Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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Yes it was shown at some point because I remember thinking to myself, "and how does sitting there answering questions about her murder honor her memory?"
I can't quite come to terms with the DP show needing to respond to the Twitterverse & social media about their thoughts.... .

Probably because the majority of Twitter posts reacted negatively to the Burke interview. It creeped social media out.

Also, if you scanned the Twitter feed during the Dateline and ID specials, I would say 80% of those who opined on #JonBenetRamsey thought the family had something to do with it. Many of these Twitterers are millennials who weren't even born yet when JB will killed, and this is the first time they paid attention to the case.
So the interview with Dr Phil was to do damage control of the CBS special, and today's episode of Dr Phil was to do damage control on the damage control interview given by Dr Phil...

Gee wiz :rollercoaster:

Post of the week!
The unplanned unexpected Dr. Phil show today tells me they were not expecting all the questions and negativity of Burke's interviews. This is major damage control.
This was planned from day one It is on the contract. Guarantee it
Everyone wondered why would Burke do this? Why did John allow it? So Dr Phil could sell his bored housewives the Ramsey story.

DP is a complete sell out. First he edits the original footage to make it look like BR is guilty and cold. (Still think BDI/RDI!!! Even more now than before!) Now he tries to look like it's all innocent and we as viewers are idiots. Hell no. Why didn't he go ahead and just show Monday's episode? Because he has to re edit it to make it look pro Ramsey?
I suggest no one tune in to DP on Monday. He has totally sold out on this "once in a lifetime no holds barred interview".
If he truly is innocent then let people come to their OWN conclusions. If he's innocent then the interview should show it!
The problem here is no one was buying his innocence. Period.

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So who cares what the millennials or bored housewives or anyone else thinks?

Why do the Ramsey's care about that?

There cannot be and will never be an arrest or conviction in this case. It's over. Let's say 70% of people think Patsy did it. She's dead; you can't hurt her feelings. Burke was 9, he was not considered a suspect by most of LE.

There's been no one else who became a suspect after they were investigated -- various friends, ex-employees, weird Santa, weird guy who committed suicide, John Mark Karr. All cleared.

There's nothing left to do; the case remains as it was (in limbo).
so, i never have followed this case, never watched these interviews either... just reading what u fine people are writing.. here is my question..

Is/was her brother an intelligent 9 yr old... i ask because of his response to the question if Patty wrote the note... he babbled on about how she made him start over and redo his if it was messy... and i also read that this note was a re-write of another which was imprinted on the not pad.

Is it possible brother wrote the note?
Watching today's Dr Phil now. So Doc says Burke is not autistic, just nervous. OK I can buy not autistic. I can buy nervous, but I don't think it's for the same reason Dr Phil thinks. We should have stocked the audience and set Dr Phil straight. They probably would have edited it out though.

*The truth is out there*
BR's smiling during serious
DP's interpretation

This is anxiety...
He's not autistic
He's just nervous...
grew up in seige mentality...
not comfortable in front of cameras

...'nervous smile'...

even with the discomfort Burke wanted to do this

DP spent a lot of time with Burke

Very intelligent
He's very personable....

anxiety expressing itself
nothing more / nothing less

This confuses me that DP says he is not autistic. Because didn't JR and others just recently say on SM that his son had Aspergers?

15 Sep 2016

JonBenet Ramsey murder: Why beauty
queen's brother Burke couldn't stop
smiling while reliving day of brutal
killing revealed

"Following the public interest and social media storm that JonBenet's brother
Burke caused, Dr Phil explained why he had
been smiling while discussing such a grave topic.

“This is anxiety. He's socially uncomfortable, I've seen it a lot. He's not autistic.
He's not weird. He's not creepy. He's just nervous.
This is a young man that has grown up in a kind of a siege mentality.
I've spent a lot of time with him over the last several months,
you have to understand when this happened he was plucked out
because media was all over them,” the TV doctor explained,
while referring to Burke's periods in isolation as well as
moving schools during the media frenzy.

Burke was described as "socially awkward"

“Even with the discomfort Burke wanted to do this,” he added.

The brother of murdered JonBenet spoken out for the first time
and his demeanour was considered alarming by TV viewers.
During the sit-down interview in the home
where JonBenet had been violently killed 20 years ago at Christmas,
Burke explained why he chose not to speak publicly until now."
I mean WTH bother putting Burke on in the first place. Burke has/had the perfect comeback to everyone: "hey I was 9 years old, I don't remember much and didn't know what was going on at the time..." And that would have been the end of it as far as Burke goes, no interview needed. No one could argue about a 9 yr old not wanting to get involved 20 years later. I sure wouldn't do it.

Here's the simple statement Burke could have issued. "As the 20th anniversary of the murder of my little sister approaches I remember only our happy childhood times together. She was a fun and happy kid and I think of her every day. As I was a sleeping 9 year old when she was so cruelly taken from us I have nothing that can aid in the investigation of this crime, but I thank you all for your good thoughts and your kindness in continuing to allow me to grieve the loss of JonBenet in private."

But no, he wants to talk for some bizarre reason.
The $118K ransom demand was not addressed in DP's show and I think that should have been one of the questions. How many people actually knew the amount of JR's bonus? And what "small foreign faction" (party of one) would only ask for $118K as a ransom for a multi-millionaire family? I guess it was an intruder who just wasn't motivated by money. Perhaps he dropped his price after killing JBR. And why even bother with the whole kidnap thing if you didn't actually kidnap the child and they are laying dead in the basement?

So in summary:

- We have a super skinny intruder who can fit through that narrow basement window
- Who watched a lot of movies and picked up some choice movie phrases since he was dead set on using them in a 3 page ransom note
- Who has more than an average vocabulary
- Who is able to use expressions and a tone reminiscent of PR
- Who was able to write and form letters that looked like PR to some experts
- Who is apparently not motivated by $$$ because they only asked for $118K from a rich family
- Who seems to know the amount of JR's bonus since the amount closely matched JR's bonus that Xmas
- Who was able to avoid detection of Burke after midnight, as Burke was up and about playing with a toy somewhere "downstairs."
- Who came with no weapon or did not use the weapon they had, if they did have one.
- Who did not prepare a ransom note in advance and spent considerable time practicing to write one RN, then threw it away, then wrote the one they left on the back stairs of the house.
- Whose purpose was kidnapping for $$$ but they didn't kidnap and they never called to get their $$$.

Kind of a dumb, bumbling intruder when you lay it all out....
Does anyone agree with Dr Phil's statement, whether you believe Burke is guilty or innocent, that Burke did not need a lawyer for that interview? Total fail...

*The truth is out there*
Burke has zero chance of being arrested or tried for the killing of JBR so no, he didn't need a lawyer.
Wow. DP has turned into a yelling, almost screaming, pro Ramsey apologist!!!!! This is not a balanced objective look at this case - this is a ranting lecture in which he insults anyone with any views contrary to his.

The simple question is why is DP doing this? The simple answer is Lin Wood. Case Closed.

And thats my beef with DP. Once he gets it in his head that someone is innocent he puts blinders on and does not stay objective.

I like all the good questions he is asking the son but he is giving him a pass on many things. Like the short yes/no answers with no attempt to get more information.

When DP tried to tell us today that BR's smiling is only due to his nevousness and anxiety about the cameras I literally screamed back at my tv set "NO ITS NOT"

I dont know if BR has some sort of mental condition, or if its a bad habit, or some other condition, but I darn sure dont think his smiling 95% of the entire interview was because of being nervous about the cameras. He actually looked and seemd very very calm to me. So please DP dont make excuses for them and please just go where the evidence leads you.

Another thing DP said that had backazz backwards logic was when DP exclaimed that he is thinking BR is innocent just because LE never made him a suspect.
Ah em, excuse me DP, but it is common knowledge that BPD really blew it with this case and yet you are going to use that as part of your main reasoning why you wont even consider that BP could have some involvement somehow.


EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Phil Defends JonBenet Ramsey's Brother Burke for Smiling During Interview: 'It's Purely From Anxiety'


September 15, 2016

DP video
@ :47

"The 29 year old computor consultant
has not been seen since the interview aired."

"Audiences have reacted strongly
to the talk show host's three-part
interview with JonBenet Ramsey's
brother, in particular the 29-year-old's
seemingly inappropriate smiling while
discussing his sister's murder.
However, Dr. Phil insists Burke's
smile is just a result of anxiety."
This confuses me that DP says he is not autistic. Because didn't JR and others just recently say on SM that his son had Aspergers?
Exactly. Nothing is adding up.
Just more muddied water. Disgusting IMHO. The only person who deserves justice is JonBenet. NONE of her family do.
So many lies and half truths being told in all of DP shows. Spin spin spin and hope America cant stand up afterward and see clearly the facts and hidden lies. I certainly was on BDI by accident and mama covered. Now.... I'm not so sure how much of an accident it was.
If anything, DP doing these extra interviews has told me as a viewer, that major truths and oopsies were shown in the previous DP interviews and DP got slammed with threats of a lawsuit if he didn't make it look better.
The worst mistake they can make is to basically call the average Joe and idiot. We aren't idiots and we see through the BS. Clearly.
This just pisses me off. The evidence doesn't point to an intruder in my opinion. I'm entitled to my opinion as is everyone else. Don't call us derogatory slurs. Don't insinuate it either. I respect everyone's opinions. We all are trying to make logical sense out of this tragedy. JBR deserves some kind of justice. Even if it is only in the eyes of the public scorn. No one will ever go to jail for it. But the truth needs to be told. I have no clue what they are so freaking scared of. They can't be charged! That is of course, if JR didn't kill her. Only then can justice be found. Otherwise someone needs to put the truth out there.
DP did himself a disservice by doing these extra interviews. He did JBR a major disservice too. Very disappointing.

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I think why he did this will be clear once we see the CBS show, assuming it hasn't been edited to death. I think it promotes a BDI theory and presents serious evidence, perhaps including some we've never seen before, to back that up.

And just like his parents before him, Burke doesn't want to live with the stigma of being an alleged child murderer. He was a child and if he did do it I'm sure it wasn't intentional. Maybe there was abuse in the family or some other mitigating situation as well. He would never be held legally responsible and imho he shouldn't be. But imagine trying to date, or get a job, or make friends when everyone thinks you killed your little sister. Being rich probably helps; JR seems to have recovered and even remarried, but still, do you want to deal with that black mark for the rest of your life? Didn't JR say that the worst punishment he would want for the alleged "murderer" would simply be dealing with that stigma?

Burke, whether he did it or not, doesn't want that, and JR doesn't want that for his son. I think they thought this would help point suspision away from Burke and the family as a whole, but Burke isn't a natural liar.

In a weird way, part of me thinks JR being cool as a cucumber is much more suspicious than Burke's smirking. If my family were involved in a horrible crime like this, whether one of us did it or not, I think that would mess me up. I wouldn't be normal and I would probably be a wreck and who knows how that would manifest. For some folks awkward smiling is one of the ways. I think the normal thing is not to be normal when something like this happens.
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