Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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During today's Q & A with DP, there were just a few times I got a distinct impression DP wasn't buying what DP was saying. DP isn't stupid. I think he knows when to dumb himself down. Does that make him a sellout? Maybe. I'd probably be a sellout in that way too if the alternative were too high a price to risk.

That said, the very pro-Ramsey spin was so obvious it was a bit sickening...let's make sure to address inconsistencies in what's reported in the media or by LE, but shhh don't bring up the inconsistencies in what BR said happened versus what PR and JR said happened.
Burke has a girlfriend, has a good job (making very decent $$ I might add), claims to be happy, has a good relationship with his dad (and whoever else), and none of those things were that hard for him to achieve. There is no 'hard' evidence implicating BR; if there was, LE would have put him on POI/suspect list for real.
I've watched Dr. Phil almost every day for a good 7 years now. The reason it's spread out is because it's the biggest interview he's had in years. Simply a money thing... more viewers, more days. There hasn't been much of the actual Burke interview, they're kind of filling the space. Dr. Phil is also really good at playing devil's advocate. He typically doesn't pick sides and if he does you won't find out till the end. He tends to keep an open mind. Maybe Dr. Phil talked to Burke before and he was different than he was on camera. He still creeps me out, autism/social awkwardness/or not. I think DP knows Burke knows more than he lets off but DP is phrasing the questions right so that even though he hasn't admitted anything big, we are getting a few more details of that night and their lives.

That's just what I've picked up over the years with Dr. Phil. I doubt we'll get a good answer from Burke except "maybe" or simple yes/no's, but I trust DP knows what he's doing. At least I hope.

EDIT: Totally didn't know there was another episode today. I commented about it a few posts down. This had to have been filmed long before the episodes air.
Do any of you really think that Dr. Phil believes the Ramsey nonsense? What about that smart-as-a-tack wife of his? Nah. He knows he's peddling garbage. But, money is more important than truth. If I am wrong, then anything that has ever been done or said in a professional capacity by this man is called into question.
I just now realized there was another show today. I will need to find it and watch it. That's very strange of him. Again, could be possible it's just him and the team milking the exclusive interview as much as they can but maybe there really were ulterior motives.

Though keep in mind he does film way in advance. And last I saw he was still in New York since he tweeted a photo of him on Rachael Ray who films in NYC. I actually went to the taping of The View on Monday when he went (what can I say? I love DP) and I don't think he's been left since. His studio is in LA. They typically film months or at least weeks before an air date, so I think this had to have been planned, especially since he hasn't been back to LA. I'm not gonna take it too hard yet.

I remembered at the view he said something like "whoever you think did this crime, your opinions will change by the end of this interview". At first he leaned towards RDI, and though I didn't catch today's show, apparently it was IDI. Depending on the 3rd episode, it's possible today's episode was meant to show that DP was "unbias". He leaned too much RDI, so he throws in stuff to make the IDI people happy, make it fair. 2/3 advertisted ones were more RDI. Again, great at playing devil's advocate, but who knows? I wouldn't give up just yet. No way his statement meant RDI people would turn IDI. The interview hasn't been that revealing yet, but it's only really reinforced RDI.
Burke has a girlfriend, has a good job (making very decent $$ I might add), claims to be happy, has a good relationship with his dad (and whoever else), and none of those things were that hard for him to achieve. There is no 'hard' evidence implicating BR; if there was, LE would have put him on POI/suspect list for real.

The finding of the grand jury would seem to indicate they (the jury) thought Burke did it. They concluded John and Patsy may have been responsible for child endangerment and for being accessories to the murder. Accessories to whom? Burke could not have been charged in the murder which may be why he testified and not his parents, who probably pled the Fifth

So I don't think we know enough to say LE ruled him out of any involvement because the jury didn't arrive at their conclusion without evidence being presented to support it. Some in LE surely did, but we're missing a lot of information.
Phil makes probably $20M to $40M per year, and maybe more with syndication rights. He also was a client of Lin Wood. So of course Phil is going to give the benefit of the doubt to BR and he should. What Phil should not do is try to argue the facts of the case, which he does not know. No way was Phil going to lose the opportunity to land BR for all the ratings just to seriously dive into the case and opine someone in the family must be the killer.
It's hard to snip on my phone.

Anyway regarding smiling at funerals, I've been thinking about this a lot. While I didn't lose anyone significant as a child, I honestly can't recall a funeral when people were not laughing and smiling at different times. I've never been to a service where everyone just cries. It's kind of odd to hear that people are creeped out by him smiling at her funeral. I'm not saying that the funerals I've attended weren't sad, but I guess most people in my family and friends like to recall fond memories of those we've lost. There are tears and laughs.

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My father died the end of June this year. Dad and Mom had wanted the song sung with the lyrics "too old to die young" as it was special to my Dad during his cancer treatments. At the time Dad had cancer, he had 3 kids still in school. The youngest in K. He never thought he would see any of his kids graduate, marry, see what they did with their lives, nor meet a grandchild. He did survive, saw all kids graduate college, three graduate from college, and all but the last three grandkids graduate high school, two graduate college, and knew two more were in college. From a man with his GED, and a laborer his working life, he was so proud of his family!

At any rate, the pastor deemed the song wasn't 'church material' so it couldn't be sung or played at the funeral. On the day of the funeral, I printed out that song, marched up to the pastor before the funeral and demanded time to read it. No one could be believe I was able to without crying. I actually was smiling during the reading. WHY? Because by gosh if my Dad wanted that song at his funeral, he was going to have it! And NO PASTOR or anyone else was going to stop it! I was determined that the few wishes my Dad had were going to be honored, even if trivial to someone else, if there's a will, there was going to be a way. I realize I'm an adult and not a child...though I'll always my Daddy's baby girl. There were tears, and some loud wailing by some people, but I never shed a tear at the funeral. Truthfully, I couldn't cry. I knew if I started, I wouldn't stop....for a month, I didn't cry...but when it hit...oh dear Lord above it hit!

Anyway, I have 3 small nieces/nephews. While at times you could see the sadness of knowing their grandpa was gone, there were many times of them just being kids. Chasing each other. Grabbing a flower from the wreaths, etc., which I thought was fine. They were kids, and as each adult was grieving different, so were the grandkids. My kids actually had to be sedated for the funeral, and they are both adults.

Now I didn't get the silly string out, and go bezerk.....there was some things that I'm sure others viewed as odd. Some things that others questioned why I wasn't crying. Way too many asked why I wasn't crying. I still don't cry because Dad isn't in pain anymore and has a healed body, but I cry when I have a question I want his answer to, and he can't give it to me now. Do I miss him?? YES!!! However, if I had one wish, I wouldn't wish him back to the hell he was living.

I realize that wasn't related to a child..and I think I forgot even why I started typing this post...but...well I've written it now, so going to post it...
People need to boycott his show. Nothing he says after today will be taken with a grain of salt. He lost my respect. Don't call your audience idiots basically. That did it for me. If he was innocent the evidence would show it. It doesn't. LS is the one who pushed the IDI theory. All other LE felt it was an inside job.
If I can say anything I've witnessed in a true kidnapping and murder of a child, the parents will be open and honest so they can move to other suspects. They shouldn't have lawyered up except for council. Otherwise do a police lie detector test. Not an independent one. They gave JR two lie detector tests and Patsy three. They never asked JR if he knew who wrote the letter either. That's a huge red flag.
If you have nothing to hide then be truly transparent.

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Also noticed half of the audience didn't seem to be buying it. Anyone else notice that?

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Oh, now I remember my point. If any photos were taken during the funeral (hopefully they weren't as we had requested they NOT be taken!) but there would be lots of photos of people openingly laughing, and smiling, as well as some of people unable to stand up because the grief was so strong for them. Plenty of tears as well.

The pastor did take my cue, and had anyone that wanted to share something special about my Dad to speak. The stories people told had me laughing, and smiling. While my mother sitting beside me was crying and nodding yes...as she knew the stories were true.
2Hope, beautiful post!! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!

Again, I am totally RDI, I just can't judge Burke so harshly based on what I've seen.

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Oh, now I remember my point. If any photos were taken during the funeral (hopefully they weren't as we had requested they NOT be taken!) but there would be lots of photos of people openingly laughing, and smiling, as well as some of people unable to stand up because the grief was so strong for them. Plenty of tears as well.

The pastor did take my cue, and had anyone that wanted to share something special about my Dad to speak. The stories people told had me laughing, and smiling. While my mother sitting beside me was crying and nodding yes...as she knew the stories were true.
Same! Lots of smiles! I lost a very dear life-long friend two years ago. It was natural, but very sudden. No one knew there was something wrong until the morning he died. There are quite a few photos of me, along with his (devastated) teenagers and wife. We were smiling and laughing, because we were telling stories about him.

Sent from my SM-G928T using Tapatalk
My father died the end of June this year. Dad and Mom had wanted the song sung with the lyrics "too old to die young" as it was special to my Dad during his cancer treatments. At the time Dad had cancer, he had 3 kids still in school. The youngest in K. He never thought he would see any of his kids graduate, marry, see what they did with their lives, nor meet a grandchild. He did survive, saw all kids graduate college, three graduate from college, and all but the last three grandkids graduate high school, two graduate college, and knew two more were in college. From a man with his GED, and a laborer his working life, he was so proud of his family!

At any rate, the pastor deemed the song wasn't 'church material' so it couldn't be sung or played at the funeral. On the day of the funeral, I printed out that song, marched up to the pastor before the funeral and demanded time to read it. No one could be believe I was able to without crying. I actually was smiling during the reading. WHY? Because by gosh if my Dad wanted that song at his funeral, he was going to have it! And NO PASTOR or anyone else was going to stop it! I was determined that the few wishes my Dad had were going to be honored, even if trivial to someone else, if there's a will, there was going to be a way. I realize I'm an adult and not a child...though I'll always my Daddy's baby girl. There were tears, and some loud wailing by some people, but I never shed a tear at the funeral. Truthfully, I couldn't cry. I knew if I started, I wouldn't stop....for a month, I didn't cry...but when it hit...oh dear Lord above it hit!

Anyway, I have 3 small nieces/nephews. While at times you could see the sadness of knowing their grandpa was gone, there were many times of them just being kids. Chasing each other. Grabbing a flower from the wreaths, etc., which I thought was fine. They were kids, and as each adult was grieving different, so were the grandkids. My kids actually had to be sedated for the funeral, and they are both adults.

Now I didn't get the silly string out, and go bezerk.....there was some things that I'm sure others viewed as odd. Some things that others questioned why I wasn't crying. Way too many asked why I wasn't crying. I still don't cry because Dad isn't in pain anymore and has a healed body, but I cry when I have a question I want his answer to, and he can't give it to me now. Do I miss him?? YES!!! However, if I had one wish, I wouldn't wish him back to the hell he was living.

I realize that wasn't related to a child..and I think I forgot even why I started typing this post...but...well I've written it now, so going to post it...

Most of us understood and I too have been to many funerals where it is common to see occasional happiness as family members get together and some have not seen each other for quite some time.

The last one i attended was called a "celebration of life". Many times throughout there was smiling and happiness.

But during the interview with BR, it is something much much different with him. BR does not have just an occasional smile or nervous laugh. It is constant and continuous during almost the entire questioning. There is something going on with him. It could be something simple as a bad habit or maybe a natural expression he has as his default when talking to someone with authority. But whatever it is , it sure was not from fear of the TV cameras IMO.
I am watching now. Man some of these audience members are missed. Plus why is he talking like he KNEW the Ramsey's and like he was there during all these happenings. Wow!
My father died the end of June this year. Dad and Mom had wanted the song sung with the lyrics "too old to die young" as it was special to my Dad during his cancer treatments. At the time Dad had cancer, he had 3 kids still in school. The youngest in K. He never thought he would see any of his kids graduate, marry, see what they did with their lives, nor meet a grandchild. He did survive, saw all kids graduate college, three graduate from college, and all but the last three grandkids graduate high school, two graduate college, and knew two more were in college. From a man with his GED, and a laborer his working life, he was so proud of his family!

At any rate, the pastor deemed the song wasn't 'church material' so it couldn't be sung or played at the funeral. On the day of the funeral, I printed out that song, marched up to the pastor before the funeral and demanded time to read it. No one could be believe I was able to without crying. I actually was smiling during the reading. WHY? Because by gosh if my Dad wanted that song at his funeral, he was going to have it! And NO PASTOR or anyone else was going to stop it! I was determined that the few wishes my Dad had were going to be honored, even if trivial to someone else, if there's a will, there was going to be a way. I realize I'm an adult and not a child...though I'll always my Daddy's baby girl. There were tears, and some loud wailing by some people, but I never shed a tear at the funeral. Truthfully, I couldn't cry. I knew if I started, I wouldn't stop....for a month, I didn't cry...but when it hit...oh dear Lord above it hit!

Anyway, I have 3 small nieces/nephews. While at times you could see the sadness of knowing their grandpa was gone, there were many times of them just being kids. Chasing each other. Grabbing a flower from the wreaths, etc., which I thought was fine. They were kids, and as each adult was grieving different, so were the grandkids. My kids actually had to be sedated for the funeral, and they are both adults.

Now I didn't get the silly string out, and go bezerk.....there was some things that I'm sure others viewed as odd. Some things that others questioned why I wasn't crying. Way too many asked why I wasn't crying. I still don't cry because Dad isn't in pain anymore and has a healed body, but I cry when I have a question I want his answer to, and he can't give it to me now. Do I miss him?? YES!!! However, if I had one wish, I wouldn't wish him back to the hell he was living.

I realize that wasn't related to a child..and I think I forgot even why I started typing this post...but...well I've written it now, so going to post it...

Most of us understood and I too have been to many funerals where it is common to see occasional happiness as family members get together and some have not seen each other for quite some time.

The last one i attended was called a "celebration of life". Many times throughout there was smiling and happiness.

But during the interview with BR, it is something much much different with him. BR does not have just an occasional smile or nervous laugh. It is constant and continuous during almost the entire questioning. There is something going on with him. It could be something simple as a bad habit or maybe a natural expression he has as his default when talking to someone with authority. But whatever it is , it sure was not from fear of the TV cameras as DP tried to tell us IMO.
Hi all,

Haven't been here in years, or really followed the case for years, I got to the point where I realised solving this case was slim to none. I applaud all of you guys who stuck with it though!

My friend told me Burke was giving an interview, I couldn't believe it so I had to watch. After part 1, it became pretty clear this was a highly controlled interview so nothing of much substance would be revealed. After watching Part 2, I couldn't believe my ears when Burke said he went downstairs christmas night, and that JR had taken him to bed with a flashlight. I have been RDI for many years, and I am trying to wrap my head around why Burke and JR would admit this...why on earth now?

I would like to ask, did DP state his relationship with Lin Wood to his audience? I think there would be an ethical obligation to do so, I didn't hear it, I am wondering if I missed this?

Also, was there any other flashlight inventoried by the BPD apart from the infamous maglite? From JR's admission their must be another.
Haven't been here in years but I watched snippets of Burke's interview with dr. Phil. He said something that caught me off guard. He talks about Patsy opening the door to his bedroom saying "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Then he says she entered his room looking for Jonbenet saying "Where's my baby, where's my baby!". Patsy testified that she did not enter Burke's room, she only peeked inside. Any thoughts on this?

I don't believe either version. It makes no sense to me that no one woke him up to see if #1 he was as alive #2 if he knew anything at all about what happened to JonBenet

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Dr. Phil having an ethical obligation? What? I thought this was about ratings and making money.
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