Does someone besides TH know what happened to Kyron?

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I've said this before but I firmly believe that LE knows everyone TH has talked to in at least the last year, by phone or computer. They found a landscaper she had 8 months ago. I am sure they went through all her records and verified any contacts she had. They found a landscaper that had responded to an ad she placed. They are looking closely at everyone. That shows me that they are looking for an accomplice. They were also over MC almost immediately. They shows me that they are continuing to monitor her every contact. I have no doubt that if she did have help with Kyron she had to communicate with them somehow and phone or computer are most likely. I'm sure she didn't mail a letter to them. If there were someone she was in contact with on June 3rd or 4th I have no doubt they have spoken with them. If there were an accomplice LE would have an idea who it was. I don't believe there is an accomplice, only the hope there is by KH and DY because, as someone said, that is Kyron's only hope. If TH did this she could not have hiden him away and come back to take care of him after the abduction because she was under constant monitoring afterwards. Someone would have to be feeding him, etc. I wish I could jump on the accomplice bandwagon but I just can't. LE has been too sharp to let anyone slip by.
The more Kaine talks about the poly, the more doubts I have.

Imagine this:

Terri had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance. When she is asked to take a poly the first time, of course she gladly goes and answers truthfully. But she fails.

We know this is possible. We know there are people who fail when they are telling the truth and people who pass while they lie through their teeth. While LDTs may be an invaluable investigating tool, they are nowhere near perfect, which is why they are inadmissible in court.

So, she fails. She offers or they ask for a second one, and she agrees. But while they are telling her to stay calm and just tell the truth, she is getting more and more panicky about the test. What if they think she hurt Kyron? She goes to the test but can feel her heart racing and she's on the verge of tears. Before the test starts she flees, just knowing she'll fail again. She can't face it. (Maybe a lawyer has already told her she should never have agreed to take one.)

She stalls. She can't bring herself to go back there. Finally, she feels she may have her emotions under control. She feels like she can be calm. LE is still saying she's not a POI, so she begins to think they might believe her. She's willing to try again.

OMG!!! How could she fail again. She's distraught; Kaine and Desiree have thrown her to the wolves. No one believes her. She's almost out of her mind with fear and worry, not to mention that they still don't know where Kyron is. She finally agrees to listen to a lawyer, and hires him knowing that they are zeroing in on her. He tells her to stay out of the public eye, shut her mouth no matter what they say or how hard it is, stay off the internet no matter what they say or how hard it is. He says it will be okay, there is no evidence, it will be a long tough haul but he will help her through it. He tells her not to fight the RO, no matter how devastated she is to lose her daughter. And she braces herself for the fight of her life and does it.

Is it possible? Maybe. If she were guilty, wouldn't she have refused from the very beginning? The only reason I can imagine going back the 2nd and 3rd times are the hopes that you could calm down and be cleared by LE. She waited so long to hire a lawyer - would a guilty person do that?

She hasn't offered excuses or gone on TV to explain herself. Yet how many guilty people do we see doing just that, winding themselves in their lies? If she's so smart and narcissistic, she'd believe she could fool everyone and cozy up to Barbara Walters or Katie Couric. If she's not smart or narcissistic, then how has she kept this secret??? How has she pulled off this incredible crime with NO evidence???

I almost see her as trying so hard to do what LE or her lawyer tells her and then being skinned alive for being able to. For being able to take care of herself and rest, for not talking to the press, for staying out of sight and not going to court to fight the RO.

I don't know what the heck happened here, but I have a lot of doubts in every direction. A LOT!
I too have lots of doubts about this case and where it is going. Sometimes LE can be very quiet because they are ready to make a move and sometimes they can be very quiet because they are completely overwhelmed.

But I do think that if another person were involved, LE would at least know who it is by now. Not that many people Terri knows and was in contact with would be unaccounted for by this point. And I just don't see it. I still see it as Terri alone, or a totally as-yet uninvestigated perp, with no connection to to Terri.
I've said this before but I firmly believe that LE knows everyone TH has talked to in at least the last year, by phone or computer. They found a landscaper she had 8 months ago. I am sure they went through all her records and verified any contacts she had. They found a landscaper that had responded to an ad she placed. They are looking closely at everyone. That shows me that they are looking for an accomplice. They were also over MC almost immediately. They shows me that they are continuing to monitor her every contact. I have no doubt that if she did have help with Kyron she had to communicate with them somehow and phone or computer are most likely. I'm sure she didn't mail a letter to them. If there were someone she was in contact with on June 3rd or 4th I have no doubt they have spoken with them. If there were an accomplice LE would have an idea who it was. I don't believe there is an accomplice, only the hope there is by KH and DY because, as someone said, that is Kyron's only hope. If TH did this she could not have hiden him away and come back to take care of him after the abduction because she was under constant monitoring afterwards. Someone would have to be feeding him, etc. I wish I could jump on the accomplice bandwagon but I just can't. LE has been too sharp to let anyone slip by.
I think this is the case, and I think it's based on TH's relationship with the landscaper in the MFH plot. If KH and DY admit that TH acted alone, there's only one conclusion they can reach. And it's obviously not something they can handle at this time.
Didn't Tony Young specifically say that LE told him that they would not be discussing the evidence they have in the case with the family? I can understand they may tell them their suspicions, which isn't evidence of anything, but to tell them the crux of their investigation and the evidence they have uncovered, I just have never known LE to do that before. So many times families are asked what the police has told them about the investigation and time and time again we hear them say "they are not telling us much."

LE usually will keep the family members abreast of how the investigation is going in a general way but never revealing what they really have.

I am beginning to wonder who is in charge of this investigation. Kaine Horman or LE?


I do know a family whose child was abducted and at some point, LE did start telling them things.
Let me be clear on this. LE believes someone [/B]other than[/B] Terri is involved.
Or is it that someone besides Terri is involved?
To me, "other than" means NOT Terri... and "besides" means WITH Terri.. an accomplice.
So, which is it?
I do know a family whose child was abducted and at some point, LE did start telling them things.

It depends. If they feel no one in the family is involved, and feel they can trust them not to leak information to the media, they might tell them how the investigation is going, up to a point. I don't believe they tell them all they know, but they might keep them informed enough so the family knows they're doing something. But they caution them very strongly not to reveal certain things, of course.
I heard it somewhere that LE really doesn't want any family member talking to the media other than pleading for the safe return of their loved one, and just answering basic questions about the person. They cringe when someone is on t.v. all the time, (think Cindy Anthony) because that just makes their job harder.
The more Kaine talks about the poly, the more doubts I have.

Imagine this:

Terri had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance. When she is asked to take a poly the first time, of course she gladly goes and answers truthfully. But she fails.

We know this is possible. We know there are people who fail when they are telling the truth and people who pass while they lie through their teeth. While LDTs may be an invaluable investigating tool, they are nowhere near perfect, which is why they are inadmissible in court.

So, she fails. She offers or they ask for a second one, and she agrees. But while they are telling her to stay calm and just tell the truth, she is getting more and more panicky about the test. What if they think she hurt Kyron? She goes to the test but can feel her heart racing and she's on the verge of tears. Before the test starts she flees, just knowing she'll fail again. She can't face it. (Maybe a lawyer has already told her she should never have agreed to take one.)

She stalls. She can't bring herself to go back there. Finally, she feels she may have her emotions under control. She feels like she can be calm. LE is still saying she's not a POI, so she begins to think they might believe her. She's willing to try again.

OMG!!! How could she fail again. She's distraught; Kaine and Desiree have thrown her to the wolves. No one believes her. She's almost out of her mind with fear and worry, not to mention that they still don't know where Kyron is. She finally agrees to listen to a lawyer, and hires him knowing that they are zeroing in on her. He tells her to stay out of the public eye, shut her mouth no matter what they say or how hard it is, stay off the internet no matter what they say or how hard it is. He says it will be okay, there is no evidence, it will be a long tough haul but he will help her through it. He tells her not to fight the RO, no matter how devastated she is to lose her daughter. And she braces herself for the fight of her life and does it.

Ooops - you missed the part where she exchanges lewd emails with an aquaintance who has been helping spread the message of Kyron locally... and I KNOW... this certainly DOES NOT mean that she commited a horrible felony against her stepson, but it is when *I* decidedly hopped off the fence from the possibility of your above scenario.
It is never good for LE to have tunnel vision. Ever. They need to exhaust all other possibilities before focusing on one person, if they want to claim they did a thorough investigation. And believe me, the defense will bring it up in court.

The D.A. will be the one to decide whether LE has enough evidence to bring charges, it's not up to LE, although they are constantly reminded of that fact. But if there IS enough evidence right now... what is the delay in arresting her? It would be a big relief to the family to know that justice will be served, sooner rather than later.

I have a feeling the waiting is because they don't know what the crime is. No body. No Kyron. If they charge her with murder, and Kyron turns up somewhere... Ooops! Back to the drawing board!
I'll have to disagree with you guys on this one point...I don't think LE is orchestrating any of the parents' comments. I think Desiree's level of frustration is clearly increasing and she is saying what comes out of her mouth. And I am not sure LE would advise Kaine to start talking about Terri's possible medical conditions to the press.

They might...if they were trying to give TH an "out" or an "excuse" to come forward with information about Kyron's whearabouts.
Ooops - you missed the part where she exchanges lewd emails with an aquaintance who has been helping spread the message of Kyron locally... and I KNOW... this certainly DOES NOT mean that she commited a horrible felony against her stepson, but it is when *I* decidedly hopped off the fence from the possibility of your above scenario.

I didn't miss it. I'm just not willing to convict someone of murder based on bad decision making regarding sex, love, and marriage. Especially when that bad decision making doesn't appear to be new behavior, regardless of Kaine's opinon. (3 marriages, 2 kids by 2 different men, marrying her friend's ex, etc. UGH!)

She may be totally guilty of being a (unusual person) without having anything to do with Kyron. And people with that kind of bad judgment don't turn into saints when there's a crisis - in fact, it usually gets dramatically worse!'s a thought I just had that is kind way out in left field....

What about TH's mom? We know that she told the media all kind of inaccurate info in the days following Kyron's disappearance. Many of her comments were defensive of her daughter, TH. Could it be that she knows something? Could she have been an accomplice? Or could TH have confided in her privately in those early hours after Kyron went missing? I mean, she could have just been regurgitating what TH told her. Or she could have just been clueless. But maybe......
I didn't miss it. I'm just not willing to convict someone of murder based on bad decision making regarding sex, love, and marriage. Especially when that bad decision making doesn't appear to be new behavior, regardless of Kaine's opinon. (3 marriages, 3 kids by 3 different men, marrying her friend's ex, etc. UGH!)

She may be totally guilty of being a *advertiser censored* without having anything to do with Kyron. And people with that kind of bad judgment don't turn into saints when there's a crisis - in fact, it usually gets dramatically worse!

Not arguing your point (cuz I tend to agree with you)...but TH only has two children. A teen who was sent to live with his grandparents and then his dad. And Baby K, who is with her father, Kaine.
I didn't miss it. I'm just not willing to convict someone of murder based on bad decision making regarding sex, love, and marriage. Especially when that bad decision making doesn't appear to be new behavior, regardless of Kaine's opinon. (3 marriages, 3 kids by 3 different men, marrying her friend's ex, etc. UGH!)

She may be totally guilty of being a *advertiser censored* without having anything to do with Kyron. And people with that kind of bad judgment don't turn into saints when there's a crisis - in fact, it usually gets dramatically worse!


I thought she had 2 children,

Desiree gave an adamant no in an interview when she was asked if she knew Terri before.
angelmom, I couldn't agree with you more. Great Post!

I see Terri willing to take the polygraphs as a positive sign.

How many people that were arrested later were willing to take multiple polys?

It just doesn't work that way with the cases I have read about. Now LE may

get lucky and talk them into maybe one poly before they quickly lawyer up

after then, but to continue to cooperate with LE three weeks later, and all

the while knowing by then they have a bullseye painted on their forehead

is unbelievable and imo almost unheard of.

And what bothers me even more is LE can legally lie and tell a person they

failed when they did not.

When Gary Ridgeway can pass one with flying colors after murdering

countless woman, and Ruth Lunsford and Steve Greone can fail one, even

though they absolutely had no knowledge about who murdered their loved

ones, then polygraphs give me great pause as to their veracity.

This woman had to be so stressed out when they hooked her up. She is no

dummy imo........she knew and knows they were gunning for her from the

very start. Her blood pressure had to be sky high and we don't know the

circumstances of why she walked out when they asked her to take the

second one. Maybe they accused her of being the one to take Kyron even

before the polygraph even began.

And what guilty person goes back even after then to take another one when

LE asks???? She seems like she was desperately trying to pass the poly and

trying to prove to them she did not take Kyron. I think her lawyer told her to

quit trying to convince them of anything.

Regarding Terri taking the polygraphs. Ummm Question? How does she say NO thanks anyways? The family stood beside her, stated that they belive in her. If guilty she has to take it anyways. How do you tell you loved ones, ummm yeah I know, I'm innocent and all so you will all understand why even though YOU ALL took the ploygraphs I simply can NOT. You understand.

Her taking the polygraph doesn't = a good sign to me. IMOO

If she didn't how does she is explain it to the rest of the family. All of them that passed BTW.

I guess with all respect I don't see how her "agreeing" to taking the polygraph means she is innocent.
Regarding Terri taking the polygraphs. Ummm Question? How does she say NO thanks anyways? The family stood beside her, stated that they belive in her. If guilty she has to take it anyways. How do you tell you loved ones, ummm yeah I know, I'm innocent and all so you will all understand why even though YOU ALL took the ploygraphs I simply can NOT. You understand.

Her taking the polygraph doesn't = a good sign to me. IMOO

If she didn't how does she is explain it to the rest of the family. All of them that passed BTW.

I guess with all respect I don't see how her "agreeing" to taking the polygraph means she is innocent.

I agree. She was under a lot of pressure at that point to appear cooperative. I think she may have convinced herself that she would pass. I know a lot of guilty people have done just that. Once she didn't pass she couldn't very well refuse to take another one and look even more guilty. Obviously it was with great reluctence that she agreed to the second one and even then she walked out before it began. By the time number three came around she probably felt she had no choice. Same with her not hiring an attorney. She knew that wouldn't look good. She was trying to convince Kaine that she was innocent. Once it was clear that he was beyond convincing she hired a lawyer in no time.
All of them passed, except for Terri, according to Desiree and Kaine. We don't know that from LE.

But to the topic of this thread, I think it is a one-person crime, no matter who commited it. And I am sorry I think that, as it means Kyron is most likely not alive.
Does someone besides TH know what happened to Kyron?

Back on topic.... all the rest is OT. Thanks

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