Donna Brock

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I think that Ron and Misty are gambling that they will be found not guilty by a jury. Maybe they think they will get off that way. If the state won't deal (let them plead to a lesser charge) , then both of them are looking at a looong time in jail. When the jury finds them both guilty, the judge will still have to sentence them to the minimum for the charge. Unless one of them tells LE something about Haleigh.....then it's a game changer. JMO

I haven't been following this case so much sucked into a few others. When did Tommy plea? When does he get sentenced? TIA

Thank you for replying...
BBM.. I could be wrong since there are so many dates to keep up with but I am thinking Tommy will be sentenced sometime after July 6th..
Ron C has until July 9th for a plea deal and Misty has until August 16th... But as I stated I could be wrong and someone else may know for certain..JMO
Wow it really makes me wonder with these type of plea deals why? I see the revolving door in PC with drugs all of the time.... why are these different? Good Gosh getting close to Misty and company is like walking in front of an oncoming bus.

Million dollar question Grandma....Why ARE these different. :waitasec:
Did she have to give up something in exchange for getting the lesser charge and the reduced sentence? Or can a judge allow the plea because she feels there are mitigating circumstances? I thought there was very little wiggle room in these mandatory sentences.

Bold is mine.

Yeah, her right to a trial. Trials cost big $$.. copping to something lesser but still getting "hard time" is pretty common so the state can avoid trial. The minimum manditory is less with the crime she plead to (though not much less) IMO

(Again, I come at this criminal court stuff from a different perspective.. I'm no lawyer so take this for what it's worth to ya)
You know, I'm not convinced Ron and Misty won't plead nolo just before their trial too. We all thought Donna was going to jury trial, and bam....she makes a deal. Honestly, I think that Misty is going to see that Hope's sentence wasn't the exception to the rule, (since it goes along with what Donna is looking at) and she is gonna start spilling her guts. I heard Misty counting by 10's in the UC's car, so she can do some math! She has 8 counts, and if she gets as little time as Tommy is looking at, she is facing 24 years. I don't think she will be lucky enough to pull this off, but this is best case scenario.

First Joran talks about Natalee, and then Misty talks about Haleigh! I'm counting on this to be the case!
I think that Ron and Misty are gambling that they will be found not guilty by a jury. Maybe they think they will get off that way. If the state won't deal (let them plead to a lesser charge) , then both of them are looking at a looong time in jail. When the jury finds them both guilty, the judge will still have to sentence them to the minimum for the charge. Unless one of them tells LE something about Haleigh.....then it's a game changer. JMO

I haven't been following this case so much sucked into a few others. When did Tommy plea? When does he get sentenced? TIA

I wonder how Donna and Hope pleading guilty would affect the outcome in Misty and Ron's jury trial. It's the same deals they were involved in.
You know, I'm not convinced Ron and Misty won't plead nolo just before their trial too. We all thought Donna was going to jury trial, and bam....she makes a deal. Honestly, I think that Misty is going to see that Hope's sentence wasn't the exception to the rule, (since it goes along with what Donna is looking at) and she is gonna start spilling her guts. I heard Misty counting by 10's in the UC's car, so she can do some math! She has 8 counts, and if she gets as little time as Tommy is looking at, she is facing 24 years. I don't think she will be lucky enough to pull this off, but this is best case scenario.

First Joran talks about Natalee, and then Misty talks about Haleigh! I'm counting on this to be the case!

Above BBM. I too agree with your thoughts on Misty and Ron at the last minute pleading NOLO. I think they(or their attys)are going to hold out until the very last minute available to them.(Atleast one of them will, I suspect)... I think they are doing so in hopes of the state accepting some sort of plea deal that they are probably working on and will continue working on bartering back and forth with the state hoping thay'll accept one of them. (I'm guessing this bartering back and forth with the state trying to come up with a deal that the state will accept is what Fields was possibly referring to when he made the offhand comment comparing it to a garage sale and hoping the state would "buy it")... But IMO opinion that's probably why they are keeping the not guilty plea as long as possible... But then again when I remember who we are talking about it is entirely possible that one or both of these defendants could possibly delude themselves into believing they can somehow convince a jury to find them not guilty... Only time will tell, unfortunately just more of the same.... Waiting.... and still no justice for Haleigh.
Why do I find it shocking that if you sell prescription drugs they really sock it to you, but when you molest or rape a child you get like 1 year ? Disgusting
Why do I find it shocking that if you sell prescription drugs they really sock it to you, but when you molest or rape a child you get like 1 year ? Distgusting

Man in my town got 2 years for killing a toddler this week. I don't know how, but some about another person abused him also. He pleaded down to a lesser charge. Makes me want to ..... I could be a thread here....:banghead:
So Donna pled Guilty, wow ! Her min. mand sentence is 15 years yikes:


She is scheduled for sentencing Sept. 1. The reduced charge carries a minimum mandatory sentence of 15 years, according to state guidelines.

She is not from FL IIRC, so she won't even have anyone in the state to visit her or help her out. Where do they do their time? Anyone know?
Not sure what all will happen but feel it will just be continued like everyone else. She also has a date of June 21, 2010. I am guessing today is a day where if she has anything to offer LE she could discuss a plea? Or change her Plea of not guilty? am I understanding that a grand jury is meeting today? That might be interesting.

Re: What is a docket call?


On the day the Grand Jury meets, there is a docket call, where the cases that have come up from the lower court, as well as the cases that the Grand Jury decides to proceed with are set for.

I think the Grand Jury would have already heard the case, if it is required for this type of charge.

I think that individual judges also have docket calls to ask the attorneys if they are ready to proceed with the trial - witnesses available, calendars cleared, or plea bargains already worked out.

But I'm no lawyer and I have no clue how the scheduling of the courts works. I'm sure they have a system in place but it sounds like a logistical nightmare to an outsider like me.

Who said a Grand Jury was meeting? I think Madj was just using an example of a docket call as it pertains to a GJ.

Since there is so much confusion on this, I just thought I would clear it up for future reference.

The Docket Call aka Docket Day aka Last Chance Plea Day are all the same thing. It is up to the individual Judge what they want to call that day in their courtroom. IMO, Last Chance Plea Day makes much more sense and is easier.

The Last Chance Plea Day is just that...the last chance to make a plea deal or change your plea before going to trial.
She is not from FL IIRC, so she won't even have anyone in the state to visit her or help her out. Where do they do their time? Anyone know?

I believe you are correct and if I'm not mistaken I believe she is from Virginia(&thats also where she got the script for the large quantity of oxycodone that she and Misty sold to the UC officer)... I too believe she will be alone, as in not having any family or friends(that we know of)there in Florida where she'll be serving her very long mandantory sentence. As for exactly where I'm not quite sure, IIRC the prison Hope was sent to is one that has a unit for young women, so not sure if DB would be going to the same. I know a few weeks ago when Hope was sentenced someone had posted a link to a website that listed all of the possible prisons that if found guilty,this gang of 5 may be each sentenced to serve there time at one on the list. (I will check in Hope's sentencing thread to see if I can find that certain link)...
I find that my emotions toward DB are a mixture of both unflattering(is that even a word?:waitasec:)and NOT feeling sorry for her because of such things as the craigslist posting offering herself(&another female)for their services for a certain price, and the pic thats posted in the parking lot of her(its on the last page, u can't miss it)that pic IMO shows the real DB, callous, hardened&arrogant.
But as I said its a mixture so I do find myself having empathy&sympathy for her when I think of what her "original" motive was for putting herself in the middle of this mess(i.e. supposedly with TM's approval&possibly even suggestion to help get answers from Misty for what happened to little Haleigh)that along with hearing some of the audio that's been released of her jailhouse convos. I got the feeling that she FULLY REALIZED the severity of what she had done along with the severity of the consequences that were going to come because of what she had chosen to do. I think in retrospect she possibly was thinking "exactly when did I lose my way? when did my focus completely fall off of Haleigh and become completely focused on self gain, partying, etc?" I think from what we've seen and heard from the gang of 5 she seems to possibly be the ONLY ONE who is in FULL REALIAZATION of what their poor choices are costing them. It also seemed as tho the man with whom shes speaking with in one of the phonecalls(that she seems to care quite a bit for&is looking to him for some sort of comfort.[IMO])He seems to be rather flippant and extremely nonchalant in response to her voicing her fears and sadness of her future for the next many years. Infact he seemed quite uncaring all together toward her in this convo(someone mentioned it was possibly her brother?) but whomever it was if that is truly a reflection of his attitude and level of care about her extended future being incarcerated I would bet that he WILL NOT be coming for much needed visits that she will be desperate for within just months of her sentencing to the "prison", not to mention years from now. So, for those reasons I do find myself having a great deal of sympathy for her... It all just seems EXTREMELY harsh, as in the punishment(IMO) does NOT fit the crime. ESPECIALLY when u hear of such outrageous&outlandish punishments that do NOT fit the crime(but on the complete opposite end of the spectrum) such as what Bern posted above that just occurred in his area. Justice just seems to be being served way TOO INCONSISTENTLY and seemily INAPPROPRIATELY from vastly OVER PUNISHED(as the case is here) to vastly UNDER PUNISHED(as in a man killing a child and receiving a measly 2yr sentence because he, himself were abused as a child) Thats an injustice to that child and his grieving family thats left behind to deal with a lifetime of pain and sorrow.... IMO just does NOT SEEM right!
I think Misty and Ron will take their cases to trial and their lawyers will argue that they are victims of entrapment.

Weren't there allegations that Donna was doctor shopping? I wonder why she wasn't charged with that or if they even investigated...
I think Misty and Ron will take their cases to trial and their lawyers will argue that they are victims of entrapment.

Weren't there allegations that Donna was doctor shopping? I wonder why she wasn't charged with that or if they even investigated...
Am not sure about dr shopping but IIRC she did get the large quantity of oxycodone script from a dentist in Virginia. Am not sure where the script was filled (as in a Pharmacy in Virginia, or did she wait&fill it at a pharmacy in Florida) either way I would think it would be possible for some sort of Federal charges because of transporting over state lines and then selling it to the UC officer. But I've not heard any mention of this being listed as a charge or even part of a charge... Maybe they know with her getting a mandantory of atleast 15 long years in prison that they didn't feel it necessary to file further charges(i.e. the doctor shopping? or Federal selling over state lines?).. I'm not sure? Anyone know?
Kind of like a Mastercard commerical...

One hit of oxy-$8
One 40-oz beer-$2
Cost of befriending Misty Croslin-priceless, I mean 15 years
Wasn't the cousin Hope sentenced the very same day she pled no contest? [Pleaded, plead, pled. I'm not sure what the right word is for that.]

No - she pled no contest (or rather according to her "my lawyer pled no contest":waitasec:) and we heard the phone call with her mom where she said she wasn't doing boot camp and anything else - they could give her jail and if they thought she was bad now just wait till she got out.

That's the call they played at her sentencing which was later.

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