes has.
IMO, to point LE away from them.

Think about it. You just find out that your child is missing from her bed in the middle of the night. There is no obvious signs of a break-in, just an open door. Misty was exhausted. Yet Ron went right to the worst case scenario and would never consider any possibility of Haleigh going outside in the dark by herself. Ron and TN said over and over that Haleigh was too afraid of the dark to ever go outside.

But anyone who has ever been around kids know that you can NEVER say NEVER. Kids will do something that you NEVER thought they would if they have a reason.

Not once did Ron or TN consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Haleigh tried to wake up Misty and couldn't. Maybe Haleigh thought Misty needed help and tried to go to Tommy's house, a place she walked to with Misty that was close, to get help. They would NOT consider her going outside for any reason.

Ron and TN NEVER had any hope that Haleigh was anywhere near that home. Hope is usually the last thing to go, not the first.
I thought about this also... why didn't Ronald want to search the inside of the MH himself before calling 911? If I came home to that scenario, I would have been frantically searching for my child, asking questions, trying to understand what was happening, not immediately screaming that my child was "stolen."
Does anyone know why Ron yelled at Misty stating, you let me kid get stole *****..!! why would he say something like that? ya know? thx

IMHO, the reason he yelled that is because he blamed her because he gave a minor child the responsibility to care for his children-when he as an adult should have known better. (I aknowledge the different theories and do not disagree with any at this moment, just another POV)

IMHO, RC prefers to date females significantly younger than him (teenagers) because he's emotionally immature and prefers to have the upper hand. He probably thinks by dating someone that he perceives as inferior in educational status, less mature and still believes in that one true fated love ideal, and generally life experiences makes him the top dog in the relationship.

IMHO he called her a "B" and here is where I theorize about his personality. He's probably sees all females as either saints or "B"'s. His mother and grandmother would fall under the category of Saint. Any other female, esp. one that is physically intimate with him gets to be a "B". Black and White thinking and IMHO you can smell it all over that tatt on his chest.

FWIW, he probably throws any female that doesn't sleep with him but doesn't give him his way, calls him out on his stuff, or irks him in some way get thrown in the "B" category too.

To bring this back to the topic of the thread. IMHO that's the way he treated Misty and the other young females he dated.

Does Misty know what happened? YES---an emphatic yes. JMHO.

OT: Coppercat I don't know why but your avatar skeeves me out! LOL
IMO. Misty played no part in Haleigh's disappearance. She is too infatuated with Ron to do anything that would make him mad at her. She needs to please, and if she was making-up with Ron, then taking care of his children would help indear him to her. I don't believe Misty thinks highly of herself enough to think that Ron would not suspect her considering all the circumstances. I don't think she thinks she's smart enough to outwit Ron. and if she was so mad that she wanted to harm Haleigh, then I believe she simply would have left town and disappeared into the underworld after committing such a crime.
IMO. Misty played no part in Haleigh's disappearance. She is too infatuated with Ron to do anything that would make him mad at her. She needs to please, and if she was making-up with Ron, then taking care of his children would help indear him to her. I don't believe Misty thinks highly of herself enough to think that Ron would not suspect her considering all the circumstances. I don't think she thinks she's smart enough to outwit Ron. and if she was so mad that she wanted to harm Haleigh, then I believe she simply would have left town and disappeared into the underworld after committing such a crime.
you make some good points, but I think Ron was more infatuated with Misty, than the other way around. but, I agree with you on Misty not thinking she could outsmart Ron. unless someone else, (like a brother), was telling her exactly what to do.
I personally feel that Misty was played like a fiddle by the Cummings from day one. Ron has never once showed any kind of remorse for his child being missing or acted like a concerned father. I've always said that actions speak louder than words. Here is something I'm going to through out there...What employer would give an employee the ax under the circumstances unless there was something hinky there that might pull the business name into the mix of lies and make them look bad? PDM certainly pulled themselves away from Ron Cummings at the very beginning and haven't said a word since. That there says volumes to me. I worked for the government for a number of years and government contractors and in the time of need we rallied around those who were having tough times to lend a hand but shyed away from thoses who's conduct was questionable. I have always said that the Cummings hold the keys to this case and Misty was their puppet. When Misty mentioned that Ron beat her up at GGMS's trailer she said that GGMS said didn't hear anything. Right, because she didn't want to hear anything and that tells me that GGMS condones what Ron did. GGMS tells Ron to be careful what he says in jail because his dad told his mom there's a snitch in the jail. It isn't Joe that Tommy and Misty are scared of it's Ron and company. They've controlled what she did and what she said from the very beginning.

Exactly what I think!
I wish LE would start looking at this case from a different angle as a lot of us have and start putting some heavy heavy pressure on Ronald and Company. I think if they started rattling his cage as well as Teresa Neves' they would get some results. What could it hurt? They've rattled everybody elses' cage and it hasn't produced Haleigh so why not make him and his mother, or for that matter Great Grandma Sykes, answer up for their inconsistances which are great in number. All three have lied on numerous occassions and my question would be why. Take the cadavar dogs over to 105 Rita Lane and let them sniff around or over to GGma Sykes house. Ask TN where she was that day before Haleigh went missing. I think that if Misty knew they were looking hot and heavy at the Cummings I think she might just sing a different tune as long as she knews that Ronald and his family couldn't hurt her or Tommy. I've heard Hank Sr mention on several jailhouse tapes that they should look at Ronald and that says something to me along with Ronald's and TN's own actions throughout this whole ordeal. Its high time to kick some booty.
I wish LE would start looking at this case from a different angle as a lot of us have and start putting some heavy heavy pressure on Ronald and Company. I think if they started rattling his cage as well as Teresa Neves' they would get some results. What could it hurt? They've rattled everybody elses' cage and it hasn't produced Haleigh so why not make him and his mother, or for that matter Great Grandma Sykes, answer up for their inconsistances which are great in number. All three have lied on numerous occassions and my question would be why. Take the cadavar dogs over to 105 Rita Lane and let them sniff around or over to GGma Sykes house. Ask TN where she was that day before Haleigh went missing. I think that if Misty knew they were looking hot and heavy at the Cummings I think she might just sing a different tune as long as she knews that Ronald and his family couldn't hurt her or Tommy. I've heard Hank Sr mention on several jailhouse tapes that they should look at Ronald and that says something to me along with Ronald's and TN's own actions throughout this whole ordeal. Its high time to kick some booty.

IMHO.. Why LE hasn't applied any pressure to Ron or anyone in his family is mind boggling to say the least... But considering I have heard both Tommy and Misty state LE doesn't want to hear anything either of them have to say about any of the Cummings I have no other choice than to believe LE is choosing to ignore what is blatantly obvious to so many of us.....JMO
IMHO.. Why LE hasn't applied any pressure to Ron or anyone in his family is mind boggling to say the least... But considering I have heard both Tommy and Misty state LE doesn't want to hear anything either of them have to say about any of the Cummings I have no other choice than to believe LE is choosing to ignore what is blatantly obvious to so many of us.....JMO

I really think being held on 900k bail is applying pressure to at least Ronald Cummings. And it probably has to be killing his family they aren't running the show, or maybe they are by not making phone calls or making visits, which seems to gel with the non release of nothing coming from PCSO in regards to Ronald.

I dont think the cops want to hear anything Misty and Tommy say unless its to implicate the person I think they suspect, and thats the person being held on 900k bail.
I really think being held on 900k bail is applying pressure to at least Ronald Cummings. And it probably has to be killing his family they aren't running the show, or maybe they are by not making phone calls or making visits, which seems to gel with the non release of nothing coming from PCSO in regards to Ronald.

I dont think the cops want to hear anything Misty and Tommy say unless its to implicate the person I think they suspect, and thats the person being held on 900k bail.

As I stated both Misty and Tommy have stated on video LE is not interested in hearing anything about Ron C.. Also, Ron C (himself) has stated Putnam County would not release any of his conversations...Thus far they haven't..
For me, somehow, Ron C going to jail for 15 years on trafficking (IF indeed he does) "PALES IN COMPARISON" to the real truth never being revealed and those involved in the coverup never being held responsible for their actions..JMO
IMHO.. Why LE hasn't applied any pressure to Ron or anyone in his family is mind boggling to say the least... But considering I have heard both Tommy and Misty state LE doesn't want to hear anything either of them have to say about any of the Cummings I have no other choice than to believe LE is choosing to ignore what is blatantly obvious to so many of us.....JMO

I agree Emeralgem. It would be a bit difficult for either Tommy or Misty to spill the beans on Ron Cummings if LE doesn't allow them to say anything about him. It appears that the Croslins aren't allowed to speak about the royal family.:innocent:
Is anyone as confused about Misty as I am? I voted that she is absolutely lying about that night, but she sure can make a convincing argument otherwise. Why haven't they been able to trip her up by now?

I go from thinking that she is the one who directly harmed Haleigh, to covering for her brother, to protecting Ron. I also don't understand why she isn't a person of interest. She has obviously lied time and time again to LE. I can only assume that legal issues kick in once a person is named a POI, so that puts me back to square one.

I wish LE had gotten the two clans (Croslins and Cummings, including the grandmothers) into their offices at the same time, separate rooms and confronted them with each discrepancy and not released them until someone told the truth (or until the stories were at least consistent).

Of course hindsight always sounds good.
LE everywhere is reluctant to names "suspects" and "persons of interest" these days. Defense Attorney Ray Giudice explained that on Levi's show just tonight. They fear lawsuits and other repercussions. Most cases I hear and read about these days, in all states, fail to use the terms "suspects" and "POI" until they have the person/persons in custody or the evidence is so overwhelming, a conviction could be gotten on the spot. They do show pictures of people on flyers or on TV, "Have you seen this person? Have you seen this car? Person is wanted for routine questioning - blah, blah, blah".

It's not at all like it used to be when we'd hear suspect names all over the place. They went for "suspects" to "persons of interest" to what we have now, to "the key" or whatever, leaving it all rather vague. The fact that Misty, Ron, Tommy, and others, haven't been officially named as suspects or POIs means nothing. LE does things very differently these days. It's too bad because I really liked the old days when you knew who the suspects were right off the bat.
This political correctness and fear of being sued has gone way too far....GDI!

It works the same way inside. If you think this is bad, you should see the games played when a sex offender is due to parole. It is enough to make the people in Corrections into drug addicts, alcoholics or suffer physical problems. They earn their pay.

Since mental health plays a large part in Corrections in CA, they get to call the shots. If you can imagine a Clinician willing to put it on the line and keep them locked up, you are not familiar with them.
For me, the rat in the mailbox and Misty's reaction on that TV interview (the day after they married) when asked why her stories have so many inconcistencies speaks volumes. She looked around then at Ron for guidance, then said "I don't know" when he didn't say anything. Anyone else notice Ron's face after that? He was furious, and trying to hold his composure. Misty looks small and scared next to him. She doesn't appear to feel she can tell anything without Ron's permission. Who is covering for who? And I read somewhere that Misty seperated Haleigh and Junior that evening for arguing over what movie to watch. Did Misty snap on Haleigh, hit her in the head like in one story Flora Hollars offered, pass out a while from the drug binge, then awake to find Haleigh unresponsive? Alot of meth users become hostile when they are coming down off a binge. There are so many possibilities. I hope LE already knows the answers and are just building the evidence to ensure convictions.

Misty's famous "I don't know" was to a fairly simple question. What did the clans think; Misty looking small and frightened would be enough to spare her, so she wasn't prepared to explain herself?

What if Misty and Tommy are correct, regarding LE and Ron? Does that mean LE may have the evidence/answers and it doesn't point in the right direction, so they won't act on it? WTH is up with that?

Goodness knows there are no rocket scientists involved in this farce! These people were dumb enough to sell drugs to a cop, on camera - while a dozen or more LEO hid in the bushes! Are we really supposed to believe a 5 year went missing and there is not a single clue or piece of evidence left behind - to explain what happened to her and who is responsible?

Haleigh has been "gone" for a year and a half - you would think, LE must have enough information/answers to build several cases and whoever is behind this should be cooling their heels in jail, along with Manny, Moe and Misty!

Is anyone as confused about Misty as I am? I voted that she is absolutely lying about that night, but she sure can make a convincing argument otherwise. Why haven't they been able to trip her up by now?

I go from thinking that she is the one who directly harmed Haleigh, to covering for her brother, to protecting Ron. I also don't understand why she isn't a person of interest. She has obviously lied time and time again to LE. I can only assume that legal issues kick in once a person is named a POI, so that puts me back to square one.

I wish LE had gotten the two clans (Croslins and Cummings, including the grandmothers) into their offices at the same time, separate rooms and confronted them with each discrepancy and not released them until someone told the truth (or until the stories were at least consistent). Of course hindsight always sounds good.

I have been confused over Misty's behavior since 911! The call made no sense! Misty had been awake how long waiting for Ron, instead of making the call - ASAP?? Who does that?

Misty looked legitimately miserable in the first interview - like she hadn't slept in days, swollen eyed and devastated - a couple weeks later she was a whole new person. Smiling at or flipping off the news crews, depending on her mood. Flaunting her bad behavior, just like the rest of the clan.

Arrest anyone who came within a mile of Haleigh that day (including the grandmothers) and let the chips fall where they may. Enough is enough, this has gone on way too long.
Misty's famous "I don't know" was to a fairly simple question. What did the clans think; Misty looking small and frightened would be enough to spare her, so she wasn't prepared to explain herself?

What if Misty and Tommy are correct, regarding LE and Ron? Does that mean LE may have the evidence/answers and it doesn't point in the right direction, so they won't act on it? WTH is up with that?

Goodness knows there are no rocket scientists involved in this farce! These people were dumb enough to sell drugs to a cop, on camera - while a dozen or more LEO hid in the bushes! Are we really supposed to believe a 5 year went missing and there is not a single clue or piece of evidence left behind - to explain what happened to her and who is responsible?

Haleigh has been "gone" for a year and a half - you would think, LE must have enough information/answers to build several cases and whoever is behind this should be cooling their heels in jail, along with Manny, Moe and Misty!

I have been confused over Misty's behavior since 911! The call made no sense! Misty had been awake how long waiting for Ron, instead of making the call - ASAP?? Who does that?

Misty looked legitimately miserable in the first interview - like she hadn't slept in days, swollen eyed and devastated - a couple weeks later she was a whole new person. Smiling at or flipping off the news crews, depending on her mood. Flaunting her bad behavior, just like the rest of the clan.

Arrest anyone who came within a mile of Haleigh that day (including the grandmothers) and let the chips fall where they may. Enough is enough, this has gone on way too long.

LCMom, WOW, great post!! Although this is only your thirteenth post, you certainly have followed this case and express your opinions and thoughts with great knowledge.

I believe most of us here feel as you do about this case. I personally feel that is a SLAP IN THE FACE as far as JUSTICE is concerned.

Anyway, welcome, and keep on posting.
I wonder if misty can tell us where TN was. TN wanted misty to watch the kids and she didn't want to. TN had GMA go over and check on them. WHY? What is the reason TN couldn't go over?

The answers lie in when did TN really get notified that Haleigh was missing..depending on how long before the 911 call was made will be resolution to this case.
I wonder if misty can tell us where TN was. TN wanted misty to watch the kids and she didn't want to. TN had GMA go over and check on them. WHY? What is the reason TN couldn't go over?

The answers lie in when did TN really get notified that Haleigh was missing..depending on how long before the 911 call was made will be resolution to this case.

In my opinion, the fact TN arrived at Ron’s so quickly supports my theory that Ron planned to remove HaLeigh from her home Monday night and if Misty wasn’t there “sleeping” when HaLeigh mysteriously disappeared from her bed, his plan would unravel and fall apart. This could explain why TN & RC desperately needed Misty to babysit and if this is true, then TN knew Ron’s intentions for HaLeigh beforehand and she needs to be arrested.
It is surprising they haven't come down hard on TN. She had derailed the investigation from the first moment. She couldn't wait to call Crystal and tell her Haleigh was gone. It was the first word out of her mouth. Ron has custody; lets' check out the mother and it has gone on like this since 3:49am Feb 10, 2009. misty got on the bandwagon with her Crystal did it: rc told his attorney and his attorney print an article about it. This mantra eminated from the Cummings and even when rc was in Flagler, he continued it.

I don't know if misty harmed Haleigh or she was not aware but drats TN should have been looked at closely; she told and they printed her Rita Lane Addy and her employment currently at Gainsville Dispatch. Her wearing the Sheriff's emblemed sweater to impress could not have been lost of LE. She said misty was wearing boxer shorts and a camisole type shirt (bedclothes) when she arrived. Who is telling the truth here. rc says the bed was never slept in but told the media the kids and misty were in the same bed when Haleigh was taken and then switched it up. How could they not be looked at with suspicion? I just don't know anymore, the case has gone on to long and in a different direction than I would have thought. Of course, I have heard LE was very angry with TN at one time too.

What does misty know? She has to know what happened if her relatives are involved...and it looks like they are. As far as rc, he also has to know, but he is very slick.
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