Donna Brock

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Pondering I believe her husband is retired from the Navy.

At the risk of sounding stupid(er), lol.. the Navy has Captains, right? (I think so :crazy:) if they do..then that's what I *think* I saw ...could have sworn I saw a reference to LE <sigh> I'm getting my 'characters' all mixed up!
TY charlie!
[snipped & bbm]

what? her hubby's retired LE??? Idk about anyone else but this still smells fishy to me

of all of them, seems she would be the one to make bail and quickly

and what's a married mother doing running around with them anyway? and has anyone sleuthed her to see just how rich/indigent she is and what her background was prior to getting involved in this whole mess (prior to being on a search team)?

I still think she's undercover w/ the cops - I think she was dropped into this mess on purpose and they're keeping her there to try and get more info

hubby already knows all this and her phone conversation with him is scripted IMO

While I admire your theory, I seriously don't think Donna ( or any of her co-horts) are smart enough to do the undercover thing. Donna had pills and needed money and Misty wanted pills and knew others who wanted pills and had money. Simple supply and demand.
Maybe they're not done with her as an informant yet. And if she were to get out quicker and easier than the others, no matter what the reason, no one -in or out- would talk to her as readily.

Aren't they still holding them all at different facilities? I wonder if that will change.
I don't believe Donna is an informant.... more like somebody going through a midlife crisis.

Not sure if I'm allowed to say this (if not, please delete), but while looking at her husband's myspace I came across her teenage son's. He seems to be a very nice and decent young man, and made references to his parents not getting along and how it upsets him. I feel so badly for him.
do these people feel compelled to admit to their drug involvement? She admits to giving Misty the pills. Seriously, she was in a position to lie. I don't condone lieing, but these ARE a bunch of low moral drug dealers we're talking about, so you'd think they'd lie & lie & lie.

And why is Misty in pain? She doesn't mention it on her "help me" calls, and I've seen her gallavanting arount Putnam county smoking like a chimney, going on vacations, etc. I think this is a load of crock.

Have her call me after a 10 hour surgery, and I'll tell her what pain really feels like. I didn't even have to steal pain meds from anyone!

The part I don't understand about these people is why in the world did they go back into that area to sell them? They all knew they were being watched, so why didn't they get rid of them in Donna's area, for instance? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
They felt comfortable in their game as they've gotten away with so much in the past. Delusions of grandeur and all that.
I think the smile on her face says she's had a plan for a while now to write a book about Haleigh, Misty and Ron.

She doesn't appear to be sweating a bit. She seems quite at peace with the whole thing, imo..

She's been there from the start, and maybe she will be housed with Misty in the big house too. Perhaps one day, Misty will tell her where Haleigh is....

and she isn't stupid, so it might actually be an interesting book. She got on the inside, befriended Misty, knows her better than most probably.

If it cost her a few years on "research" than it would be worth it.

Interesting woman, imo. :)
I think she's a druggy like the rest of them and stupid to think LE wasn't watching them. I think she inserted herself into the situation for the sheer exitement of the high profile case. I think her husband is po'd at her and willing to let her sit there as this woman is not the woman he married. I hope she does her 25 years right along with the rest of them. Her motive: drugs, party and maybe 5 minutes of fame along the way. I don't see anything about this woman that tells me she wanted to find a missing child.
I think she's a druggy like the rest of them and stupid to think LE wasn't watching them. I think she inserted herself into the situation for the sheer exitement of the high profile case. I think her husband is po'd at her and willing to let her sit there as this woman is not the woman he married. I hope she does her 25 years right along with the rest of them. Her motive: drugs, party and maybe 5 minutes of fame along the way. I don't see anything about this woman that tells me she wanted to find a missing child.

Come on, what intelligent 45 year old woman wants to become best buds with an 18 year old dope head? really?
It's obvious to me that Donna knows she's being recorded and she's setting up her defense. She gave the pills to Misty? Okay, what I want to know is, who drove away with the $800.00? And who said they could get more in 3 months? Nice try, but I don't think it's going to work. If she has information about the night Haleigh disappeared, I think that's probably her only bargaining chip.
At the risk of sounding stupid(er), lol.. the Navy has Captains, right? (I think so :crazy:) if they do..then that's what I *think* I saw ...could have sworn I saw a reference to LE <sigh> I'm getting my 'characters' all mixed up!
TY charlie!

Don't go there on the the stupid thing because you simply are not in that category. From what info I have, her husband was a Chief Petty Officer. As with everything else about this case, when one thinks they have the correct information it often turns out incorrect or twisted. So I could as easily be wrong about this so take it FWIW okay ? :)

Tracking addresses for the Brocks - with the exception of the current one, which is not far from Ft. Bragg, all the previous ones are near Navy bases.
It's obvious to me that Donna knows she's being recorded and she's setting up her defense. She gave the pills to Misty? Okay, what I want to know is, who drove away with the $800.00? And who said they could get more in 3 months? Nice try, but I don't think it's going to work. If she has information about the night Haleigh disappeared, I think that's probably her only bargaining chip.

read the affidavits...Donna drove away with the $800 then the undercover gave Misty another $100 for setting up the deal. Donna can try, it's not going to work. They have it all on video.
Come on, what intelligent 45 year old woman wants to become best buds with an 18 year old dope head? really?
I don't know what Donna Brock's background is, but some of the dopers I knew when I was young, are still dopers, & they all hang out with a young crowd. Also, I remember the old dopers, when I was young. They were always having parties, buying booze for the underaged, & dating the young dopers. I guess nobody their own age wants to hang out & party with them. The older men would especially make themselves appealing. They had their own houses, (where the doors were always open), usually drove a sports car, would buy booze & always had pot. & we've all seen the 'cool' parents who let their kids have parties & then join in the fun. So, Donna befriending Misty, doesn't surprise me.
I find it intresting that the guy states to Donna that they told her they where closing in on them and to get out of the way and she didn't listen.... Surely the woman isn't that ignorant, I'm wondering if she may not be more of an informant than we know.

No one is told by LE hey we are about to get these people you need to back off and instead she gives them pills to sell, nope.. not buying it, I think there is more to DB than we know.
I would like to hear the entire conversation if we can find it.

DB could have been a plant. What better way to lock up that bunch than to bust them selling drugs. Now that LE has them confined hopefully one of them will spill their guts, and tell what happened to Haleigh. I think Tommy may be the key to finding out what happened to Haleigh. LE separated Ron from the others for a reason.
read the affidavits...Donna drove away with the $800 then the undercover gave Misty another $100 for setting up the deal. Donna can try, it's not going to work. They have it all on video.

Well, yes, I have read them. It was more a rhetorical question than anything. LOL

That's why I said it wouldn't work.
Thanks, twall!

I wonder if she will be asking for a lower bond? I suppose we will see shortly!
3/8/2010 1:30:00 PM FELONY ARRAIGNMENT BERGER, WENDY W Courtroom 328
2/17/2010 1:30:00 PM CRIM BOND HEARING BERGER, WENDY W Courtroom 328 RESET
2/10/2010 1:30:00 PM CRIM BOND HEARING BERGER, WENDY W Courtroom 328

looks like maybe one was reset? :waitasec: Was today's reset to the 17th? hope this copies okay :)

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