Does TH's FB give us any clues?

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It was established at the time she wrote that, that the gym was a distribution area for posters, t-shirts etc. Maybe when she wrote that it was to notify others she would be there. We don't know anything for sure. mhoo mho
Unfortunately, on Good Morning America this past weekend, the question was asked and the answer was given, by Terri's friend and spokesperson. When asked why Terri would post that "hitting the gym" comment this woman told us that it didn't surprise her at all that Terri would go to the gym. That she and Terri were into athletics and this is not something she found strange for her friend to be doing while Kyron was missing. (Not an exact quote).

This spokesperson had the opportunity to clear up this really disturbing look into Terri; yet, she further damaged this woman. She spoke the truth (it had to be, as a lie would have sounded so much better for Terri). She did not say Terri posted on facebook that she was hitting the gym because the gym was a distribution center for her missing and endangered step-son, she just smiled and told us all that "hitting the gym" was exactly what Teri meant and did.

It is a frightening look...


Besides being a stress reliever, I think she probably has a lot of friends at the gym since she goes there quite a bit. If so, these friends could very well be a big part of her support system.

Maybe "hitting the gym" was a shout out to her gym friends that she would be there, so they would go there too.

Good points.
I don't know if my child was missing I would...

1. NOT let my other child out of my site for a second. I don't care if LE had my house staked out to the hilt.

2. NOT want to leave in case my child came home.

But then again that is just me. I'm an avid swimmer, I certainly wouldn't write or be "hitting the pool." The pool and my swimming would take the back seat to looking for my child. JMHO.

When I've tagged photos on FB (as I did yesterday), I can only tag my FB friends.

Is there any more detail about how the 2 are NOT connected on FB?

You can tag photos with names of people who are not your friends on FB. I just did it myself about 30 minutes ago. The name shows up unlinkable (black font).

However, if I remember correctly, DY's tag was linkable so I am pretty sure she was/is TH's friend on FB.
she can destress all she wants at the gym! posting that is doing so is further insight into her psyche....which I know is helpful to us all...

actually I thank her for that. I am getting a clearer picture of her.

thanks red squirrel.
Usually, you have to join a gym, sign a contract for a year, and pay the monthly usage fee, and they don't let you skip the payment, either. It would be a shame for them to let that money go to waste, IMO.

Also, it is a great stress reliever.
Is this just playing the devil's advocate?
This would require a connection that doesn't exist. There is no connection between these two on FB.

Well you can't tag someone who isn't your friend. You can enter a name but if they are not your friend, it isn't clickable (there is no link to the FB profile). These were definitely clickable tags. So I'm not sure what you mean.
Well you can't tag someone who isn't your friend. You can enter a name but if they are not your friend, it isn't clickable (there is no link to the FB profile). These were definitely clickable tags. So I'm not sure what you mean.

Terri and Desiree were "facebook friends" before and right after Kyron went missing. After several days, Terri's facebook account went private. If you try to find a facebook account for Terri now, you will see that none exists.
A thought I would like to toss out.

TH has a buff bod. The gym is a big part of her life. Big part. Whereas most of us going to the gym is something we have to force ourselves to do.

Could it be that to TH "hitting the gym" is equivalent to our "taking a walk"?

See what I mean. If I was extremely stressed I would take a walk for a moment to simmer down.

Now, would I post about it on FB when my child was missing? I really doubt it.

To me the odd thing about this whole Face Book/Gym situation is not so much that TH went to the gym, to her that is an obvious stress reliever and something she does often, but the fact she took the time to post about it on FB. That is what I find strange.

Sorry Tricia, but her bod doesn't look that buff to me...Perhaps it did at one time, but not now... Just wondering though IF plans to get back to how she once looked somehow involves steroid use...JMO
I'm not sure that this is the right place to put this....

But did SM's profile show her to be an avid book reader?

The reason I ask is in one of the much earlier threads, someone linked to a site called book crossing where the book title was 'Enter a murderer'....which is no biggie, since crime books/thrillers are very popular.(I've got hundreds of 'em)

It was registered on may 18th 2010 on this site by rdsqrl , which IIRC is SM's tag. (of course someone else out there could have the same username)

Anyone notice if this book was mentioned on her FB profile?

(interesting only because the plot is a murder in front of an entire audience, where many people had motive, and no-one knows for sure who did it because of the volume of people in attendance.)

Now THAT is as telling as internet searches, imo.
Off to Amazon to read about the book in more detail.
From the Nancy Grace Transcript of tonight's show:

Now also, Nancy, according to the stepmother`s Facebook page, some people have scrutinized her because within six days time she had put on her Facebook page that she was going to the gym and not until the sixth day did she put a photograph up of Kyron.

GRACE: What does that say to you, Lillian Glass?

GLASS: It says a lot, Nancy. Because when somebody has a missing child that they love, they`ll do anything. They`ll scream from the highest mountain to find that child. And the fact that she waited so long, that`s a huge red flag.
the gym comment didn't particularly bother me (although i know i feel absolutely no connection with serious gym goers)....what i noticed right away was the ratio of pics between the baby and kyron...there were endless shots of her and there was an implicit affection built into those shots ( a bit hard to explain...just that aww shucks...doesn't that melt your heart factor)....there were far fewer shots of kyron - the bowling and zoo pics were kinda matter of fact - with the exception of the shark's mouth pics and the easter truck hat)...there was one pic that really touched me....the one where they are sitting on the couch and he has the cut-out cardboard box on his head....just makes me heavy hearted.....
From the Nancy Grace Transcript of tonight's show:

Now also, Nancy, according to the stepmother`s Facebook page, some people have scrutinized her because within six days time she had put on her Facebook page that she was going to the gym and not until the sixth day did she put a photograph up of Kyron.

GRACE: What does that say to you, Lillian Glass?

GLASS: It says a lot, Nancy. Because when somebody has a missing child that they love, they`ll do anything. They`ll scream from the highest mountain to find that child. And the fact that she waited so long, that`s a huge red flag.

Yeah, Lillian. Because we all know everyone reacts exactly the same, all the time.
I thought it was strange, especially since a majority of her FB friends had changed their profile pics to the missing poster of Kyron, yet she kept her baby daughter's photo up for almost a week. It was only when she set it to private that his photo was put up.

Also the poking and the comment to someone that it is addicting, the numerous smiley faces, and all of Kyron's photos had his birth mother's name and then "Kyron" but her daughter's photos had her full name.


if they had his mom's name, it's probably b/c she tagged her to share the photos ... I can't know w/o actually seeing it though
From the Nancy Grace Transcript of tonight's show:

Now also, Nancy, according to the stepmother`s Facebook page, some people have scrutinized her because within six days time she had put on her Facebook page that she was going to the gym and not until the sixth day did she put a photograph up of Kyron.

GRACE: What does that say to you, Lillian Glass?

GLASS: It says a lot, Nancy. Because when somebody has a missing child that they love, they`ll do anything. They`ll scream from the highest mountain to find that child. And the fact that she waited so long, that`s a huge red flag.

I'm really confused. Can anyone say for sure when Terri posted the "hitting the gym" comment on facebook? If it was several days after Kyron went missing and about the same time she put his picture on her page, I don't see it being important at all. Maybe she doesn't use fb very much and it never occured to her to put his picture and info on her page until someone told her to.
I'm really confused. Can anyone say for sure when Terri posted the "hitting the gym" comment on facebook? If it was several days after Kyron went missing and about the same time she put his picture on her page, I don't see it being important at all. Maybe she doesn't use fb very much and it never occured to her to put his picture and info on her page until someone told her to.

i dunno....something tells me she is pretty comfortable with FB
You can tag photos with names of people who are not your friends on FB. I just did it myself about 30 minutes ago. The name shows up unlinkable (black font).

However, if I remember correctly, DY's tag was linkable so I am pretty sure she was/is TH's friend on FB.

FWIW, you can only (linkably) tag your friends on Facebook... but your friends can tag their friends. So if they had a mutual friend, that friend could have tagged it.

But it sounds like they were friends, it's just too private to see now.
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