Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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Burke is 29 or 30 years old, yet he looks like some young lad who smiles all the time. Is this because he did away with his sister, and knows he got away with killing her, and will never be prosecuted?
I think this guy still has a lot of mental problems. I wonder if he is still going to counseling.

This whole documentary was a farce, and did nothing but try and put the blame on other people. When John Ramsey appeared in the beginning of this "dog and pony show", I knew it would not bring anything but lies, and not do anything to bring justice for JBR. RIP sweet girl. Maybe someday the truth will come out.
If Burke is trying to hide something though, why would he admit to having gone downstairs at all?
Who's betting Dr. P has an added 'message' to today's show after info from last nights show?
If Burke is trying to hide something though, why would he admit to having gone downstairs at all?

I believe he slipped up when he made that statement. Some people are not good at lying or covering up.
Who's betting Dr. P has an added 'message' to today's show after info from last nights show?

:laughing: I thought the same thing. So tomorrow we will have another preempted Q & A session with Dr Phil. lol
Who's betting Dr. P has an added 'message' to today's show after info from last nights show?

What do you think he'll say? At this point he must realize that his credibility is at stake.
I believe he slipped up when he made that statement. Some people are not good at lying or covering up.

Hard to believe he would not have rehearsed in his mind what he would admit to and what he wouldn't going into an interview that millions of people will watch?
Asked this question before but no reply...why is this website so slow? Why does it stall out especially when I try to make a post? It's the only online forum where I have this problem?
Asked this question before but no reply...why is this website so slow? Why does it stall out especially when I try to make a post? It's the only online forum where I have this problem?

It is not slow nor does it stall for me. However, sometimes browers can make a difference. I use Chrome after having so many problems with Internet Explorer freezing on sites.
Well, they did talk about the killer as being a monster in Death of Innocence.
Oh, really? That's for telling me! I need to get my hands on that book. I'll check Amazon.

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CBS special last night was absolutely compelling. We were riveted to their every word. These experts are clearly, to me at least, the best. I had been leaning toward the BDI theory and last night's episode clinched it for me. The dots connect I am wondering if Burke doesn't view this as a game in which he holds all the cards hence (ha!) the perpetual smile Something is simply not right there In my opinion he has always been jealous of the attention on JBR. And now all the attention has been on him and his family and I wonder if he isn't enjoying it immensely on a perverse level Hoping and praying for closure and long overdue justice for JBR

* The above is my opinion only *
What do you think he'll say? At this point he must realize that his credibility is at stake.

Credibility? Dr. Phil? The man is a money hungry huckster. He may have been a legitimate "Doctor" once, but he sold out years ago.

He has nothing to lose. All he cares about is having his ugly face in the news as much as possible and selling his books, his wife's books, his kids books...........
I don't believe a nine year old child raped his sister and tied a garrote around her neck. I believe it was a pedophile that attended those beauty pageants, became obsessed with the child and gained trust and access to the home. I would look at all the pageant organizers, photographers and other vendor regulars before I looked at a nine year old child. Especially a photographer.
That was a pretty sophisticated crime scene; not the work of a child. Opinion only, of course. But a strong one.

All facts point to one of the 3 family members in the house. All involved to some degree.
I can't believe I am saying this. But I changed my theory based on the evidence and information provided on tonight's show.

I’m watching The Case of JonBenet Ramsey, which I think we all have been hoping for, for 20 years. Probably the best analysis of the case I have seen so far and I have learned new things from this show along with the Dr. Phil interview on Burke Ramsey. I think I am swaying more and more towards the Burke Ramsey did it theory, which I dismissed early on.

The Dr. Phil interview really perturbed me. Burke is not only socially awkward, but he made some unbelievable statements and some statements that were really bizarre. In addition to his inappropriate smiles and looking down when asked certain question, His lack of empathy for his sister was evident. He flat out lied when asked if he had ever read the ransom note in it's entirety. This kid is almost 30 years old and he has never read the note? He said he stops on page 1 and can't get through anymore?

The biggest revelation is that Burke Ramsey admits to being up that night and sneaking down to play with his Christmas toys. HUGE admission! His prints are on the bowl of pineapple. He also admitted to hitting JonBenet on the head once before with a golf club hard enough to cause a mark on her chin. The bowl of pineapple was found on the table and the flashlight was found on the kitchen countertop.

Dr. Werner Spitz lines up that flashlight perfectly with the head wound, and now I have no doubts that is the object that struck her. NONE at all.

If it's clear that Patsy Ramsey said in the background of the 911 tape, What did you do? That then removes her as the killer and places the blame on John or Burke. The 911 operator also states she heard Patsy say, We called 911, now what? This whole event is being orchestrated by John.

Furthermore when both John and Pasty state they did not kill JonBenet, it is convincing to everyone including the Linguist. That leaves one person left, and the convincing fact from Dr. Spitz called in a 10 year old boy to inflict the same type of wound to a skull as JonBenet was. The wound was almost an exact match! Also JonBenet was hit on the side of the head. I now can convincingly draw a conclusion that Burke woke in the middle of the night, perhaps woke JonBenet as well to play with their presents, both ate Pineapple, and at some point an altercation took place and Burke struck JonBenet with the flashlight to the side of the head.

Burke's reactions or non reactions on Dr. Phil and his odd behavior tells me something is not right with this child. His statements to the child psychologists about 'it's time to move on', and his disconnect and unsympathetic reactions to her murder disturb me. His reconstruction of what he thinks happened by raising his hand and bringing it down, also is suspicious along with him not identifying the pineapple when he is shown the photo, all show he is hiding something. This biggest factor for me, is that Burke Ramsey admitted to being up that night. The cover up was a joint effort on behalf of Patsy and John, which only makes sense why they covered for each other. When asked to draw a picture of his family, he drew his mom, dad and himself, not JonBenet. I think this child was jealous of his sister, the attention she received. I now view his as the likely culprit. Since the 911 call and ransom note cannot be dismissed as evidence, there is no sense in discussing any intruder theory, it doesn't exist.

I say there is ample evidence to make an arrest in this case. I now think Burke Ramsey is the culprit. This is now the only thing that makes sense on why both Patsy and John united to protect him. His interview with Dr. Phil and the interview with the child psychologist were very telling. And HI to all the old gang! Boy it's been years! It's sad we are still talking about this after all this time. If anything positive has come out of this case, is that JonBenet's murder was a wakeup call to police and investigators everywhere, and that NO ONE, not even wealthy people should be above the law.

Compelling argument. I have always been PDI, but open to BDI. Here are my few remaining issues with BDI

1. Still find it almost impossible to believe he did it all. Yes, I know some people find it more unbelievable that a mother would create a garrote and shove a paintbrush into her, but I see Patsy as ruthless enough to do whatever she felt she needed to do to protect her image. I also think she believed JB was already dead.

2. I also find it hard to believe John was involved in the staging. So, OK, one parent ruthless enough to do the things done to JB, but two conspiring together? I still don't believe John was part of the cover up. Not because he is such a stellar guy, and I believe he figured it out soon enough and jumped on the lie train. But, I don't think that ridiculous Ransom note would have seen the light of day if he was involved.

3. Would they really risk allowing Burke to go with the White's if he did it? Yes, I see the argument that it is better than him talking to the police, but they could have stonewalled that happening, just like the stonewalled for themselves.

I still find it hard to believe that the CBS show is going to go there and name Burke. Call me a bleeding heart, but I actually feel bad about the prospect. Yet for years I have wanted the truth to come out. IF they go there, I pray they are 100% correct because his life may be ruined more than it already has been.
I don't believe a nine year old child raped his sister and tied a garrote around her neck. I believe it was a pedophile that attended those beauty pageants, became obsessed with the child and gained trust and access to the home. I would look at all the pageant organizers, photographers and other vendor regulars before I looked at a nine year old child. Especially a photographer.
That was a pretty sophisticated crime scene; not the work of a child. Opinion only, of course. But a strong one.

Normally, I would have believed that it was a pedophile attending beauty pageants who did it, roses. When someone puts their child in skimpy clothing and teaches her to move seductively, they're asking for a pedophile to make a move IMO. So I certainly respect your strongly held opinion. I'd much rather your opinion be the truth than mine!

However, I see no evidence of an intruder and too much evidence that points away from an intruder, even one known and trusted by the family. Just a few things: The long ransom letter, written in the house isn't something I believe an intruder would risk doing. The immediate lying and/or conflicting stories by PR and JR about various things points to a family cover-up IMO. The deliberate contamination of the house by inviting friends over and carrying JBR upstairs, further messing up evidence are not the acts of parents who want the crime solved. And the biggest deal for me from the very beginning was their refusal for four months to be interviewed by LE. Their silence (except on CNN within days) screams to me that they are somehow involved. There's much more, but these are the big issues for me.

I don't think it's necessary to believe that BR arranged the entire crime scene in order to think he was involved. It is sophisticated and I'd be very surprised if a kid could pull it off by himself, and especially write the ransom note. My thinking at this point is that he struck the blow, waited awhile to see if she'd wake up, possibly poking at her and possibly raping her with an object (but not necessarily). I believe that either PR, JR or both arranged the crime scene, including the garotte, and ransom letter as red herrings to protect BR. Believe me, I don't like thinking the Ramseys did this. I'd rather it was a trusted intruder. But I see zero evidence that it was.
Even if you ignore the evidence, the fact that the R's have to lie, threaten lawsuits, ask friends not to talk to LE, all points to blatant guilt. And it just got worse and more obvious for them.
Please forgive me if this has already been discussed Do we know why BR is doing the Dr. Phil show after all these years ? Why now? Don't know if this is the correct thread for this, there are so many now TIA
Please forgive me if this has already been discussed Do we know why BR is doing the Dr. Phil show after all these years ? Why now? Don't know if this is the correct thread for this, there are so many now TIA

To respond to the CBS documentary. The Ramseys likely had a "heads up" that it was coming.
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